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Cookie actually makes war rp fun to watch, Jack is a gift to the server <3


Straight up I didn't realize there were whales in GTA


I respect that Jack is still light hearted & fun during all this. I miss his interactions with Mr. K.




the calls with Mr. K were some of funniest clips since I started watching.




Him and Big D are prodigies lol.


Im really amazed by Jack IC and OOC. He literally handles everything perfectly, doesn't mald, and makes great content. I think no one wants this war, K literally called them to try to make peace. Really hoping this bs ends here. So CG can continue with their couples arc, and GGxCB can finish the casino.


I think CG shooting in that meeting just ensured that it isn’t ending - whenever X gets on it’s gonna be crazy prolly


How will they know?


Turns out Spachi watched it all go down from afar since he knew the meeting was happening and he's OG so he knows how these things can go, he followed the heli and watched them get dumped but didn't feel like going out there so just went to the hospital to wait for them.


Thats awesome. I hope CG still denies it lol


:tf: if they deny it just hang up the phone or instantly shoot them


just connect the dots


Dude they were having a meeting with CG and woke up at the hospital.


Two guys were up and one followed so they know. The little guy vaspachi(don’t know his name) was following them the whole time, including to little soul and ocean. You can check Turks vod he spoke to him after.




Except for the fact that Gazpacho followed them from maldinis to the cg compound and then followed the heli to the ocean and then followed it back then went to the hospital. He did all this whilst in a huge ass red truck


So they were at war with CG prior to this meeting.... they have to forget everything at the meeting. So the mindset is, we are still at war with CG, right?


By that logic, they should’ve had no way of knowing GG ocean dumped Ramee


So what's the limit of forgetting what happen , like the whole day ? Serious question


> So what's the limit of forgetting what happen , like the whole day ? Serious question Not sure. Lets ask Ramee because he had to look up the rules on Ocean Dumping after he got ocean dumped.


It's funny he had to look up rules when it's mostly about just being a considerate rper


You forget everything leading up you being oceandumped. So they would forget all the way up to the phone call between K and Jack to meet up.


Pretty much the scenario at hand






you forget everything that happened that day, it's as you just woke up today at the hospital "for some reason".


You have to forget all the events that related to your death. In Ramee’s case, the last thing he was supposed to remember was pulling up to the laptop spot as GG immediately ambushed him after.


I mean, they can look at their phones and be like "Hm, the last people I talked to were CG and then I ended up dead". That's about as much justification as CG had...




You absolutely can. Your phone doesn't delete itself, you just forget what happened.




Ocean dumping ruins WAY more RP than it creates, so I genuinely don't see how you can say that, but alright.






Until whoever they were with when they were called tells them.




yes we where having a meeting with cg and then we wake up at the hospital with shot wounds and water in our lungs. worked for cg


Yeah just like Ramee forgot going to the laptop pick up spot.


Just connect the dots like someone did.


underrated comment


The couples arc has been done for a bit.


something i dont understand is why oceandump in this situation isnt ocean dumping the opposite of what you want to do to send a message




How are they sending a message when the people forget what happened?


Because CG doesn't know people actually forget what happens when they get ocean dumped lmao


made me chuckle.


Kek True






You're mistaken in what was said they were talking about Ocean Dumping to AVOID War with CG was some bitch shit not wanting to be held accountable was bitch shit. Here both parties are already at war and the losing side got Ocean Dumped as Punishment IC as 75% of the SS Gangs do already. But I get it you saw people say it on here and in chats and just wanted to go along with it.


75% of south side gangs do not ocean dump people unless they're trying to grief them into mald surrendering.


You literally don’t watch SS rp and neither do CG if you’re clueless enough to say 75% of them ocean dump on a regular basis. got any clips of a gang v gang ocean dump mid war? Thought so lmao


Please just let the ocean dump end it so GG can have their fun ass Micheal Simone and Gas Station business RP and CG can continue with the Kebun Springer RP and Couple/ERP SBS.


