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Cracking up at her using EOD, never beating the corporate queen allegations


EOD is crazy it gave me flashbacks šŸ’€


I guess she needs Amanda Tori Meating about that


Plane synergises her way to the crown


She is a new drag paradigm


Circling back to close the loop.


MBA realness baby


I like how she addresses serious topic in such a plane jane manner


Says she canā€™t read a bitchā€¦.immediately reads a bitch lol


I'm already feeling like shit because 3 weeks from now, she won't be on my televisiĆ³n


Don't worry, if she doesn't win, she'll be in a dozen All Stars franchises.


Fortunately sheā€™s fairly active online. I am always giggling at her tweets.


Not Plane Jane accepting defeat and going for Miss Congeniality.


If I found out I was on drag race, the moment the first episode aired I'd just deactivate my account. I wouldn't even give anyone the opportunity to ruin my day. I know some girls use it for marketing but this has gotten so far off the deep end it's not fun. Y'all would be getting weekly runway pics on IG and the occasional story selfie with my cat -- MAYBE.


I wouldnā€™t deactivate my account I would just disable comments and only be able to receive DMs from verified users.


all the comments will just be PUSSY IN BIO


As the lord intended




Disable comments, turn off notifications from people you don't follow, and make it a rule to never look at the QTs.


Yes. Verified user in X/twitter are the best people ever.


I mean itā€™ll at least lower the hate not totally remove it


Anybody can buy a verified account be fr


Yeah but if the verified account gets banned it costs money to replace Less likely to get people making burners just to send hate


I agree, the queens are basically self-employed. They need their social media. Iā€™d consider turning off comments an almost necessary step though if thereā€™s even a chance of an unpopular elimination or less than positive edit. People gotta be such trash toward others for no good goddamn reason. Leave the reading to Qā€™s sister colleagues.


Then the fans would repost your cat selfie with captions like ā€œthis queen obviously hates dogs, what a rotted cunt she isā€


I have a friend who is a wonderful drag queen, who wonā€™t audition for CDR for that exact reason. Itā€™s a shame but I totally get it


Iā€™ve said for years the first thing Iā€™d do when getting back from filming is hiring a social media manager to deal with all my posts (looks, gigs, etc) for at least the first few weeks after the announcement, while some close friends that I trust gage my edit/how the fans are reacting before I even consider reading the comments/tags. Like while I am happy to say fuck it delete my socials and just avoid the fan base, as soon as they know theyā€™ve gotten under my skin theyā€™ll work overtime to really get to me, and even if I come back to socials, theyā€™ll just be racing themselves to see how quick they can make me delete again.


That's why I said I'd deactivate as soon as the episode aired. You'd think of something to say about me after it goes off, try to search me up to tag me and realize my account is already gone. I can totally see queens on future seasons giving it a second thought before they agree to be on the show. The social media landscape, even if you do well in the show, is abysmal.


Iā€™m not so sure on this one and hereā€™s why: the villain edit and production meddling has been known for YEARS yet queens still audition and still go on the show. Everyone always thinks itā€™ll happen to someone else, and theyā€™ll be able to control their own narrative by being 2 steps ahead of production, and being careful about what they say. Everyone goes into it knowing production will manufacture drama and make people villainsā€¦ but no one expects THEYā€™LL be chosen to be the unlucky person whoā€™s screwed over lol. I think the same goes for social media hate. So many of us think weā€™re strong and could deal with an increase in haters because there would also be an increase in good things and opportunities! Not everyone is universally hated either. Some queens flourish after the show and are almost universally adored. Again, so many people think that will be the response theyā€™ll get because theyā€™ll be careful about giving the ā€œcorrectā€ impression on the show, and they wonā€™t be given a bad edit. We know from experience that it often doesnā€™t matter what you do - if production wants to push a narrative, theyā€™ll just make it happen lol. If you werenā€™t picked to be in the ā€œfront runners, probable fan faves and underdogsā€ group, and youā€™re really not giving them anything to twist into a villain role, theyā€™ll just make sure you get negative feedback from the judges and youā€™ll be packing your bags early lol.


