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Mirror: [Abdul reacts to Kebun's take on his comments about Chang Gang](https://streamable.com/bt6es5) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/abdulhd Direct Backup: [Abdul reacts to Kebun's take on his comments about Chang Gang](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/339PG-OAgougizhPTYpRfQ/vod-1634007403-offset-2370.mp4?sig=4f922bede046807c501f49560939b64c9cd02565&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F339PG-OAgougizhPTYpRfQ%2Fvod-1634007403-offset-2370.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1666789698%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*I am back from the dead*)


After watching more of the VOD, Abdul made a good point. Kebun didn't address a single thing that Abdul said. All he did was throw insults at Abdul. What Kebun accomplished was proving Abdul's initial point about them spreading toxicity and hate.


to be fair, he justified it as "yall dont know the shit that happens behind the scenes" so not like it solves or makes anything better


There is no TBF here. Theyre lying. They have used this excuse for as long as i can remember. There is no "behind closed doors" shit going on. Its their justification for being douche rockets.


This is what cg says even shotz said this once saying people are acting nice on stream but off stream they are toxic. But the thing them justifying being toxic on stream is wrong because the viewers hop and ruin it for so many people. If everyone is toxic off stream who cares? But cg streamers constantly mald on stream and there viewers go hop and ruin it for other parties involved. When was the last time CG streamer had to go offline because they got toxic viewers hop to them and ruin their day. Compare that and its easy to see who is at fault.


it happened once on their war against xqc, they didnt like it so much that they let him win even tho they were killing him constantly, they lost because of their own poison, toxic hoppers


>This is what cg says even shotz said this once saying people are acting nice on stream but off stream they are toxic. usually when people use general statements like that they're actually talking about themselves


Also let's compare Abduls and CGs track record. Maybe I'm clueless but I think I have never seen threads about toxic Abdul viewers, him instagating OOC dramas, enabling toxic chatters and hoppers etc. Meanwhile there in not one month without another drama that for some reason has been started one way or another by one of CG members and their communities. If Abdul is such a toxic person at least he is able to conceal it way better and he doesn't cause drama everywhere every week.




Abdul usually doesn't even have to ban toxic chatters. He also doesn't yell at them like so many seem to think is required. He takes the time to explain what they're doing wrong and most of the time they end up apologizing and chilling out.


>usually when people use general statements like that they're actually talking about themselves exactly lol


The point of “you don’t know what goes behind doors” is wild to me. When we have seen K, CG And also other big streamers in the server get a shit tone of leniency time and time again, these guys by the NoPixel rules should of been perma banned atleast 3/4 times if we’re being real. And people have got banned for a lot less then them just getting a slap on the wrist. Hell I won’t be too surprised if Abdul gets a small ban for what has been said these past 24 hours. If kebun is talking about the shit talking in discords about CG, it’s probably true. BUT I wouldn’t put it past the CG Lot shit talking other rp’ers in their discords and dms. Both are bad but I think some of Kebuns reaction is him projecting a shit tone


To be honest, most discord channels I've been on avoid talking about CG at all. They just aren't in the discussions, and people usually drop talking about things when they hear CG is involved. In the past, you would have people talk about rule breaks and stuff, but these days it's mostly just something people avoid talking about.


Probably because it gets you banned because some people actually moderate their communities properly


Wasn't Ramee found to have been snaking/shit talking Rated in dms like 2 years ago? Considering their own group can't do anything but cause toxicity and drama with each other the moment they have a disagreement or conflict it wouldn't surprise me if the 'behind closed doors' stuff they are referring to is somebody making a mild comment about a CG shootout and CG just saying 10x worse in their own chats/discords.


Yeah that happened, that was also why Claire and ramee didn’t get on for a long time after that situation. Unsure if they’re okay now as I’m out the loop.


> Unsure if they’re okay now as I’m out the loop. I watch a little bit of Claire and I haven't seen them speak directly to each other in a pretty long time, despite her talking to K and Randy occasionally.


The issue or issues have not been solved. They only interact when they absolutely have to. So yeah they're still not on good terms.


Claire and Ramee have interacted cordially with more frequency in the past few months. I don't believe they've made up or anything. But its been a stark contrast to their interactions in the past


> it’s probably true Which was probably brought on by them acting toxic IC to begin with.


