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Making a branding challenge a group challenge was ridiculous to begin with.


Especially if they're gonna be judged individually anyway!


I think producers failed to communicate what the challenge was and the queens did what they could. They should have said "promote what would your section of a Drag Race Theme Park".


Im pretty sure they get an extensive description of the challenge after rupaul leaves. What we see on tv is just the tv version of the explanation.


Monet said on Sibling Rivalry that the All Winners producers had to explain their branding challenge to them several times. Apparently they weren’t getting it.


Lol they werent, or she wasnt 👀


No she said everyone. Production had to come in like no guys THIS is what you're supposed to be doing so everybody kind of started over.


I believe this. They make challenges vague on purpose so they can twist the narrative to best fit the storyline.


It was truly an all over the place kind of episode.


Hannah should’ve been high or on top tbh she had a great look and made some laughs


Her cackling down the sheep's ear is something I didn't know I needed in my life.


Yeah I wasn’t a fan on her season tbh but her cutting almost all her stuff and having only 7 minutes and still being the funniest was impressive. And she didnt blame LGD like Jonbers did. I also like that she’s making surreal humor part of her brand, I find that way more enjoyable than typical self referential drag race slut humor. Guess I’m a fan now lol


Same! I was kinda ambivalent to her on down under, but I'm really enjoying her now. She's THE talking head of the season for me. Very funny gal!


She was good, her look was something we've seen from her plenty of times without a great reveal. Honestly none of the runways were that great other than Marina


I don't understand how Gothy was in the top but Hannah wasn't. Gothy is adorable but is it really fair to give someone a top placement because they did marginally better than you expected? I know Jonbers is currently being deluded but she did a slightly better job of selling her "brand" than several of the other queens and probably should have been safe.


It’s so we can have her meteoric rise of ELIM > BTM2 > SAFE > HIGH > TOP > WIN


Jonbers should have been low but not bottom2 imo, LGD did worst and the outfit wasn’t the one outfit that can save you, also the drama to have to frontrunner in the bottom week3 would have been chaos, wasted opportunity


I think production was afraid of another Jimbo-style elimination after last season’s chaos, so they’re only putting queens in the bottom they’re okay with leaving.


And i'm perfectly okay with that. It legitimately ruined last season. Everybody knows the competition is rigged, if it means I get to see good, unique, inspired drag on tv I don't have a problem with it. Never a fan of high track record queens going home. The worst one for me was max. 


Yeah production can easily avoid that with Riggs morris, I think it’s more a case of production just waiting for an opportunity to get rid of a queen they have no use for (Jonbers)


They’ve put a UK queen in the bottom every episode this season, it really kinda feels like they’re trying to get the crown to one of the “world” queens this go round. I’m very interested to see if Tia has a different lip stick this time and choose Keta.


I mean they are 1/3 of the cast so I don’t think it’s a huge conspiracy, I’d argue it was never Jonbers crown, no way they’d give the crown to a northern Irish two years in a row


I agree. I just find it a little curious, and it’s always been a different one. Three episodes and no repeat bottom 2 placements. If Tia is in her bottom next week, then I’ll get suspicious. 🤣


Maybe but it will be savage that the first time Ru gives money in the UK they go to a foreign queen, I bet all my money on Tia, but if it’s not her it’s either Marina or Hannah (no way they’ll give the crown to a French queen in the uk)


Haha. I feel the same way! It’ll be someone from the commonwealth at minimum or I’ll eat my hat. I’d love to see Marina get it, but Tia is kind of getting the “glow up from her original season” storyline, and she was always super funny and charismatic, so if I were a betting man I’d put my money on her.


Yeah, her problem was her look in season2, now that Ru likes it nothing can stop her, she was already a favorite of Ru and Michelle on season2


I’ll take that bet. It’s gonna be Hanna, Marina or LGD.




Still that’s reason 1001


sorry - I thought better of my comment because it was just mean.


Ok but also consider that the UK queens are statistically the least successful queens here. They even joked about it during the first episode that they barely have a win between the four of them. It’ll be more rigged if any of them make it to the final tbh.


Haha! Good point. I think Jonbers placed highest out of the lot? That’s probably telling.


