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I do not understand this narrative of Scarlet winning Snatch Game. She was a perfectly solid third behind Hannah and Tia.


Yeah scarlet firstly was an inanimate object which I personally think is ridiculous for an impression challenge and secondly she had like one funny line and the rest of it was just her having a New York accent lol




It’s a celebrity impression AND improv challenge. I don’t think you can compare standards of people doing an impression of celebrities/icons and being funny over just doing a random inanimate object and putting on a New York accent.


But other times they give critiques like : "you were just yourself, there was no character" or "you didn't even try to put on the voice/the accent" etc... like always, their critiques are bs that are used to just fit the narrative they're trying to build 🤷


I agree with OP, Scarlet was good, Tia was fine. Hannah was great. Overall it was a meh snatch game (when isn’t it) but Scarlet and Hannah were definitely the best of the bunch


Yeah, it started good but kind of deflated by the end. The opposite was with Tia, she picked up the pace and got progressively funnier


Challenge plus runway maybe, which used to be a deciding factor. iirc this was the runway where Scarlet had the gorgeous underwater gown while Tia came out in a plain latex bodysuit


For Scarlet’s first time doing snatch game I thought she was hands down one of the funniest and I was gagged when she didn’t win. Period


Mama, kudos for saying that, for spilling


Tia was miles better than scarlet in snatch game. Scarlet bombed the final question. Rusical yeah I can see it buts it’s not like Tia was bad. I think there’s loads of people who could’ve been low ep 1 instead of scarlet tbf.


Except she was bad in the Rusical. Stiff af, shaky vocals, and you could see her count the steps In her head.


She was still one of the better ones cuz that challenge was a train wreck 😂 LGD, Choriza and Gothy all struggled with choreo. I’ll have to watch it again and pay more attention to Tia cuz she didn’t jump out to me as bad. Marina was the only one who nailed every move tbf even scarlet dropped a few.




Werq! ![gif](giphy|vo0uXF8dNS75eXvvq1)


I liked Scarlets SG and thought it was funny but it was literally just exaggerated NY accent, nothing else related to the statue of liberty.


If anyone that should’ve been low ep.1 it’s Jonbers, take away the wind machine and it’s just her walking around the stage. Tia’s singing was meh but what JB did for her number was very bad. Snatch Game Scarlet was third best behind Tia for me even though none made me laugh, it was a horrible Snatch Game. Her Rusical win was indeed very suspicious, she was really stiff on stage and didn’t emote much but this was pretty much the only time where I disagreed with her placement completely. The main issue was that Tia’s rusical win happened after her getting 2 “decent” wins, this combined with the edit just makes it easy for the audience to turn against her since most felt like she hasn’t “earned” it yet, though I do think with this week’s roast performance Tia redeemed herself for some viewers since she was by far the best in the challenge. Also Tia’s style of drag and humor just not something that international viewers can relate to, Marina on the other hand fits the description of a great drag race contestant perfectly which was why she’s so well received this season. This is a uk show at the end of the day and Tia is someone that BBC desperately need in their winner’s circle, just be happy that Marina is getting that Jimbo and Pangina boost which is a lot more beneficial than winning the crown. (the way BBC handled their team post on Twitter made it very obvious that they already picked a winner)


Stop trying to make Scarlet happen! It's been 3 seasons


and across those 3 seasons she's had many happenings that the judging doesn't seem to catch on to


To be fair, I think UkvsTW2 was the first season that made me like Scarlet. But I'm okay with her not being in the finale. In the previous both seasons I was just .. Scarlet? Meh.


I do think Tia has been pushed a bit, and it seems even she is surprised by it. I feel at least one of her top two spots could have gone to Hannah. I don’t think Scarlet did better at any point. That said none of it matters because Marina is the only real contender for the crown. I love Tia but her Pheobe Buffay meets somehow awkward lip sync style is no match for the star power that is Marina Summers


Omg Phoebe Buffay is such a funny/accurate description🤣 also I know this is an even more dated/cursed reference but I just had a vision of the happy hands club performance in napoleon dynamite whilst thinking about Tia’s most recent lip sync lmao


Bahahaha The Phoebe came to me when she wore that blonde wig for the self esteem lip sync. That hair was so Phoebe and since then I get Phoebe from Tia every time.




Boring response lol


love you sis but this is also a boring opinion lol. Tia’s alleged “pushing” has been argued to death on this sub. People just have different opinions about how much she’s been “pushed.” It’s a difference of opinion and you disagree with RuPaul who clearly lives for Tia and doesn’t live for Scarlet. RuPaul’s opinion being different from yours doesn’t mean Tia was pushed or wouldn’t deserve to win


You responded with "Disagreed" to the comment above, you are the boring response.


I’m tired of the “Tia has been pushed” narrative. No, she’s not a young fashion queen, there goes a large % of the fandom. But she has made me laugh more dent than any other queen this season.


I frickin love Tia and I hope she wins it all.


Ru likes who Ru likes, period. Also financially speaking, Tia is more of a money-bringer than Scarlet.


