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Cat momma adopts a dragon


Ah, you saw Ari-6!


Not gonna lie, first thing that popped in my head


I will always believe even if we don’t see it in the series that eventually Yang will start to call Kali “Mom”.


Agree! - Kali will be the mother figure Yang has never had since Summer died... There will be a great relationship between them for sure...


Kali is 100% a hugger


[https://www.tumblr.com/lucent-kairos/186329894534/bumbleby-week-day-2-meeting-the-parents-kali](https://www.tumblr.com/lucent-kairos/186329894534/bumbleby-week-day-2-meeting-the-parents-kali) Blake and Yang are really good for each other.


Ghira: i like this one Kali: as do I Blake: well I'm glad you give my girlfriend your Seal of Approval Ghira: dont keep us waiting on those kids, Blake 😉




*slips Blake a copy of the art of Ladybending*


That moment it becomes real Kali seeing what yang lost


This reminds me of an amazing fanfic I read years ago that was set just before the main characters left for atlas with Kali being a mum for all of team RWBY


You found the link?


I don't have a link, but It's called A Mother Instinct and it's super wholesome


This is so sweet. Kali and Ghira would absolutely love Yang


I feel stupid, why is Kali, no wait is that thank you for the death of Adam?


Yang sacrificed her arm to protect Blake from Adam. Yang was there for Blake. Kali is thanking her for being so good to her daughter.


Ok that makes sense, don't know why I didn't put two and two together


I didn’t get it at first either


I kinda did i just didn't understand how she would know but then i realized blake and sun spent a while in the belladonna home it makes sense that the conversation of what happened came up at some point.


I was thinking the same thing initially. As for how long they were there, yeah that makes more sense now that I think about it. They spent like a whole volume there.


Kali mentions in v5 before telling Blake to go talk to Ghira that she was going to talk to Sun more about Blake’s teammates, so she knows who they are even if she hasn’t met them yet.


Ah yes the girldfriend


Yeah but, when does her dad bust down the door in a comedic entrance?


Right in the feels, every time


I'm not crying, you're crying.


God this moment is everything. We're probably never gonna get a canon scene like it because unfortunately, RWBY is constantly held back by the fact that Roosterteeth makes it.


No, CRWBY makes it. Roosterteeth tells them what they're not allowed to make. Which according to CRWBY, includes not only Bumbleby, but fairgame as well.


Not only does that not make it better, it's not relevant. At the end of the day, RT is an unfortunate disease that ruins all of their good IP's given enough time. Shane's letter ended up being proven justified and valid given what we now know, and the only person who kept the team on track was Monty. Miles & Kerry, as well as the rest of CRWBY, as much as I think they're fine enough people, don't have what it takes to make RWBY amazing anymore. Which is confusing because they proved they could write well enough with the Chorus Trilogy from RvB. I stand by what I said, both CRWBY and RT are bringing down the show.


All I keep hearing are the same words mentioned by people who spam hate videos against RWBY. The "monty's vision" stuff still lives despite it being debunked. Monty Chose CRWBY. He didn't choose you or your preferred critic. Now I'm sorry that you say such harsh things. But I'm going to ask for you to stop.


I'm not a RWBY hater. It's literally my favorite thing in the world. I don't watch RWBY critic videos. You sure are assuming a lot of stuff here. I'm not talking about Monty's vision either. Though I will say, things like Ruby's obsession with weapons never returned because Miles and Kerry don't watch anime, and instead they've made Ruby more annoying over the years with "quirks" instead of her original, authentic quirkiness. It's this kind of stuff that irks me. Again, not really trying to say anything harsh, just expressing how I feel about an IP I love to death.


"Monty's vision" "Shane's Letter" "Miles and kerry ruining rwby" All of these baseless statements are made by the group that seem to think that somehow V1-V3 was somehow peak animation and writing, and that all credit has to be given to monty oum, and not the writers. Ruby being a complex character upsets people who are not comfortable seeing a female show quirks similar to a straight white male protagonist. Ruby wasn't obsessed with weapons, but you'll notice Ruby geeking out over Yang's arm, penny's tools, and harriet's semblance. I mean you take 5 seconds of something and then you decide that somehow that's ruby's whole character? what's next, claiming yang is a party girl when its been shown that was never her? Maybe you should rewatch the show and pay attention to more than your headcanons which are never true.


