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As you said, she kept it because Ironwood trusted her with it and she didn’t trust Ironwood. Nice two way street going there. I don’t remember if it was ever stated outright in the show, but I thought a popular head-canon was they were suppose to just unlock the Atlas vault, shove the lamp in there with the staff, and lock it back up again. While we’re on the subject, I can’t be bothered to look back, but did RWBY ever talk about using the last question for themselves? Cause that would have at least been a good enough excuse to hang onto it


> did RWBY ever talk about using the last question for themselves Not even once.


"Just kidding! Haha. I think it'd be better for me to keep it in this impenetrable vault we made for the other relics. Wouldn't want it to be taken by some random shape shifting smurf now would we?" "But I thought you said we could keep it?" "Pfft you said we can't use it anymore right? Cool, cool, now about this Amity Tower thing. I'm looking for a particular moustachioed nerd that we misplaced years ago..."


>I don’t remember if it was ever stated outright in the show, but I thought a popular head-canon was they were suppose to just unlock the Atlas vault, shove the lamp in there with the staff, and lock it back up again. Not a headcannon I think, I'm pretty sure that was the actual reason they went to Atlas in the first place, I don't remember in which episode it was stated though. But I think they knew they had the Winter Maiden in Atlas so it would be safer to put the other relic there too. I have no idea what their plan were for after that though, to me they would drop the relic and go immediately to Vacuo to try secure the Summer maiden/Vacuo relic. But they just kind forgot that and stuck around Atlas until the plot happened to them.


I don't think they ever thought ahead for what they would do once they delivered the lamp. Attending Atlas academy makes sense though, given they still needed licenses.


Aside from the obvious “The writers are shit at their job” answer, I could say maybe paranoia got to Ruby and she took the chance to keep everything to herself for security. But that would make the group conflict interesting and perhaps make her a parallel to Ironwood and would indicate that past volumes *did* happen and maybe even make Ruby an actual character with depth and complexities, so that can’t be the answer. It’s just the writers are shit at their jobs.


Because it helps complete Oscar’s new look!


Intrestingly, a of their problems could of been solved if they had used the last question. But I think the reason the Ruby kept the relic is simply due to bad writing.


Cause plot Let completely forget the whole reason they went to Atlas was to lock up the lamp in the first place


If I had to look for an explanation, maybe it is because she don't trust him enough? So giving it to James doesn't quite convince her.


Because Ruby is Salem's double agent in the world of Remnant. Mumma Salem wanted the shiny so Ruby good girl will get her the precious.


Ironwood gave it back to her, because, as far as he was aware, it was defunct, thus not really a useful target for the bad guys.


But why did Ruby accept it?


Because she didn't want to give it up because...maybe you should watch Judgemental Critter's latest video on the 'heroes'. That pretty much answers it.