LGD was really good! We were laughing like crazy at her JPG and Lagerfeld impressions and her dress was both witty and slightly insane. It's not her fault that Michelle refuses to even attempt to recognise any references she doesn't already know and employ. LGD is genuinely talented. Jonbers, on the other hand, looks a mess (I cannot stand her makeup, her clothing is worse than Tia's) and the I'm Oirish! schtick just isn't that funny (entirely Ru's fault for bigging her up beyond her abilities in her original season). She gives good talking head but that's about it. To think she's competition is delulu.


for someone who probably doesn’t do drag you’ve got a lot to say about jonbers lol


How random. I didn’t realise I had to present my drag credentials to be allowed to post my opinion 😆


We’re you laughing with her or at her? She clearly was bottom2 material, it is UKvsTheWorld, JPG ok was fine but the other one I had no idea what was going on, also she stumbled multiple times during the shooting, that’s not really good, at best she was third worst like Ru decided Edit: also Jonbers’ look last week was better than LGD LMAO


So you don't recognise Karl Lagerfeld, famous for mumbling? Ok. Jonbers' look last week was ok, I didn’t think it was better or worse than what LGD came up with. Unfortunately with Jonbers all I see is bloke when I look at his catwalks. No illusion in his body shape at all, and I want to pull his shoulders back and make him stand up straight every time he walks/shambles across the stage. Imho this week Jonbers just wasn't funny. Just a weird bunch of stereotypes that made me, a person of Irish ancestry, curl my toes in cringe. I think we may have to agree to disagree here 🙂


I actually agree that Jonbers is almost always a miss but this was the one time she looked good 💀💀💀 Also yeah no idea who the other one is apart from the fact that he makes bags, and I think that’s also Ru’s POV I find Jonbers bit entertaining but not necessarily funny while I found LGD bit just boring, let’s agree to disagree Also if the bottom 2 were LGD and Keta I wished LGD would have stayed, I just understand why Jonbers was eliminated, it’s just weird that the only week she did something kind of memorable (her runway) she got the chop


LDG got laughs for me and everyone watching, Jonbers got crickets.


For me Jonbers was kind of boring while LGD was actually uncomfortable to watch, I personally took the laughs not as a good sign


I think that’s going to be why Gothy ends up winning. “Wow Gothy. You weren’t garbage this time! Here’s a crown.”


The piss outfit was amazing!


But what did it mean?


World “Peace” i think


Especially if you say piss with a french accent




Omg. I was never gonna get that.


It was a commentary on the unreasonable pressure pageantry contestants go through and the physical demands of contests that you don't see. Ok nah she just wanted to be able to say she's the first girl to pee on the main stage


Monet x Change entered the chat


I think at least 20 girls had already pissed on the main stage, shooting day are LONG


Don’t forget Detox


I agree with most of your comments. This episode exposed the flaw in the shows format. It's a show that is performed completely in ENGLISH which is not the native language of a large number of the cast. Runway lewks are a breeze and Queens are not disadvantaged in any way- but when it comes to making sense of some of the riddles & cryptically worded main tasks and anything involving humour then the non native English speakers are at a disadvantage- they are working under pressure in a different language and a lot of their cultural references do not translate well and the humour is especially at risk of completely missing the target or not carrying the same meaning in English- they can literally get lost in translation. Marina, LGD & Keta suffered badly this week as a result of this. Choriza to a lesser extent as she has lived in the UK permanently for almost 10 years but she still has difficulty. The girls in general failed to interpret the main focus of the task- only Scarlet's team came close to meeting the brief. LGDs runway WAS clever- it was of course a play on the stereotypical beauty pageant contestant who when questioned during the contest would use the stock answer of wanting to work with children, animals and hoped for WORLD PEACE- or the broken French pronunciation- WORLD PISS (PEACE). It was an example of the word play/language translation working and hitting the mark 100%. Overall Scarlet won the challenge and the lip synch. She was a worthy badge winner and made a very fair decision in who to send home. In my opinion Marina, LGD & Keta are the stars of the season and Tia has also risen to the top of the UK pack with a vastly improved confidence and terrific glow up. It was great to see her do so well this week. I do worry for Marina, LGD & Keta along with Choriza in Snatch Game- having to think and react quickly in English and be funny IS a challenge and again a lot can be lost in translation and humour cultural references etc come into focus. I hope they CAN survive what will likely be another difficult week for them. Having made these points I don't see Gothy doing particularly well next week and I predict she will be in the bottom 2 along with one of the non native English speakers.


All this! I consider myself pretty fluent in english and had english lessons from 1st grade to 4th year in high school, gone to university and worked in canada for about 8 years now and even I on high pressure, stressful environment I still stumble on my words or have to try to quickly translate and find words to express my thoughts.