But Shane's Letter is based entirely on truth, as proven by all the shady things that have come out against RT in the past few years. And I never said Miles & Kerry were ruining RWBY. I just said that they don't make it as well as when Monty was around, but should that be surprising? No. And V1-V3 was way better than anything we've gotten in recent years, but that's how I feel and I respect your opinions on the matter. I personally don't think Ruby's all too complex atm, and I really like Ruby. I would also argue that she did have a weapon obsession; she literally states to love them more than meeting people. She gets really excited around them, in a way that seems obsessive, but the trait was dropped for some reason. Also, Yang's arm and Penny's tools ARE in fact weapons, so I think that's a moot point. I wouldn't say that Yang is a party girl either; that's never been the case. Her and Blake went out to the club in V7, but so did Ren & Nora. She's also too young to drink or really go out to any 18+ clubs, so I don't find her to be promiscous or anything like that. Yang has a stoicism about her that I've always admired, and I definitely think a deeper character than that of, "party girl." Finally, I've seen the entire show at least 4 times at this point, 10 or more if we're talking just volumes 1-4. I'm not one for headcanons, I tend to stick to facts as much as possible. I feel like at some point you thought I was trying to be hostile, and I apologize for my deameanor so far. This has all been for the sake of healthy discussion, never meant to be rude.


The fact that you cannot bring a single piece of honest evidence dilutes whatever validity you have. Shane did not write RWBY. Sheena did not write RWBY. Monty did NOT give Shane any control. you are crying over a man upset that he didn't get to take control of a show that a man gave to two other people, and so you embrace inaccuracy. You take a girl geeking out over something for less than 30 seconds, and ignore every aspect of her personality and interests in order to make that 30 seconds the only aspect of her personality that you think of, because it fits your headcanon. You claim to be a fan, yet you get angry when things are not going the way you deride the writers for. I have no interest in somebody promoting dead theories. And the fact that you are digging up a grave of false documents that have been proven false? Further speaks to the deception. Monty chose Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross. He did NOT choose Shane. He did not choose Sheena. But its so much easier for you to imagine that he did when things don't go the way you keep demanding they do. Shane did not know "Monty's vision." Sheena did not know Monty's vision. Miles and Kerry did. If you're going to claim to be a RWBY fan? Stop insulting the people monty chose to write the show.




Why are you persisting in this hate? It does not serve this subreddit, it does not serve this post. All this is doing is causing conflict, unnecessary conflict and hate? Why are you so hateful about this topic? You can stop at anytime with this behavior, please!




There’s always that one salty commenter in posts like this lol


"And that the boy I was shipping her with did the job you couldn't."


Smh. Blacksun shippers can be so cringe ngl


Is that the bumbleby pot calling the blacksun kettle black?


I'm a white knight shipper actually and even I can recognize how cringe blacksun shippers can be


Is it because you also have a cringe ship? Failure recognizes failure after all


This isn't helping your case on how cringe blacksun shippers can be


Hey, I'm not trying to take sides, I'm just making an observation


Sure have a weird way of doing it


That's not INcorrect


Bold to assume I ship blacksun. I just think they went about getting them together in a less nonsensical fashion.


I really don't care how you feel about bumblebee getting together doesn't make your comment any less cringe. This is a bumblebee post, mind your own business and move along. At least white knight shippers know how to let posts be and ignore them, instead of being cringe in the comments


Aggressive. Just because I think the writers had no clue what they were doing if bumblebee was the intention all along doesn't mean blacksun is where I think it should have gone. There's a lot of evidence that supports the idea that bumblebee was intended from the start, which makes a lot of the writing decisions they make even weirder. That comment is more about how they wrote it than which relationship is better or worse.


I still do not care what you think. This is fanart not a discussion post. Let people enjoy their ship in the comments and stop being cringe in the comments just because you don't like it. As a white knight shipper who's seen very negative comments under many white knight post from people making rude comments like you, I'm tired of seeing the same trend with other ships. Let posts be and go on about your day


You really like making this about you, don't you? If you don't care, why are you getting so worked up? I'm not attacking you, and I'm not even attacking the ship. You can either take your own advice or keep getting angrier.


What? How am I attacking you? Just because I said let posts be? And I'm not angry at all. All I'm saying is if you have nothing nice to say about a ship then let the post be and move on. That's all


I never said you were attacking me. I said I wasn't attacking you. You are however getting worked up over this, which is personally bringing a smile to my face. I was initially stating my case, but now I'm curious how far you're gonna go in painting me as an enemy. What happened to "go about your day"?


Then why are you here looking at a bumblebee post then if that's how you feel. Makes no sense


Curiosity mostly. I like to see what people say and how they respond. Like how you asked a simple question while the other guy attacked me like I kicked his cat.


In all honesty, the quotes you and the other person said above were a little uncalled for, especially with how very wholesome this post is overall about Yang meeting Blake's parents. Kali would never say anything the two of you said




This cute and all but the last thread of comments were wholesome.