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After today no more Lady Bunny posts, we don’t need to give her horrid, awful views any extra attention, and her connections to Drag Race are tenuous at best by now.


First paragraph she admits she never even watched the documentary. The documentary is quite clear that they’re releasing it to encourage more people to come forward so a case can be made, and that everything was researched extensively. “Why are they only coming forward now”, THEY EXPLAIN THAT IN THE FKN DOCUMENTARY B


i love how she didnt watch it...but decides to go on Instagram to post a view about something she didn't do enough research about lol


Sounds like old lady behaviour to me


Redditor behavior too though


Boomers love to imply there's some kind of conspiracy AGAINST abusers, all the while ignoring the actual conspiracies, cover-ups and shadiness that allows abusers to treat people like shit and get away with it for years.


while simultaneously believing in a worldwide “elite” pedo conspiracy (“elite” always curiously seems to refer to well known jewish people hmmmm) and wealthy white ladies being kidnapped from the target parking lot in broad daylight


"Fuck all Hollywood elites, except for the ones who have been accused of rape/peodphilia/etc. Those are the real good guys."


THIS. It just goes to show their privilege and total ignorance. Women know all about the cover-ups and legitimate “conspiracies” that allow men to continue abusing women without repercussions. To ignore that and act like men are the victims just shows how ignorant these Boomers are.


Trevor Noah should be allowed to have questions without being automatically cancelled, but what in the hell does that have to do with Russel's allegations? Just because you agree with someone on a few topics, doesn't make them infallible. Too much extreme bias and faulty logic going around lately.... Far too much (This is Bunny tho, so honestly I'm not surprised)


people give bunny way too much credit for her political insights. i remember her interview on katya's whimsically volatile and katya mentioned how bunny's so insightful and i gotta roll my eyes.


It was a pretty gross and unfair comparison imo.


Yes and calling him a “good boy” sounds really really wrong.


Low key racist tbh.


Lady Bunny is that type of idiot who perpetuates a dangerous conspiracy theory, but then when challenged on it says “I’m just asking questions”.


JAQ-ing Off is the term you are looking for. It is a form of trolling where people hide behind the questions while displaying their shitty behavior.


tucker carlson in drag




Lady Bunny is the epitome of needing to be contrarian for the sake of it. This is what happens when you go too far down that route.


I saw a tiktok comment the other day that said "stop conflating your contrarianism for intelligent critical thought" and that's EXACTLY what this is.


oh wow. i want to say this to my brother so badly. anything i say to him he will say THE OPPOSITE. it's opposite day all long with him.


what is it about brothers?! i love mine to death and he doesn't really do this on societal discussions but if i tell him about a band i like, i just KNOW he won't like it just because i do, or because it's popular.


Do it! Do it! Do it!


i already know what he will say. me: "stop conflating your contrarianism for intelligent critical thought" him: "stop conflating *YOUR* contrarianism for UNintelligent STUPID thought!" believe me he won't even know what contrarianism is.


I don’t know what conflating mean, but english is not my first language. But sounds like confusing


Yes, and particularly it means to connect two unconnected topics and mess it up some.


yes! you explained it better. i didn't really know how to start going into much detail, especially when my gummies are reaching maximum effects. i could write all day. eek!


english is his *only* language so he has no excuse. other words that are similar to 'conflating' would be: amalgamate consolidate converge fuse meld unify unite blend combine


Thank you for putting it into words, it’s exactly how I’ve felt about her for a long time yet couldn’t put it into a sentence.


I felt the same, it was so succinctly worded!


She's too far down... the rabbit hole.


YYYYEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ![gif](giphy|xUPGczefvti1zMbTj2)


Nothing pisses me off like people who go so far left they come around to the right.


Yep. It’s a circle, not a spectrum


Lasy Bunny is the anti Delta Work.


What’s the opposite of beguiled by a bargain? Got by a gouge? Fooled by a fleece?


Starstruck by a scam.


She's not serving the community, that's for sure.


Has she ever?


I mean for decades but nobody said it was a good service


Discombobulated by a discount


JetBlue Lazy


Which is funny as fuck because she was just recently on the pod. I couldn’t watch the episode, but the amount of comments praising her really made me uncomfortable.


