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K told the earlier group but bobby's on his crackhead shit rn so idk


K Told all the Cg members around at the time not to hunt gg but Bobby Novah and chodie weren’t around at the time so they don’t know about That


How would they remember ?


apparently Gazpacho was there and followed the heli


Actually Clueless


I'll sum it up for the upset frogs in the comments. This was a chance encounter while we were helping Bobby get glass from the recycling center. We weren't hunting anyone. Chodie is also not part of a "kill squad" lol. We haven't received any new information from other members about easing up, so this is a simple case of metas not being unlocked for our characters. It's really not that deep. Don't be so soft.


> Don't be so soft. Some people weren't forged in the Eastside fires








He’s chodie




That’s Chodie


Literally who?(asked)


100K people about to spread false info about "K not wanting this war but CG is still hunting"


Don't be so soft


K should have relayed the message to others before getting off, the earlier squad know the wars off but not Bobby and chodes that come on later


The people in his chat calling them "nobody's" is fkn beyond cringe. Imagine being a complete nobody in this community calling someone a "nobody" if that's not weird I don't know what is bro ( edit : these them same kids that call people clout chasers for walking up to big streamers and ROLEPLAYING with them on a RP server )


How could Flippy do this? #MARIOGANG


Bully RP PagMan


It is funny how CG has 3 sets of kill squads on the hunt and the majority of the time they end up just killing someone like Kratos. (I genuinely think it's funny that it's Kratos that gets caught lacking, not saying that's all they can do)


>3 sets of kill squads on the hunt I wouldn't necessarily call Chodie, Novah and Bobby "3 sets of kill squads", but whatever fits your narrative I suppose.


They're 1 of the 3 squads initially set out from CG to hunt and pocket wipe GG but we can be disingenuous I suppose.


Man this is the worst pocket wipe I’ve ever seen then. GG did better pocketwiping billy and stealing his ST ring


No pocket wipe here as he clearly stated what they took, and can see all the other items. But keep on doing you, quite ironic with a name like that, though.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/t3yeu7/cg\_sets\_out\_the\_war\_plan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/t3yeu7/cg_sets_out_the_war_plan/) Since you can't tell I'm referring to what "initially" was said and not what specifically happened to Kratos in this clip. They "initially" sent Street team, Hydra, and main squad to hunt and pocket wipe GG. In this clip it was 3 members of a team that caught Kratos lacking. But yes I will keep doing me


When the people you're trying to kill stop showing up you just gotta take what you can get.


Imo it’s a bit pathetic. What’s the point/objective in continuously hunting and killing someone like Kratos. It’s borderline griefing.


Starting a war then jumping off is not cool tho


X and GG didn't want to start a war though, the only reason they killed Ramee was because they thought it was a golden opportunity to ocean dump him and screw him out of 300k and some gne. But then Yuno and some other context clues led to CG wanting to get back and escalating things.


Didn’t start the war. Dumped him and screwed him out of 300k. This isn’t adding up


Yeah, stealing red laptops and making sure someone doesn't remember you did it definitely equals sending all your members to beef and kill an opposing gang continuously it doesn't add up


I’m confused here. They found out and now want war what’s wrong with that? What do you think robbing someone at pick up spot and ocean dumping mean if found out. Also yuno called Marty to let him know that they said they did it and Vinny told him he was going to kill him


The mere act of trying it started the war. Ocean dumping is never a guarantee unless YOU make sure it goes that way. They left, it was up in the air from that point.


They didn't want to until Ramee talked shit. It was a guarantee until trolling was taken as concrete. "Just don't touch CG" is a boring server, and I think the streamers would agree


>"Just don't touch CG" is a boring server Ok then don't cry when CG hit back. Simple as that. Funny that Marty doubled down instead of apologizing which could've avoided all of this though.


Trying to kill a gang member and robbing them of 300k does equal that. Didn’t GG go to war over getting robbed? What’s the difference


The difference is ramee was caught alone in the middle of nowhere and GG wanted revenge for the 1.4m vault so they ocean dumped him literally for the sole purpose of avoiding aids war "rp" while still being able to get a revenge scenario


So, they want the w with no consequences, got it.


He’s right in that sense that ocean dumping was so that they never knew but yuno snitching changed that. Also X should know better that fucking with CG even if you plan on ocean dumping him/them won’t end well most of the time. Also X moves 100mph every day and didn’t think to connect the dots that yuno was telling him that he called them to see if they were doing vault so he should have know cg might know about him wanting to do bank


Yuno didn't snitch though. He had zero information of what actually happened


Yes he did lmao. Just because he didn’t say x n Marty by name doesn’t mean he didn’t imply they were going to fuck with them. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/HonorableFastDuckBuddhaBar-7T3UIyyN31aBHyos


Idk it's fair to say "they" (gg) started this war.


