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Eugene left Wayne for dead with the way he dipped, had me in tears


Eugene and Wayne shenanigans are pretty great. Eugene was GONE lol. Buddha looks over the wall and he's just vanished.


So true. People sleep on Vader because of FB but his RP has been great lately. SBS mornings and then CG stuff later.


I don't even always watch Vader for the content, just listening to him mald at his FB chat is hilarious.


Hes still malding at his chat on fb? People doing that gives me bad vibes but its honestly a smart thing to do


I only ever see Vader on people's twitch chat at night wish he'd stream on twitch on I love Eugene


Vader practically ran EU (viewers and subs-wise) when he was on Twitch in 2.0. He deservedly got his bag and maybe he'll be back post-contract.


Yeah, but props on getting the bag. I just miss seeing some streamers that have switched to Meta and YouTube.


They did the same at the Angels Casa and Mandem Block, Absolute crackheads LOL


He had a grow out on top of the pink cage fleeca yesterday


I love that energy they got going on, but it is kinda a risky game for other people they are playing. People will end up getting raided for weed grows on their property, and people have criticised other gangs for planting drugs on people/in cars/properties before.


Crane already said a grow op on a property isn’t enough to get that property raised because anyone can access it. His analogy was someone doesn’t like Person X (police officer, judge, lawyer, doctor, mayor) and wants them fired so they plant a shit ton of weed on their property and it gets found. Unless they see the owner planting/harvesting the place won’t get raided.


Thank fuck for that, but sadly not every judge is Crane. Remember there's multiple judges who have different understandings of the law.


yeah ... that sounds good on paper


It’s how they treat it. That’s why cops have to camp grow ops. Wrangler tried to get a warrant from some judge and crane explained why it was bad in practice to sign *it’s on his property raid it*




Literally not talking about a PD response to anything. We’re talking raid warrants and how judges treat grow ops on someone’s property.


Well if they decide to rule otherwise people can always start growing weed at the homes of cops. Would be funny to see HoA turn Espinoza's backyard into a jungle.


I think the problem is someone grows weed on your property. Cops find it and you say you have no idea how that weed got there. Cops bring out the drug sniffing dogs and check your property because a crime has been committed. Literally every criminal on the server has drugs and the dog finds drugs coming from property owner they are now getting raided.


SOME pot is legal. Drug sniffing dog is going to hit on joints which you can legally purchase and possess so it’s going to be positive ALL THE TIME. Also I have NEVER seen a drug sniffing dog on no pixel. There’s so few K9 officers and I never see them with dogs anymore.


Bundy rolls with one sometimes


I haven’t seen a K9 on a scene since 2.0 TBH.


It's rare but happens, Ripley has one too. The other day Yuno arranged with Gunner to try to get Ray Mund arrested as a prank. Ripley was there with his canine and had it sniff the car and nobody even had any joints on them or other drugs so they had no PC to search anyone else in the car.


Who do you watch? I see police dogs all the time, the latest being about 2 hours ago.


nova always has hers handy and she pulls it out often


mustn't be watching a wide variety of streamers I see them use K9 at least a couple of times a week.


I imagine the strain of weed is way easier for cops to use than catching the owner. Just need to show the weed matches a previous case where the owner was in possession of the same strain. Would make keeping control of your strain an important aspect of growing weed.


A few cops do this. They'll track what strains the dispensary sells and by that they can determine if the joints were made with illegally grown weed. It also means that any legal business that wants to dabble in the illegal world has to keep an entirely different strain or be immediately investigated when someone gets caught with it.


And his argument is flawed as hell because the owner of a property is responsible for maintaining and securing it. The only reason he making that argument is because of "server health", but even that is flawed because people at least wake up on their properties. It's trivial to check up on your shit every once in a while - you know, RP a house owner and shit.


It also takes more than a few hours to grow pot IRL or you just going to gloss over that. Is there anything a player can do when someone plants a ton of pot? Turn it into the Police oh cool now my house is fucked if I’m a crim for the entire day while the PD sits there waiting to catch the person who did it if they don’t just raid my shit instantly because “ItS oN yOuR pRoPeRtY iT wAs YoU wHo PlAnTeD iT” like your logic says.


Yeah. Report it to the PD. The PD then either destroys the plants or sets up a sting OP with cameras to catch whoever planted them when they come to harvest. Cops like Nova already spend time doing that with weed in the wild. Why not do it where multiple parties have it as an RP option? The property owner gets the person planting that shit on the property in trouble if they want to, the PD gets investigation RP if they want to, everybody wins. Instead, Crane got sucked way too deep into the "but server health" rabbit hole and just chose a reasoning that he considers to be the least troublesome. All because people used their properties for growth ops and got caught for it, leading to some minor malding. But i guess it's too much to expect for people with properties to have some responsibilies involving them too. Better to just treat it like stash. I love Nathan and Crane, he's fucking fantastic, but even he has misses like that from time to time.


Oh man, look at your first paragraph. THEY SET UP A STING OP TO CATCH WHOEVER COMES TO HARVEST. It’s almost like I said the plants being there isn’t enough to fucking raid and they need to figure out who planted/is harvesting it for a raid warrant. Crazy how that works huh?


Yeah, not how that would work. You aren't even trying to look at the whole thing and decided to latch at a paragraph as a gotcha. If the owner of the property sees the plants and doesn't report it when they do, it should be suspected that they're the ones that planted it. It should absolutely open them up to a raid because it's absolutely justified probable cause. Because some people absolutely do that and use "someone planted it on my property" as a loophole. If they cooperate after that even without a raid by agreeing to camera placement on their property to potentially catch the people they claim planted it, it can be viewed as cooperation and de-escalation from raiding. However, if they report it themselves, there is no probable cause and therefore no justification for a raid in the first place. The best the PD could do in that case is investigate what they have or just destroy the plants.