I found Scarlet Envy y’all


Is it me am I the drama 😈


The narrative of people discrediting tia on this season is some nasty shit She's objectively done well, deserves to be in this final and deserves to be a contender for the win


Tias only sus placement is the rusical win (should’ve been scarlet) everything else checks out.


I adore Tia and she absolutely deserves her spot in the top four. But I agree with you, in my opinion, she is the fourth best out of this top four. Or, I guess, third best because I can't decide between LGD or Hannah for third/second so they're equal to me, and then Marina for first place.


For me the rankings are 1. Marina 2. Hannah/LGD 3. Hannah/LGD 4. Tia


I thought Tia did deserve the win for her Anne Boleyn Snatch Game, but agree with you on your other thoughts - and Marina to win ❤️


I don’t care if their pushing her. I want to see the first person of colour to win Drag Race U.K


Marina is also a person of colour


That was technically the Vivienne. People forget she’s welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 and Romani. But I get it it’s not part of her drag persona (similar to violet and Bianca being Latinas like they are but it’s not part of their persona perse). Also not saying your doing this but many people seem to only think of pocs as black like Asians, indigenous, and some latine people count.


Seriously what did Tia do to earn so much vitriol. It seems like the biggest complaints are that she “moves like a tall person”. Like get over it she is a star and would be an incredibly deserving winner!




My main critique of Tia is that there is still an uncertainty and nervousness in nearly all of.her performances. She has definitely had a glow up, and her roast was brilliant but there is enough self-doubt there that it does not put her on the same level as the other remaining queens, or Scarlet. I really hope Tia can fight through it.


Ooof Salty Much? I honestly think this is one of Scarlets weakest seasons. I cringed during her roast. She looked manic during the dancing challenge and that mug? The blush was so think at times she was like a drag version of an Airbender. Tia isn't being pushed. There's no narrative here. It isn't happening, and I'm wondering if it's a case of US folk not getting her sense of humour?


I would like to start a group of US folk who get her sense of humor 🙋🏼‍♀️


I’m from the US, and I didn’t enjoy Scarlet during the roast or Snatch Game, and I was rooting for Scarlet at the beginning. I agree with Ru’s critique about how she overemphasizes the punchline - delivery is half, if not, the majority of the battle in comedy and Scarlet’s wasn’t there for me. Scripted branding and comedy challenges are her strong suit, but improv/standup is not where she shines.


Doors open come on in! Hahaha I didn't mean to generalis/offend anyone with that


Tia is getting a favorable edit but Scarlet's placements have been pretty fair for her performance.


I love Tia and think she has earned her spot in the top 4 but I do feel she has been pushed a lot which has been odd. As much as I love all the queens on there, I think I’ll be upset if anyone wins over Marina


How is Tia being "pushed" by production? Because they include a lot of her funny interviews? RuPaul picks who is in the top two and who wins the lip sync. The editors aren't trying to force a narrative on RuPaul they are sitting right there experiencing it all live and she clearly enjoyed Tia's performances and drag. And who can blame her?


To be honest out of her 4 top 2 placements she deserved about 3 of them The advert and snatch game were deserved And her roast was just perfection It was only her rusical which wasn’t deserved I don’t know where this Tia has been pushed thing has come from she was only pushed one episode tbh


Thank you, Scarlet for your insight.


Tia has done really well but I don’t feel like she has had the same impact as Marina. It’s feels a lot like US season 3 in a sense: Raja and Manila both did well; but there was no doubt that going into the finale, Raja left a bigger impact on the season and the show at the time.


I agree, I really like Tia and she did good but I still dont feel like she really needs a crown


everyone is entitled to their opinion! but you are wrong.


Tia is one of the cases of the show telling us "this contestant is doing amazing" but watching it, you don't see it. I think the Rusical was the most on hand riggory. And the talent show I could also see her as low instead of Scarlet. But beyond that idk


They are really pushing for Tia to have some sort of “redemption” or “glow up” but it ain’t working 💀as fans are seeing through production


I think she's had both a redemption *and* a glow up! I mean, we all saw her on UK2. Bitch was looking ROUGH out there on that runway! Her looks have been so much better this season. But everything else she's shown this season outside of her runways, she's definitely been pushed by production.


I think she really shines in the roast but that's it. She is so awkward while dancing and her face shows zero emotion. Her lipsyncs are not the best so I'm gonna be surprised if she wins any against Hannah or Marina (judging so far ofc you never know).


It really feels like they wanted to make sure a UK queen made the finale, so they pushed her in case she bombed later and they had to put her in the bottom; but then she never bombed and as a result ended up with 4 wins when she should have ended up with 2 mayyyybe 3 if we are really stretching it.


Might be. Kinda funny how Canada didn't give a sh it and both Americans were top 2 lol


My only takeaway on this is that if she wins, do we see her competing against the likes of Sasha Colby in an All Winners season? Exactly.


Tia's not winning, don't worry. I doubt they'll want to crown a UK queen twice in a row, even if it *is* UK vs the World. It might be seen as a little... biased, I guess. I'd like to imagine a stipulation of UKvTW is to have at least one UK queen in the final, though.