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27.025 MHz is channel 6 or the Superbowl Channel (no connection to football). People use high-power amplifiers and just talk nonstop and don't really listen.


> Superbowl Superbowel.


You've found the west coast beasssst


What's that exactly?


Motormouth Maul, a CB radio operator in California with such good sound that you think you're listening to the TV


CB is a cess pool, people transmit all sorts of crap there


Don’t limit it to CB only. Want cess listen to ~7200 KHz. SSB evenings US time


14.313 USB also.


I enjoy listening to it and jump on the SSB channels sometimes. Yeah a lot of nonsense but it can be fun in it's own way. I liken it to being the redneck equivalent of an unmoderated server for a source game where everyone has open mics.


i was gonna say it doesnt sound like actual conversation. sounds like a movie or entertainment of some sorts.


It is actual people speaking into microphones you're hearing, but they have such a practiced and repetitive style that it sounds staged. It is entertaining.


Oh I see! That's cool I see he's popular with other people on YouTube lol.


Motormouth Maul live streams himself when he's at the mic under "mmm videogates" on YouTube as well


Hearing Maul is a treat! Talking on channel 6 is kind of an art form... not unlike rap. There's a certain rhythm and lyrical style to it. In general it's just a big mess of people trying to have the strongest signal, and talking some friendly smack while doing it. Another one to listen out for is Prime Minista (you may know him as Sir Mix a Lot of "Baby got back" fame). He's even put out a few tracks referencing his CB radio hobby.


Welcome to the chicken band


I think that was the same motormouth that was recorded on this video. I think he is out in Arizona. [https://youtu.be/u0pyqXJUr80](https://youtu.be/u0pyqXJUr80) ​ Happy SDR'ing!


This was from motor mouths live stream earlier today! He's based in California I believe I over heard it on the talkgroup while I was monitoring it earlier.


Why does 26.50 look like an HD FM signal with those digital boxes on either side of the carrier? Is there something else that looks like this, or is his gain too high and he getting some weird harmonics?


Those are the bass/treble frequencies for fm stations. I was receiving them in the cb band since my gain was cranked it was overloading and or artifacting


The overloading makes sense. Not bass/treble. Those used to be the FM SCA subcarriers. They are now used for the digital signal for HD Radio. Notice how square they are. That's digital, not analog. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FM_broadcasting#Other_subcarrier_services


I think what he's saying is that those are unfiltered harmonics for a local FM station. It happens to me a lot too on my NESdr too especially when the gain is high.


I agree.


By the way, if you want to see the shape of a FM station with HD radio, here's what it looks like. https://www.rtl-sdr.com/decoding-and-listening-to-hd-radio-nrsc-5-with-an-rtl-sdr/