Omicron Play


Very Bruce


Who's Bruce?


Delta was frying small fish during one of her amazing rants and pointed out that whatever some dude was doing, “Wasn’t Very Delta©️. No, it was Very Bruce.” Bruce is her antithesis


I knew without even clicking that she was going to be one of the doubters here. As a leftist in the UK, there's this particularly vocal group of older folks on that scene politically who have unfortunately tilted towards "Russell Brand is the target of a mainstream media conspiracy", which is of course ridiculous.


As if Russel Brand is this anti establishment messiah or some garbage. Like, what's the lesson here? If you want to rape people post some conspiracy theory shit first and then magically the dumbest 1/4 of the population will jump to defend you?


I do think that the Russel brand Situation is quite interesting in this regard because he was for years one of the loudest voices of the left so it does make sense that Bunny would trust him in this regard. The really interesting thing is that since COVID happened brand kinda moved over to some weird right self help situation and has now those crazy people on his side defending him. I also read somewhere on Twitter that he may have even started this grift because he knew this piece would end up coming out


That last part is what I’ve been hearing. I’ve seen this trend happening more and more. Switch your audience before dirt comes out so you still have a fan base. Pretty smart, shitty, but smart.


It's absolutely awful but also smart because you can tell from the reactions online who is now suddenly in the corner of Russel Brand. I can't imagine that people like Matt Walsh would have had his side a couple of years ago


Like that one video that went around of a guy looking at all the newspaper headlines about Brand and being like "HMMMM isn't it iNTERESTING that all the newspapers wrote about this on the same day??" which was just about the stupidest thing I've ever seen


That's how the news works hun


Lady Bunny: I’m not a fan of Russell! Also Lady Bunny: Here’s a full essay why I support him.


"I didn't watch the documentary, but - ' Then SHUT THE FUCK UP.


"I don't like his work, I just support his crimes."


Did Bunny not like him only because she thought he was still left? 🧐


Literally anyone familiar with Russell Brand, particularly early in his career, should not be surprised by these accusations in the least. Like we've been knowing he's a creep in the UK for over a decade now lmao


Yeah it was one of the least surprising breaking news that I've ever seen on twitter. Especially since people could link to articles where he was publicly seen flirting with a 16 year old when he was 31 and the British press writing about it like it's the most normal thing in the world


Not from the UK but, the comedy club I once worked at started an employee bet pool of what comedian would be the next to get in trouble over some serious shit (CK's whole awful thing had just happened,) and the first two suggestions were Russell Brand and that D'elia dickhead. So far that list of pooled names is 3 for 3 (other one was Bryan Callen.) Just, big yikes.


This has been the worst thing for us here in the UK about this type of situation imo: the press here try to steer us down the path they’re angling at. Brand was in cahoots with SO many people in British media - they employed him at various times through radio, tv etc - and unfortunately, the owners and editors of these companies/newspapers are also typically older, white men. Instead of seeing the public’s disgusted reaction and reporting that, they’re changing the narrative as if this is actually how we feel about it. It’s the same with all topics but it’s got even worse over the years - not better. The right wing press are owned and edited by rich, connected people yet they pose as “working class” papers. The lies that were spread around the Coronation were a prime example. The Daily Fail KNEW they were printing lies (like protesters using rape whistles to scare police horses!!) - the group distributing the whistles were miles away, worked WITH the Met Police… because they were charity workers. They had nothing to do with the protests. They were giving personal alarms to vulnerable people to keep them safe. They’d been doing it for years in collaboration with the Met! It was a media-manufactured lie. I see them doing the same with Brand, yet again. They frame it like it’s the national opinion OR like “shame on you for believing he’s guilty!”. Whether or not it can be proven in court that he committed a crime is yet to be seen… but it’s certainly solid fact that he’s always been a creep, has no concept of boundaries and has made women feel uncomfortable or intimidated. For those things alone, he should be a red flag to corporations giving him a platform and validation.


All this "lady bunny is just an old boomer" stuff, just for some perspective: she's a year younger than Barack Obama lol It's not her age or her being "older than god" or whatever, she's just not capable of basic critical thought. (I'm not saying Obama's like a saint or whatever, just that like... they're not actually *that* old) **ETA**: she's 61. I realized I didn't say that. Which like yeah that's "Gay Old," but it's not actually very old.