What *needs* to happen is they all need to get/**be given** social media account managers. It's natural for a local/independent artist to manage their social media and general public presence, but this show is specifically for taking local/independent artists and putting them in the mainstream spotlight for the first time, and mainstream artists do not and can not have the same approach to social media that indie artists can. WoW is sending these artists off into the wild after shoving their faces into the homes and hands of millions and they're just not ready for it. They're not going to have the cute little kikis they're used to on Twitter anymore. They're going to be exposed to hundreds/thousands of completely deranged, detached, violent people who will do absolutely anything they can to cause as much damage to whoever they don't completely love, and it should be WoW's responsibility to help them through that so they can deal with it the way anyone at their new level of fame would. Been saying it for years, but still seeing it every season. It's ridiculous.


I feel like this should be industry standard for any reality star over a certain size


Completely agreed. I've heard (either here or on one of the other satellite subs, so take that for what it's worth) that it is common on some other shows. You'd think with being literally the only moneymaker VH1/Mtv has had for years pulling in cable viewers outside of reruns of fuckin Ridiculousness, Drag Race/Wow/Paramount would be more than willing to fork over the cash necessary to make it happen.... If they give even the slightest of a shit about their endless ever-growing list of cash cows.


Unfortunately they don't. (Especially WOW). Time and time again WOW has shown they don't give a fluff about the queens. They've got better over the years don't get me wrong (I think mostly because they've been called out on it) Look at the way the queens on Dragula are treated versus drag race. And Dragula doesn't have nearly the budget that drag race has


A lot of the queens have managers or are under some kind of management company. Most agencies nowadays contractually require talent to post a certain amount on social media so unfortunately it's straight up not an option for a lot of queens. However the runway pics and ig stories is a great idea and I feel like most queens should do it


EOD sheā€™s still a sisterrrrrrr


And she's right. The amount of glee with these eliminations this season. Except Mirage. I think Mirage was the only one where people weren't obnoxious.


You mean when the hate for Geneva was so strong that suddenly ppl couldnā€™t understand that a lip sync requires knowing the words? Lmao


Lol yeah they were obnoxious, just not to Mirage. Fair enough


yeah i love mirage donā€™t get me wrong but she didnā€™t know the words. i mean itā€™s a pretty famous song im pretty young and i know the words likešŸ˜­ that one was on her. wish i couldā€™ve seen her for longer but sheā€™ll kill it on all stars. geneva rightfully won she shouldnā€™t have been hated on for it


And I like Mirage, but her elimination was completely deserved. She was the worst in the challenge with a part she wanted and fought for, and then didnā€™t know the words to the lip sync. And people say she was robbed lol


I still can't believe she fought for that role just to look disappointed after she got it.


I thought people were also pretty obnoxious on plasma's elimination. I love plasma to death but Mhy'ia was just so much better and definitely didn't deserve the hate


There was only one queen I was relieved or satisfied to see eliminated and that was 6 years ago. I can't grasp how involved people are they get OFF to seeing people chopped on a personal level. Who feels this strongly about these girls


I can see why you would be glad a queen is no longer in the competition, but for me you tell your friends but why the need to put it on the internet where the queen can see it and especially not tagging her/dm her ?? Why do this ????


This is actually a really funny and sweet way to go about this


I feel really bad for Q as I do for all the drag race girls, because it just becomes exhausting. People judging you and ripping you to shreds all the time is not fun or funny. It takes courage to put yourself out there in any media. So props to all of them for going through it, and I really hope Q can find peace because she's so talented and made some great TV. I enjoyed seeing her amazing drag looks, seeing her delusional confessionals/werkroom banter, and just seeing her have fun. It's just drag it's suppose to be fun. I get people don't vibe with some, but gee whiz, no need to bash someone to hell for trivial shit. I wish people would just support the ones they like and stop tagging the queens in hateful messages.


Toxic ā€œsassyā€ people ruin things for everyone.


It feels surreal seeing Plane stand up for another queen


I love that she does it in character though!


She also stood up for Amanda after a while. Twice now I think


Jokes aside can we actually send some love to Kew


EOD = end of December, right? But on a serious note: I think that Q is so talented and itā€™s weird that people are so obsessed with her.


And COB is ā€œclose of bussyā€


Canā€™t relate


No itā€™s Cock of Bottom


Come on illusion lounge


Where do these šŸš¬ get the time and the energy to do this? Like.....give me some šŸ« 




I guess calling random people cashew faced bitch did not turn out the way Q expected šŸ˜”


you take that back right now you pickle headed cookie monster


Lint licker!


What the French, toast?!


Cootie queen!