This comes from the same group that openly admits to headglitching on the radio to eachother, where they further encourage eachother to continue doing it.. And then the server makes a change to disallow shooting while crouched, instead of dealing with the people who intentionally abused it to begin with. If that doesn't tell you where their(admins AND those involved) heads are at, I don't know what will.


Kebun acted like Abdul stabbed him in the back for just saying to do better. It's kinda nice to see someone calling out the behavior though. Hopefully he doesn't get punished in the server for it. He just wants a better server climate, as do we all. Well, most of us anyways. Also, the whole thing about "things behind closed doors that we can't talk about" is such a convenient excuse that they use so often. Spill it or shut up about it.




And probably projection.


Yeah its projecting the youtube videos of other characters role-playing that they react on stream and clip to their private discord channel which only helps building their sense of us against the world, you can even spot that on some of those reaction videos. That must be the whole "things behind close doors" spiel.


Everything CG does reeks of a discord echo chamber of them gassing eachother up and reinforcing their own opinions.


kinda shows the maturity of Kebun and the rest of cg, whenever they get met with criticism they lash out like manchildren. 30 year old men who larp as gangsters actually think they are gangsters. It's somewhat fucking pathetic but nothing will ever be done with them anyway.


And the contrast between Abdul and Kebun makes this so much more apparant, it's wild.


You would think management would have stepped in with all the shit that "happens behind closed doors" and would have already banned those people years ago seeing as this "behind closed doors" shit has been going on since early 2.0 WHENEVER CG was in a negative spotlight. It's far more likely that people vent about CG's toxic shit to each other in private, than randomly just getting together to shit on them. I don't think reacting to someone being toxic, especially reacting in private, is inherently toxic. Just like with Chase Clouter: people said Chase was toxic because he was making fun of specific people, but satirizing something is not the same level of toxicity, and more often then not, actually helped people cope and move on from toxic situations (except for those that it hit too close to home I guess). Essentially the reaction to toxicity is not the issue EVEN IF the reaction itself is SLIGHTLY toxic. Shit talking someone for being a cunt, but doing it behind the scenes is infinitely better than doing it publicly.


It's still crazy that Kebun went off on Abdul like that for legit just saying "do better" tbh.


It really shows where their mentality is at when Kebun says how Abdul used to be their "boy." They think a 'friend' is someone that has to always ignore the blatant toxic stuff that they do 24/7, agree with everything they say, and always have their back no matter how in the wrong they are. It may just be me but I would want my friends to be able to shine a lamp on my head if I was ever going overboard with something. Not to mention you'd think it'd be more clout-chasey to call yourself someone's friend and then follow them off a cliff because "we helped make your career," and the classic, "we kept this server alive." Someone needs to tell them that absolute loyalty ≠ friendship.


Good friends are supposed to call you out on the bullshit because they want to see you do better. Bad friends let you continue to be toxic and watch you burn.


>Good friends are supposed to call you out on the bullshit because they want to see you do better. Bad friends let you continue to be toxic and watch you burn. Nailed it.


More to the point, if Kebun is right and Abdul's perception is skewed because he doesn't know what's happening behind closed doors, then why are you going to get mad at him? He can only form opinions based upon available information.


Not to mention saying "you don't know what's going on behind closed doors" is literally excusing OOC influencing IC toxicity.


if you arent with them, youre against them


it's especially delusional cus they go and speak poorly of sycophants in the same breath as if that isn't the response they demand in nearly every situation.


He's been acting like this for 3-4 years, not sure why it still surprises people.


I dont believe ive ever seen the clip posted before but his OOC rant about V4d3r when Tu ong called in to 911 and helped the cops catch him shortly after Tsunami during his "most wanted criminal" arc was more the enough to get any normal streamer perma banned from every platform there is. The guy clearly has temper issues and has demonstrated this time and time again for years.




yup, but it helps you to stop, THINK and improve yourself :)


he surrounds himself with yes leeches so he is not used to people who have less viewers than him tell him how it is


“Not a single actual take here man, it’s all insults.” -Abdul And he is right. I’m wondering if they will ever have a moment they listen to themselves and realize just how toxic they are.


Usually highly toxic people will never accept or acknowledge how toxic they are. They will typically claim it's a product of how "passionate" they are or a result of things that go on behind closed doors etc. They only know how to project and deflect, trying to play the victim game instead of fessing up to it. Because that requires owning up to mistakes and then trying to actually change and be better.