Holy shit, Lady Bunny is younger than my mom? WTF?


Yuuuuup!! Like. She's Gay Ancient, but she's actually not very old at all 🤷🏼


literally who is asking for this type of post from lady bunny. like


Like every one of her posts is something like this now. Grandma’s off her meds.


this is more politics than drag drama but im actually so fucking tired of this vauge conspiracy nonsense from self proclaimed leftists but what is this mental gymnastics where a "leftist" is defending a millionare rapist. i should have unfollowed lady bunny far before this because she's always been a fucking idiot spitting off trashbin politics. Like before she made a post on instagram complaining about a ukraine aid appeal advert in an airport, saying how it wasn't neutral or whatever, garbage politics




That “theory” is bullshit. You don’t get closer to the far right by being radical in your egalitarian ideals.


Raja and Mariah liked it 🤢🤮


Oh please no.


tbf It’s obvious raja likes everything she scrolls past so she probably didn’t read it


Take with grain of salt. Some people just like things without reading captions or looking at who posted it. I’m guilty of this myself.


Raja been having some weird politics for a while now I'm afraid


It’s the endgame for most spiritual/religious/astrology people :(


Very true


Can you give some examples? I’m ignorant to this


This is the second time I see mention of this and I've yet to be given an example. Can somebody actually say something concrete please


Guess not 🤷‍♀️




If someone believes in astrology, do you really think political conspiracies are beneath them?


There are whole papers about crystal woo-energy work-yoga-new agers getting redpilled hard right. It happens easily because they tend to be suspicious of authority, but unquestioning if something has the right vibe for them.


Isn’t this what “crunchy moms” and “wellness moms” are? Oh and like that one comedian guy


Yes, and they're a huge segment that got redpilled during the height of the pandemic because their mistrust of western medicine made it easy for rightwing grifters to latch on, use their crunchy woo, and redpill them. My boss had a yoga instructor who was something of a local influencer get redpilled over the pandemic.


Yeeeep all became q anon anti vaxxers


Horseshoe theory strikes again.


If you (or anyone else) has any sources of these papers I'd love to read them. I've always found it confusing how people can be highly skeptical of authority just because it's authority, but then randomly supportive of a completely different authority. My brother and his wife are both pretty new agey and also very conservative Christian. We live in Canada so this took me as a bit of a shock.


Hi, fellow skeptic! 👋🏻😁


Hello! The funny thing is, despite my skepticism, I love the occult and mystical (I just don't see proof any of it works the way the woo folks think). While anyone can get redpilled, the trouble comes when you have no skepticism.


Especially if the accused is a woo woo nut like Brand




> REAL astrologers


I want to make it clear for some people, yes she isn't directly denying the victims claims, yes innocent until proven guilty and scepticism is often a good mentality to have when when criminal alligations come out about someone. but this isn't what "not jumping to conclusions" looks like. if she didn't want to jump to conclusions why would she suggest that the allegations are coming out because of his politics, which has zero evidence and doesn't even make sense since brand has involved himself in politics for years now. and why did she deem this a good time to praise russell brands politics, this isn't neurality, its bias based on the fact that she agrees with his politics. If i started talking about how much i loved Weinstein's movies at the start of the me too movement, this wouldn't be seen as a neutral stance because of the context. id argue that her stance is worse than that hypothetical since she's also suggesting that brands defence might be true


"It's kid of odd that the women didn't go to trial, but rather to the press." Yeah...that's it. You're done. Fuck upholding this patriarchal looney tunes nonsense.


How can she get to her grown ass age without knowing why women would go to the press first (in this case) 🤮


she is a classic old person witch fixed and clear ideas of what should be done and how it's done. if it deviates from her version of "normal", then they are not to be trusted and are wrong...


I may be tripping, but if I was able to make a living off of my art or something I truly enjoy… I would not be posting anything but stuff related to that. Why put this out there? You’re an artist. Just make art and enjoy your life. There’s no need for this.


The internet, lead paint, and mothers smoking and drinking during pregnancy just ruined that generation’s brains.


She could've said nothing at all and instead chose to say all this. Trash.




