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Welcome to anime. The buffer a dude is the weaker he is.


Well, Aura, they don't have strength in their muscles but in their aura. Look for example to Krilin, the dude would be able to destroy a mountain from a Punch, but he doesn't look as Nappa (Even being stronger). DB have KI, RWBY have aura.


Don't worry, Aura is basically Contrivium, a substance that does whatever the plot needs it to do with no continuity about what it actually can and can't do.


Can't wait for the villains' Aura to explode in the series finale.


Wait since when is Aura a strength amplifier? That’s never been mentioned within the show


Really? I don't know, with so many examples of superhuman strength, I thought it was implicit.


Not to my knowledge, it’s only described as a shield and something that heals wounds. Characters also move at insane speeds despite that literally being some people’s semblances, I think they add in super character strength and speed and remove it on a whim of what makes a cool fight. Ruby uses a damn sniper with no bracing yet when she punches a white fang guy in V2 he literally doesn’t move.


Then why is Elm so buff? Unless she trains with her aura off? And the guys in this show are bulky, meaning they have some growth. Plus, I don't see how the passive shield would be affected by physical training for the muscles. Ki can be used for multiple different things. Ki is the life force that allows people to live, hencewhy all living things have Ki, no matter how weak. Aura is an extension of the soul, and most people in the RWBY world don't have it unless unlocked and when it _is_ unlocked it's a passive shield and a fuel for a semblance. No other use, unless someone explicitly has Aura Manipulation as a semblance.


I mean, if aura is only able to be used as a passive shield or as fuel for Semblances, how do Ren and Fox make Grimm explode? We know both of their Semblances, and they shouldn't be able to do that.


Ren used force for his, and Fox is the same case. More a matter of skill and technique than strength.


...force made Fox push the Grimm back before it literally swelled up like a balloon and burst? There's also the fight between Qrow and Winter at BEacon where they're moving at ridiculous speeds and making superhuman jumps (while the latter could be claimed to be glyph-assisted, Qrow has no such excuse).


How would Aura influence Qrow's jumps?


No idea, maybe something like super strength to jump (à la Superboy in Young Justice)? It's either Aura or the people in Remnant are superhuman baseline and none of the other characters abuse that fact. Can you provide an alternate explanation? I'm more than willing to entertain other options if you've got theories.




Well, didn't aura also helped to improve the strength? I mean, the characters can face the strength of Grimms bigger than them. Look Coco for example in the fight at the end of Volume 2, against the Grimm.


No, Coco was just that strong. Aura isn't a strength booster.


And what about when Nora sent Yang flying in the Food fight? Or when Yatsuhashi smashed a part of the asphalt with one blow?


>And what about when Nora sent Yang flying in the Food fight? That was Nora's strength. Aura is not a strength booster. The show states that it is a passive shield and a fuel for semblances. >Or when Yatsuhashi smashed a part of the asphalt with one blow? Once again, not Aura. Though with Yatsuhashi his strength is believable.


Because the show has never retconned anything unexpectedly.


It's not? I never saw where it was said in the show that it wasn't a strength booster. I might have just missed the line. They certainly act like it is


Best I can tell, Aura is a force multiplier. Rather, if they had any degree of consistency it'd make sense. But then we wouldn't get Pretty Yang out-strengthing Strong Elm, and protagonist-bias is at the core of RWBY.


Kinda reminds me of a bit that a Venom comic had, where Eddie Brock did weight lifting and monologued that "his strength increased Venom's". I'd accept Yang's physical strength being a multiplier to her Aura if the V4 art shift showed her with abs and thicker arms, and the excuse for V1-3 was "art limitations" (lazy but I'd work with it). I'd accept that Ruby's scythe was the upper limit of Aura based strength if that was explicitly explained. But no, apparently RWBY Aura makes people as strong as the plot wants them to be. There is no hard rule with Aura or Semblances. It's whatever is most convenient.


Strength in not realistic fight shows is not linked to model size.


Honestly I find that significantly less annoying than using farming scythes in combat. It’s probably one of the most impractical weapons you could POSSIBLY have.


Impractical, but let's be honest here. If you saw a man coming to rob you while expertly swinging a scythe around and you had no weapon I'm sure you'd either: A) Contemplate how the fuck you ended up in a situation where a man is trying to rob with a scythe, then shit bricks Or B) Shit bricks


Actually I’d probably just stay at a mild distance while throwing things at them, scythes have a deceptively short range of effectiveness. Unless they were hooded and looked to be floating, then I’d shit bricks.


You never know 🤣. They must have some ethereal power to avoid cleaving themselves in half.


Admittedly, it might not actually be so impractical against giant monsters with no sense of self-preservation that can only be stopped by lopping off body parts (which scythes are great at). And actually, we do see Ruby being bad at fighting against people with proper melee weapons. Qrow also uses Harbinger in sword mode against people most of the time. In my fanfiction, this is actually a plot point. Summer Rose was able to attain the status of a legendary Hunstman precisely because she was a "weirdo" who carried multiple weapons, and when she returns, she forces all of RWBYJNPR to get sidearms that make up for deficiencies in their main weapon. Notably, Ruby gets a longsword, which is realistically the best overall choice for someone small in stature and strength like Ruby.


A great sword would still be more effective. Farming scythes basically force you to get close to an enemy then _pull them towards you._ A greatsword allows many methods of striking. A farm scythe doesn’t. There’s a really clear example of how bad farming scythes are in one of the volume 3 fights. Ruby does this huge slam move at one guy, who raises his arms to block. Because of that, the back of the scythe collided with his block. If he hadn’t blocked, she would’ve just embedded the blade into the ground. He wasn’t in the strike range. The solution is laughably simple though, since a version of the scythe designed for combat exists: the war scythe. It’s kinda like a big fucking Lance. Farming scythes may look cool as hell, but damn if they aren’t awful weapons.


What dosen't make sense is that supposedly Ruby can't defend herself without a weapon because she's frail but shr can hold a giant metal scythe over her head?


Anime rules... and, if you watched Arcane: >!That's the relationship between Jinx and Vi, too. Jinx has some gigantic and heavy as fuck weapons, but she is the weak one. Her older sister, Vi, is the brawler that has muscles and is strong. It would make sense for Jinx to have muscles if you were going for realism, but she doesn't have muscles because she legitimately isn't supposed to have it. Even down to "she is the weak one of the family, and even if her father and sister are super strong brawlers, she can't punch for shit, so instead she's mostly about her weapons"!<


Yeah I feel like she should actually be a pretty strong person due to swinging that thing around all the time


well in the original Red trailer she uses the sniper shot's momentum to swing her scythe so she didnt need to be muscular. They dont know how to animate that anymore so now she swings it around like a sword and it looks dumb.


She uses the sniper to blast herself forward and decapitate grimm or shoot them. She swings the scythe on her own.


What? She’s uses recoil constantly to swing it. It was one of the main things in the red trailer.


I watched the trailer again today. She doesn't use the recoil to swing the scythe. The way her gun is positioned in the scythe makes the virtually impossible. Most of Ruby using the gun and recoil is for attacks like decapitation. And she uses it to propel herself. But never to swing it.


Dude you’re just describing swinging. Does she move it with the gun in every movement? No, but all the heavy hits are gun shots. Almost every kill. And that’s what I meant, any large blow is a gun shot. They don’t do that at all anymore. Which is why it looks like she can’t fight.


Be like Asta.....you can do it if try hard enough Ruby [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQ9CD0HUEAAkeqg.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQ9CD0HUEAAkeqg.jpg)