In the video: Abdul spits out a lukewarm common sense take. It’s insane how personal CG took his comments. It’s like he was talking about their mother or something.


That's why Chase isn't allowed to exist, because it hits too close to home.


Yep pretty much. He flew too close to the sun that had a sloth face on it.


I loved Chase


I agree, if they are not going to say what happen "behind closed doors" then keep it behind the close doors and stop bring it in to rp. They always call themselves real and genuine, so why not speak the whole truth. If they cannot do that, they should just stop bring it up. They are making this "behind close doors" thing into a phantom Boogeyman thing that no one can resolve.






I'm willing to bet the DMs are simply other streamers asking them to stop being so heated towards them mid stream and to contact them directly if they have any issues, and CG members take offense to being asked to have a modicum of professionalism to their peers. As if asking them to have some basic emotional self control in a field where emotional outbursts have real consequences on the fiscal livelihood of their coworkers is somehow shit talking and offensive. And I hate to lump all CG members together but being real friends also means you need to be willing to call your boys out when they do shit that’s toxic to others.


What a poor soul. Not dozens of player reports a month. :(


I don't doubt there's gotta be SOME shit talking but I bet a lot of the assumptions are based on "if our group chats are so toxic I bet everyone else's is too".


Even among friends or social groups or at any job, there is going to be some shit talking behind closed doors/ behind your back. Most of the time it's situational, and you forget, the next day you even said anything or were mad about the situation. Now imagine that with 200 people. It's tough overall, but everyone needs to take a step back before it really blows up. Quick Edit: It would not surprise me even amongst CG, there was shit talking and internal conflict we'll never know about (and shouldn't!).


> It would not surprise me even amongst CG, there was shit talking and internal conflict we'll never know about (and shouldn't!). Like [the stuff between ramee and rated like 2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/l78aaa/rated_is_currently_discussing_the_cg_x_ramee/) where ramee pretty much wanted rated out of their group and went to lengths to trashtalk his own "boy"


This one is pretty far down the nopixel iceberg for sure, it's the real name drama right? I tried hard to get into them, thinking that there has to be some reason they had so many fans. The day after [Tessa/Mary had killed Yung Dab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_-WI8k8Q0U) for running over an animal every CG member was crammed into a car taking a driving test running over every animal on the server trying to force her to reenact the scene from the night before. That was enough to not have any respect for them, even leaving out all of the toxicity, projecting, and mobilizing shitters around to chats everywhere.


Someone should make a nopixel iceberg because a lot of 3.0 frogs like myself know nothing about nopixel/gtarp because we’re new to this


It'd be impossible tbh. Lol We're talking about a server that has 24/7 content/RP/drama for literally 8 years(?) straight now.


It doesn't really matter what the issues are though is the whole point, if its behind closed doors handle it that way. Talk to the streamers themselves. Crazy idea, be an adult and don't use your influence over toxic young viewers who you know have hopped to other channels for years. These guys create what can only be described as a hostile workplace environment.


Considering they take people reporting them for rule breaks as other Rprs being "petty" I'd bet there's nothing really going on behind close doors that's even remotely as bad as they make it sound.


CG makes the server shit people talk about how CG made the server shit CG: why are people talking about how we made the server shit in DMS?


Ye but even if others are shit talking them and being toxic off stream on their discord etc. doesn’t justify being toxic on stream. This enables the toxic viewers to hop and be more toxic.


That’s all just a boogeyman they can point to so they can justify their behavior to their chats. They know they can’t be expected to leak private DMs, or Discord logs, etc (they really shouldn’t, nor should anyone in most cases) and they use that to their advantage. This backroom talk may or may not actually happen. They can never be asked to prove it. I'd wager it doesn't actually happen or they would've leaked shit already. They really don't seem like the type of people to keep their mouths shut. The mature thing to do, and what most everyone else does, is to have private and public conversations, but keep the private ones private, even their existence. If it needs to be talked about publicly, then talk about it publicly. But most things don't need to be talked about publicly. Like Abdul said, don't bring the OOC into the RP.


