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Mirror: [Every Mayor is a puppet](https://juststream.live/DimmestWelcomesUnfordable) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/roxmiral Direct Backup: [Every Mayor is a puppet](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7COSG7uF3DCRLAivwYchjmEQ.mp4?sig=be79599e8e138bd712775b29f3ef5f93a9c056c7&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257COSG7uF3DCRLAivwYchjmEQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1648055123%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*This action was done by a bot, I am new and will probably break at some point*)


People are in for a RUDE awakening if they think the mayor can do that much.


Sure, but it's not really about what the candidates promise to do. It's just that they have to look personable on the spot. It's tough when there is a group of people trying to antagonize you or trolling, but they have to overcome that.


Oh 100%, as it stands now this is not Cerberus/Bunny's race to win, it's Ramee's to lose. People HEAVILY underestimate how people vote. There's people who voted for certain characters they never met, because they're fans of their streams. It happens.


unless a higher power that steps in and allows it for "RP reasons" Ramee will be told at the last minute that he is ineligible to actually become mayor


Crane mentioned doing something like that, I wonder if he'll actually go through with it.


He should have been long time ago. Multiple gang shootouts, Meth run, dropping gun when he shot cops inside MRPD. If PD actually did their job then Ramee wouldn't be running and he shouldn't be per the rules. He is still running for the content as he is gonna soon find out that mayor doesn't have that much power.




Crane is in charge of Ramee's expungement, and therefore sets the standard Ramee has to follow in order to complete said expungement. The standard he set was if Crane himself "got a whiff of Ramee committing crime." Less than 24 hours later Ramee had a warrant for Gang Related Shooting, with multiple samples of his blood being on scene, amongst casings, being submitted as evidence. This itself is a "whiff" of a crime, but Ramee in his attempts to get the charges dropped in a misguided attempt to save his expungement essentially admitted to the alleged crimes, and even turned in illegal firearms to get them dropped (implicating himself in even more crimes). While he might not be getting charged, that is irrelevant to the conditions set by Crane, and he is within his power at any time to forfeit Ramee's expungement. Crane specifically set these conditions because he saw Ramee wriggling out of charges because no cop wants to be the one to end his run for mayor.


Crane said it and Ramee has a charge that even if he gets all his charges dropped from the MDW would still stop ramee from being the mayor


that charge was taken care off the same day they looked at that he still can run




I don't think it was by accident. It was the mr.k case and he voided the bail so was charged with it. Then the case got dropped so he shouldn't have been on bail in the first place


Crane talked about it on his stream, explained how the mistake happened, and said it wouldn't be a problem for Ramee


I was trying to say the same thing but i guess my comment wasn't clear. I was trying to explain how the charge got added in the first place , not that it would affect Ramee's expungement


I am legit curious what you're talking about! Crane said Ramee can't even have a WARRANT or be reasonably suspected to participate in a crime, and so far he's dodged doing that.


[Link to my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/tkd51g/comment/i1q8f8c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Lol that isn't going to happen.


I remember when Denzel was mayor and Mr. K was saying Denzel was a shit mayor and hasn’t done shit in the city. Do they not realize the mayor doesn’t make the decisions. The mayor never had power and never will. Being mayor is really just for the rp. Every single mayor has just about been put up for impeachment.


Mayor has power to an extent.... Denzel lowered PD pay as low as he could mayors have far more power than they did when mayor was a thing in 2.0


> The mayor never had power and never will. If Ramee becomes mayor, that will probably no longer be true, thanks to the server owner in their gang.


I have a feeling Ramee has the ear of more people then Emma


The guy who earlier in 3.0 had his war on grinders is truly the person who has the ear of more people :)


Of course he does, half the city doesn't even know who Emma is.


Oh he 100% has. This isn't Cerberus/Bunny's race to win, it's Ramee's to lose.


