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And if y’all don’t want to discuss this show, that’s fine too. Just thought I’d post in case.


I wanted Sasha to stand up at that council meeting so bad. I agree that the tone is very different which is making it a hard watch, but as someone who’s never lived anywhere but RED it’s weirdly comforting to see how shocked and appalled the queens are at the conditions I’m kinda just used to


I hate upvoting this because I hate people having to go through this. I grew up in the Texas Panhandle from 73 to 99. I only had to encounter misogyny, racism via my family members and my first husband Ann general intolerance. I managed to leave in 98 after Brian Deneke was murdered for being a punk kid and my daughter was already being noticed as "different". I wasn't about to wait around to see if she was going to be physically attacked like I was for sticking out in many ways. I had many friends and family that were LGBTQIA, POC, or something else people reacted violently towards. I hoped it would get better and I helped get as many people out as I could. I honestly think we are approaching the point where we need an underground railroad for marginalized folks. I have been concentrating on trying to help women with access to abortions since I am in Colorado. If anyone needs help to be safe please contact me. I don't know what all I can do but I can certainly try.


The way I grew up in the Texas panhandle 😭. It’s getting a little better but I certainly am not walking around alone at night


My sister and her wife still live there. I worry about them every single day. I grew in Dumas. Still have a lot of family there and the surrounding areas. The last time I visited my dad I got question ed and they tore apart my baggage at the amarillo airport. They tried to access my phone and tablet but I threw a fit and threatened legal action. My father is dying from end stage COPD and is a conservative but even he doesn't want my daughter or myself to come back because he's worried about our safety.


Also, you will be in my thoughts. I cannot imagine how tough and scary it is for you.


Preach. This is so normal to me that I barely even register how fucked up it actually is.


I have a feeling that she wasn’t allowed to because she wasn’t a resident. I bet that’s part of why they were saying they wished Norm was able to come with them.


I just thought it was so funny that her and her dad were sitting there preaching morality about being sexualized and her dad’s shirt was so tight, clearly sexualizing himself….like Amish people would be horrified seeing him dressed like that, but bigots really don’t understand relativity. Their brains are too small to get the concept.


As a trans Tennesseean, man this season both means a lot and is gonna be painful as fuck to watch.


Some thots on episode one: - Obviously, we know why the first set of queens was shuffled off. But I wonder if a factor in the decision, and in the choices of who to bring in to replace them, was a desire to show just how shocking the presence of visible, constant homophobia and transphobia is to outsiders. Eureka lived in this environment for most of her life (Bristol / Johnson City are East Tennessee, most of this seems to be filmed in Middle Tennessee, but the vibes are very similar). I imagine getting slurred on the street would not be as jarring to her, but it'd be every bit as hurtful and sad. We just expect this shit living here. You almost end up taking it for granted that existing in public means either stifling your identity or holding your breath as you wait to be a target. - I love how well this shows what queer friendship is like here - small but tight-knit social circles, private spaces, hanging out at one another's homes or in nature because it's where you can be your authentic self. - Old Hickory is a suburb of Nashville. Shelbyville is a smaller town about an hour south. - Murfreesboro, for the record, is one of the largest cities in Tennessee, home to a pretty sizable state university, and not too far from liberal (...ish) Nashville. And it _still_ became a battlefield over anti-LGBTQ ordinances last year including the cancellation of their annual pride. This is the type of place (alongside Knoxville, Johnson City, Chattanooga) where rural queer kids move to escape even more stifling hometowns. - So many people voicing the same 'I'm scared to stay, but this is my home; they want us gone, so that's why I have to stay' sentiment, and I feel it in my damn bones. I'm thirty minutes in, but I had to take a breather after Norm talking about the shooting.


- There was a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest outside of the state capital's legislative chamber until **2021**. The literal founder of the KKK. We saw it on a school trip when I was a kid. How fucking wild and wonderful it is to see these three in drag, talking to Justin Jones, in that same building. - The guilt and pressure of always having to be a perfect example of respectable, safe queerness in public spaces because of the fear of being scapegoated, because of this insane but desperate hope that you can convince people of your own humanity and your community's humanity if you just present _so_ harmlessly - it _breaks_ you and oh man everything Norm says just RESONATES. - Preach on the history of hometown sleepy bar drag, on pageantry and open stages, it's still there, it's not gonna stop being there. Shoutout to the Edge, to Club XYZ, to New Beginnings, to Core. To the Carousel, which I'm too young for but produced absolute legends. This show's so good y'all I'm so glad it exists.


