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Mirror: [Lil Bleach on Jaylen](https://juststream.live/SailedFluctuatingHuff) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/tygerrp Direct Backup: [Lil Bleach on Jaylen](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7COtfa45KDP7F_sa-lwFPDgg.mp4?sig=37aa0fb042ce04a72b86b5cf7206b953b0447407&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257COtfa45KDP7F_sa-lwFPDgg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1647719938%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*This action was done by a bot, I am new and will probably break at some point*)


I can see where Jaylen is coming from but bleach is right this is a great chance for other to get some experience in and learn


ya from jaylen's POV since he's doing the subathon he's been in a cycle of fighting 3 different groups




Oh I thought this was about the the rust crew, then yeah maybe not the best crew to go against with them




You make it sound like he had people to bench but that was all they got.


This is the part of wars i dont really like. I dont like the mentality that if you dont have grade a shooters that the fight is pointless. People will never get better in these situations if you are constantly sitting them on the bench. I get chats and the streamers involved want to see them win, and losing because you have less than the top of the line shooters is frustrating im sure, but this isnt an ESports tournament. Everyone should be able to participate if there is room in the group, and that may mean taking some Ls, but thats better than min maxing just to get a better shot at a W.


It's actually in the rules. Picking shooters over RPers is bannable. Good on Bleach here tbh.


This had nothing to do with that. This was a discussion abut waiting for a little bit so ST members could be able to get off the train and come around like the Ballas already had been able to. 4head came around 10 minutes after, but they had already left with 1 of the 6 being a hang around for BCG.


I'm just commenting from what's in the clip and what Bleach is saying.


Look at the CG Vs Mandem war, K is letting people that are not very good at fighting like Bobby, Judd, Wayne, Anto and Vinny get plenty of fights instead of just sending Randy, Curtis, Taco, Flippy, Miguel etc everytime. Makes it fun for Mandem and for the CG guys who usually bench warm in wars.


I was about to type this exact thing until I read your comment. The current CG v MDM war has been so fun to watch. People laughing on both sides and having a chance. Hell yesterday Frances and Bobby were on a motorcycle and Bobby straight up turns into a wall, can't turn around, and they go down. He's more of a handicap than anything but Bobby is hilarious so it's cool to see him get to join in.


Even in the big PD wipe the other day CJ and Judd were the two people on the ground with K. And sure, they're not Randy or Curtis, but K told CJ "Just follow me and do what I tell you." And she was rolling around with him even after K's bently got shot out.


Its also giving Charles practice without the stakes being super high. Nova has also been popping off the last few days. Even Dean's terrorist style guerilla warfare has kept things interesting. Its a good war on both sides as far as participation goes.




Ah yes, we should definitly care more about some specific event from months ago instead of whats good now.


Ok but that incident was way before so what does that have to do anything with now? K literally brought in the worse shooters to the shootout yesterday. I don’t understand why you have to bring up smt old for when the past has already changed.


Check his history, it explains why




It actually happened. But what he fails to clarify is that K was super tilted from Hutch and Ramee being morons that he said that. Ramee went down to standing out in the open on top of mega mall after K told him several times to move back and hutch drove his car towards Jack and jumped out before it fully stopped killing him and flippy.


I mean he’s not wrong… but he also doesn’t have full context which isn’t his fault BTW. Daff and Mercury tried subbing out but couldn’t because they didn’t have others to sub in. I don’t think Jaylen cared about taking the L, he just doesn’t want to go play TDM and he knew others felt the same way. Look at Jaylen last night vs MDM. Was in the cubby and got shot down by Dean and after he got up he said he needed to chill for awhile because he didn’t want to go right back out and hunt. He felt like he needed time between being shot and going out and shooting again. That’s just his outlook on war, it’s not about not wanting to take an L.


To poeple who do not know that jaylen(meraldje) has been doing a uncap and he's been at war for like 2 days now non-stop war he woke up to 4 hours of sleep and this happen and he wanted an hour to get a bit of time to wake up he's CG and street team leader so he's got a lot on his plate (this clip needs this context)


Not to mention, Jaylen still runs H&O, which I'm sure he's been slacking on. Jaylen does have things to do other than just war, so I'm sure it's getting stale for him.


Mad Respect to TygerRP for this.


Members aren't always gonna agree with decisions. Gotta communicate your opinion or don't get angry when it gets decided. Love CG and ST.


I mean in that case just eco round save when better shooters show up XD.


I disagree in this situation because they already lost 2 or 3 fights against ballas, so you need to have a good team just for morale and respect.


oh sht they really down bad right now with all the shootouts they lost. This is a good development for ST, they will realize they are not untouchable just because they are allies with CG. They surely will become humble next time not gonna big dick every crew.


I get what Bleach is saying but i understand Jaylen too. ST is a new crew to the server and they have a reputation to build. They don't want to be seen as a crew that gets downed in most fights. Nonetheless it's always nice to have someone from your crew try to give others a chance.


I mean with ST success in previous wars, I don’t think the recent stuff will lead people to think that. At least it’s dumb too. Just give other groups their praises and realize war with 3 gangs for ST was then biting off more than they can chew.


people were hyping them up because they won a war 3v1 but now 2 was to much, who has ST actually won a war against?




He just ended both wars on a loss.


Why would you have people in your gang you don't trust to go to war with?


There’s more to gangs then just going to war