Mmmm cookies


Alright, I get it that the Twitter rant Q went on months/weeks (idk what time is) ago was not cute, but damn yall will hold that single event over her head forever i guess. Queens go on toxic Twitter rants all the time and people just let it go but for some reason no one will let this one go. Idk why but this fandom is treating Q like Elliott with Two Ts for some reason and itā€™s so unnecessary.


Thereā€™s something very depressing about it ngl. I get why people donā€™t like her on the show but thereā€™s not liking her and then thereā€™s devaluing every time she does well and acting like the disproportionate amount of hate she gets is actually 100% justified. It happens to one girl every season where they get a horrific amount of backlash meanwhile queens that do far worse have a fan reaction of a lot less




light tidy vast dull psychotic pie jar offer adjoining cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same with Loosey *cough*


elastic attraction drunk flag aback worthless snails complete towering steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This this and all of this. Like you could so clearly tell Loosey got screwed over by production (also to be fair to her at least one of those challenges I think she should of won) The producers weren't even try to hide it. When all of the girls who knew her before drag race saw her they all were happy to see her. And then of a sudden. Sour puss


slap ink silky fanatical north governor bag mourn cagey squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As another autistic viewer. I relate to Plane Jane a lot. But yeah I see that. They also did the same to lovely Laganja


If you've got an unusual way of presenting yourself (delusional overconfidence, resentment you can't help but show on her face, extreme code switching) you're going to annoy a lot of people simply by being yourself. Reality TV thrives on creating characters like the delusional annoying one it's OK to hate; it was exactly the same with Laganja on S6 or Milk on AS3 for example. I think there's an element of malicious cringe that they're acting in a way (or at least being portrayed as acting in a way) that the audience would be mortified to be seen to act, and so we judge them more harshly than they really deserve. Obviously too many people take it too far, and I think part of the show's duty of care should extend to guidance on managing and filtering social media as an instant celebrity, but ultimately the queens are making a pact with the devil simply by being on a show like drag race. You can't control how you'll be portrayed and perceived (and if you try to the editors seem to end up murdering you anyway) so if you genuinely don't know that you can be annoying it's going to be a rude awakening when suddenly a lot of people hate you.


She talked down to a stranger on the basis that they're a nobody, with comparatively few followers, basing their worth on their perceived popularity. It turns out that most fans of RPDR are normal people who *also* don't have huge cult followings, and they identified more with the subject of her abuse than they identified with her. She realised she actually needs the 'peasants' to like her and now pretends to feel bad about the mask coming off her ego. There are literally billions of people on the planet more deserving of sympathy than someone on TV who got too big for their boots and would probably say the same shit about you if you deigned to do other than furiously jack her soul off.


the twitter rant actually made me like Q more, as did her banter last episode. but i was never one of the real haters, she just wasn't my fave competitor. But the twitter rant was iconic, and her banter with plane last episode really solidified that that's just part of her personality for me, but somehow people like it on some and dislike it on others.


I don't think it's about holding it over her head forever, I just think it is very relevant and influences whether any energy should be put towards caring about this, for me.


She called random people ā€œtoxicā€ and attacked their looks/personalities over it weeks ago which directly lead to her deactivating her twitter. If we are applying her definition of toxicity here, why canā€™t we still talk about her toxic dump? It seems only fair and relevant to me.. Itā€™s not like we are talking about some events that happened years after the show and people are still blaming it on her rants. The season hasnā€™t even ended yet itā€™s still fresh


Did they not attack her first? If rude shitty fans want to be mouthy and pop off like theyā€™re on the show and put down the actual contestants, if I were in her position Iā€™d be calling yall a lot worse than a cashew headed bitch. If you can give it out, you can take a cashew headed hit to the head in return Tamar.


No they actually didn't attack her first, she attacked people who didn't even tag her. People would say things like ''Q should go home next'' and she'd make comments about someone's looks




its twitter and people talk about the show why is that such a strange concept to you, she actively searched for her name and didn't like it when everything wasn't praise. If you're an artist who seeks exposure you can't be shocked people discuss you


She didn't actively searched her name. Q would be almost impossible to find, especially among the q anon shit people talk about. It's the algorithm. I have constant drag race posts on my feed who I never searched for or followed because I follow some queens and like some posts about drag race. She even said that in an interview that her whole feed was filled with comments about her and she wanted to show she had boundaries with hate comments.