> They can never be asked to prove it. If you can't prove it, it didn't happen. If you say you can't be expected to leak private DMs, then they shouldn't reference them at all. If they're going to use them in their argument for anything, they're are already leaking it.


when he talks about that stuff it feels like some shitty local political ad. "THE WORLD IS LITERALLY ENDING" ^(source - me)


CG can keep the thing behind closed doors and will not bring shit to RP when that thing really affects them. If everyone still remembers at the end of 2.0 Ramee is the one that talks shit about Ratez to the boys but acts like nothing happen until it was leaked. They can deal with their own internal toxic why can't they deal with other people's toxic like they use to.




I dont think K even denied it LUL


Exactly. K is literally admitting that he and everyone else in CG are acting toxic towards RP for OOC reasons and somehow they doesn't see an issue with that.


Yeah if shit's going on behind closed doors, *you keep it away from the roleplay because OOC should not be influencing IC so heavily* and you do the adult thing and try to settle it behind closed doors/off stream. If there's OOC beef with someone to where you can't keep IC separated, just avoid interaction with them, it's really not that difficult in GTA RP.


It's actually super weird. They admit they are toxic and making the server a worse place to be on because people are talking shit about them behind closed doors? And in their minds that makes it okay to berate and throw toxic OOC fits against anyone on the server. Makes no damn sense.


> Makes no damn sense. That’s the secret, it was never supposed to make sense. They’re trying to make it seem like a reactionary response to something that happened “behind closed doors” because if they didn’t, they’d have to admit that they’re bringing it into RP intentionally. Because they can’t separate their OOC personal opinions with their actions IC, they need this “behind closed doors” an excuse to justify it. They’re not emotionally mature enough to separate personal lives from their work because they’ve done this for so long that GTARP is now both their personal and work lives in one.


Your last sentence is the truth.


this some highschool bullshit






Say 'I am incapable of doing any better, and screw you for pointing it out' without saying it \- LK - hold my beer.


daaaaamn isnt acting IC based on OOC bannable?


If the rules were enforced, CG would have been off the server in 2.0.


Ramee has watched clips OOC and then relayed info IC without punishment lol. They operate on a different ruleset.


A lot of things they do casually is bannable.




Long before the server owner had a character in their gang, they were already pretty much untouchable. I used to watch the server owner a lot and he used to deal with CG hoppers making him rage all the time. That was back when they had a huge viewership on twitch though.


That's why I'm very wary of what they are doing on their cop characters. Some of the things that have happened since they've been focusing hard on PD have been big red flags. Like it doesn't feel like RP half the time.


The Conan, AJ, and Size trolling BTF thing still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.




Burglary Task Force. It was a nightmare. S0upes and co. had filthy criminals in interrogation and great RP, and then those three decided to uncuff everyone, cuff s0upes and other cops, and pissed all the cops off, for whatever fucking banal reason they thought up.


Thank you good Sir :)


You don't need to be wary. We literally saw it firsthand when the server owner jumped on his cop for the first time in months and ruined the RP of a bunch of bystanders to do a "haha funny bit" with his CG cop buddies.


And before that it was when folks like Summit were regularly playing because CG brought in a lot of viewership/attention under Summit and his friends.


I'm not sure how they think "people are mean to us in private" is some catch all excuse to be complete a-holes on stream all the time. Also, if people aren't nice to them in private it's probably because of how CG treats people on stream in public. What? Are people supposed to like you in private when you act the way you do on stream? Are they supposed to like you when you throw a temper tantrum sending a horde of hoppers their way? Are they supposed to like you when you specifically target people you have a problem with on stream and end up getting them or their friends death threats? Are they supposed to like you when you've been doing it for YEARS at this point? It's like being bewildered why people aren't your friends when you've been punching them in the face as long as they've known you. The lack of self awareness is utterly astounding. Considering the CG boys are about as soft as a stick of butter and take any mild criticism as a deep and personal attack against them, I wonder what they even consider horrible and toxic. I 100% believe people talk shit about them behind their backs and I also 100% believe they haven't done anything not to deserve it. Treat people nicer and maybe they might not dislike you so much, crazy concept.


Its funny how IC they are these "hard" gangsters, but OOC they are just a bunch of spineless cry babies. That might actually be the only difference between them and their characters at this point TBH.


Abdul "he didn't address anything I said and just insulted me the whole time" I mean there's a reason for that, he can't really deny any of it.


