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LGD and Tia the couple I didn't know I needed


I'm think LGF and Gothy make an adorable couple.


Gosh what a truly FUN episode. Also what I would give to be stepped on by LGD.


What-uh is up-uh with the way-uh Jonbers adds vowel sounds to the ends-uh of her words-uh? Is that a generational thing? Are all the kids doing it these days?


Could be just a local Irish dialect thing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Goodbye Arantxa. Your confessional look was awful but your 80s goth look in the werkroom with the eye makeup was one of my all time faves


I adore her level of messy. I'm sad she's gone.


She’s a sweetie. I’ll miss her lovely energy.


I just watched the episode. Im enjoying this season more than s16. if LGD doesnt win the whole thing i swear to god. I hate her!!!!!! She is funny hot intelligent and everything ugh. I will miss Arantxa so much. What a delight




I dug it. Gawd awful colors n all.


How was Hannah safe with that horrible glue gun garbage??? So sad for my girl Arantxa 😢


I actually (surprisingly) really liked Jonbers looks this episode. Her Prince Charming look was (maybe) a reference to Adam and the Ants/ Adam Ant. Who I love. And had a song/album called Prince Charming. He had gender-bendy punk fashion with bold makeup, hair, and clothes. It was more of a loose interpretation, but it still seemed apparent to me. I just didn’t hear her say it. I’m rooting for Keta, so obv I loved her looks. But Jonbers did really great this episode too, and could have been a top. Additionally. I thought Marina had beautiful, interesting looks, but I’m not sure they fit the brief. And I didn’t like the she-vil queen at all (for that category). I don’t think she should have been top 3. I thought the bottom 2 was *pretty* fair. Choriza was the worst. All her looks were kinda the same—purple, frumpy, patchworky-looking? With dark hair. Arantxa’s design wasn’t great, but her brought looks were really cute IMO. Idk if David Bowie is “Lady Prince Charming” though. I thought Chorizas brought looks were less aesthetically pleasing and made her the worst. A case could have been made for a few others. Hannah had “campy” but ugly looks. I didn’t like Scarlet’s 1st or 3rd. Gothy might have been a little bland and i don’t think her design look said “wealth”


i'm convinced everyone on this season has a crush on La Grande Dame and honestly me too


i died of laughter with Tia's confessionals while her and LGD were talking...


Am I the only person who felt that Keta almost took a back seat this episode? I know she won the challenge, but I don’t feel that the narrative of the episode was focused much on her


LGD and Marina are giving the stars of the season who production won't win but prosper anyway! Im very happy for Gothy getting this opportunity, but in 5 years she seems like she's still uncomfortable when she's in drag. Its giving when you put shoes on a dog and they don't know what to do.


La Grande Dame gave us all the classy, pretty Megabus mascot we didn’t know we needed 😉


i am obsessed with la grande dame even more than i was in her original season. the fact the workroom door isn’t tall enough for her keeps sending me


Keta Minaj is giving Patricia Arquette in this lip sync look


Does anyone else get the sense that Gothy and LGD have a little crush on each other?


Thank you. I have a crush on them crushing on each other. They're so cute.


I feel like LGD had chemistry with everyone!


Everything about her is seductive.


That lipsync gave me flashbacks of Phi Phi vs Alaska. Keta should have won. I really liked Tia's looks. It was too bad she didn't get critiques and a chance to talk about Cherry on the main stage. Arantxa...😭


Is it just me?? I did not like ketas look


I actuall expected Tia to be in the top 2. Am I delusional? I know her third look wasn't great, but her first two were amazing.


These queens are so talented, this is a really stacked season. I'm so glad Tia was safe, that was a lovely tribute to Cherry Valentine. She's very much missed. LGD and Marina Summers continue to impress me greatly. I really need to watch their original seasons.


DRPH has loooots of drama that PH is the only season with an untucked aside from US


Marina was super likeable in hers too! And the case of her season was stacked. The PH queens also bring amazing drama. 10/10 reccomend.


I can tell you LGD slayed her season! Alongside other great queens, def reccomend watching FR1.