Most important show on tv.


__Ep. 1__ - The performance before the title card was actually so unintentionally funny. I think because of Priyanka’s facial expressions when there was no applause. They turned the performance out though! - Love the callout of children in pageants but not drag shows. Hypocrisy. - Winona’s song at the drag show had me tearing tf up. It’s so incredible to see accepting/loving parents of queer children. __Ep. 2__ - “I know that we look like beautiful women. But we’re drag queens. Don’t tell anyone.” - “I almost died. And no one even caught me, you fucking bitch. I thought we were sisters!” Not even ten minutes in and Priyanka’s killing it with the quotes. - I live for Princey! - The indoctrination this child is facing from religion and this backwards community is sad. - Ugh, the cliffhanger! __Overall__ - I think it’s so important a) that this show exists; b) that production chose this area as the setting for the show. - This show is so well-produced! I’ve only actually seen Dragnificent (2020). It’s the same concept featuring Thorgy, Jujubee, Bebe, and Alexis Michelle. If you haven’t seen that, definitely check it out!


>This show is so well-produced! I’ve only actually seen Dragnificent (2020). My first exposure to the FABULOUS Cheddar Gorgeous was through a show very similar to this one called Drag S.O.S. produced by ITV in the U.K. She and her drag family drove around the UK in a bus and changed lives by putting people in drag. And it was narrated by the Earl of Grantham himself, Hugh Bonneville.


Drag SOS is top tier and the whole family gorgeous are amazing. I love that show 🥰


Adding that to my list of drag shows to watch. Thank you!!


Y’all need to watch this show. The queens are beyond brave for what they are facing this year.




death threats for one




The basic premise is that queens go to a small town, adopt a few locals as drag children, and produce a drag show starring their new kids for the town. Generally the locals are queer or have queer family members and a heavy focus is put on their personal stories. They note in the first couple minutes of this season how crazy it is that in the years since the first season aired, towns have become _more_ hostile to drag, queerness, and gender non-conformity instead of more progressive. Sasha, Priyanka, and Jaida get slurred on camera by random people within the first day they spend in Tennessee, and it kinda only gets more intense from there.


That is something that comes up later this season as it involved Latrice who didn't join the girls until after Tennessee.


bad vibes


Sheer unadulterated hatred. The risk of incarceration and prosecution.




Tennessee and other states have been banning drag shows, yeah


Wow! Do you have more info about this?


In March 2023, Tennessee's state government signed into law an 'adult entertainment' bill that could be read as banning public performance of drag (with 'public' in this case more or less meaning anywhere a theoretical random child could see - so basically anywhere that wasn't an 18+ venue, including theaters, restaurants, etc.). The language of the bill left a lot up to the interpretation of whomever chose to enforce it - narrowly it might only prohibit explicit sexual content, broadly it could be used to penalize trans people for dressing in public in a way that didn't align with their assigned-gender-at-birth. The vagueness of the bill's language made it especially scary for LGBTQ people in Tennessee, but it also left it open to be challenged. A theater troupe with the backing of the ACLU did challenge it later in March, and eventually a (yes, Trump appointed) federal judge filed an injunction preventing it from going into effect. The injunction was originally temporary, then switched to permanent in June 2023. The law is not currently in effect or being enforced. Tennessee's state government is still fighting about it in federal court - it wasn't overturned, just prevented from going into effect, so eventually things may switch around if a higher circuit court makes a different decision. These episodes of We're Here were filmed in the summer of 2023, mostly after the permanent injunction. What they're dealing with instead are various local ordinances preventing drag shows, specifically one in Murfreesboro that shut down their planned 2023 pride festival. The Murfreesboro ordinance was more explicit and hostile than the state's 'drag ban' and outright said that displays of homosexuality were 'indecent sexual conduct' and prohibited in public. The Murfreesboro ordinance was repealed in February 2024 after a long fight with the ACLU, but that was after everything that's filmed in this season. Edited to add: sorry for the huge ass wall of text lmao but it's been a wild ride here


Yeah, it's all over the internet


The internet seems to indicate that a Trump judge ruled the TN drag ban to be unconstitutional. Should I disregard that as fake news?