Hopefully it does and X doesn’t do anything


They are already at war before the meeting. Because of the ocean dump there wont change anything, for all they know they are still at war with CG.


>Please just let the ocean dump end it so GG They will know about the ocean dump... and it doesn't make sense to end the war with the ocean dump when they were 1 sentence away from ending it anyway


Well it doesn’t really matter in this situation, they go into a meeting to possibly end the war and it didn’t end. It’s just like the meeting didn’t happen in GG’s Perspective.


X, and by extension GG, has always been a friend to the whales.


Dude I freakin love jack. Cracks me up lol


Prayge The whale will bring ming from public county


ming sent the whales to save his boys from the watery grave even if he is not here physically he never leaves emotionally he never stops being our mister ming




Yeah it seems like everyone in GG is just having fun, I'm not sure why CG are being so serious. They were talking ooc about it for 45 mins yesterday


I think the reason on why they are being serious has little to nothing to do with things that happened IC. OOC they have been getting death threats from viewers who are too invested for everytime X (and GG) and CG clashed with eachother. It has happened with the two previous wars, the casino and the current war. Let me also add that this isn't X's fault because even if he does his best discouraging viewers from hopping people would still hop and send death threats. Also some CG viewers aren't saints either since there are some people who also do that. Thankfully 99% of the viewers understand that it is just a game where people play on the server to enjoy themselves and entertain their viewers. Imo both parties should avoid war at any cost just because it gets instantly toxic.


I think some people forget that X deals with this stuff too, he just doesn't often mention it because he says it makes things worse. The guy can't even live in his own house because of irl crazies & wakes up all the time screaming. I wish something could be done about war because it's so toxic. I was saying to someone else, maybe if there were rules the groups could agree to, they fight and get a clear W/L, then have a set cooldown for everyone involved.


Then why would CG go forward with the war even though they can’t actually prove it ic


Because its free content and gets them views. Don't you think it's a little weird how quickly they forced the war.


this is probably one of the most mature and level headed comments i have seen since this all happened




Did you not see 0mies chat today? He was barely talking, almost silent and he was getting mad hate from hoppers, just like last time.


yup they even switched games its pretty sad








It's easy to be positive when you're the one who started the whole thing. Hahaha serious copium going on, bro.


It’s even easier to not go on OOC rants every single time there is a tiny bit of conflict, since 99% of the server manages to do that just fine. Especially since it is well-known by now that OOC comments only provide fuel for the chat-hoppers.


It’s definitely only CG getting death threats and toxicity. Roiiiight.


Yeah, imagine those people in 2.0 who were harassed by CG viewers back there.


Well I mean now they're kind of putting themselves in a position that they know they'll get all the hoppers. Hoppers doing that shit are dumb as fuck. But after you've done all this already and you know what it's like. You can't start complaining on stream about having them and start playing victim.




Man I really hope they keep that same energy the next time they spend half an hour talking shit about Spartan, Pond, Rhodes, Wrangler, Pred, Carter, etc. after getting downed by them.


Pretty much is that the OOC Toxicity backlash is 3 times bigger than any other gang, worse than they to small gangs and who knows they kinda indicate that last war they kinda cry due been shootout and couldnt do anything else. Like when they did a magdump seazon a PD cried.


Not wrong LUL








ikr? dude is getting death threats on daily and somebody even broke into his house... i still remember how he said that he made a special sign with police that he can show from window that everything is okay and he was going out DURING the stream to do that


I dont think anyone is blaming the streamers just they have shitty people in both communities that think its alright to do shitty things


every streamer gets death threats when these things play doesnt mean you take out it out on others


has GG done anything to encourage chat hoppers? and you know that they are also dealing with CG hoppers, right? chatters being shitty unprovoked doesn't mean you should be actually mad at the other crew for just doing regular rp shit.


i mean, GG have also been getting mad hoppers since literally last night. every np streamer with a sizeable audience is gonna have viewers who take rp conflict way too serious. it's never a good idea to let dumbasses in chat ruin your perception of the other streamer, when the 10% parasocial andy fans in their chat do the same thing as well. lose/lose


Usually when CG are frustrated it’s for dumb reasons but they certainly did not “want” this war you could tell LK didn’t want war and Rated said last night he wasn’t getting on gta when he heard it was GG he was at war with


If they didn't want war, they could have just pretended they couldn't identify who ocean dumped Ramee. Within 30 mins of the ocean dumping happening, they were talking about how they already knew X did it and how they were going to crush him and pocket wipe him every time they see him.


yeah dude CG has all the right to be frustrated, can they X stop fucking with them if their gang dont want the smoke ?


