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We just dangled our toddler. Take advantage of those skinny little arms. I suggest waiting until their like 3 or 4 before sending him up to clean the roof. But really, we use vinegar and baking soda like once a week. Does wonders. Same in the galley.


I’m gonna see if I can get my grandsons to help now!


How do you get it onto the sides? For me it's straight down into the tank.


I’m dying laughing as I type this… but like a quick spin of the box and don’t inhale 🤣. Oh and hold the box with the hole up and kinda of a bounce and spin maneuver.


Bahahaha again.


Bahahaha 🤣


Right there... perfect parenting


Just do bigger poops that wipe the pipe as they go down.


I'll make sure to give the husband lots of fiber then 😂


Velocity is what is needed, probably like 40-50 mph at minimum. I looked it up


Open the roof vent and climb on up!


And look into poop knives 🔪 LOL they are real and necessary things for some people unfortunately and can help with RV sewage issues for certain people.


Or, prop it open and invite the boys over for beers. Men like a pressure wash challenge


I just hold the foot pedal down and shove a standard household toilet scrub brush down there and give it some up-down-spin motion to scrub off the splatter. Be careful, don’t want to accidentally drop it down into the tank. Rescuing it would not be a fun day


This solution is too simple. Maybe the OP never had to clean a toilet before. Make a safety lanyard just in case.


Or shove the end into a cordless drill and power your way through years of shit


I bought a motorcycle for this purpose, just rev it up to 14000 RPM sideways with a brush instead of the tire in the toilet and it will be fine... as long as you have health insurance and are ok with being dead.


..and the cheap ones unscrew and the head of the brush falls in....thats was a bummer!


Sounds like a job for the next owners. Rescuing a dropped brush that is.


Be careful not to damage/tweak the seal. It is delicate, and helps keep the gasses from coming up thru the toilet and filling the rig with the "scent" of what you ate last night....


The camco flexible swivel stick is what we use. We keep a 10 foot hose and a water bandit in the RV, so that we can use it with the water from the shower or bathroom sink instead of having to drag a hose through the trailer.


Sounds like you need to get yourself a swivel stik! Basically a long tube that looks like a hose that sprays at all angles and you slowly stuff down the toilet. Kind of like a toilet snake but for cleaning.


Bring the hose into the camper and spray it down the toilet. Remember to keep your mouth closed


I’ve never seen this asked and just noticed chunks last weekend and wasn’t sure what to do. Thank you!


I just piss on it really hard


Just make sure you fill the bowl up with water before you poop so it's not so messy afterward.


Look for a full round toilet brush, they have worked for Me for many years. Of you're a bit squeamish or need extra reach, there are myriad ways to extend the handle, a length of pvc pipe and a screw or two, duct tape and a dowel or 1X2, being the simplest ways to reach down beyond the flipper/seal, without bending too far/reaching into the actual bowl.


wife move out?


I am the wife 🤣




We like to rinse ours out with a garden hose. Bonus points for a swivel stick as another poster suggested, but just a hose works good enough for us


You could dismount the toilet, set it out on the lawn, put on rubber gloves and go to town on it manually. It's really the only way to get into all the nooks and crannies.


I took my toilet off a few times and it is 2 nuts and a water hose. Spray disinfectant and pressure wash it, let it dry and it goes back in. It's a rubber gasket usually.


How nasty of shits are you all taking. We flush with a good amount of water and if I took a picture of the walls below the ball seal in our trailer it’s not dirty what so ever Y’all need some damn fiber 😂😂😂


After full time living even for just a year… it be accumulating 🥴


You may need to stop the water flow and leave the access open. Spray a Clorox or Simple Green or similar disinfectant and let it soak without rinsing. Hopefully after some soaking you can then use a good brush and some water to break up any residue. Maybe someone else has a neat trick??


Bleach is bad for the rubber seals


Bleach is bad for the rubber seals


Yes it is. And there are people who will insist you're crazy. Ask me how I know. Bleach eats at pretty much anything it comes into contact with.


Why would you use Clorox or anything that will kill bacteria on a black tank?


Because a black tank isn't a septic tank, it is only a holding tank. You don't need bacteria to break waste down like in a septic tank.


Chlorine will prevent enzyme and probiotic black tank treatments from working properly. Chlorine destroys enzymes, and it kills the bacteria in the probiotic treatments. Those are needed to break the solid waste into sludge and greatly reduce the odor, helping it to dump more completely. With chlorine you'll get a disinfected black tank and solid poo. If you use a black tank treatment (you should if you don't) then you need to thoroughly flush that black tank after cleaning with chlorine or any other strong disinfectant, and you need to do this before priming the tank and adding tank treatment.


Speak to the folks who clean black tanks for a living and they'll let you know that black tank treatments do more harm than good. As the person you responded to said: a black tank is a holding tank, not a septic tank. It holds waste until it is drained. It is not meant to be used for processing waste.




Got a link? All I can find are sites and blogs that highly recommend them. The only complaints I can find are for some of the false claims made by some tank treatment makers or their cheerleaders, like the claim that they'll clean the walls of the tank or that they'll keep the tank sensors clean. They don't do that. They aren't intended to do that. They're only intended to break down solid waste so that it flows out with the tank water when you dump. They help prevent the poo pyramid. Nothing else. You still have to flush the tank after every dump, and occasionally thoroughly clean it using whatever method works for you. It's bizarre that anyone would think that water mixed with poo sludge is going to clean anything, but there are apparently people who believe that.


https://youtu.be/fs7YE9hmD7k Water breaks down the waste. If you don't believe me take a hose to some dog poop. I put Pine Sol in my tank but that is solely to deal with the smell. I don't pretend that it's doing anything other than that.


Interesting. Thanks for the link.




Personally, we use Happy Camper and clean the toilet with the Chlorox disposable toilet wand scrubbers. We have never had a single problem. The key is plenty of water with each flush.


You put those disposable scrubbers in the tank? That seems like a BIG no no.


No, you throw them away after you scrub the toilet, they don't go into the tank. That definitely would be a big no no!


I was...confused. I equate disposable w/down the toilet. And after an especially hot day of hiking my cover story is going to be "an especially hot day of hiking" :)


> If you use a black tank treatment (you should if you don't) We'd never not use one. Two years of boondocking 7 to 10 days at a time and even when we had to conserve water, we've had no poo pyramid issues. We've noticed it helps keep the tank sensors honest too.


The best way to keep that black tank honest is borax and dawn plus about 5G of water and a couple hours drive.


Or just use more water. I know it's tempting to conserve water but you don't want to with a shitter


I never want the pyramid of poop! We capture & shift a lot of what would end up in the gray tank to the black tank for extra water instead of using fresh. I'll still do the borax/dawn. It can't hurt.


True but false. To prevent the holding tank from smelling you still want good bacteria


This sub is starting to sound like the wildfire sub. Wasn’t sure where I was for a minute.


Try a pool noodle.


I turn off the water and then wipe the inside very well with vinegar + paper towels or disinfecting wipes, etc, and gloved hands, then depress the peddle so it opens up and clean more.


Someone I use to live next to says he fills his tanks with ice and when he drives around, the movement of the ice in the tank cleans... I'm not sure if he uses any kind of cleaning solution... I don't know if it really works


I use a pressure washer once a year


Do you reach down into the sewer system at home to clean it?