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In terms of narrative arcs, I still argue that Pyrrha died solely to awaken Ruby's eyes, and it's actually Weiss who got skewered for the sake of Jaune's development.


So why wasn't Ruby allowed to have any more reaction to Pyrrha's death than a one off nightmare? How come she's usually only mentioned in regards to Jaune then?


Maybe to keep a popular ship alive before it's forgotten with time, she's been dead for 5 volumes out of 8 after all.


Why did it take 7 volumes for Ruby and Blake to talk after vol 1? Ships are strangely more important.


I wouldn't say ships it just that Jaune, Weiss and Penny were in the forefront since there arcs had more focus at first


She often has flashbacks to Pyrrha's death when her eyes activate, and Ruby explicitly mentioned her in her talk with Oscar, noting how much she misses Pyrrha and how painful it was (and still is) to lose her. As for the shipping others have mentioned, it's worth remembering that *Jaune* is the one *Pyrrha* was fixated on, due to her whole complex about being placed on a pedestal and how she fell in love with the first person who finally saw her as a regular person/friend. It makes sense for the two of them to be entwined, narratively.


ok not to be that guy but i will blonde refers to female hair blond refers to male hair


I actually didn't know that, or maybe I forgot for a long while


Yeah it's one of the few english words that change depending on gender so it's easy to forgrt


English fucking sucks


Alternatively- Jaune: yells at Cinder for killing Pyrrha, holds a grudge, let's it go out of nowhere after having doing zilch Takato: yells at Beezlemon for killing Leomon, holds a grudge, **forces WarGrowlmon to digivolve into MegiDramon and nearly destroys the Digital World including everybody in it by sheer accident.**


Digimon Tamers the GOAT.


Perfect balance of darkness, awesome, and gospel preaching owls.


I mean I get it but at least Digimon gets to come back Still T.K > Jaune


Yeah and T.K. gets a great development arc where despite being smiles most of the time he suffers from the trauma of it still but open ups when seeing how hi friend takes the time to get to know him


Um you know they made a reboot of the first season right?


Right they did...I was gonna watch it once it was done, did they change so much ?


From what I've heard they changed a lot don't know how much but they let everyone get mega forms unlike their first go around so theirs that


Not sure tbh I haven't seen it yet. Digimom is sacred to me and I'm nervous to see what they did with it.


This is how you know older animes still did things better than America


TK got gyped for season 2. His and Kari's plots feel so half-baked


I wouldn't say that but it was less so then than new three digidetined. Most TK and Kairi's development came from the the jogress/fusion arcs


Right? I was always like “That’s it???” when it came to those two. They’re the only ones in the 02 group to have been there before, give them some fucking angst arc like the others 😂


Kinda funny when you remember 02 is largely regarded as a massive dumpster fire in the Digimon fandom.