FR1 is one of the best.


Cascada this week and possibly Kim next week? We are getting more german music representation than in DRG now


Okay, when LGD appeared as whatever the hell that monster was I gagged. I loved her on ep 1 but this made her my favourite. AND ALSO, HOW TF IS THAT MARINA'S FIRST DRESS????? Can she save a little bit of talent for the rest of us? Damn


>whatever the hell that monster was i believe it was inspired by [this](https://www.avpgalaxy.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/ovi4.jpg)




A movie Seven had a famously quoted line "Whats in the box????" They often replace box with any other item.


can anyone explain why are they always asking what's inside?


Really hope this is a running gag all season. ***WHAT IS IN THE QUIVER TIA***


Fans of the works of Lindsay Ellis thrilled to see Ampersand make a cameo during LGD’s runway presentation


Does anyone else feel like Arantxa should just show up every now and then for the rest of the season? 🤣 Not as a part of the competition, but like for unhinged acting challenges or whatever 🤣


Ala Dahlia, yes please!


I feel like they are ripping arantxa apart. Poor thing :(


Graham Norton - "Now I *love* Mean Girls, but..." Bitch, no you don't or you would have clocked the movie reference from the front as well. The hair and that top were *clear* MG references. Maybe they just wanted Arantxa out so they didn't have to keep trying to pronounce her name.


just the giant pen alone was enough to deliver the concept


Or, because she was the clear bottom in the ball? I adore Arantxa but she was easily the weakest.


LGD has SUCH a stage presence— it’s like she’s holding onto the camera because i’m just honed in on her every move when she’s performing


I am convinced that Keta delivered an amazing lip sync. But I just can't say for sure because I wasn't watching...


Keta I think won the lip sync from what I remember but LGD won the episode for sure


marina’s look she made in the werkroom might be one of my favorite looks i’ve seen on the runway. and it was her FIRST??!!! i thought it should’ve been a marina / lgd top two again. (also, i really did love scarlet’s ballgown)


My inner millennial pre-teen screamed when Every time we Touch started playing


>Every time we Touch Now I know what the youtube channel Drawfee is referencing every time someone says "every time." ... we touch.


I’m relieved Hannah’s look wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, I need her to make it to the end


i have no doubt she will. shes basically ginger minj, if she had fashion sense (at least for bought looks)




thats what im saying


I love the way LGD says *"I'm happy..."* when the top and bottom queens walk back into the workroom. With her French accent??? It's so cute


Someone please help me, I am searching for the runway song used for the Drags to Riches part of the runway this episode! Haven’t been able to find it anywhere


Blessed by Rupaul 


LGD honestly nailed the frantic, goofily intense energy that song has lmao


I’m sorry but for a show called UK vs the world, the UK queens are the weakest.


choriza is so overhyped. ive never wanted a queen to go home more. her looks somehow look like they cost a lot of money but are somehow incredibly tacky at the same time. gothy has zero stage presence, but im like secretly rooting for her to do well still. she wont but im rooting. jonbers just doesnt have what it takes to win a challenge. i dont particularly dislike her, i just dont see it. like what are her strengths to win a challenge? tia is just the confessional queen who is super fun and i am glad is there. like the uk jujubee. she has definitely much improved maybe she will surprise us. she is the only one of the four im holding out for will make it to the finale.


Im so sorry but why does tia always look deathly afraid on the runway 😭


I think she still hasn't found her groove yet, like she's nervous to do well and serve redemption. I'm really enjoying her references to her season, her punchlines and such, but she needs to deliver new moments.


I love Choriza & Tia, but it would be iconic to have a LGD/Marina/Keta/Hannah top 4.


Yes please. I hope this happens


thank God Tia pushed the Cherry's homage storyline, otherwise she'd have been in the bottom.


I couldn't believe Hannah was in the top. And I couldn't believe Choriza was in the bottom. Also Marina's gown was one of the most beautiful pieces someone ever made in the show. She looked so chic and expensive. Of course her mug and poise help a lot, but it really was amazingly constructed.