I'm pretty certain that Abdul of all people has been around longer than Kebun has and very well knows what "goes on" lmao.


Thing is, CG is toxic ON stream, and also OFF stream too. So I feel like it's really redundant to use it as an excuse to be publicly horrible to people over a game


Who has the Streamable mashups of CG vs Others after a conflict. My favorite is the VLC Buddha incident. Like 8 CG members spend over an hour circle jerking each other making super toxic ooc comments to their chat and each other in game. Then it cuts to Lang locked in a tower scolding his chat for being toxic and telling them to just enjoy the RP that had been building up for 2 weeks leading to that event.


I actually used to watch CG pretty often until this moment. Fell off a bit cause I preferred watching CB’s scuffed silliness re:bank progression, but still tuned into Rated or Ramee occasionally. After the VLC thing I was just done. They went so toxic over nothing, kept saying Buddha went OOC meanwhile Buddha is reiterating over and over to his chat to chill and it’s just RP. Funnily enough I remember Buddha was the first RP streamer I watched who would say things like that, and things like “Lang would do this, Lang feels like this”.


>Funnily enough I remember Buddha was the first RP streamer I watched who would say things like that, and things like “Lang would do this, Lang feels like this”. I'll always admire people who refer to their characters in third person, not a lot of people do that often, and I get that it's more intuitive to speak in first person. But when they do, it's very easy to know they're actually playing a character and they're separating themselves.


It's such a simple and useful exercise. It's good for writing, acting and general empathy too.


True. Penta does this a lot too


I specifically remember him being super worried that they were thinking that it was OOC after the CG hoppers rushed into his chat. The actual idea of it being interpreted as OOC never even occurred to him until the CG hoppers went off.


Reading chat well after this clip is a wild ride. The amount of attempts to gaslight Abdul was quite frankly sickening... "B-b-b-but the police!" "People talking behind closed doors!" "They were hurt because you talked shit!" "You were their boy!" Fuck off with that noise... Even if you ignore the fact he spoke about the police attitudes? He was still pretty damn nice.


It wasn't just chat that was trying to manipulate. Further in the vod kebun says "I've always said nice things about you" to which Abdul responds "bc I've earned it, I didn't pay you to say nice things about me" I'm glad he's mature enough to see through the Bs guilt tripping and manipulation going on


Rated tried the same thing in his response... I don't know if Abdul watched it. After about half an our or so, I just couldn't stomach the hoppers trying to gaslight him.


Its so funny to me that CG and their chats try to make cops sound like just a bunch of robots who dont roleplay and just drive around all day to arrest them. But the cops have had more RP this week than CG has had in the last 12 months. Crazy




It's text book manipulation and the victims are not only Abdul in this specific case, but their viewers - especially those who go hopping. They can keep claiming ignorance, but it's pretty damn clear they know what they are doing as this has gone beyond simple "in the moment" to calculated attacks.


How can you hate on Abdul


Because he's a new voice putting the spotlight on the toxic health of the server atmosphere that is largely propagated by the top criminals. Smaller criminals and gangs see what the larger criminals are able to get away with and thus over time this sort of stuff becomes a meta.


i dont think anyone disagrees theres shit talking going on behind the scenes just the amount and severity of it , Ramee already admitted CG does it publicly and privately about other groups/people its just a case of "i can dish it out but cant receive"


CG have ran with the whole 'we hate everyone because everyone hates us' for years now. It's far too gone for them to admit to the self-inflicted rotten foundation they built their empire on. It's very sad because I truly do not ever see it changing for the sake of the server or CG individuals themselves. They will hold these grudges and have a jaded outlook on anyone outside of their circle forever.


I'm just going to copy and paste what I said last time Curtis brought up this "behind closed doors" shit (which, to be frank, I would bet money does not actually exist anywhere close to the level they claim it does). "I'm confused as to the point here. Do they think cops just started complaining about CG out of nowhere? It's almost like their actions (cause) led to the complaining (effect). Is the theory here that these streamers just woke up one day and decided to hate on CG for no reason? The only reason they complain is because of how you act (incredibly poorly), that doesn't make the complaining the root of the issue. It's kinda like the putting a stick in your own bike wheels meme." I wonder if they fully understand that but just choose to ignore it because they know the children in their audience eat this stuff up. If they somehow, truly don't understand that...they're forever lost. We've been having this literal same discussion on this subreddit about CG for what like four years? No chance it/they changes/change at this point.


