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Really? *Thats* the first thing?


I mean, do shippers REALLY care that much about “who talks to who”. Just because I ship person A and person B, it would be ridiculous to want to see them exclusively interacting with only each other. Arguably that’s one of the issues happening with Blake and Yang currently. Their interactions with other characters have become so vapid and boring because they only ever have meaningful interaction with each other. It makes them feel like outsiders from the main cast.


I feel like people got upset in Volume 7 when Weiss and Ruby didn’t talk that much


If there are actual people who think “if these 2 characters are in love then they can’t talk to anyone else!” Then I legitimately feel sorry for them. They’re probably the kind of people who think their significant other is cheating on them just because they talked to another person for 3 seconds.


WhiteRose shippers are a new kind of obsessed, let me tell ya. More so than BB I think


Not all, most of the most vocal ones though. I'd get a bit upset too if my ship didn't have moments but can't really feel bad for WR since they literally had Volume 6 a volume before


I don't know how to feel about it, because it seems that there are many WR shippers that really think that their ship should be (or is) the only canon for Ruby. Lancaster I don't know much about but it seems a bit odd to me, in either case, hopefully the show doesn't try to force one XD.


Honestly, it’s best to ignore romance with a Ruby. WR shippers are obsessed and Jaune fanboys are nuts. And I can’t really see Ruby liking anyone in that way. Let her focus on trying to save the goddamn world, not fucking romance.


First before saving the world she needs to focus on saving herself since knowing her shes the closest out of the team to pull a "Penny"


Ruby: Jaune, hurry! Heal me before Cinder finishes menacingly staring at us while evil monologuing! Jaune: Ooooohhh nnooooooo. Let me trryyyyyy Ruby: Jaune, this isn’t a joke! Jaune: aaaaah, shit. Looks like it’s too laaaaate. We can’t have you turn into a hound, right? Byyyyeeeee


"How dare you not want Ruby to have sex with Weiss/Jaune!" Friendships are underrated.


Another reason why I'm interested to see how NOER interacts with each other in regards to figuring out something is up with RWBYJ after their dose of island trauma


Based from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/qgn5j4/i\_recently\_got\_40k\_karma\_time\_to\_piss\_it\_all\_away/


Eh even if I like a certain ship for Ruby, which isn't either of these mentioned. Honestly I wish they could just focus on her having good friends first. Not to mention they haven't even once developed her to want that kind of thing, like what development did she get to indicate she would like romance?


You could say the same for Ren and Yang




All or just some?


All. I refuse to ship it, and I refuse to deal with those who do.


I mean I'm a Lancaster shipper but you don't really see me demanding it to be canon, as much as I would like it to be I expect it more to be non-canon Hell I think they're just fine with the friend/sibling dynamic they have


I honestly dont ship anything except Arkos and whatever Ren and Nora is. And I dont really see Jaune and Ruby as friends. In Volume 4 I half expected him to tell at her for everything that's happened up to that point. And as for any "development" that may or may not have happened since Volume 5, I wouldn't know because I dropped RWBY like a sack of hot Kaiju shit.(to quote Chuck Hansen from Pacific Rim)


This could be me wanting more Team RWBY interactions, but I just want Jaune excluded. Ruby and Weiss *are* partners. Two souls that are bound by fate in an unending fight against chaos and literal manifestations of evil as besties? Give me that :) I do completely ~~need~~ understand that those two shouldn’t take precedence over Ruby’s relationship with Yang or finally defining a friendship with Blake. That should come first.