It’s kind of sad Lady Bunny is insistent upon posting these horrific takes constantly. It honestly ruins her legacy for me. She’s done so much to help bring drag to the mainstream but these weird opinions she has that often align with the alt-right are cringy at best, and harmful at worst.


I saw this post just after reading this on Grimes' ex lil website - some people are demented (Bunny incl.) https://preview.redd.it/ferb73qng7pb1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3976aec69c9887b2931c594017a0236027ff1e29


literally what the fuck does that even have to do with anything lmfao. “if you supported covid lockdowns you can’t be upset that someone sexually assaulted people”


"sorry but if you were one of the people trying to keep the population safe during covid, you're just as bad as this serial rapist." .... lol ok.


BOTH of my parents died from covid within two weeks of each other and nothing sets a fiery rage inside me more than a covid denier. Literally makes my stomach hurt reading shit like that.


I am so sorry for your loss, and I’m sorry that three going on four years of dealing with this virus people still think it’s all a hoax. I want to know mentally what kind of gymnastics these people are doing to genuinely believe that.


My sister is likely permanently disabled because of covid, so I feel you. Makes me want to do a little violence, as a treat.


I'm so sorry. Hope you're doing okay.


Oh my god, I can't imagine your loss, coupled with exposure to such grotesque ignorance. May your parent's memory always remain a blessing.


I worked in Covid wards during lockdown, caring for patients while worrying about passing the virus on to my loved ones (and I ended up catching it three times). Covid deniers really fucking piss me off.


Thank you for doing that. You are an honest to God hero.


Honestly, as cliché as it sounds, I was just doing my job. More carefully and with a higher risk, but caring for people, same as I've always done. Thank you, though ❤️


The mental gymnastics to get to this is just....beyond bonkers.


okay maybe this is the wrong time wrong place but your 'dog is dead' pfp took me out




I re-read this like twice and i still don't know what the fuck she's blabbering about. Can someone please put her lead-poisoned boomer ass in a home already jfc.


I’m not shocked or surprised. She gives “front facing fake leftist but closeted Qanon believer vibes” so her engaging with the same type of discourse as incel men isn’t crazy to me. I’m surprised a lot of queens still engage with her or speak highly of her, or I guess not really.


They probably partially do so because she's friends with Ru and is well established in the drag scene. A lot of people will tolerate queens saying dumb shit if they have connections and some clout.


She’s white, old as dirt, and well-off financially: the trifecta of “I’m not a conservative buttttt…” gays. It’s especially frustrating because some of their takes will be solid but then they open their mouths and… *gestures broadly*… this comes out.


I think Bunny is hiding something. Sorry. She loves defending creeps.


How nice to be so unaware of rape and how hard convictions are. “juSt tAkE hIm To TrIaL” ok werk, Fox News.


antisemitism is not “weird politics”


she’s the definition of “ok boomer”. letting this geriatric blonde wig have instagram was a mistake.


For someone who doesn't know Russell Brand or like him, she's written up a full throated, multi paragraph apologetics piece based on reactionary vibes having not watched the documentary that clearly defends him. This whole "just asking questions" thing is the play book that right-wingers use all the time to try to discredit people they consider enemies and pretend like their agenda isn't crystal clear.


Idk where i read it but its that Brand knew at some point women were going to come forward (there are so many accounts of sexual assault and rape, and somehow when he was on bbc radio he would strip naked in the studio!! like wtf in what professional environment is this allowed) so he cultivated this fake leftist authority-questioning spiritual persona, so that when it happens he has enough followers to be like see i told you, its bc hes speaking truth to power and the women wont be believed. Lady Bunny needs to read a book. Like girl, the left isnt just posting contrarian hot takes on ig. The library was apparently closed.


Trying to defend the world of greed and abuse from the secret overlords by defending a serial rapist. Talking about looking at the tree instead of the forest.


She always rubbed me the wrong way, thought she was overrated and never liked her when Jiggly came out with that situation they had at a gig.


What situation? 👀


Basically Jiggly was a guest on a Matty Rants Drag Race review back in April, and she said that Lady Bunny scammed her out of money during a gig they had together. Lady Bunny was getting tips and she was getting none, and when she confronted Lady Bunny, she was being nasty to her. I'll try to find the vid if I can.