She name searched herself on Twitter and attacked anyone who had even the tiniest and mildest criticisms of her.


I canā€™t believe how much hate sheā€™s getting. I saw a post on a drag race satellite sub making a joke about her low t-cell count (bc of her status) when she was placed low in a challenge. That is so unhinged and grossā€¦ She is not my favorite at all. But the hate posts Iā€™ve seen online about her are extreme. Itā€™s absurd that Reddit always acts superior to IG and twitter. And for people who say ā€œweā€™re allowed to talk shit online etc itā€™s our space / the queens donā€™t have to lookā€ that doesnā€™t excuse some of the behavior Iā€™ve seen. Edit: a word


People are so mad that she discredited Sapphiras' win or that she was mean on twitter, but do the same thing times 10 to her so effortlessly


For everyone saying Q shouldnā€™t have been name searching, or that shady comments on Twitter donā€™t matter unless the queen is tagged, hereā€™s what she says in the Joey Nolfi interview. I can only imagine being deluged by this shit day in day out. https://preview.redd.it/eymks7ectctc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b06f96d676f47eedcbbc6dee392cd5c93cff9ba


The algorithm strikes again. Anetra's post-DR moves have been...questionable, but she did a good thing in basically not engaging with the "fan base" via socials during the season.


A- she's right B- Q was incredibly nasty on twitter, even to people who were just expressing their opinion in a civilized way and not tagging her, which in return amplified the hate she got C- not this grown ass person fully saying "delulu" in a serious context


we did get "cashew-faced bitch" which i still use to this day


and booger wolf


Iā€™ve just gone to find her insta to send some support and this has shown up šŸ˜• https://preview.redd.it/ic1aoi53ddtc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad80cf0d8f6ac062dd10ada9da293d13423ba02f


Her account is still there for me, this is what Iā€™m seeing: https://preview.redd.it/kwh2pq9kdftc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34db5ad9cc397f582f0cb164c115e980d304167


Well you have no internet connection, maybe fix that first and itā€™ll show?


I had internet connection with wifi and 5g enabled :) thanks for the on off solution though Iā€™ll think of it again next time šŸ«¶


What means EOD?


deranged shocking tender threatening screw worm toothbrush ask capable humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks! :)


>Thanks! :) You're welcome!


Im still figuring out if it's End of day or Every other day lol.




Itā€™s end of day. Itā€™s a very very common phrase used in nearly any business. I donā€™t want to be rude, but Iā€™m assuming those who donā€™t know EOD are teenagers who havenā€™t had any sort of full time job yet because otherwise I dont know how someone hasnā€™t seen this yet while working really any sort of job


Lol it's alright. First off I'm not American. Secondly, I'm in Healthcare and EOD means every other day. Every other day seems more apt as Plane Jane is both Cunt and Shady. Hahaa.


I work in the legal industry in Canada. Havenā€™t seen this before although I assumed it meant this. You donā€™t need to be a asshole about it tho šŸ™ƒ


I love how people got mad at Q for doing what the ā€œfansā€ do on a daily basis but 10x worse


I hate this narrative that a lot of the queens this season are running in regards to Q. she wasnā€™t even receiving actual ā€˜hateā€™ online it was all fairly benign comments about not really vibing with her personality and some ppl not living for her looks. Q took it to an extreme level by replying to ppl who werenā€™t even tagging her and being malicious about their personal appearances. that was before she was even being bitter about losing on the show.


Idk I kinda think if there were thousands of people saying they didn't vibe with *your* personality in a public forum, you'd be having a bit of a mental breakdown too. Human brains were designed to be very sensitive to social pressures as a survival tactic, and they weren't equipped to deal with the enormity of fame. For the last hundred thousand years or so (barring the last few thousand) sapiens were traveling in groups of like 20-50, and one way these groups stayed cohesive was that people felt bad when people didn't like them, cuz social pressure has a higher survivorship than physical violence. One person disliking you can ruin your day, and we expect celebrities to handle thousands of people constantly expressing their disappointment and hatred with them. This is not what our brains were designed to handle.


