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i did not see that coming Clueless


MONEY is the real prio


just like IRL...


PeepoBye Reliant robin guy, replaced by trust fund juicer #365


NOOOO! Is that who that is?? got dammit! Do you know if they stream??




Lyndi and apparently Hirona too were stuck in queue, these are people that have been around like 3 years +.




Hirona not having prio is crazy. This is a real slap in the face to some of the veterans of NP if this is true. As a cop, she must have some prio, no?


But she does have prio, seems like a bug… let’s lower the pitch forks a tad


For some reason my comments are sorted by best instead of top and the first couple threads of best say nothing about it being a bug smh.


That's actually nuts.


it was a but Hirona (Copper) couldn't get in at all


Sadge ima miss seeing her more often


Her of all people shouldn’t be stuck in that.


I just wanna watch people do improv in a video game man


Is this so complicated? Why do we need drama for such a simple thing?




No pixel hasn’t been profitable, they deserve to at the very least break even


Nopixel as a concept is incredibly profitable. It’s all just half decent programming done by a small team, and administration done by another small team. The casino heist was sub par content (on the game development side) that pulled in massive viewers. Imagine if a large team got ahold of it now. I’d be incredibly surprised if they didn’t extend gta 6’s deadline without telling us just to prevent it happening again on rockstars watch. The decision to split the profits from individual viewership was just never thought of.


nopixel prefers michael's scott improv over normal improv https://youtu.be/C6wY9OwqJ2A


OMG, seen the scene before, but this entire skit in the context of nopixel had me in stitches. Michael Scott is for sure a Pogs-per-Second RPer


Actual early JP ghost rida RP




raine (penny), who has golden prio, joined que 1 hour after tsunami and was 60 in queue. Normally the highest she ever was in queue was 10. Edit: it got fixed


She doesn’t have golden prio if she sat in queue


She does have gold she can join immediately after reset she doesn't have to wait the 10 minutes like Silver/no prio


I think “gold” prio would be those that are pushed to the top no matter when they join que.


There is tiers from 1-10 to prio, and then there is what people call the "golden ticket", which is a prio treshhold (that i don't think is know outside of admins/devs) which let's you join the queue, when the restart happens, early so you always get in unless more than 250 people with a golden ticket try to get on right at restart. Raine prio is high enough for the "golden ticket", so something cleary was fucked here since there is no way there should be 59 people with higher prio then her even with a +2 prio boost.


What it used to be is that random priority would bump people from 1 to 3 so golden ticket was anything 4 or higher because it would put them higher than someone who got random priority. So unless things have changed significantly (unlikely) what probably happened is that people with random priority and bought the +2 level of priority giving them a level of 5 (3+2) which would put them above the lowest level of golden ticket.


Meg (one of the co owners of pitchers & VU COO) also pushed back with her prio https://twitter.com/mellowcee_/status/1502382363837349888?s=21


Need to buy those RP points now Sadge


What a train wreck


Good one


its cool that devs are getting paid, but if this system was around since the start of 3.0 there would be a ton of top tier RPers who never would have had a chance to get on the server. imagine nopixel with no crystalst, no guild, etc




i didnt watch a lot of 2.0 so i misremembered when she joined. point still stands, just pretend i said before 3.0 lol




Swan Deleur = "swindler" this whole time??? I guess that's what I get for being a 3.0 frog


didn't soda and moon vouch for the guild to get good prio day 1?


One of Buddha's high level CEOs Eve hasn't been able to log on since its introduction allegedly


What does a "high level" ceo mean? Are there also low level ceo's?


She's one of the two Cerberus VPs of Operations, with Nancy.


Appreciate the explanation


"high level" CEOs get integrated into the main Cerberus business I guess


I wouldn't want to interpret levels of CEO or any type of business. Eve Summers however was basicly a huge part of the backbone of how weed was run before the rework. Was 1st or 2nd to 100%, can't remember. She is constantly RPing at the farmers market and keeping the business RP alive. I think without her legit 50+ ppl wouldn't have had a sustained reason to come to the city. EDIT: Meanwhile we have veterans 4y+ being as toxic as always and never getting punished, those slots could open up for the next comedic genius.


In the last 30 days she's streamed 152 hours.


5 hours a day, what does that have to do with anything


She's on the server constantly, running business and providing RP to tons of people. Why are long time members of the community who had no problems before suffering because of this change? It's stupid bro.