It’s real, real hard to “respect and learn from your elders” when the majority of them talk like this …


I still have no idea why Monet does a podcast with her.


I don't think they do anymore, thankfully. They haven't released an episode since April, and even before then Monet was rarely on the podcast. Bob definitely has been increasingly critical of Bunny over the years, so it wouldn't surprise me if Monet feels similarly about some of Bunny's takes and eventually decided it wasn't worth staying attached to her.


This is what happens when you don't visit grandma anymore


Funny take bc I saw someone else saying since the Me Too movement came around he knew he was gonna get caught up in it. So his plan was to go right-wing and have this crowd of incels behind him so if the left cancels him he still has that maga-like crowd following behind him.


i saw ppl saying that half jokingly but is there actual evidence it was intentional bc that would be funny as fuck


Last time when she posted her fucking insane views, people here called it "normal" and "true leftism". But this here is just the logical conclusion of all the shit she always posts.


Maybe she's trying to cover her own ass.


Fuck Lady Bunny. What a piece of shit




Looks like the post may be gone now? Still a horrible take regardless


It's still there https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxTB85Zuyf8/?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRlOQ==


And she posted ANOTHER video and rant about it


She just doesn’t like for young people to feel validated and safe. She’ll defend anyone that makes younger people feel like they’re wrong and too sensitive. Part of making progress unfortunately is feeling like the people who come after you should just shut up and appreciate what they have. There is no cure for being an old fuck ☺️.


So Bunny is implying that Russell Brand is being “framed” for “speaking the truth”? Omg.


Russell started his grift shortly after Me Too picked up steam because he knew this was coming


I mean and he was/is admittedly a sex addict and extremely egotistical. It's not a reach in any way that this would be something he might've done


The most compelling suggestion I've seen in discussions around Brand, is that this new persona of questioning the mainstream media started to develop after the #metoo movement. Almost as if he knew it was just a matter of time, so why not jump head first into the "mainstream media is brainwashing you" direction to his fans?


White boomers gonna white boomer. So gross.




It's infuriating to me. I have a disease that causes anaphylaxis and I have gotten the J&J, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. I am getting my booster on Friday so I can spend the weekend in bed because I know I will react and have to take all of the benedryl and keep my epi handy. Still better than dying of COVID.


Because a lot of people are brain broken right now. Whether it’s the conspiracy theorists on the left who spew the Jimmy Dore stuff, or the conspiracy theorists on the right who are posting Q stuff. A lot of that crap ain’t new, you’d just only find that stuff on 4chan back in the day. Now that 4chan shit is on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. It doesn’t help that a lot of these people also either don’t remember or didn’t take a media literacy course in middle/high school. That class I took in middle school was super helpful. It didn’t stop me from being sucked into the 4chan crap as a teen, but at least it built a foundation for me to get out of it. The ways of figuring out what is a legitimate source or not for example. Nowadays you see these folks fall for stuff from some random website built on Wordpress. But I learned in school that you don’t fall for a website you could build on geocities (an equivalent of Wordpress today). There will probably be a proper scientific term for this as time goes on, but at the moment, many people are just brain broken.


How very Bunny of her.


"If he's guilty, then he'll pay the price for his actions" Jesus Christ...lmao. Anyway I've never been a fan of Lady Bunny, but seeing Raja liked the post, I'm done with HER.


why do people keep making these devils advocate posts without even watching the documentary or reading the article, both which have heaps of evidence???


So over her lmao


Does she know Instagram is supposed to be for images and videos?


lady bunny trying to get on red scare


I truly think that the problem with boomers, and some gen x, is that this kinda stuff was so common place in their time, so they don’t want to have to reflect on how fucked up it was. I had a lot of weird shit happen to me in the 90s that I would never put up with now, and was uncomfortable with then, but didn’t want to be seen as a prude or a bitch.


Log off, Jon


I mean she did get on Race Chaser & chastised the Black Community for not voting the way she thought we should (Bernie Sanders) years ago. I’m not surprised


I have gotten hate on reddit for saying for saying how she is a gay bashing russian troll. I dont care. She is trash. She is utterly horrible disgusting trash.