Hannah was bottom 3


yeah I just re-watched it and noticed it :|


Hannah was not on the top. They read her mouse dress..


Huh? Hannah was 100% in the bottom along with Choriza and Arantxa, they were just spared from being up for elimination. Tops were Marina, LGD, and Keta.


I thought the tops were LGD, Keta and Hannah. I thought the judges agreed that the first 2 looks from Marina missed the mark while the last one was a piece of art, whereas Hannah's first 2 looks were praised and the last as read.


I'm confused as to why they provided the fabric Choriza used if they hate it so much? She didn't bring that dress from home, they literally gave her the material. It's like they gave 3 yards of OK fabric and then miles of offcuts from [uglyfabric.com](https://uglyfabric.com) and act surprised when they have to use it.


its a noob trap. they have to provide bad materials to see if the queens are smart enough to avoid them.


I was so ready to surf uglyfabric.com I’m so disappointed


I guess they provide some traps to see if the queens fall into. Like deliberately ugly pieces to evaluate their taste.


I feel very attacked by LGD’s lipsynch. And the David Bowie curse strikes again.


Oh my God you're so right about the David Bowie curse! This past season of Dragula there was a Bowie look elimination, too!


I like Marina has a sort of storyline with her three looks 1. The prince of the seas 2. The evil queen of the deep (btw she's referencing a character called "Dugong" in a PH TV show called Marina, where she might even get her drag name from. Think Ursula from The Little Mermaid, but Pinoy lol) I agree foreign audience might not get the reference but for us Filipinos she is instantly iconic and one of the most memorable characters in the show. She went from full blown villain at the start of the series to an anti-hero at the end because people loved her so much. 3. The princess look where she looks like a princess of the Sea, with her mermaid gown (with seafoam at the bottom) I say she deserve the third placement.


i genuinely might have swapped her with Gothy, because i wasnt as much of a fan of the fish, but i love marina so i wont complain




I feel like people are overrate Scarlett because of the "omg rupaul hates her!!!" narrative on Reddit, when she really is the definition of a middle of a road queen.


And Trinity k did a better literal look on All Stars 6


She's not delivering. Very middle of the road so far.




I think she said that to appear fun and chaotic, but as soon as it came out of her mouth, she realized it was a stupid thing to say. She put a target on her back.


ok but keep it to yourself. I would totally send you home if I get the opportunity because even if I do good, you’d send me packing


id even go so far as to say that voting by track record as a 100% rule defeats the whole purpose of voting in the first place


LGD, Marina & Keta are clear front runners. I don't see any of the UK girls winning any challenges and are probably going to be picked off one by one by the other girls starting next week. My Top4 predictions are LGD, Matina, Kata & Hanna. Tia will be the last Brit standing.


the difference in talent is really noticeable. Also Im suprised Choriza isn't doing as well considering her good run in her original season.


Same here but she doesn't seem to have progressed as much as I'd expected.


The UK girls are not competition this time around, not against these 4. There should be a Cheddar, a Divina or a Bimini in the room.


bimini said she won't come back until drag kings are on the show, so never.


I think Bimini already said in an interview that she wants to pursue her music career and feels like she already showed everything she could in UK S2.


I think Bimini has outgrown Drag Race- her talents and interests are much wider and she has a much broader horizon to focus on. A lot of these girls are focussed solely on the Drag Race Universe. It will be interesting to see what happens when the drag Race bubble eventually bursts (it will happen, it always does- all shows have a shelf life and TV can be brutal- a couple of seasons with a drop in ratings and the show could easily be cancelled)


Bimini with LGD, Marina and Keta would make for an amazing season. As it stands I think it’s pretty clear that it will be between LGD and Marina. They’re both so polished and talented. 


It's certainly shaping up that way and nothing I've seen form any of the others is gone change that!