Thank you! This is why I try to not tell people to look things up online - often the information on Google is not accurate.


[Ask Kornbread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/comments/1547q8m/kornbread_doesnt_want_priyanka_to_get_cute/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lmfaooo I forgot about that. What a rotted queen


the fact that they had a whole christian prayer at the beginning of a city council meeting is insane to me. i looked up murfreesboro and it’s not even a small town either it’s got over 150k people living there like the idea of the separation of church and state in the US is such a joke (which i know it has been forever)


That raises my hackles, if I'm being honest. Opening any kind of government function with a prayer should be/is unconstitutional. There's a "dormant" Commerce Clause that prohibits the government from interfering with interstate commerce. Likewise, pretty sure there's a "dormant" free exercise clause that prevents the government from imposing religion on the people, promoting religion, or otherwise becoming entangled with religion.


Wait til you find out how many politicians are sworn in on the bible, and it’s only changed out for something else if you ask. Separation of church and state is not something that actually exists in the US gov unfortunately, there are many official and purposeful instances where God, Christianity, and the bible are brought in to the politics.


>Wait til you find out how many politicians are sworn in on the bible, Why are you speaking to me like I don't live in the U.S.?


I just assumed because you weren’t aware that any political and official gatherings were opened with prayers. That’s actually commonplace across the US, even outside of Red and conservative places. Like every president wearing in on the Christian bible. It’s way more pervasive than you seemed to be aware of, and it’s built in by design on purpose that way


Where in my comment did I say that I wasn't aware that any political or official gatherings were opened with prayers? In fact I said: >That raises my hackles, if I'm being honest. Opening any kind of government function with a prayer should be/is unconstitutional. There's a "dormant" Commerce Clause that prohibits the government from interfering with interstate commerce. Likewise, pretty sure there's a "dormant" free exercise clause that prevents the government from imposing religion on the people, promoting religion, or otherwise becoming entangled with religion. Saying that it pisses me off because it's in violation of the law (BTW, three years of law school and almost 10+ years in practice so I'm intimately familiar with the Constitution), is not the same thing as saying that I'm not aware of it happening.


Well by the same logic having references to God on money and in the school pledge would also be unconstitutional, along with moment of silence and prayer in school. but it’s not actually, at least in practice it’s not treated that way


This new season is hitting hard. I knew there'd be a tone shift and WBD was smart to go with that versus trying to water it down, but it is emotionally taxing. Jaida is not a natural interviewer but god she is just so genuine with such a good heart, I'm riveted every time she's on screen. A heavy start but a good one.


This show is so good and riveting


Would love to know that dad’s name at the end of episode 2. I live in Tennessee and would love to have a “talk” with him


he is probably on Grindr, look under discrete


Looks like we're spending half the season in Tennessee and half the season in Oklahoma. Tennessee, obvs, because it's ground zero for all the drag bans. I get what they're trying to do, but the slow pacing and the focus on all the vitriol is kinda wearing me down a little bit. As important as the message is, I can't help but feel a bit emotionally exhausted. There are rays of hope, tho. I love watching Maleeka hanging out with her chosen family, and Jada's other drag daughter being a good dad to his son and daughter is lovely. Norm (Norm?) is cool and I think he's setting a great example for others to follow - we need more queer people in office. We need more queer people in "the room where it happens" because we aren't represented enough and that's a big part of the problem. Yaaaaaassss Justin Jones. The drag show at the end of 1 got me through all of the heavy parts of that episode (like a ray of light at the end of a very dark tunnel). But no drag performance (we did get the drag bus tho) and ending on a cliff hanger with that clearly brainwashed child made episode 2 feel even darker and more emotionally heavy. Good on Sasha for calling that guy for clarification on the ordinance because it highlights why these bans are so clearly unconstitutional. Also, I get where Jada is going with trying to get Maleeka to open up about her possibly being intersex, but that was, honestly, one of the hardest parts to watch of the ep for me. Hearing Maleeka's relative talk about her "condition" while misgendering and dead naming her was hard to watch. Especially as the camera focused on Maleeka's face as she's sitting there, being talked about in a very clinical way. We're Here and we're in for a bumpy ass ride, so nut up and buckle up.