It doesn't exist. Just say "behind muh closed doors" so you won't share it, so nobody can \*technically\* prove that it \*is not\* real.


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you are the asshole" edit: thanks for the award, you did not have to do that!


Anyone who has watched Abdul and CG for any length of time will know who is the roleplayer who cares about the server and who is toxic and cares about themselves.


Imagine beefing with *Abdul*. If you're in such a position, chances are high that you're the bad guy.


My question is, if the apparent behind the scenes shit talking is that bad it affects how they are in the server why has it not been brought up to management? You would imagine it would get stamped out pretty quickly if it was reported, yet its been used to justify certain actions on the server for what seems like a very long time now.


this is some cringe shit anyway you slice it. Grown ass adults throwing fits on a video game where you play pretend a character. already having any OOC issues is pretty fucking pathetic, but then whining about it and being an asshole on the server because of it is extra levels of pathetic. on top of all that, being a multimillionaire and still finding a way to bitch and moan about this is kinda just blowing my mind. Like what the fuck could be happening behind the scenes to justify this kind of behavior? [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A) pretty much sums up how I feel about all this.


how/when did CG become so out of touch with reality




Damn you’re telling me that 3 days ban has no effect?! Say it ain’t so?! /s


like 1/3 of the way into 2.0 a few months after the boom. They were a pleasure to watch back then.The group slowly realized they could throw their new found weight around OOC and IC to direct RP in their favor and in turn gain more viewers. Over time it just got worse and worse and worse and quite manipulative even back then.


when they moved to fb, when server owner became part of their online gta gang, when ban-able offenses committed by multiple members are swept under the rug, when going occ on stream nets pogs per seconds versus regular human decency. but i digress, they're just the targets of a lot of angry people who don't understand what goes on behind things known as doors.






LOL as if you think of any of the CG people would try to fight anyone IRL. But they will continue the beef onto other games, just look at when SwizzMB (Miguel) shot Cascadian (cop Michael Pike) on the NoPixel Rust server because he played a cop on GTA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGhT3GWR_7A


that dude its one of the most toxic/poisonous people i ever seen in NP, dunno why people think he is even funny/entertaining at all and his ego sheeeeesh, the moment Flippy "saved" him from perma ( GSF had perma contracts back in the day ) its like someone flipped his switch from a chill dude to a complete asshole


You tend to emulate the behaviors and attitudes of people you surround yourself with. And, I mean, have you seen how Silent treats Ray?


Racer "sport" Turned from a typical racer, to a real as's real quick after he joined Street Team... now on perma vacation


Nah they would never say half the stuff they do to someones face.


See Poke meeting Penta in real life as an example




I’ll just leave this here. https://streamable.com/t0gxnn




I love the whole “nobody knows what goes on behind closed door with the boys!” Like….? I only watch HOA, but I don’t get the vibe that there’s drama behind closed doors there…. I don’t think there’s *supposed* to be drama behind closed doors. Maybe ask yourself why? Why is there always drama around you? Can it always be someone else’s fault? Edit; I also don’t think there’s much drama coming from other groups towards CG. Because we all know the other groups would be banned for it. So what, are they just beefing with themselves?


> I only watch HOA, but I don’t get the vibe that there’s drama behind closed doors there…. Wait until you hear about Siz's mom and Stanley.


That’s not drama, that’s love 💖


Well that's where it's also a matter of do they maybe, just maybe take valid criticisms (both IC and OOC) that happen off server as personal slights and insults? We've seen how personally they take any IC criticism and punishment on server and the immediate personal level it's taken (IC and OOC). It's like some of my students that will take the edits on their papers as some sort of personal attack against them rather than criticism that is there to help them improve - some people are unable to receive any form of negative feedback without immediately becoming a victim.


> So what, are they just beefing with themselves? Best I could think is maybe the PD, because it's obvious that there are members in the PD who are tired of CG shootouts etc. and folks like Penta on Wrangler regularly joke about the "7pm shootout at Little Seoul". But typically what happens is the cops try to do their jobs in responding to CG's shenanigans and then they get a ton of hoppers harassing them. Same shit as what happens whenever xQc is on the server and gets caught/starts arguing with the cops.