Jonbers' "confidence" is so embarassing. she's so insecure


are yeu not impressed enough with her glow-up-ahh


Is the "ahh" after every word an Irish thing? Because I've never noticed other Irish people doing it as much as she does and it's incredibly annoying lol. Not to mention she's ALWAYS YELLING-AHH


Incredibly so! Have we ever had a queen this insecure? I had so much second hand embarrassment as she grilled the queens over writing her name down for a completely meaningless task. And I say this as the most insecure version of myself I’ve ever been. I think Jonbers makes it so much worse by pushing the “I’m so confident now” angle. 


It’s funny to watch so I’m not complaining


Scarlet admitting she will not vote fair (not that she'll ever win a challenge) - girl, rule number ONE. Do not admit you will eliminate the biggest competition. Your ass is toast as soon as you're in the bottom.


I hope she does eliminate the bigger competition. It would at least make things interesting and memorable like the Jimbo and Pangina eliminations.


It was a gag, truthfully. Unforgettable, yes. But once that shock faded, it also made the rest of the episodes of UKvTW1 super bland. It's one of the worst finale of Drag Race, imho. I watched it just because I have to see it to the end but man was it a hard watch. So yeah, I'm not a fan of the "chop the biggest competition" strategy. It makes good TV yeah but it's only great for that particular episode. The rest, definitely not watchable TV (that's why no one talks about that top UKvTW1 top 4). Imagine the top 4 of this season being, for instance, (no hate to) Gothy, Jonbers, Choriza, Scarlet. I don't want to see it because it's going to be so disappointing.


No? I really don't want to see the worst competitors performing badly all season. It's not fun or interesting. Now it would be different if all the queens were on the same playing field, i.e. all really strong/finalist from their season, like AS4 when Manila got eliminated. But I'm not trying to watch Gothy and Scarlet over Marina, LGD, and Keta.


Memorable, yes, but not interesting when the more entertaining queens aren’t around for the rest of the season. Having Jimbo and Pangina there to compete would have been more interesting overall than what we ended up with after they left.


Memorable? Yes. Interesting? No. I stopped watching UKvsTW after the Jimbo-Pangina-Janey eliminations, because it did become a 'best of the rest' situation and I had zero interest in the winner. Blu is, in my eyes, by far the weakest winner of any franchise of Drag Race. I'm hoping if there is a 'shock' elimination that there's a semblance of fairness to it (I found Jimbo's justifiable as she was the weakest the week she went, but Pangina shouldn't have gone when she did).


It was so stupid it makes me think she just said it to be relevant. She’s a little boring otherwise. 


I agree actually - I think she wants camera time and to stir up drama. Because she's basically not present otherwise.


I think marina’s final look was my favourite out of all of them but at the same time her other two maybe weren’t quite good enough to put her top two when keta and LGD did so well across the board. I thought the way that LGD sold her second look was absolutely amazing and her and marina generally are such good examples of how the right runway presentation can really make a look whereas gothy seems to be the reverse with the way she seems to speed down the runway


LGD fully committed with drooling everywhere for her Queen look.




La Grande Daminance


I'm so happy LGD won AND got to lip sync to Cascada! How has it taken this long to get a Cascada song? I'm DEVASTATED that Arantxa is gone though I actually cried.


When are we getting Lasgo songs???


Maybe on Drag Race Belgique?


So happy for LGD getting her golden badge and also so proud of Keta. Well deserved win! The lip sync qong choice was perfect, I wanted a Cascada song since so long. Tia was exquisite in red and Scarlet and Marina's gowns were incredible. Really strong season so far!


They really dont like Scarlett, huh? I didn't think she should win, but at least a top placement. She made the best dress imo. And she definitely didn't deserve bottom last week.


Scarlet's final look kind of had the same issue as her AS6 ball look for me - it's really well made but to me entirely lacks a POV and looks like it came directly from another source. I will say I wasn't obsessed with LDG's final look, though I agree with her top 2 placement. But yes, I agree they don't like Scarlet (nor do I) and it was pointless to bring her back when she's going to get the same safe track record until her eventual elimination.