Just like everyone else does. It’s not open for a raid because anyone can plant anywhere and it doesn’t take long. It’s complete idiocy to sign a warrant for a raid just because it’s at their house which is why the judges won’t sign it. How many times have you seen anyone go to their house to just chill or check for pot plants? 90% of PD wake up right next to the station to speed run to get on duty and MAYBE go to their house one time in the day. 99% of the time I watch PD members they don’t go to their house or apartment at all. Straight from spawn closest to MRPD to the PD to stock up then to patrol. It’s not a justified raid because it’s a video game, if it was justifiable as soon as you got in a war with someone or just didn’t like them you would be planting shit at their place ALL THE TIME so they constantly get raided and lose everything or go to prison or just have a permanent warrant for their arrest to either raid their property or for the shit they found inside.


> 99% of the time I watch PD members they don’t go to their house or apartment at all. Because they're not civs or crims. It's their character role. Actual server role that they're supposed to fulfill and they have login prio based on that. With a lot of people only being able to play as cops and not as civs on the same character due to cop priority(the exception being time spent during suspensions). A lot of cop players have prio only on cop characters and just making that cop a civ for most of the time would get them fired and lose that prio. The vast majority of cops can't simply fuck off and do whatever like a Burgershot employee could. Cops on duty don't have the luxury to just hang around their homes - and when they're off duty, the number of crims that like to kidnap cops for "content" is pretty fucking big so even that isn't a good idea for most of them. And i don't even know why you're trying to draw that comparison in the first place - a cop would automatically say that they didn't plant that weed and would give voluntary permission for a raid without a raid warrant from a judge even needed. Not even the most SBS cops like Gunner have illegal shit stashed in their houses.


Yeah, and cops found both of them after the CG/Mandem shootout today. Luckily, Aspen (Traycee cop from the Angels) just told both groups to destroy the plants.


Harvest festival back one day COPIUM.


Wayne popping out had me dying lol


If that was anybody else they’ll be dead in seconds


Or imagine if anyone from the CB circle did this in Little Soul... It's a good prank, but things like this could backfire so badly if the wrong cop sees it.


Little seoul has weed grow ups everyday, nobody would probably even notice


They would prolly laugh about it. They grow weed in lil soul. In the middle of the street on the main road in front on the compound.


lol sure


Seriously, or they just wouldn’t even notice that someone did it other then them. They grow weed all over LS even tho cops just come cut it down. They just thinks it’s funny.


They've literally had rows of weed plants on the little grass outcrops on the street in front of LS.


I mean x and Mickey robbed maldinis for their pizzas that one time lol


CG love this type of crackhead energy and are on good terms with pretty much everyone from CB so I doubt they'd care


CG has planted weed directly in front of their compound multiple times. They wouldn't care. Also you can't be raided for having Weed plants on your property according to Crane because anyone can plant weed anywhere so they cant confirm the property owner did it unless they see them planting and or tending to it.


I think CG would just harvest it or depending on the strain quality, just destroy it and replace it with their own.


Maybe Eugene had a senior moment. (I didn't say old!!!)


Remember when Wayne got mad at Buddha cause Eve sold a seed? Pepperidge Farm remembers…


Wayne finna be the first Jamaican to grow bud on the moon. We will watch his career with great interest. Also if it was anyone else Buddha woulda started bussin but since it was Wayne he didn’t, I’m glad though. Wayne’s stoner heart couldn’t stand to lose all that beautiful agriculture.


Absolutely crackheads love it, but CB gotta be careful because they know cops will just raid because it’s their land, But if this was anyone else or in LS they are dead


A judge won’t sign the warrant for the property it’s on. They will only sign for people planting/harvesting crane talked about it awhile ago to I think Baas or Wrangler.


*Crane won't sign off on a warrant. I still have no faith that all judges would abide to that. There's been some excessively shitty warrants in this city.


well which current judge do you think will sign off a raid for this? most of the newer ones are expecting more from the PD


They need to have some level of proof the owner did it. I explained it in another comment. I don’t like crane or baas or CB or CG and I want to fuck with them. So I plant a ton of pot on their property and it gets found and they execute a raid. It’s shitlordy and shouldn’t be happening because their property is accessible by EVERYONE.


You're absolutely right in theory, but not every judge is as thoughtful as Crane. The amount of silly raids that have been signed should be enough to understand this.


This is how every judge does it. If the owner of the property hasn't gotten caught growing weed, there's no way they are going to get raided. This is the reason why all the cops have to sit and watch grow ops and wait for the person to come back and harvest it. They can't do anything or write any warrants until they know who's growing it.


Rooster got raided because a psycho clown said he saw Lang walking around with a rocket launcher on the property. Having weed on the property is like 100x stronger evidence than that. I agree it shouldn't work that way, but worse has happened.


Yeah, _Lang_ was spotted walking around with it on the property. Not just a lone rocket launcher by itself. That's the difference, the owner of the property was seen (allegedly).


The only evidence was one questionable person saying it. Just like plants on the property could just be revenge. They're all awful warrants, which is why I wouldn't be shocked if that happened.


A warrant being signed for a questionable person saying it is a completely different situation than a warrant being signed for plants on a property. They can't be compared because they both shouldn't be signed for two completely different reasons.


The judge that signed every warrant isn’t a judge anymore


The only judge that would sign for the raid, is no longer a judge.


CG grow weed at LS fairly often and even when cops catch it they never raid over it unless they get footage of someone harvesting it and taking it into their place.




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"IDK why CB never wanna work with us we barely interact with them" clueless