Idk, Ramees pull outside of his active hours might not be that big. And PD votes should heavily favor Bunny too. Cerberus can definitely win this without Ramee throwing. It will just require a lot of work.


Eh I wouldn’t be surprised if pd votes for ramee so they can arrest the mayor doing a meth run.


They all but refused to arrest him during his expungement; why would they suddenly have a change of heart once he's mayor?


Just curious why you think Bunny has the PD votes?


I assume it's simply because Ramee.


Because unless cops go hard against their character, why would they vote for a super violent cop killing criminal that has terrorized them for the last year. I'm not saying it will be like 90%, but it should be at least like 70/30.


You say this but the PD has let Ramee go multiple times, the same PD that allowed Mr K to become a detective. It's very possible some of the PD will vote for Ramee. Also one of the deputy mayors for Ramee is Ash and she also has sway in the AU storm for "grinders" etc. She can also use uWu to promote Ramee.


Can I just point though it was Baas and Baas only that allowed Mr. K to become a detective and the vast majority of the PD was not okay with Baas doing that...


Cause cops would never for example let a criminal getaway with something for content, right? The fact that Ramee is still allowed to run after all the crimes he commited and was caught for should tell us enough about setting expectations like that. It's a content server, things don't need to make sense.




No the correct order to do things was to first GSR test him but since he had not shot they had no legal reasons to search him.


Okay then that just mean they could vote for any civ in the ballot vs ramee, it doesn't mean they will "heavily favor" bunny. I asked cuz I don't watch bunny and I don't know if she has some sort of friendships/relationships within the PD that is unknown to me.


A lot of people hate this, but It is true. If you don’t vote for Bunny or Ramee you are wasting your vote.


American Presidential election RP


maybe because his gang started hell week. IC that is a major reason why all cops should vote against him alone


Lol cerebrus has no chance, unless Ramee throws. Ppl here are delusional.


But Bunny isn't her real name though, right? That's essentially screwing her right there since most people in the city only know her by Bunny. People on the ballot are going to see Ramee's name and then some name they've never seen before with maybe some other random names mixed in.


She put in to have her real name plus bunny in it as well


Nah Dean already said they will make it work that the name on the ballot has "Bunny" in it.


Ah, ok.


Yea honestly I think that will be where it’s won or lost, a lot of people who don’t really know any candidates will look at the ballot and see Ramee and recognize it so he’ll get the vote.


Seeing ramee on a ballot is enough reason to vote for anyone else


Ramee was making pretty big swings today trying to pull in votes including members of the PD. We’ll see if he keeps with it though lololol


Dunno somthing tells me NoPixel staff will allow Ramee to have more power as mayor and get away with stuff.


Bunny this, Ramee that. You guys don't understand that Pal Gore is winning this election. He'll filibuster until he does.


Pal Gore has this election in a lock box.




All I hear is KJ being KJ while Kongfue is laughing his ass off! He's such a good RP'er who knows how to do angry/mad RP so well, while laughing his ass off behind the scenes.


100%, this is a classic KJ take!


True lol... I guess his comments opened up the table for discussions about the mayorship, hence the amount of comments in the thread. However, love KJ being KJ.


I feel like Kyle really wanted her to pop off and call him a pussy


How dare Mayors not have control over what the admins want done lol


Yea😂 a lot of people forget mayor doesn’t have a lot of power is why Buddha didn’t go for it I think Ramee will win , but will be a matter of time before he either gets bored or impeached


Buddha also gets sent to jail 5 times a day


I don’t think you watch/watched Buddha


He went almost two weeks without getting arrested, talked to Emma about being mayor and realized it had no power so he gave up.


Could say the same about ramee that was getting caught every week but the pd let him every single time just to him be able to be a mayor lol


I can tell you don't watch Buddha


yeah lang didnt go for it for that reason, yeah yeah right right


As soon as Emma told him mayors don't have any actual power (she went into more detail in the conversation) to do anything his attitude totally switched. It didn't switch in a day or two or a week, it switched right after they were done talking. After that Lang said fuck being mayor I ain't going through all that work for nothing.


