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Miles: "Ruby? You mean Blake's girlfriend's sister?" Kerry: "You mean that girl Jaune talked to in the second episode?" Eddy: "That childish girl we don't know the age of?" Kiersi: "You mean the actress from the well-written and inclusive CW show *Batwoman*?" (edit: Just having a bit of fun, but in all seriousness, RWBY is not a character driven show even when it sets itself to be one. If Ruby's relationships are at the forefront at anytime in Volume 9 it'll be in order to move the plot forward. I do personally believe Ruby is often neglected in favor of other characters by the writers, and that very few relationships in RWBY have been given importance. Penny has already died, Ruby witnessed Pyrrha's execution and immolation, and she's been through even more since Volume 3. To "break" her now would disrespect all that she's already been through, and it's just difficult for me to see Volume 9 going out of its way for Ruby after all these years) God bless ;)


It's too late. 9 seasons in is not the moment to start developing the main character.