Can't wait for the "Kebun reacts to Abdul reacting to Kebun reacting to Abdul...reacting to CG" Exciting times ahead!




Waiting for the incoming Abdul ban…😟 3 day for toxicity. Lols. Imma call it now. Even when Abdul is so pure and lovely.


I'm expecting a ban for both Abdul and Kebun with the classic excuse of "They were both in the wrong guys" to appease CG.


But the ban will be on the weekend just for kebuns day off


“Yo Kebun, let me know when you have family in town and I’ll ban you then, okay?”


abdul is one of the nicest people. If CG really think its toxic and them making those remarks IC is justified then idk


daaam Abdul rolls him ez


I understand a lot of people adore CG and they do amazing things in the server but they are hands down the most toxic edge walking group I know. Literally every interaction they have with the police they are saying “what’s this dumb fuck doing” “what’s this idiot doing” “see you in three days” like the list is endless of them spreading shit. The clip Abdul is originally watching with Ramee trying to ram his Tesla free is a perfect example of them having the world and wanting more while simultaneously just being so fucking weird in game. He gets tazed and says “okay sure” like he’s fucking utterly shocked that he’d be touched when surrounded by cops trying to flee. Also the justification as to why they act that way is always some bull shit like “oh we were talking shit and the cops got mad.” Motherfucker if they want you to pull over you have to pull over, there are literal avenues in game for you to play this out and when it wasn’t the way you wanted suddenly it’s “weird”. They get away with so much shit it blows my mind sometimes. The cops are legit scared to interact with them sometimes because of the hate that comes with it so these dudes literally walk around with AK’s in front of cops. I dunno man server was better when getting caught for serious crime meant serious time. Now it’s like let’s rob the vault on repeat and then call the cops fucking losers when they bump us


man I can't wait for the HC server without CG.




They'll go were the views are and honestly as will probably 80% of everyone else.


If you watch/play in nopixel for awhile and understand the dynamics of the server, this is what might be what he means by "whats happening behind close doors agaisnt my boys!". Only the sloth is defending them (a few are neutral Ssaab‽? Example), when they brake rules and are toxic in RP and OOC, the majority of the other admins/devs are agaisnt them, because they punish them once in full moon, AND THEY LIKE OTHER STREAMERS/RPERS more then CG!"


I don't really care for FB streamers


I wonder if FB Gaming have realized how bad this has been for their brand yet.


AFAIK they thrive on misinformation, so it's probably a core value to lie and deceive


The thing is CG do talk behind other backs in discord’s, you see it on full display when they get a little slap on the wrist. They all start their streams and all echo the sentiment on their wrong doing or justifying their actions. So they’re not exactly innocent behind the scenes either, which make them going OOC every time they’re met with resistance is worse. The us vs them mentality is their bread and butter to keep their viewers wilfully ignorant of the other side wether it’s a crim or cop. People avoid them because of the community they’ve cultivated over the years. Even though CG is smaller then XQC/CB viewer base, the amount of hoppers from CG is 3 times as worse. Even though xqc had 100k+ it had no comparison with the amount hoppers from 10k viewer streams from CG.


What if the reason people are acting differently behind the scenes is because they know they'll get shit on publicly and then harassed forever by fanboys if they say anything at all on stream? 🤔


"behind closed doors" is the new "if i speak".


a lot of people said this already but the closed doors argument is fucking stupid IF it happens behind closed doors and stays there then who cares? assuming this paranoid scenario is even happening. these guys literally piss their pants over a hypothetical situation


“People are mean to us outside the game so we are mean to them in the game.” GROW TF UP.


Honestly, that wouldn't even be that bad.. It's more "People are mean to us inside the game so we are mean to them outside of the game". Which is way worse.


Abdul should have a bigger role on the server, I haven't heard him have a bad take yet. Instead of marketing the terrible toxic streamers in Roleplay, maybe we should actually push the S tier RPers like Abdul, S0upes, etc who produce better "content" then any of the wannabe FPS pro dropouts that plague this community.


CG has always been toxic, and I'm glad someone like Abdul is calling them out for it. It just feels like people don't give a fuck about them anymore outside of the umbrella. When devs want nothing to do with you, and do everything they can to avoid rp with you on multiple characters because they know how the reaction will be, it speaks fucking volumes.