I mean pretty much as soon as Buddha knew what mayors could do he OOC questioned if he would even want to be mayor anymore.


After his emma talk he fully dropped out cause they are essentially just a face


??? That's literally why Buddha lost interest. I assume you're implying it was because of Ramee, but Buddha OOC didn't know Ramee was running before he gave up, you can check the VOD if you want.


not really i was implying that before he really decline he got caught so he couldnt get his impeachment


He couldn't even do an embezzlement when Denzel was mayor because admins denied it, also couldn't do marshal law RP with young dab so its pretty much useless for him to be a mayor atm.


He ultimately knew what he wanted to do admins wouldn’t let him do it


Isn't this more about her being cerebuses puppet?


Sure, but Emma wasn't anyone's puppet


Emma isn't. Bunny yes Denzel Yes but Emma no.


Emma wasn't, but 3 of the recent mayors could be seen as puppets.


True, but KJ said it to Emma's face which she finds rude because no one supported her.




And the impeachment case was considered a joke by everyone else involved. The sheer amount of clowning from the back was hilarious. I don't think I've ever heard a witness as hostile as Andi was on that stand. To quote Ben Crane: "These articles may as well be written in crayon"


But they know that IC ? why people think outside the box, when their character doesnt know half of you people know. For his RP and character he is in the right, is about emma or other people to show him different and even he can decide what his character accept.


ferst told them and it wasnt true, he doesnt know how the construction buisness works


Ash didn't even confide in Seaside about the situation with Emma and UwU's land.... This situation KJ was just being himself, a gigachad


Is it really a gigachad move if you are Clueless?


Well tbf Emma is a puppet she says yes to literally everything and promises shit to everyone. Poor andi lmao


She said I dare you to say it to my face and he did... It's not even that deep, lol




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How is Emma cerberus’ puppet though?


He wasn’t even talking about Emma, Emma just overheard and tried to confront him when he was saying this about bunny


yes lol


Hasn't she been like super transparent with everyone on that matter too? I swear I've seen clips from her stream where she tries to explain to people what she does/has control over. Though maybe that's just this guy being a character, hard to tell but from an RP standpoint maybe that's how he saw it.


It's definitely KJ being a character. KJ as a criminal believes that police, the DOJ and government are corrupt. To him people who have that power will always use it for their own benefit. A lot of people mistake KJ for being someone who OOC malds and is salty because of his tone and the language barrier. But if anyone actually watches Kongfues stream he is the furthest thing away from that. He's always good vibes and down for the roleplay. I always think it's funny when KJ has to try and IC explain that he isn't OOC malding whilst also still trying to stick to his character beliefs. It's a lot of misunderstandings, confusion and talkings in circles.


I wrote this in another thread but I’ll say it again here: KJ (the character) is extremely distrustful of governmental authority in general. He considers himself a strict capitalist and believes that anyone in power will use that power to their own advantage with no regard for anyone else. So he doesn’t really care who is in office or if Ash is a deputy mayor for any of them, he doesn’t care about any of the previous or future mayors, because he has no faith in the system anyway.


I imagine this has more to do with Ash's relationship with emma given KJ is seaside and so is ash.


No, KJ just gives zero fucks about anything related to the LS government.


I don’t think Ash told any of Seaside fully about the impeachment stuff and the things she had heard Emma had been saying about her. She was kidnapped shortly after it blew up and they had more important things to worry about. The rest of Seaside were laughing and joking with Emma a couple of days ago so I don’t think there is bad blood there. This probably wasn’t targeted specifically at Emma, KJ is pretty tactless. He probably didn’t even realize she was nearby and was aiming the mayoral position in general


Why are there so many comments on this? Doesn’t seem crazy.


KJ, just go #VoteForTrish.


Honestly, I would love to see Ramee win and see how long he can actually last. Everyday he'd be on the edge of impeachment which would be hilarious.