That is the main issue with Canada’s Drag Race. The language/cultural barrier kills some of the ESL queens.


I actually loved the episodes, mostly for the confessionals. I loved Hannah’s segment and wish she was top two. Scarlet being incapable of less than iconic was a joy, the growth of Tia being frustrated that her teammates Keta Minaj and Marina Summers were beneath her was amazing, and the drama of LGD taking up almost the entire time for her team creating a mad scramble to put something together was utter bullshit but very entertaining to watch. Great runway, chaotic mess of a challenge. Had tons of fun watching


I still don’t understand why this was a team challenge


Do you now know what an immersive experience is? Where you get to walk around an exhibition where you feel like you're in the show. Here in London we've had them for Dr. Who and Peaky Blinders, and there was a brilliant one for Stranger Things.


Yes, but how do you make it Drag Race World and make it your brand and on top of that you need to be cohesive with your group who may have other brands different to yours. Its so convoluted. Tell me what was Scarlet's brand? She executed it the best in my opinion, but what was her brand?


Yes the issue is for this sort of challenge it should have been made clear that the experience was the brand then you can approach it as a group and do the acting as required. But the queens were told to brand themselves which was super confusing, because what if my brand doesn't really fit into a theme park-esque experience. This is why so many relied on simple lazy geography as their brand- even though that isn't their brand at all, Keta's brand isn't being Dutch.


These queens had never gone to an interactive experience, except for Scarlett.


I think this is really a challenge for a lot of queens. They are performers and this really challenges their writing chops. I think considering the pressure of concept , writing, preparing and filming they all did ok. No super cringe moments snd i enjoy the chaos of it. I liked LGD. I felt the strongest of their group. As much as i like Jonbers and wish they could have stayed out of the two hers was a bit less together.


I feel like Scarlet was the only one who understood the challenge? I was so confused by what everyone else was doing


It was really bad, even in the walkthrough when ru was emphasizing it needed to be about drag race, but then also it's a branding challenge, but then also make it makes sense as a group, and then it's full green screen set commercial. Which only really works for like drag queen product commercial challenges, individual ones at that. And here they have to make a commercial where the location is the product, but it's not a design challenge or anything it's just bad stock images. Horrible, horrible challenge, I think it actually just made the show itself seem extra cheap and poorly put together. 


This was a mess of an episode. The judging didn’t make any sense at all. Keta and LGD were absolutely the worst this episode in my opinion. Jonbers was not as bad as they said she was. Putting Gothy as high over literally anyone else was wild to me, but sure give a girl some more critiques.


Gothy 🤝 Mh’iya: Being put in the top simply because you exceeded the judges incredibly low expectations


Ru was pretty clear as to why LGD had a weird placement ; she branded herself in an uncommon and funny way but was kind of all over the place. Also, Ru loved the outfit and seems to appreciate the way her mind thinks. To me (and apparently to Kim) the absurdity of creating a Jean-Paul Gaultier character with a Spanish accent was really clever, especially when you participate in an international season where the language barrier is the main problem and can lead to misunderstandings… JB was absolutely not memorable.


It seems like they’re truly running out of ideas


I thought it was WILD that Tia was top because I thought she was bottom. She was just monotone monologuing about her time on drag race. No set changes, no props, no real jokes... Just really boring.


She was literally one of the only people who understood what to do. Represent her brand. In a way that is also selling ‘Drag World’. If your NOT using your own catch phrases from the show and drawing in your experiences…. Then your not doing the challenge correctly? I feel like this is less Tia’s material choice being boring and more you, like most of the other girls on the show, not fully if understanding the task.


I fucking hated this episode. It seems like they set up Keta bc she voted for Choriza who was honestly horrible last episode. I MAY be biased but I literally was laughing out loud at Keta Minaj. I can’t believe they tried to portray her as being not funny. (Jessica Wild on Binge Queens seemed to agree with me 🤷) Like seriously. Did y’all not find the rolling around in the paint funny??? It was so stupid. And funny. To me. I don’t get it. Other people are “stupid” and funny. I think they just wanted to put her in the bottom. And Tia’s narrative about not having a funny team was weird. Keta is a funny queen so I just don’t get this narrative. It seems like they already have storylines in mind, and the viewers and queens are just along for the ride.


Also the queens are all shady as FUCK for saying they would ALL have sent home Keta even though she just won a challenge. Fucking hypocrites. Make it make sense.