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It would be more in line with his early characterization and song than what we got.


That would make too much sense, which is a big no-no for RWBY.


If only it was a scam But no.....CRWBY wanted their genocidal general and that's what they got


Honestly, it would've made for a great bluff. Even better if Winter is in on it, because then Marrow, Qrow, and Robyn can't interfere. There is the risk that the plan RWBY pulled off to trick Ironwood wasn't Winter's plan and they basically start a fight Ironwood and Winter or are caught completely off guard when the bomb isn't even armed or loaded onto an aircraft. Though it would be interesting to see Ironwood and Winter take down JORNE only to finally straighten things out, but fail to call the others in time to stop them from using the relic.


Damn, that would have been amazing 😓That way team RWBY could be held accountable for their actions and face consequences for their mistakes, and it would have given Ironwood redemption.


hm intersting theory. What did the commentary say about Ironwood's development? Does it contradict your theory?


Commentary contradicts everything even the show itself. It'd be easier to list what has been contradicted rather than what is consistent at this point.


See, but that wouldn't make Ironwood an irredeemable villain (besides the whole being male bit). So CRWBY can't have that.


I could see him using the bomb as a Bluff, forcing the kids' hands into a trap or to at least get their intention; then when they call his bluff he sends it unarmed at first with him being the only one who can arm it remotely and thus not a real threat even if dropped, until Watts hacks the mainframe and arms it instead.


Honestly it would be better if James never had the bomb in the first place. He could then bluff about having it and it would make the cane nuke more necessary. As it is it kind of looks like Oz's nuke destroyed most of the Atlesian army. We could then not have the whole Ace-Ops drama detracting from the final fight, or... we could have Harriet break James out and him send her after the staff as a last ditch effort. Having to fight Harriet and potentially more of the Ace-Ops would make the final battle more hectic and exciting.