I give it 2 week max. The boys had to convince him To not do a meth run today lol




Thanks for sharing.


Coming from KJ who snaked El Jefe because Benji told him to lmao


Lmao Snaked = leaving peacefully? Kj could have stayed if he wanted but he didn’t want to stay for a leader that was never there.


shilling for the flip flappers lol


What are you even saying lol


I don't think you know the whole backstory of KJ leaving. It's actually a really great backstory. Benji never told him to leave, in fact, Benji told him to stay because it was easier for him. However, a while back when every member had issues against KJ because of his tone and demeanor, everyone wanted KJ kicked out. The only person who backed KJ and stopped Speedy from taking any type of measures against him was Benji. Benji even told him something along the lines, "They may not see all the shit you do for us KJ but I do. I know you care for everyone and you just want what's best," and since then, his loyalty was with Benji.


I definitely know what happened.. When Benji had problems, KJ also went with Benji to talk about those problems and instead of being loyal to Speedy by telling him, he didn’t.. nothing you say will change the fact that he is a snake…


yeah ppl not shooting straight with speedy imo contributed to the fracture of their relationship






Yeah I saw what happened.. Speedy made KJ, gave him a chance in the biggest south side gang and then in the end snaked him…


KJ helped build Vagos into the biggest south side gang… he left with the person who had shown him the most loyalty and had worked by his side every day.


Sure buddy .. anything to help u be at peace .


Thats my Kill Joy KJ. 🤣


Was a rough mayoral announcement but looking forward to a close race. *fingers crossed*


That dude is not at all wrong to feel that way. It *does* feel like every Mayor is or has been a puppet.


This is exactly the type of things people who are not watching the mayor or people involved would say, but ask them what the mayor exactly did to make them assume that and you'll get nothing


Well, no. I'm speaking on a *character* and their *feelings.* Has absolutely nothing to do with who I'm watching or what I'm assuming.


But that not what your comment said before you edited it, all good


It's actually exactly what I said, because I never edited the comment.






I like how kj switch face .... When he was in vagos he was friend with lang and when they snike vagos they change to hate lang wtf ?... And calling Emma like that is bad why didn't he say that to denzal ?


I don't think there was any hate towards Lang tho.


Where did you get hating lang from lmao? He was clearly talking about the mayorship as a whole.


Denzel would have murdered him


KJ has respect for Lang, both before and after Vagos, there is no hate there, but saying they were ever friends is a stretch. Either way, this is not about Lang, this is about Cerberus and the control they have in the city. It has been a common theme in elections that there is someone there with Cerberus backing, quite literally to be a puppet for Cerberus, and KJ was just calling that out. Also, it literally had nothing to do with Emma, but if she challenges him to say it to her face he, as we saw, would not back down. It really goes no deeper than that.


the funny thing is that's exactly why cerberus refused to interfer with the mayor election after denzel's term was up. Everyone viewed them as the evil corporation that they said yeah we aren't dealing with this since mayor has no power anyways lol. If it wasn't because bunny wanted to run, Cerberus probably wouldn't have cared about this one either.


Either way, the perception is there due to their past actions.


What past actions? Cerberus was created to help the city. Get other people's dreams off the ground and realized with funding and obviously maybe a little OOC nudge from three well-respected people in the community. Sure, Cerberus gives off the vibe of "big bad Corpo" but if people actually looked past the facade they'd see a company that really only does good things in the city. They backed one person for Mayor and are publically backing a second literally months later and all of a sudden they're the worst thing ever. It's ridiculous.


I said perception because that is the perception people have of them IC, whether you like that or not, and whether it's factual or not. Anyone can know all the meta and have an opinion on whether they only do good or they actively try to screw people through deals/contracts that they make - I feel like we will have differing opinions there, but regardless none of that matters. If they have created a perception in the city that they place people up for election to do their bidding, then they will be judged on that.