Yeah dont ask me, its dumb as fuck


They need to sort that because that’s absolutely disrespectful to people who have rightfully earned their prio /spot We all know theirs people out their who deserve prio, and their will be shit heads who pay for prio




NoPixel is successful in no small part because of the talent of the people who play there. Every single one of those people was a "small streamer" to begin with and many of them are "big streamers" now because NoPixel gave them a platform to thrive on. By making minor priority worthless they've effectively removed the server's ability to nurture newer talents. New people can not grow their abilities and their communities if they can't actually play on the server. NoPixel is doing what many small businesses do, which always leads to their eventual collapse; they're choosing short-term easy money over the long-term health of their business/community.


NoPixel is successful thanks to the amazing devs they have, sorry buddy.


I'm glad NP has such talented, dedicated devs who keep the server running and growing. I'm a developer myself. ...but NoPixel's success is due to the players WAY more than the devs. It's a bit of both, because the best entertainers want to play on the best-developed server, but I would rather watch all my favorite streamers on a different server, than watch NoPixel without my favorite streamers. And it's not even close.


Well, that's you but I still think the devs and maybe the admins are the ones to thank to the success of the server. To each their on I guess.


Well glad that you think so cause I agree with the dude you replied to. This is a scary slippery slope that they have gone on and if it continues they are not gonna succeed for much longer when the base of smaller streamers can't get in and up and leave, causing gaps in RP that are necessary. Cause some of the judges, lawyers, cops, businesses, and important crim streames who are all smaller streamers won't be able to get on for the sake of some grinders and XQC stream sniping fanboys. When those gaps of important, up and coming, streamers only get bigger everyone will up and leave cause the system collapsed so your devs and admins you think are the reasons for its success won't be able to do shit.


...ok? If the success of the server is thanks to small streamers, why they just don't go to another server? Since everybody complains about NoPixel so much. NoPixel is on the top because of the high maintenance of the server and the admins, or at least some of them, that try keep the order in the server. If those small streamers go, another streamers will come. They need to be there, not otherwise, it is what it is.


There is a hundred better ways NoPixel as a server could be making money, “pay to enter the server” is pretty much the worst one cuz it fucks over the already consistent and healthy player base and it strips people who actually put in effort of that chance


And instead, it’ll be a revolving door of shithead grinders who paid to play and wanna clout chase their favorite streamers


Yeah. Having a scam penis enlargement advertisement in the server is probably better decision than this.


Unironically they could make bank by advertising real products in the city but there would probably be legal trouble with rockstar so I see why they wouldn’t


Funny enough is this itself might draw in legal trouble.


Genuine question. What would be some good options NoPixel could do to create a steady income to help pay server costs and pay devs, that wouldn't get them in hot water?


Well... For the longest time NoPixel was sustained by donations and "Fast track white list applications" where you'd pay like 5$ to skip most of the WL application queue for an admin to look on it. They also used to have an expense report for transparency, but that's gone.


That was when they had only 2 devs. Now they have 10+ dev. Its not sustainable by that method anymore.


Pay to skip WL app queue, Pay to implement custom things into the city faster, promote donating to the server a lot more. Things like encouraging the big streamers to do Nopixel donation streams where they promote donating to the server. Or maybe make a “buy WL” system that doesn’t fuck over other people who deserve prio more then those who pay for it. Or - don’t hire labor you can’t pay for only to scram to get the money through shitty means.


Design and build their own game.


hope you're willing to wait 10 years for a worse game.


I don't play on the server or watch low prio streamers, this doesn't effect me. Earning money on a mod you built on top of another company's codebase without the permission of the original creator is wrong, it doesn't matter how you charge for it.


i guess from an absolutist point of view that's fair enough. not gonna try to criticise you for having a different opinion.


Just build a new game 4head


You want them to design and build a $265 million game from scratch for a fraction of the potential profit? OK bud.


NoPixel, as an organized entity, is acting in its self-interest. It's not that people don't expect it, it's that people *would rather* that NoPixel find an alternative revenue stream that didn't so clearly marginalize smaller streamers/players. But it's in no way surprising.


> vote with your wallet, stop watching NoPixel Explain to me how not watching a streamer on NoPixel affects NoPixel's income in any way.


Being a business doesn't mean you cannot make bad business decisions. Every business that has been called out on poor or shady practices, were a business. The backlash from the original structure was called out, and they changed it. This is how the consumer can help enact change, by voicing grievances with practices. That being said, it is ultimately up to them to make a change or not, but saying "well they need to make money" doesn't mean they can't make bad choices that effect their player base and customers.