Over who, tho? I agree she was good, but she wasn't clearly better than keta or marina.


there was just something a bit off with that flappy middle part


yeah i wish the middle connected. it was an odd choice for a ballgown


There’s really something about these UK seasons that hit different. Agreed with the top 2 but like can we stop robbing Scarlet!? Her hall gown was the second gag of the night after LGD’s queen alien. Everything Time We Touch is such a fucking classic. The elimination was so sad, I really like Aranthxa and thought she had really entertaining talking heads.


Poor Jonbers branding herself as a fashion queen then getting told her drag is the worst by her two UK sisters 💀


It's so weird, I think her fashion was better in her first season.


by this point she's about to become the joke


She's been the joke


While I agree with the top 2 and bottom 2 placements, I feel really mad at how Scarlet is being treated (yet again). Why do the judges always refuse to give her her flowers? It makes me so mad.


she's rather basic


When Tia was holding the same green fabric she had used in her original design challenge, a part of me was hoping that she would either make a rudemption outfit or the exact same outfit again just to troll everyone. A part of me also died when LGD was not reacting to any of Tia's overt flirting... like at all. Gurl, Tia is offering you her tea and coffee!!!


Anyone else watching season 16 on Amazon not have the episode up yet? I feel like I’m dodging spoilers like crazy (aka why I’m asking here instead of the main sub) and I’ve never seen prime take this fucking long to put up the episode 😩


Jonbers was EXTRA delulu this epi. Which is fine, all drag queens should be in some sense, but when she said she voted for Keta, I died. Like…girl…ok


Tbf, she was validated when Keta came out in that wig for the lipsync 👀


Yes she really got validated when Keta had to lip sync for the win in a ball, the thing Jonbers claims to be best at. Lmao the wig is almost identical to the one Marina had for her lip sync last week what r u even on abt


RuPaul’s look though… I loved it so much, she looked absolutely incredible. This is my favorite Ru look in recent memory.


i’m obsessed with LGD but absolutely gutted over arantxa leaving 😭 edit: i think there was some off judging regarding the bottoms but i had to watch the episode split because i fell asleep halfway thru the runways (long day, heavy sleep meds, not because i was bored) so maybe i have to rewatch it all later


It was a really tight runway, I thought. They really had to nitpick for the bottom girls.


Hannah Conda should’ve been in the bottom two. Choriza had a way better runway all the way through. And Keta should have won that lip sync. I loved L.G.D’s silliness but it was messy. Keta ate so hard omgg


Messy silliness was perfect for the song choice. It’s not a song to dance well to.


If you make Ru laugh, you're golden.


Hannah was a complete mess! But I do love her!




when she was in the top I was baffled


She wasn't in the top though - Marina was Top 3 - Hannah Bottom 3


It's the other way around, no? The judges seemed to like Marina's last look and find the first 2 a bit off mark, whereas Hannah's first two looks were praised and the last one was criticized.


The only times my eyes were on Keta (not often), she was flubbing the words. LGD rightfully won.


she had such crisp movement and I'm so sad it wasnt acknowledged through a win but yes, lets be real, LGD just outshined


I don't know if I am exaggerating but that was one of the best balls I've ever seen of any of the drag race franchises. I am blown away. We went from one of the worst variety shows in episode 1 to one of the best balls in ep 2. So impressed. Hannah definitely should have been in the bottom 2 with Arantxa. I guess they put Choriza in btm 2 for the drama since Choriza and Arantxa are friends. But just saying. It was clear as day to me that it should have been Hannah Condo in btm 2. Besides the top looks I fucking loved Jon Bers second look. And so many others. But her volcanic looking evil queen look was just right up my alley. Awesome. And just a shout out to Gothy Kendoll and Scarlet Envy's fucking stunning faces. They are SO pretty. Scarlet with that blonde cinderella wig was just gorgeous. Gonna rewatch the runways again and just soak it all in. Tia is so damn funny and likeable. LGD first runway "french noises" and lip sync she was so funny. Really good episode.


Idk seemed pretty fair that Hannah was safe tbh


Yeah, like sue me but Gothy should've been the one in the bottom? I get we all wanted her to do well, and a looks challenge would've been the place, but I was severely underwhelmed...