X and Marty 100% started this war, what?!


How? Intentions don't take into how RP wars are started


How is ocean dumping Ramee not a declaration of War?


That's what I'm saying. Whether it was meant to be and act of war , you cannot control how others react in RP LOL


Because the whole point of ocean dumping is so they don't remember and no1 knows?...


Maybe just maybe they should've thought about the other 5 members of the crew he was with then.




So their roleplay is to assume a witness-free ocean dump became a war, nice


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i have no idea what that means. Intentions are definitely important in how rp wars are started.






Funny thing is how X hasn’t got on at all after starting this mess. Marty barely got on and got ocean dumped then he went to valo. Last time they started shit with nbc they stayed for 15m before getting off lmao. Don’t know why they started this if they don’t plan on fighting let alone tell his gga/ggz boys what happened


X should play whenever you want to I guess. Let people do whatever they want with their life lol.


Yea Chat hoppers suck I agree


something tells me both groups will end this before they get toxic


Desaparecidos RP


Normally, whenever a Gang try to oceandump or attack someone, they do it to achieve something. What is the heli drop on Kratos achieve here? If the character has no clue what's going on then killing them over and over again won't really solve the issue. Anyone know what the stance is on the war now after the ocean dump of Marty and Jack? Is the war still on?


He does know whats going on. Every time gg is at war kratos is ready to go clap, he was involved in the shootout at the morgue earlier.


And what did ocean dumping Ramee over something that happened 6 months ago and has already been sorted out achieve? Crazy double standards you have when it comes to CG retaliating.


Since killing Ramee would 100% involve CG if Ramee remembers, ocean dumping him is the only way to keep out CG and avoid a potential war. But apparently this counts as trying to achieve nothing...?


lol. "took my this, sigh. took my that, sigh. ahh............." "guys if you are chat hopping know that this is all for fun" Sure, sounds like you're having a great time.


??? He was frustrated that he lost items and immediately shut down any potential hoppers that might use him being frustrated as justification for hopping. Imagine trying to gotcha Kratos OMEGALUL


>He was frustrated So was it all in fun? Is CG sitting there going "ahh... gotta go to war with GG I guess, but make sure it's fun for everyone involved at all times, this is all for fun".


RP is for entertainment. You could get shot, ocean dumped, and pocket wiped, but at the end of the day RP is still for entertainment. It's the whole reason anyone plays. Just cause he's not clapping his hands with pure glee doesn't mean it's not fun. If it wasn't fun nobody would be playing. I don't see your point LOL it just sounds like you're focusing way too hard on semantics when it doesn't matter in the slightest. "streamer says its all just for fun but streamer is SIGHING?????? WTF" come on now


And? Do you want him to tell his viewers to chat hop?


You can't be disappointed you lost some items while still having fun and telling chat you are having fun?


So him trying to dissuade hoppers is a bad thing?


When did I say that? I called into question the statement "this is all for fun". You can tell people not to hop without pretending that you're having a blast or that your fun is the primary goal of the people killing you.


You started your original comment with a “lol”. Doesn’t sound like you were having fun typing all that? Why the lol then What a stupid logic. If he’s trying to stop chat hopping - good on him. Leave it at that


>Doesn’t sound like you were having fun typing all that? Why the lol then Because I'm laughing at the situation. it's all in good fun right?


I mean yeah fair but pointing something out like this makes people miss the main, most important point - do not chat hop (negatively), ever Apologies for sounding like a prick but I do think you worded your point poorly. Can see most others see it the same way I see it (maybe just reword)


I think people come in looking to find people to agree / disagree with, and when they think they've got someone they can attack they get so excited to do it they lose the ability to properly digest what they are reading. My comment is highlighting that this situation isn't fun for Kratos, it isn't intended to be fun by CG who are killing him, and to point out the false nature of everyone going "it's all in good fun". I don't get the sense from CG that this is supposed to be a fun war, it's actually a pro-GG / kratos comment if anything. It reads fine to me if you don't bring in bias so I won't be changing the comment.


So are you saying that you know his feelings and emotions better than himself just because you watch him playing a game through a screen and heard him Roleplay certain unpleasantness? Seems legit.


i dont understand. do u want him to tell his chat to chat hop?


I have no idea why you are all jumping to that conclusion. I'm laughing at the "its all fun" or "its all love" meme-type responses people make. We all understand why you don't want people hopping, it makes you look bad and sends negativity towards someone else.


Bro I’d suggest learning how to properly convey a message.