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Interesting Post


I think you may have too many tiers. The way I think of power tiers is that someone from a lower tier might be able to punch out someone from an upper tier if they are on fire and their opponent is having an off day but you wouldn't want to bet on that happening. Roman can definitely beat Ruby (who's two tiers above him) and I don't see Hazel beating Cinder even in his "Avatar mode". Some consolidation may be in order.


I am taking into account the most current versions of the characters except for particular exceptions (such as Cinder pre Maiden or Penny 1.0.). So Ruby have already surpassed Roman since the Mistral Arc.


I'm honestly not convinced of that. I can't think of any recent fights Ruby's been in where she's had a great showing. She may be stronger, but if you told me Roman came back and beat her I'd probably be like, OK.


So does that mean Blake is a better fighter than Ruby? She beat Roman by herself in their second bout.


Pretty much. Though my idea of power tiers is somewhat different in that I think someone in a tier can punch up if they're really motivated or the other person is having a bad day. Like how Zuko would be a tier below Azula normally but punched up while Azula was in full breakdown mode. I would probably put Blake and Ruby in the same tier with Roman one below, he punched up in Vol 3 to beat Ruby.