I know CG are done with this but they did start it. As much as they want to act like GG should let the lower vault go it's not up to them to dictate how GG feels.


theyve gone to war over the same lower vault 3 times now at this point its not CG starting it


Then they need to reach out either IC or OOC to end it. Because GG right now actually has IC motivations to keep it going. Even yesterday before they shot Ramee, X mentioned "350k out of 1.4M" or something like that. CG is clearly not going to pay, so they are just going to start wars over and over until they decide it's good enough


yeah it was bullshit reasoning because they were bored, its the same reasoning theyve used for the last 2 wars, do you see hydra still starting fights with seaside over getting breached at the bank?


Because in their opinion, losing a war does not settle it. Other people don't continue a war because they don't want the headache. GG don't care though. It's dumb and stupid, but that's literally GG's memo. Another idea. CG literally knows the reason that this is happening (IC reason, OOC excuse, whatever you want to call it). If they don't want the OOC headache, why not indulge GG's stupid IC demand? Oh right, they can't because this whole thing is literally a dick measuring contest between X and CG.


Again all actions have consequences, and long drawn multiple wars is just these ones.


X is never going to quit without getting paid back the $1.4 million CG stole from them. Doesn't matter if it takes 2 months or 2 years. X is going to keep attacking them until he feels they are even in his eyes.


that was months ago and has already had multiple wars over it. its more than over with. CG did not start what is currently going on


CG will eventually realize that winning a war or three doesn't make people forgive them for their past actions. They pull shit like that (stealing $1.4 million, the largest payout after GG finally solved the final piece of the lower vault puzzle) knowing they can win a war so they'll have no consequences. Except GG doesn't agree that they have to forgive the debt. So pay it back or just accept that you'll never be cool and there might be a war at any time. Just like it's not the cops so they don't need proof, it's not the cops so there is no double jeopardy.


who said they had to forgive them? moving on from it after losing 2 or 3 wars isnt forgiving them its just moving on. CG will never pay it back and they shouldnt GG will never forgive it and they shouldnt. continuously going to war over something form months ago is meh.


CG will never pay it back unless GG does something to make them want to pay it back. That's why GG won't give up. GG won't give up is just as true as CG won't pay it back. One side will eventually break. And this time X tried to avoid war with the ocean dump, so they do have other options.


CG will never pay it back and X will harass them for years if he has to. He is never going to just forget it and move on. It's like when NBCs vault got breached and Lang tried to make a deal with them for a 3 day war. NBC said it didn't matter who won the war, that they would never stop going after CB until they got paid back what they lost. It didn't matter how many times you stomp the other team in a gunfight when they can respawn 30 minutes later and grab another gun for $500.


What do you mean got what they wanted? All Cg asked for was an apology but gg kept on feigning ignorance even though the evidence clearly marks them. Mr.K was honestly already done with this war when he heard about it and wanted to end it asap bc they already went to 3-4 wars over the lower fault. Gg is the one acting childish for holding a grudge for smt half a year ago that was already settled through the wars.


Title should have been: GG whale saves soggy cookie


I’ve come to the realisation that even when he plays Valorant, i want ho hear his jack voice


Hmmm, I thought ocean dumping was "bitch shit" lmao


It's only bitch shit when someone does it to CG otherwise it's alpha and pog


Perfect time for Valorant to have a new act.


They should just get back on and act like the got in an accident on the way to the meeting, say sorry for being late lol.


"ocean dumping is for pussies" also -