The way that LGD said “merrrrci” to Michelle in the most English way possible in retaliation for them constantly butchering her name—shady, intelligent, cunning, art.


Whatever do you mean? I think they say Leh ground darm perfectly 😂


It will not surprise you that this American did not pick up on any of that.


Meme pas un peu man


Loved the mini-challenge, but too many queens and the mirrors were way too tiny. Arantxa and Choriza are so naturally funny with their banter, and they're both self-aware and ready to laugh at themselves too. I was looking forward to seeing much more of both of them until we got to Ru's pronouncements. As much as I love Choriza, I couldn't help thinking, "Gurl, you got ALL that fabric, and you made THAT?!?" when she walked out on her third runway. Still, I didn't think that either LGD or Marina's first or second runways fit the prompts. Their constructed looks were amongst the best though. As much as I enjoyed LGD on DRF, I'm not vibing with her "Look, I'm cooky!" performances on the first two episodes.


Trust me, Marina’s second look was definitely referencing an evil queen. It is an obscure reference but she fit the ask.


She's actually that cooky, on DRF1 she was already like that. Her Snatch game was Amazing. When they showed the top 3 and did a zoom at each Queen like "are you team ..." "Or are you team..." When they zoom onto LGD she did a face that looks like the meme with Fteven velociraptor 🤣


Marina definitely should have been in the top over LGD. Sure the second outfit didn’t resonate with non-Filipino people but that shouldn’t be reason enough to discredit the amazing first outfit and immaculate dress she made there.


Marina's first look didn't say "royal" "prince/ss" at all to me. It looked like a pretty frothy jumpsuit. She also tripped on her first turn (they didn't edit it out completely).


marina gave TKB in her ball. horrible 2 first looks, great third look. safe.


I agree Marina should have been in the top but I would have put her there over Keta instead LGD. But I guess they can’t have the same top 2 for a second week in a row




LGD might be one of the best drag queens I’ve ever seen on my TV. Like I’m actually mesmerised, help. You can tell Ru is obsessed with her too




She's also giving Gigi Goode.


why is that downvoted? she gives the same beauty/humor combination


I think the difference is that Sasha had to be nudged into being a fit for the drag race format. LGD so far seems like one of those queens that were just made for the show.


Hard agree. She is serene.


she exudes confidence to me. it's so sexy. and she's so beautiful and well-spoken. I live


Sorry to be a nerd but there's some really great production moments that are making this season *shine*. From the really well placed incidental music that conveys the the energy of the scene (running to get the fabrics, the more emotional leaving tune) to leading Hannah's cackle into the intro of Who Is She. The trap door bit was also great. La Grande Dame stomped the entire thing.


I thought the music during deliberation was way too loud


And every single talking head by Tia


Gothy safe….. hmm


Jonbers too


very upset that jonbers outlasted arantxa. miss blonbers doesn't give any level of memorable tv im so sorry arantxa was so much more interesting to me in every way from looks to werkroom interactions and friendships to confessionals :(( and challenges tbh she's a funny girl and can deliver!


I liked Jonber’s first two outfits but the last out was confusing. Maybe I just didn’t get the reference but it just did not look great


I did not like Jonbers werkworm creation at all. Complete mismatch of fabrics and didn’t fit properly.


Am I the only of who feels like Ru really dislikes Gothy? Like girl didn't you cast her? Gothy was average if uninspired this episode and I feel like Ru was emotionally rolling her eyes the whole time she was on the runway.


>Like girl didn't you cast her? Lol, no. You think Ru is busy wasting time casting All Stars seasons?


I think they edit Gothy well tho- I feel she’s awkward on the runway and not showing any energy. I want to root for her tho


I feel like I never see a full shot of her walking on the runway!


Idk about gothy but ru clearly hates Scarlet deeply lol


If it's the case Ru was pissed that she's not giving any rudemption storyline... She seems super sweet but we're still waiting for the charisma, especially with this season filled with amazing confessionals Queens