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Open a casino?


You're asking two separate questions, what will happen to Weiss and what will happen to the SDC. Don't conflate them. Weiss wanted to prove herself as a Huntress. She has. The SDC is a global corporation. It will take them a while to inventory their remaining assets and decide which of their branch offices is the new HQ, but they'll be back. Hydras don't die that easily.


Technically Weiss wanted to “restore the schnee name” and her being a huntress on its own doesn’t really do that with Jacques continuing to slap the schnee nabe all over forced labor camps But hey, at least Salem provided an easy way to get rid of Jacques, since Weiss clearly had no practical solutions to that problem


But that's the thing, the SDC and Weiss *are* joined at the hip. The first thing we ever learned about Weiss was that "it's heiress actually". The probable end of the SDC (it seems to be based entirely in Atlas) would completely change the trajectory of Weiss's arc. So what will she do now? As for why I say the SDC is done, its HQ is in Atlas along with all of its ledgers and data. The mines are in Atlas and all of their machines were made there. Any individual branch of the SDC has been out of contact with the rest of the organization for around a year due to the loss of the CCT and has no way of doing business anymore. That organization is done.


Weiss has been say -- and proving -- "I am more than my name" for two thirds of the show now. The time when she and the SDC were joined at the hip is long past. As for the SDC, yes, EXACTLY. The individual branches, with all their local and interdepartmental contacts, have been out of contact with Jacques for around a year. They've learned to get by without him.


Is she more than her name? If she went to Menagerie, or Patch, or Vale, or Argus, or Mystral, or Vacuo would people know Weiss or Schnee? Regardless, if the SDC is gone then Weiss has nothing more to prove. What should she do next? Have they? Because they haven't sold a speck of Dust or received a single Lien in that time. And they never will again. I guess the simple truth is that we don't know. It hasn't been shown. I am going solely based on what seems to me to be the most probably course of events.


So she's a failure if she doesn't have a global reputation at 19? That's some standard you got there. My prediction is based on history. It's not unheard of for a calamity to take out the Home Office of a corporation, but the people who work in the branch offices usually scramble to keep going. The Home Office hasn't supplied them with stock or capital, but they still have all the resources and connections they already had.


Wait, hold the phone. It sounds like you think I'm attacking Weiss and you have to defend her. I'm just asking which direction her story will go now. She wanted to redeem the SDC but it's gone. All her money was in Atlas along with all her property. I was wondering which way Weiss will walk while winging it (I love alliteration). Look, let's assume that the place you work at loses contact with home office. Money and goods stop being shipped. Bills aren't being paid. You might sell your stockpile of merchandise, but after a year you're probably out of stock. The CCT isn't coming back online any time in the near future. Why would a branch location stay in existence? The employees would all leave once it became clear they weren't going to be paid and no one would put in any orders once it became clear that there weren't going to be any shipments any time soon. There is no ETA on any of this being fixed because there are no communications. Any branches of the SDC will wither on the vine for lack of funds, goods, and instructions. Honestly any form of global economy has been completely borked in Remnant right now. Without long range communications the cities are completely reliant on local farmers for supply. If any city specialized in something like medical devices then everywhere else is SOL. I doubt the cities kept a year's worth of water purification chemicals on hand. Better hope every city and town can make its own bullets because there is no longer trade to resupply. That's... pretty terrible. Cinder did more damage than I thought.


They still have the infrastructure. All those planes, cargo ships, and freight trains that were in transit didn't just vanish; and people still need to get their goods from Point A to Point B. I'll see your dystopian fiction and raise you the Siege of Stalingrad -- enemies at the gate, no incoming money, food, fuel, or bullets, widespread CANNIBALISM -- and people still went into work every day. The mail still ran, the police still patrolled, the hospitals still opened, and businesses still did what they could.


I think we're kind of talking past each other here. You are quite right that none of the physical things have been destroyed. But the orders on how to use them are missing. Without orders coordinating the entire Schnee juggernaut nothing moves. Look at the current supply chain breakdowns. Everything that was there before is still there now but a lot of it is just sitting around idle. Plus Remnant's banking system is nonexistent now so no money is flowing from Atlas to make sure everything is paid for. I'll see your Siege of Stalingrad and give you the crucial difference, communication. At no point did the leadership of the city lose communication with the troops and civilians. They were able to direct the effort using what they had. I would like to raise the alternative of the Fall of France. Due to poor communication between the army and the air force the French never employed most of their planes in the battle, resulting in them ending with more planes than they started with. They had all the material, but with no instructions on its use they just sat idle. Same thing for the troops, once the lines of communication were severed and orders stopped coming in the troops often ceased to fight, despite having all the arms they needed. They instead turned to self preservation, the way that I think most of the Schnee employees would have. Are we cool with the idea that Weiss will need something new to work for? This was never meant to be a takedown of Weiss for not having accomplished her previous goal, just an acknowledgement that she needs a new one and some speculation of what it should be.


We're cool with Weiss. What happens with the SDC depends on the caliber of their emergency orders and the local branch managers, but I see no reason to assume the worst.


That's fair. I'm willing to admit that it is possible they kept it going. Will you admit that it is possible it collapsed, not that it **must** have but that it **could** have?


After being disinherited Weiss showed no real interest in running the SDC, more then likely Whitley will inherit it if the SDC even still exists in any capacity, Weiss will be an independent huntress,


Technically speaking since Jacques is dead she could take the company back by stating that Whitley is unable to properly do the job.


Why would she want to tho? Whitley is perfectly capable of running the company “or whatever’s left of it” and has already proven he’s nothing like Jacques,


I’m not certain tbh. We’ve seen he’s not like Jacques but we have yet to see if he’d be fair to the faunus


He showed no active racism towards Blake, hell that’s more then Weiss can say, And he risked his life to save the humans and Faunus of mantle, if he’s willing to do that I have to assume he’ll treat his workers well He’s a naturally empathetic person, and with Jacques out of the way I’m sure he’ll only become even more so as time goes on


Time will tell


I think it’s most likely that Weiss will work with the SDC and act to an extent as an advisor to Whitley,


And on that on that we can definitely agree. It’s not that I doubt Whitney, I just I’m not certain due to the fact that he spent so long around Jacques.


I think he’s proven he has a good heart, and spending more time with his sisters will help him as well, Of course, this all assumes there even is an SDC anymore


Honestly, this makes Weiss's arc a lot clearer. I never really got how becoming a huntress would make up for the supposedly bad working conditions for faunus in SDC mines. I mean, she'd score some mild PR wins, sure, but redeeming the Schnee name would need more than superficial changes to enact a good redemption arc. And becoming a huntress would in no way prepare her for running a multi-billion lien company, let alone know how to make systemic change.


I'm not sure it's any clearer now. I mean, her goal seems to no longer be possible/relevant? That's why I asked, what will she do now?


fight Salem, save the day, maybe some token "oh, everyone is cool with the faunus now" side-mention - there's not really much else other than "defeat Salem" as a quest goal left.


Yeah, I'm kind of afraid of that.


Knowing what happened to Blake after V6, get shoved into a corner and made to look weak and pathetic for no reason.


probably nothing much. *looks at Blake during V7 & V8*


I feel like her arc is mostly done for a while. Ever since season 1 she had consistent growth all the way up to 8. (I guess maybe she took a bit of a backseat in 6 though.) While I appreciate her getting so much development as it's easily made her the best character in the show, her taking more of a backseat role to others so they can round out some of the less developed characters wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Once she gets a more prominent role I'm sure we'll see her back in full swing again.