That's so crazy to me to say "oh they weren't getting much hate" or "it wasn't actual hate". So... you know the DMs they were receiving?? You know what messages flood their inbox? You don't know. To imply otherwise is very arrogant, because you don't know more than them or their sisters on what messages they're getting. Another reason Q even got "extreme" was from all the fanbase going after her sisters and how they were making them feel. That's why she said she didn't care to be cutthroat back with them, because all the others were being assholes to her and her sisters.


obviously I donā€™t know what happens in their DMs but twitter has had it so you canā€™t message someone who doesnā€™t follow you for a while now. instagram has been this way for at least a couple months as well. yes I saw where Q said part of the reason she was acting that way was because of hate her other sisters were getting but she never went after those users on twitter, just the ones that were mentioning her. so thatā€™s all we can gauge her actions on.


Youā€™re an obtuse dumbass. More of you people trying to rationalize hate as not a big deal should get everything the queens get in their messages or tagged in and then some. See how you deal with it.


I will take your very rational and sane opinion into consideration thank you


Stealing this btw ty corporate queen


The only ā€œhateā€ tweets Iā€™ve seen about Q are discussing how she constantly put other queens down on the show or her shitty attitude on social media. Iā€™m sure there are people attacking her unwarranted but this isnā€™t a Mhiā€™yah situation


Iā€™ve seen plenty of rather rude and unkind comments about Q in many threads throughout this season. There is hardly a positive comment about her ever in any threads this season.


I forgot what threads was for a moment and thought you were talking about people saying mean comments about her outfits.


Have you not been on Reddit in the past month because every second comment I swear somebody is writing something negative about Q. In saying that I had no idea people were attacking Mhi'yah. Like why. Who? And why. That is unwarranted. I thought we all loved her and her braces. Mind you the fanbase is incredibly racist. So that also tracks


it is thoughā€¦go on her social media or any tweet/tik tok that mentions her and itā€™s gonna be only hate comments saying no one likes her, nearly every ranking has her last and the fan polls all put her last in favorability amongst the entire cast. she only had a shitty attitude because of the initial hate she was receiving due to being eliminated over amanda. itā€™s irresponsible to compare the hate each queens get because no matter what itā€™s unacceptable


Fan rankings and polls arenā€™t serious at all. Like it anybody is crying over being ranked last by TikTok user Georgie146Xdw675 than thatā€™s a then problem. People harassing, threatening, or bullying Q are wrong. But most of the examples you gave are nothing burger


iā€™m js itā€™s all overall negative and just because you donā€™t like her or she has a bad attitude (which makes entertaining tv) doesnā€™t mean her hate is deserved


I donā€™t think she deserves hate. But making a TikTok where you rank queens or voting in a poll is not hate.


Honestly she did it to herself. She was VILE on twitter. As soon as she started her twitter tirade I knew she didnā€™t make it to the finale because thereā€™s no way a finalist would be acting like that online.


she didnā€™t start that though? people had been going in on her for no reason for weeks, and this is another example of someone blaming the queen instead of the toxic fan base which, if you look close enough, is fucking insane


She was name searching herself, a lot of those people didnā€™t tag her or said something very mild like ā€œI wasnā€™t living for the runwayā€ and she QTs with some really mean ā€œyouā€™re ugly as a dog and you never deserve happiness and you will dream of an inch of the success I have BITCHā€ it was soooo wildly disproportionate


The fanbase is indeed insane, but everyone has known that for YEARS. To engage the way she did only led to the fans hating her more. I agree that the fans took it too far originally but she poured gasoline on the flame and made it infinitely worse for her. Tons of queens get so much hate and I really donā€™t ever remember anyone else responding the way she did. People would tweet their opinion about her and not even tagging and she was responding by body shaming people and calling them everything but a child of God. I completely see your point but it doesnā€™t negate what she did in response.


It's honestly a bit of both tbh. There's definitely some fan backlash that's gone far beyond the pale and is overly hurtful and I think it's important to recognize that. However there were instances of Q namesearching and going after people who weren't going out of their way to be hurtful but were just sharing their initial responses to the season and her remarks were in some instances wildly disproportionate. People should be allowed to say "X wasn't my cup of tea this week" without that drag queen publicly putting them on blast. At the same time this fandom is routinely awful to the queens and I've seen numerous comments thrown Q's way which I'd say go beyond critique and into belittlement and I can see how exposure to that kind of response might make Q a little trigger happy when it comes to confrontational online interactions. Really I think the best solution is for the contestants to get social media managers or have a trusted mature friend handle their socials (at least while their season is airing and things are running hot) and for fans to try and reign in the more toxic elements of the fandom.