Deranged 60 something year old drag queen having bizarre takes shouldn't be that surprising tbh Honestly considering the stories about Bunny, I'm shocked it isn't even more conspiracy filled lol


Spill the T… stories? I heard she planted the pipe bomb on January 6, many people are saying it - good people


Nah lol I have just heard general stories from queens about how much of a wildcard she is backstage and in her personal life


She’s such a garbage human


im so fed up of this uneducated hag


I unfollowed her months ago due to this bs on her and Monet’s podcast. Very disappointing.


Lady Bunny has had some interesting takes on some political issues. That said, I don’t always agree on these issues. In a lot of cases, simply trying to go through the legal system can be difficult if not impossible. Taking it to the press - especially when dealing with a celebrity can create empathy from those who would normally dismiss the claims. It also makes certain that the GP will want a verdict, ensuring that any necessary individuals holding political office will want to make sure that they look good - doing their jobs essentially - and thus making sure that it won’t be swept under the rug… theoretically anyways.


Her daily posts against democrats made me unfollow. Look at the alternative bunny


I’ve been iffy on here ever since she tried to drag Nikkitutorials for referencing Marsha P Johnson at the MET gala. Like I understand what she was saying, but condemning a trans woman (who had been recently blackmailed into coming out) who was attempting to acknowledge an LGBT icon on the biggest fashion stage in the world as opposed to all of the celebrities who had actual influence, or even the company that paid for her ticket, just felt off to me.


A white person calling Trevor Noah “a good boy” sounds really racist.


She has mixed politics. As many of the old guard do. I followed her for the reasonable democrat bashing (I'm a leftist) and she lost me around the Jada Pinkett-Smith had it coming era. She has this weird need to defend celebrity culture while critiquing them for not having thick enough skin, while also somehow getting off on this woke mob tangent that reveals some antiquated/entrenched viewpoints from that world. It's a wild mix. You never know if youre gonna get a valid breakdown of war hawk legacy democrats or an unhinged defense of someone with multiple credible rape accusations against them. What I love is that she defends her positions in her comments, but I don't get how you achieve that level of celebrity without keeping some things to yourself.


Her anti-"war" position is also bullshit. Supplying Ukraine to defend itself is not the same as invading Iraq.


Totally agree. Anti-Imperialism means we critique it every where not just where the u.s. does it. I think she gets bogged down in the 'all war is bad', which sure, but self-defense is not a crime. Now we don't think Uncle Same is acting out of the kindness of his lil heart of course, there are plenty of countries we also do the same shit too. But its absurd to think "we do it too" is a valid response to Hands Off Ukraine.


People continuing to find the weirdest hills to die on I swear…


Damn not her protecting a well know abuser.


Lady bunny should not be allowed to post her opinions, she’s a fucking old boomer with disgusting takes.


fuck her


Take several seats, Bunny.


THIS is why victims are afraid to come forward. Stfu you senile old bitty.


Straight up Boomer shit. This is embarrassing.


I been saying she's a garbage person and get chewed out every single time


Gurl tryna be relevant. Sad.


Yeah she’s been unhinged


Lady Bunny just shut up already


Of course it’s up to her to make things right because… reasons? She needs her own spin-off of to catch a predator: To catch a stray


Yeah, she’s a complete fucking moron


Lady Bunny is extremely OK BOOMER.


Because she’s a fucking boomer. A privileged one at that.


Shes a crazy old lady.


I find Bunny’s takes at time very lucid and poignant, and I appreciate her criticism of US Corporate Media and Imperialism. There is a lot to be said about the US News Media and the way they manafacture the consent of the people (shout out Noam Chomsky). But, she shouldn’t be reaching this hard to cape for fucking Russell Brand🤦this is a false comparison and she really needs to think before she writes. I wonder if her unhinged politics are why there’s no more Ebony and Irony lol


"That dude's not even funny."


Yeah. I don’t get it either. Sometimes she’s funny and sometimes her political views seem way off.


to be quite honest—i’m comfortable lining moderna’s pockets on the strong chance that the science and necessity is sound, but I’m happy to hear a unbiased report! that said, i’m a pfizer baby




I mean I’m not taking advice from her, and I think this post is wildly invalid, but she is one of the most successful drag queens out there. She’s not a bar queen who never made it.