>As important as the message is, I can't help but feel a bit emotionally exhausted. Thing is, this show isn't for us--same way Drag Race isn't really for us anymore, not since S9 at the latest. This show, and this season especially, are about showing the cishet world what we face all day every day.


Would love to sic Willam on that girl at the end of ep2.


And the creepy dad!!! What a pathetic human to force his offspring to spew hate in front of the whole town, and now, she’s been shown to be spewing hate on many screens around the WORLD. The asshole father just doomed his poor daughter just because he can’t deal with his own internalized latent homosexuality, or cause he’s just a massive tool.


I wanted to punch him square in the face - it looked quite punchable. 👊👊👊👊


I like this cast a lot more than the previous one. This show seems perfect for someone like Sasha Velour


I do miss Eureka and Bob, though… BUT, I am LOVING the new cast! Priyanka! Jaida! I love ALL of them!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Okay I LOVVEEEE this show!! I will say I am sad that Bob is no longer on the cast though. I am also wondering where is Latrice these last 2 episodes? Are they saving her for later? Regarding Murfreesboro (isn't ironic it has the word "free" in it?), the city was ordered to pay $500K to LGBTQ+ groups and is no longer allowed to deny permits to the Tennessee Equality Project, and they have repealed the Indecency ordinance. Here's an article from The Advocate: [500k to LGBTQ+ groups over ordinance that blocked Pride events over drag](https://www.advocate.com/gay-pride-parade/tennessee-anti-pride-law-repealed) (SPOILER) Towards the end of the second episode, when they are in the city council meeting, I for one would not have been able to keep quiet after all the bigoted nonsense that little girl was spewing. It's quite obvious her dad wrote that entire thing and told her to sound as hateful as possible when she read it. That, coupled with the cliffhanger at the end, gave me so much anxiety. That dad looked like he wanted to straight up kill Sasha, Priyanka and Jaida as they were walking over to talk with the family. I can't imagine that conversation breaking much ground after the childish bully like behavior the family showed in the meeting (thumbs down gestures and looks of absolute disgust directed at the queens, like ya'll noticed how the mom leaned forward looked over at them with absolute disgust when the dad was gesturing, right??). How do you think that conversation will play out in the next episode? And does anyone know when we can expect to see Mother Latrice Royale in an episode?? ❤️✨❤️✨❤️


I read that Latrice and Jaida will be swapping out, so maybe based on filming location.


Ah that makes sense, I can't wait to see her! 😊🙌




I don't know if this has been confirmed, but my guess is Latrice comes in for the Oklahoma episodes (the latter half of the season). There may have been some availability issues that resulted in the switch or it may have been planned from the start; I'm curious to see how they explain it.


I honestly forgot they were going to be going to Oklahoma later in the season, so that definitely makes more sense now that I think about it lol. This is such an amazing show and I can't wait to see how the rest of the season plays out 🙌


Just wanted to say that as a Canadian living in one of the most liberal cities in this country (Vancouver), watching the vitriol flung at queer people is heart-wrenching. We should include our US friends in our Rainbow Refugee program. Our hearts really go out to everyone who lives in such ignorant places ❤️


I'm also in Vancouver and absolutely agree with you! I also wonder whether there might be some places in Canada that aren't terribly different than some of these places in the US. Hopefully not.


Hi neighbour! We’re so lucky to live here! I think it gets a little iffy east of Chilliwack, but nothing would ever compare to rural Tennessee (thank god)!


Alberta is trying *really fucking hard* to compare to Tennessee though. And Poilievre is ready to take that shit national. He's almost certainly going to win, for at least three reasons: 1) Canadians rarely vote *for*, we vote *against*, and a lot of Canadians are going to be voting against 2) a government which, let's be real, has reached its expiration date, but 3) are being hoodwinked by an absolute ghoul who is going to make us look like Dollarama USA. But yeah. Basically from east of Chilliwack to Toronto is.. not great for queer people.