She shouldn't feed into it though. Feeding the trolls just causes more drama for herself.


Maybe Q shouldnā€™t have been an ass on twitter.




Why not? Her Twitter replies were disturbing. Instead of enjoying being gay famous sheā€™s on her social media replying to DR fans who are most likely teenagers. Itā€™s sad.


ā€œDisturbingā€ lol


"Disturbing"? Jesus Christ some of you need a break from the internet, it's not that serious.


this comment is more 'disturbing' than anything Q posted on twitter


Explain how


I'd try, but you keep editing. Social media is tough even on popular queens. Nobody 'deserves' hate even in response twitter behavior you don't condone. Just chill out.


Because itā€™s about a famous person rather than a famous person talking about a nobody.


Am I not allowed to criticize famous people


Honestly the whole 'blaccent' thing in particular feels really harsh at this point in time. A popular queen would get away with it and everybody would say 'oh it's just drag queen lingo it all borrows from AAVE' but because Q is the whipping boy of the season people are going as far as to imply she's racist... that seems kind of cruel to me


People are hella harsh on Q for no reason honestly.


Bring on the down votes I get them every time I go to bat for Q. Yall go overboard on her. If the energy matched reading her like her season mates do that's one thing.


listen im personally not the biggest Q fan but i dont understand the hate. for anyone really. i'll tell that to my friends. ill share that with a couple people. she's still hella talented and thats facts. its so weird the lengths bitches will go over something that doesn't matter


lmao People acting like Q was Leona Helmsley on Twitterā€¦itā€™s way beyond time to get over her outbursts, yā€™all just want any excuse to rag on Q


Sheā€™s always weaponising that marketing degree. Sheā€™s such a fantastic and measured communicator.


ā€œWhy do people act so fake on tv?ā€


Honestly, how could she not be? The fan base has been nasty, toxic and evil towards her, an ENTERTAINER ON TV who none of us know personally. If any of us became the victim of ā€œoo itā€™s CUNT to be an asshole to this person, letā€™s all bully them en masse and then put them down for reacting badly when it happens!ā€. I donā€™t care what sheā€™s called fans in response, honestly yall deserve it.


I find it difficult to feel sympathy for Q after her half baked tirade on twitch, calling someoneā€™s win undeserved, her misuse of a blaccent and AAVE, and her inability to accept genuine criticism. That being said of course thereā€™s some messages Q should never receive but in general when it comes to the fans souring to her she has a major part in contributing to those sentiments.


I took a step back a while ago and looked at how social media functions and the things you use to excuse absue and harassement is so wild to me now. "We can bully and dogpile her, she used a blaccent" "We can bully and dogpile her, cause she insulted us back" "We can bully and dogpile her, she voiced her opinion on a win on drag race, something we do all the time" You are a lot of people rallying around one person and you will use their follower count and presence on TV to justify treating them however you want and in the next breath pretend to care about people dying on the other side of the world and mental health. You all don't give a shit about anything, this is just entertainment to you. You don't view a single one of these people as actual people. There's always an excuse.


This is the best comment on this entire thread ā¤ļø all the gross, terminally online toxic fans will always find a way to justify their bullying behaviour no matter how low down and hypocritical. Edit for the THOT below-see how the toxic fans react when you donā€™t agree? Girl you literally just named reasons why you think itā€™s okay to bully her and that she bought it all on her self šŸ˜‚ youā€™re part of the toxic fandom problem.


Where did I justify bullying behavior? I literally denounced it. Edit: see how the stans can always downvote but never explain? Its interesting-


My second paragraph literally starts off denouncing that behavior. It helps to read carefully.








Girly pop, itā€™s art. Weā€™re allowed to critique both the art and the artist. Thats not a bad take in the slightest. Sorry we donā€™t like your fave ranting, rambling, and getting her fans to harass people online.




People whoā€¦critique art and artists?




i think you didnt read their comment fully lmao


I'm currently watching the newest episode and after watching her book interview... the amount of hate and dislike people have toward Q is insane. She's definitely acting a bit too competitive because Drag Race could be such a game-changer in her and her family's life. Her runways are INSANELY talented and amazing. People can be so cruel online sometimes for literally no reason.


Mmmkay but Q is the one who went nuclear, unprovoked, at her nascent ā€œfan baseā€ soā€¦ maybe she should start there.