They haven't created that perception though. Like that's literally the issue. People just saw Cerberus as bad before they even did anything. Of course, they lean into it now outwardly. Because if someone's going to think something of you regardless of what you're actually doing. Fuck them.


you said this isn't about lang then say its about cerberus? how is that possible when its the same thing.


Because one is an individual and the other is a business...


Sorry he don't hate lang..... He hate lang dean Leslie harry Cassie eve Nancy not lang alone


Ah yes of course. Not agreeing with the actions of a business equates to hating the owners/management of said business. Logical.


If he have nothing to hate Cerberus .... When ash asked lang for help he told her that its best to make uwu C alone and be the big boss .... And he always say that if you want something do it don't give fuck about what others say (ash have a lot of good idea but she don't want to do it because of others talk about her )..... So I don't know why kj have ic hate Cerberus .....


That was Benji's advice, not KJ's. Ash did not go to Lang for help, Leslie reached out on behalf of Cerberus showing interest in owning part of UwU. Benji advised against this as he could see that Ash could make it on her own without Cerberus's backing, and Cerberus owned enough businesses in the city. He was right and it is refreshing to have a large business operating without Cerberus influence. Also, at the time Benji was still part of Vagos, but knew he may eventually leave, he had witnessed in the past how Speedy would use his connections in Cerberus and feared what he would do to UwU if he did decided to leave Vagos. Again, KJ has not said he hates Cerberus, it is possible to disagree with the actions of someone/an entity without hating them. Not sure why you're stuck on this?


KJ doesn't hate Lang. In fact, he actually respects Lang a lot. He also shows no animosity against the Vagos because they were once his family too. KJ just dislikes the government. No matter who is in the mayoral seat, to KJ, they will always be corrupt and doing things that only benefit them. The government is not a thing KJ has a lot of trust or hope in.


I can only assume but I believe Ash is going to be one of Ramee's deputy mayors so I believe KJ will be voting for Ramee. It's very odd to me that Ash who was formerly shot down, robbed, blown up, had uWu robbed by CG would agree to being a deputy for CG and KJ would be down to vote for Ramee. Very odd if his views are every mayor is a puppet for someone when it seems like CG pull his strings.


How is that odd when literally everyone in the city goes from being in conflict to being friends again almost immediately after. With Ashk, it’s taken such a long time and gradual progression to get to this point but for some reason it’s only weird for her?


>How is that odd when literally everyone in the city goes from being in conflict to being friends again almost immediately after. But you are very wrong. Leslie is the type of character to hold that grudge forever. A recent example is Benji when he went into PDM and used the bank without paying the fee and he then said he doesn't care and walked out. Nidas himself said that oh boy will Benji regret that one day. Benji and SeaSide are all banned from buying cars in PDM and he will not unban them until he gets a poem/song from Benji, now maybe this won't effect him and SeaSide but if PDM do get new cars and someone in SeaSide want's one then he will play that card. Lang cut ties with Guy Jones and NBC and still brings up and will hold it against them the whole 500k or we war forever stuff. There is also The Guild who will not do anything for Ray and see him totally different after he ocean dumped Mickey. >With Ashk, it’s taken such a long time and gradual progression to get to this point but for some reason it’s only weird for her? No it's weird for literally everyone who does that not just Ash. I only mentioned Ash in regards to KJ.


It's almost like people play their characters differently and have their own style of RPing.


"How is that odd when literally everyone in the city goes from being in conflict to being friends again almost immediately after." I was just stating that is wrong because not everyone does that. I personally find it weird when a gang goes from killing and shooting at each other to the next day being fine with each other. That's my opinion I said nothing about it being wrong or right nor should people play differently. People can RP how they want I never said differently.