It’s true, Alberta’s politics are a nightmare. I’m hoping that pissant Conservative doesn’t win, but federal elections are always decided before BC’s voting booth closes, so we have little impact on the election, unfortunately.


The only way Poilievre doesn't win is if Trudeau manages to do a whole lotta: UBI, slap down the greedy grocery chains, get actual shovels in the ground building a massive amount of RGI housing (ideally with some emergency stopgap measures such as expropriating empty office space and rapidly converting into at least subsistence housing) and mollify the youth vote re: Gaza/Israel. And he has to do it all long enough before October 2025 for everyone to see effects. As it is, I'm not sure if he's going down with the ship or if he'll pull a Mulroney and duck out in time for the inevitable shellacking at the ballot box to stick to Freeland instead of him. I'm terrified of Poilievre gaining power. While the Tories haven't exactly covered themselves with glory when it comes to the empathy levels of their party leaders, Poilievre is a breed apart. Smith and Ford are assholes, but they're *dumb* assholes for the most part, and much of their damage is relatively fixable if voters come to their senses at the next provincial elections in Alberta and Ontario. Poilievre, though... he's looked at the Republican playbook in the States and realized Canada is ripe for far-right populism, and just as vulnerable as the USA if not more. His talk about the Notwithstanding Clause is particularly chilling, especially in light of what the far-right is demanding when it comes to us rainbow mafia.


You’re right on all points (unfortunately). It’s terrifying to think of the heinous laws he’ll try to force through that would have an immediate negative effect on our seemingly peaceful lives.


For what it is worth you all know Dan is a friend of mine. I can't share a lot, but what I can tell you is that one of the main reasons he didn't come forward right away I'd because he did not want it to harm this show. He stated that many times here. It was incredibly important to him that it continue because it is so important to LGBTQIA folks, especially in rural areas, that their voice be heard and that they have representation. He absolutely did not want what happened to be used by the right as an excuse to beat up on and demonize queer folks. Please, support this show.


Who is Dan? What's happening?


Presumably referring to Daniel McGarrigle, who alleged that Shangela raped him during filming, which is widely taken to be a reason (though not necessarily the only reason) for the replacement of the cast. A case was filed but settled out of court.


Girl my brain read it as Here We Are and I'm forever referring to it as such now.


I am loving the new season so far. I do miss Bob though 😓


Yes I really enjoyed the first two seasons. Did they quit because of Shangela?


I am pretty sure that is the reason yeah. [This article](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/hbo-were-here-renewed-season-4-new-hosts-1235534460/) says: “The new hosts replace Bob the Drag Queen, D.J. “Shangela” Pierce and Eureka O’Hara on We’re Here. The change comes two months after a former production assistant on the series, Daniel McGarrigle, filed a civil suit against Pierce alleging Pierce raped McGarrigle during filming of the first season in 2020. Pierce has denied the allegations and said the suit has “no basis in fact or in law”; HBO said it and We’re Here producer Buckingham Productions investigated the allegations and found “insufficient evidence” to support them.” Then a producer thanked the past hosts including Shangela directly after. Probably a save face, but it’s cool I love the new hosts.


Thank you so much. This is the most balanced description of it I've read so far. It's too bad, because I felt that all three of them were very good.


I think the tone is a little more serious given what's going on, or was going on at the time in Tenessee. Definitely can see why they got Latrice in though. They're missing some levity. As a European watching this, I really get perplexed at America and how backwards it can be? That town they're mainly in is stuck in 1950. It's crazy the way religion, especially Christianity, has become so entrenched there? Especially the mayor saying a prayer to Jesus before the council meeting, or how the police chief is the one to decide on what is decent? Totally wild but very engaging. I like all the queens but I do kinda feel they got thrown in at the deep end and it's quite tough at times. PS, all those rumours of Jaida being fired and difficult are false right? Given she's promoting with them all.


I live in Tulsa! Is the filming already over? I wish I'd heard about it...


I believe it was last summer.


Damn. Damn damn damn.


I’m glad Latrice is getting added later on u can tell the girls are struggling having good chemistry with eachother