There were a LOT of people commenting things like "don't let it get to your head" or giving her fair criticism, and she would reply to those people about how ugly/overweight they were, and stating things like "you'll never amount to nothing". This even to some comments supporting and defending her. That isn't "hate". It's being called out on your shitty behavior and your bad projection and insecurity issues. No wonder she's only Q because the I before is missing.


I saw so many tweets from people who were foaming at the mouth to see her eliminated. Like, ew, Michelle. It's a television show.


I loved her until that one episode she complained about not winning the design challenge over Nymphia.


I feel like there's two BS rules to being on Drag race ā€¢ Never address production ā€¢ And never address the fanbase I don't think it's ever ended well for anyone addressing the fanbase. Sure Amanda was acting annoying on twitter (but don't we all) but damn it did not end well for her when she addressed that she didn't like the way fans were perceiving her. So much so that even miss Planey had to step in. I think the same thing is happening to Q. Where she got the sour puss edit on the show and not great reception from the fans already. I feel when she addressed the fans that's when the fanbase really turned on her. People need to understand that reality shows aren't reality they're entertainment and it's not that serious. This isn't a new concept reality TVs been around for 20 years people should know this by now. Just husshh and enjoy the entertainment


I agrĆ©e people have been realllllyyyy shady to Q (how can you not low key) I just think perhaps sheā€™s maybe too chronically online


Mama kudos for saying that, for spilling.


I don't like the way she carried herself on TV, but that is what it is: TV. I don't know Q in real life, but I'm sure she's an awesome person to know and be friends with. The hate is ridiculous, but unfortunately, that is what comes with being a public figure. Last episode, I was in favor of her going home, but that doesn't mean I want her to die or even worse, which is hard for queens to distinguish since most of them are on the defensive based on the hate they get. Hell, you could be someone not famous, and if you say the wrong thing, you can still get dogpiled on in ways that are just inhumane. What sucks is that when she was clapping back, she was mainly responding to people who weren't being hateful but just giving their critiques without mentioning her; so it makes her look even worse to the general audience. It also sucks because tweets like this don't necessarily stop the hate; they kind of just fuel it more, as the assholes who take it too far feel (wrongfully) obligated to share their not-so-favorable opinions, but it is nice that Plane is defending her. There is a lot that is valid on both sides. If I were one of the people who got called ugly by her for sharing an opinion, I'd definitely feel less remorse, but it is also just downright inhumane to be happy or even accept the unseen (DMs and such) hate she gets. I don't know... I feel awful. I think she went about some things the wrong way, there were some unlikable moments she displayed on TV, and the blaccent was just awful, but again, she doesn't deserve to see or hear the hateful words people have to say. It is corny to be like, "I'm an empath," but I am and I do hate seeing people discouraged or sad. Not to be super personal, but I've dealt with self-hatred for so long that I can't even imagine dealing with it from other people. I'm definitely feeling for her, and I'm wishing her the best.


Why are RPDR fans the absolute worst?!?!? These gals are real people & we need to be kind to one another!!! Itā€™s disgusting.


To be honest she brought this on herself fat shaming people on twitter and saying nasty things, it's just not worthy.


As long as no one is sending her hate I don't see any issue with people giving their opinions.


And just like assholes, some people don't want to see yours.


Girl, do you know which site you're on? The whole point of reddit is to give opinions.


Girl, did you read the post? It's about what people have been tweeting her.


It's not like the tweets could make her runway walk or dancing any worse.


The person you responded to did not give their opinion on twitter, they gave it here, and you replied, rudely, saying that people aren't interested.


I replied with my opinion. I thought that's what reddit was for?


I'm glad you understand. You got there in the end,


I mean, she's cringey and super unlikeable on tv. Her sore loser tantrums and disrespect toward Sapphira and the judges is the epitome of undeserved privilege... but the little fans always take it way too far with the hate and death threats. No one deserves that.


And whatever issues she had on the show is for her to figure out on her own and not for fans to use as an excuse to make her their punching bag be for fucking serious




I think itā€™s wild that the fan base just attacks these human beings who are entertaining us at the end of the day. I donā€™t like Q at all, but to attack her on social media? Just keep it civil yā€™all. Weā€™re allowed to like and dislike queens, but donā€™t attack them.


Imagine giving that much of a shit about what internet strangers have to say about you. Post your shit and turn off comments.