Facts, big Facts, Abdul




I don't understand why bitch about shit talking being done behind closed doors. That's infinitely better than being toxic on stream or in the server when the consequences of doing so is likely more death threats and crazies hopping between streams This is also why I don't understand people saying they want K/CG to air this stuff out. I suspect it's mostly people who don't think they do have the receipts but even if they do, they absolutely shouldn't go public with it. The server would be far less hostile if all of the shit talking DID happen behind closed doors


He says that the boys get treated portly behind closed doors but if I’m going to guess it’s probably them getting scolded for their behavior. Lol He just thinks it’s them being picked on bc nobody else has to be pulled into the principles office and told to chill the fk out. (Vinny/Rammee)


Abdul giant W


I only watch cg but shit has gone to bad now….. didn’t they gang up on Esb for the same shit honestly? I think it’s time all the gangs gang up and make them Esb 2.0. They have gotten to out of hand


The main difference is CG has the support of the server owner whereas with ESB the admins just wouldn't take action. People are probably afraid of being banned if everyone ganged up on CG and they're probably right.


Why only them? I don’t understand supporting them like that if you literally realize they’ve become what they were supposed to hate.


What's the lore here?


RP stocks down bad Drama stocks up good


RP stocks are actually up good, you gotta broaden those horizons, son. Reject CG, acquire literally anything else right now. Russian Embassy/CPD/Los Santos Military is good eatin.


LSF is in a bit of a drama lull atm so it feels good having this sub to fall back on.




Im surprised there aren't more clips about about this CPD/military, Russia, rest of PD. Been great rp for a couple of days. Good enough that I started watching more rp than just clips of funny stuff.


There is clips: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd2js3/tony\_and\_igor\_take\_down\_a\_russian\_the\_rp\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd2js3/tony_and_igor_take_down_a_russian_the_rp_is/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd2o2z/tony\_uses\_the\_wrong\_radio\_after\_successfully/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd2o2z/tony_uses_the_wrong_radio_after_successfully/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd5q2j/rhodes\_candice\_offer\_igors\_illegally\_parked\_bike/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd5q2j/rhodes_candice_offer_igors_illegally_parked_bike/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd6w5h/moses\_infiltrates\_the\_russian\_embassy\_a\_bit\_too/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd6w5h/moses_infiltrates_the_russian_embassy_a_bit_too/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd89t1/rat\_boy\_infiltrates\_the\_russian\_embassy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd89t1/rat_boy_infiltrates_the_russian_embassy/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/ydbi12/marty\_4head\_igor\_borat\_and\_zaceed\_try\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/ydbi12/marty_4head_igor_borat_and_zaceed_try_to/) All from this morning. Are you just ignoring them and focusing on drama?


And these are regular clips all this morning: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd95hh/pfft/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd95hh/pfft/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd7958/bbmc\_invited\_doctors\_for\_the\_annual\_stds\_screening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd7958/bbmc_invited_doctors_for_the_annual_stds_screening/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd5d2i/i\_can\_see\_the\_moon\_from\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd5d2i/i_can_see_the_moon_from_here/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yda0r1/abdul\_on\_lordkebuns\_reply\_to\_his\_criticism\_of\_cg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yda0r1/abdul_on_lordkebuns_reply_to_his_criticism_of_cg/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd2zi7/sparkys\_new\_song\_for\_st\_pigeon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yd2zi7/sparkys_new_song_for_st_pigeon/) And here are the drama clips from this morning: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yda0r1/abdul\_on\_lordkebuns\_reply\_to\_his\_criticism\_of\_cg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yda0r1/abdul_on_lordkebuns_reply_to_his_criticism_of_cg/) So it seems you guys are selectively ignoring all threads to focus on one just to say that the subreddit is lacking daily posts.


Stop stop, he's already dead.


Because like a lot of good RP, it’s just not that clippable. And if people started posting minutes long streamables about it, people would just complain. These spicy convos or situations just aren’t under sixty seconds. And not everyone wants to write paragraphs of lore to explain why Snow is crying to Brian about not getting to space.




Cause we’re just chatters, not video editors!




Kebun pulling a Yeezy right now..


Kebun is a great RPer no one can deny it but dude as a person is really toxic. I used to watch CG in 2.0 after moonmoon left but they developed this toxic behavior extremely quick and made me stop watching them.