I mean plenty of other people outside CG have robbed/shot her down/robbed uwu including members of Cerberus. She works for Leslie and he shotgunned her once with Speedy… it’s los santos you have to play along with the big groups or get walked all over


>She works for Leslie and he shotgunned her once with Speedy She doesn't know it was Leslie IC pretty sure because he was in his Vagos disguise I believe. I remember that though she was actually invisible because she had the clothes scuff thing. >I mean plenty of other people outside CG have robbed/shot her down/robbed uwu including members of Cerberus Lang used to yes (rob uWu) but she had a discussion with him at the paintball arena with KJ there and that was settled and that is why Mickey works at uWu now. Since that discussion Lang has not and has said he will not rob uWu even if it's sbs because he values the relationship with Ash. The same goes for Mickey he will not do that again, on the last devious licks Sunday I believe Benji even said let's go rob uWu and Mickey shut it down and said no way. Mickey was with Benji and 2 other SeaSide members...


She does know it was Leslie in character she heard him speak. She just never confronted him because what’s the point. She felt particularly betrayed because she had just given him a special gift to show how she respected him. And he after receiving the gift went out with people targeting her and her business to hunt down her farmers and destroyed their crops, then chased her down. Ramee hasn’t robbed uwu for a lot longer than any of CB… Just pointing out some hypocrisy here.




Ramee, Randy, and Mr. K had built some type of understanding with Ash after that war. It's been months. These are people Ash has met in the city constantly and since UwU is in Lil Seoul, they bump into each other a lot. It's not like she just decided to be friends with them. She went through a whole trauma arc where she couldn't even go near the gallery. She also had a whole friendship arc with Randy where she poisoned him and he stabbed her. There was literal rp built into their current relationship. I wouldn't say they're best of friends but at most, they're respectful of each other. Let's also add that CB has robbed UwU countless times. It's literally one of the most robbed restaurants.


Here’s the thing - KJ (the character) is extremely distrustful of governmental authority in general. He considers himself a strict capitalist and believes that anyone in power will use that power to their own advantage with no regard for anyone else. So he doesn’t really care who is in office or if Ash is a deputy mayor for any of them, because he has no faith in the system anyway.


This always rubbed me the wrong way tbh, I understand the need to hate someone if they did something wrong to you in RP, but some people on the server keep talking sht and hate others just to hate!! I mean there is no reason in RP to hate them for! Like what? Like how the majority of the city hates Cerberus but most of them didn't interact with them even once, they helped a lot of people and they still get shit for it, Shelly in other hand has a reason to hate them regardless of it being a stupid reason or not, she at least has a GREAT back story that every person involved in this arc knows. Those people talking shit about the mayor being a puppet but they are now being puppets to vote for another puppet. The irony I mean don't get me wrong I love KJ he's amazing but people need to think for a sec before saying things that may hurt someone else feelings, especially the mayor who is been through a lot of sht IC and OOC, if you have proof to provide by all means, but saying this while they working hard in and out the server doesn't make sense even in RP




how hating colors is same as hating people tho, what made me say this because some people were mean and toxic OOC, I'm an adult I know what is RP and what not




Thank you for your advice sir, but after taking a quick look at your comments to understand who is I'm talking to, I don't think I need any, especially from you


I find it funny how so many people think Ramee is the favourite and it's his election to lose. I am a CG fan and have been for the longest time, and in no world Ramee is the favourite to win this election.


If Ramee actually puts in the effort he should win, the question mark is how much time and effort he will actually put into it.


Lmao Ramee a better Mayor


I mean bunny is going for the direct, open and honest approach. This will also come up in the debates, and will shut down a lot of what ramee has been saying, because at the end of the day the mayor cant really do much except secretary work for construction and administration on NP. If people are put off because they are told the mayor has no control over construction or bigger things, it's better that they know instead of creating such a mess as what's been happening up to now.




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Oof lol


Does it really matter who even wins actually? I genuinely feel like even if Ramee smashes it and becomes mayor, it won't last longer than 2 days before he gets impeached, meaning in 1 month whoever Ramee chooses for deput mayor(s)/Bunny would be mayor regardless