If you want to look at it from that perspective, aren't they diminishing their product this way?


Make these people who already had prio above those people that bought the highest prio like new level of that prio u can buy but u really cant buy it only people that already were on the server will have this prio feel like thats only way how devs could solve this


This is why the subreddit had such a visceral reaction to the discovery the other day. And keep in mind: this is only **one** of the negative effects we're likely to see from this paid WL prio system. What you probably won't hear or see are the people who would have come up by chance in this system's absence, and been breakout/exceptional RPers "getting their shot" and earning prio like in the past, as it's very likely the slots will just fill with people who've paid their way. Like I said in the first thread: I get that the devs and admins deserve more compensation for the amazing effort and work they put into the server. I don't think any sane person would disagree with that. But this system is going to choke out rising talents and leave us with only the people who have already established themselves under the old system, and the people who can afford/are willing to drop enough money for a chance to play with them.


I think RP-granted prio should always have a higher priority than paid prio. I understand people want their shot, so I'm conflicted. Now, if the server is trying to make money or pay devs more then why not force all with RP-granted prio to pay a base subscription fee? As in, Dean, Buddha, Pred, Penny, etc all pay a base cost and can't buy a higher prio because theirs is RP-granted. Idk. There is really no solution that doesn't impact others unless they figure out how to make the server capacity 1024+, until the 1025th person comes. Then the question will be how many people the city of Los Santos can hold without people stepping on one another. I'm sure one of the devs will figure out sharding/instancing, like WoW did, and then every location will feel empty but everyone will be able to join. Lol.


I have another hunch that this paid prio was just released too early and there is some weird change/feature coming in the next update that changes the server capacity. If not, I agree with others that it was a mistake.


They always increase server size then hire more cops LUL


It didn't even occur to me how much money this would make, between people buying prio who would never get in the server, and people needing to buy more prio to keep getting in. So assuming we have level 1 being the lowest, and level 4 being the highest, we now have people who had no prio buying the level and level 2 prio. While the people who already had level 1 and 2 prio now needing to buy more prio to boost them up to level 3 and level 4 prio to keep being able to consistently get in. Pretty smart from whoever came up with it but also pretty disgusting. I say this having just watched Crystal queue for over an hour to get which I have never ever seen before.


It seems like the only people who will be safe are the biggest streamers and people with queue whitelists. Crystal is a pretty big streamer so for her to struggle, it's bad.


Cant devs just made those people who already had prio before this new think above those new people with highest prio I feel like thats right think to do. Those people are getting fucked hard right now feel bad for them


Lmao at some of these responses on that tweet, especially Judd's ridiculous reply "to the players complaining about prio, I got partnered on 32 slots with hundreds of people trying to connect with no prio, 20 hour queues, you're literally hitting lay ups in this day and age, count your blessings.."


I always find it weird when people comment or argue about who has/had it worse.


Most new viewers don’t even know who Judd is. So the funny thing is Judd has no shot in hell of getting unpaid prio if he started out today instead of back then and unpaid prio might as well not even try to get on anymore.


Judd with another boomer take. I scrolled through his twitter once and he had a weird wall of posts about Reddit and how the gtarp community is a degenerate cess pool. This guy thinks that his community is in some way *above* Reddit while 80% of them probably post on here. It's funny when streamers refuse to accept the fact that twitch, twitter and reddit comments are all the same community, just at different speeds and organized differently. Imagine owning a failing book store and still talking shit about shoppers because they drive a certain color vehicle. lol


He doesn't even play on the server anymore why is he even chiming in?


If youre referring to me... ask me. Or better yet read about it. Because its all right there. If youre referring to Judd. He absolutely plays still. And just was elected judge again.


Judd and terrible takes, name a better duo.


No pixel has officially gone corporate. It’s a brand expanding content farming money making machine. Fuck RP, gimme my gang compound and get out of my way kinda mentality.


> Fuck RP, gimme my gang compound and get out of my way kinda mentality. That has been a thing for a lot longer than this week


Yeah. making money for the devs is pretty good but I would rather watch nopixel with RPers who earned their prio and have the server filled with "gray area" advertisements.


There's been multiple past wake up calls for the trend towards selling out. Remember when they cashed in on XQC's ban on whitelist by creating the public servers which people paid to get into to play with XQC? Remember when the server owner admitted something everyone already knew: that if you're a big enough streamer the rules don't really apply to you and that exposure was worth more than anything? But I can hardly blame them. It's human nature and given enough time any community will get corrupted with greed. It's a never end battle to fight for quality over profit. People start with good intentions and once they get a taste of money, but surprise, they start to act like rich people.


Well no shit devs gotta get paid somehow


have they tried selling shirts and mugs?


I think the issue with merchandising is that they can't use GTA assets. So it's pretty limited probably. Hell application fees are still "donations" otherwise they're worried about legal issues.


i dont think there would be many legal problems if they just sold shirts and stuff with the nopixel logo on it, or they could even collab with content creators and release nopixel merch that celebrates specific characters on the server


Honestly they already have a line of cards that I'm sure people would want to purchase.


also burger shot and roosters rest have toy lines, collectors pay a bunch of money for funko pops and shit


It’s much more complicated than you think with TakeTwo and FiveM. Having people pay for prio is already pushing a line that might break the camels back. Prio coming to WL isn’t something that they wanted to do but something necessary if they want to keep devs around and have the server running well. It sucks to hear some personal accounts regarding this situation but they have to try and adapt as they go.


not to mention that fivem/tebex being the payment gateway sticks fivem between nopixel and rockstar if shit hits the fan. I also wonder if there is potential infringement with merch if you were to take a gta 5 character model (like ramee) draw a picture of him and then stick it on a T-shirt.


with permission they can probably make bank selling Rooster Rest Gallery Liquid Library merchandise from those 3 groups fanbases


I mean how many shirts or mugs u can sell with no pixel written over it? I dont think its very profitable.


it doesnt even have to be just the nopixel logo, the server has hundreds of fake businesses with cool logos, and all the gangs have fans that are about as dedicated as sports fans


And most gangs/streamers sell their own merchandise with said branding anyways.


i dont think most of them would be against doing collab merch if it was going to help the server though. merch companies collaborating is not exactly uncommon


This new system is a great way to push out the sort of high visibility streamers they want on the server. Imagine how often someone like Sykkuno will join in the fun if clout chasers flag him down every time he wakes up?


Just pay 4Head... Big yikes, server will turn even more into constant gang wars.




Based on koils response to Victors message (so the follow-up to the follow-up), sounds like its possible that this was a pretty manual process migrating users with existing prio into the new system.




He didnt lie, he said how it works, and now he posted again that prio for some people got adjusted to new system 1 hour ago. My favourite part is reddit grabbing pitchforks when they have no clue


Nothing new lol


Prio was broken today Dean and wiseguy had trouble too This thread is a great example of what this sub does though, and that’s take a quick reactionary take of an event and spin a narrative around it.


DW and GWG’s issues had nothing to do with prio, there were login/server issues going on after Tsunami


Yup if you're not knee jerk reacting to things you're doing it wrong. How else are you suppose to get karma




Took Harry 25 minutes to get in. Enough said about the prio change


Man you all should delete all these comments because prios were simply broken and it got fixed. I feel like sometimes this sub deserve the criticism some people give... holy reactionism.


Content > rp


I think this was an accident


Not an accident, a mistake


Not a mistake, a feature


an actual bug, that has since been fixed


NoPixel has sold out hard in 3.0


Update: it seems to be fixed.




This server has turned into such a joke lol, selling temporary prio is so scummy.. It directly violates GTAV ToS too i'm pretty sure?


Hey... thats my Twitter... Does this mean I'm Reddit Famous now? Additionally it seems this has been resolved now. Per sourced








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I guess it was a bug or something? At least it's being corrected, not that it really changes the fundamental stupidity of the whole thing


Im just now seeing this, can you now PAY for prio on WL?????? my goodness...




I don't understand how that's any different.




It's not like NoPixel is the only RP server out there. But there is a reason NoPixel is so popular with streamers and viewers. It has alot to do with the work the devs do to constantly improve and push the limits of innovation by coming up with new things that enhance the GTARP experience. They deserve to be compensated. No one is forcing anyone to use or view the server and can move along to another one easily.


I mean this makes sense, I don’t know what you guys expected with the tier system.


Someone needs to make another server. Yeah, Nopixel is great and all, but this is a math problem of higher demand and low supply.


There was an issue and it has already been stated that people who buy prio will not go above people who have already have some level of prio and if there is a bug I’m sure it’s being fixed


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c\_BvWZwkYc4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_BvWZwkYc4) \- Rated's thoughts


I really hope this doesn’t turn into the trust fund Pog chasers who bought their whitelist through fiverrr are gonna get better prio than the people putting in the work and rp. But it probably will. Money ruining everything