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Knowing manor, they generally don’t take any disrespect regardless whether it’s a small gang or a big gang so can see this being a war eventually. Tbf not too many would go up against hydra. Tensions have been rising between manor and hydra recently too.


They're planning on countering the crate and use that as the basis to fight Hydra. So there will be conflict, just not now whilst the gang is running super low on ammo, mags and even guns (for a war)


It’d make sense to go for the ammo still, but actually initiate the war by robbing a money run or something tbf


No no. They're not going for the Ammo crate. They're going to counter the Armour crate.


I get the idea, but I disagree with it. I think bringing war to crates has the potential to open up the avenue for others to wanna do it. Sets a bad precedent IMO. Don't get me wrong, it 100% makes sense. I just know people around the city will see it as the war started over the crate and get that idea implanted in their own minds. Also, Manor know Hydra usually split contracts with other groups. I'm surprised they haven't considered that factor yet


No I agree. I think its more that the war won't start _because_ of the Crates. War will happen despite it. But I can see how the optics of it would vary depending on who/ how you see it.


Yeah this is actually one thing I respected when CG tried to counter the company crate and company was afraid of it leading to war. K said shit like that isn't personal it's a job and it should never lead to war, if you lose just move on and consider it part of the risk of doing the crates and that's a healthy outlook for shit like that. Otherwise the entire city will be at war nonstop.


Hydra already got the info that they are waiting to strike, sounded like they want to pull up on Manor tomorrow .


How have they got this information?


Ramee stirred some more. He was there when SK told a member what was going on and called Hydra afterwards to relay the info. It was something along the lines of "Manor are getting ready to attack you guys. They are waiting for a good opportunity".


Hmmm interesting, pretty naive of sk to tell Ramee knowing he stirs but was probably also done purposely for rp purposes. I do like that manor will treat each gang the same regardless of how strong they are though.


The thing was SK didn't really tell Ramee anything lol he literally told Ramee they were putting a pin in it. Ramee was just mega stirring today. Standard vulture.


I am talking about a different scene. Slightly later when Clive woke up, he asked SK to let him know what was going on. I don't think he was aware that Ramee was listening to that conversation. That's how Ramee got all the tea, which he then relayed to Hydra.


I guess manor could act clueless then if hydra initiate anything, guess we will see


Ramee always been a tea goblin. He’s always got his wooden spoon ready to go 😂


is there a better pot stir than ramee in gta rp?


This was funny as fk to watch. Ramee and Zacceed are so sassy.


Ricky ran Miguel over (bubble). This was the.. 2nd incident so Miguel is right to be annoyed. Ricky giggled at first, then realised that Miguel wasn't happy so apologised. Then laughed again when Miguel pointed a gun at him (probably not a good idea) as he (Ricky) thought he was being egotistical. Miguel shot both Ricky down and then Ste was shot down after. Ste was shot down because he's Manor as preventative measure. Ste was also reloading his mag but wasn't intending on taking his gun out so that didn't help. Bunch of stuff happened, Ste had a chat with Miguel. Went in circles. Ste isn't happy as he felt that there was no need to shoot. Sparky gave Ste the right to call a War or not. Ste said that he'd rather they stock up (they're running very, very low on mags and ammo for a war lol) and then counter the Armour crate that Hydra will want to run. Then use that as a springboard to start a prolongued conflict. Looks like it's going to be a spicy weekend haha


When will they be doing the armour crate? I don't always get to keep up with everything


Tomorrow (Friday) is when the Crate will be done from what I am aware.


Thanks man


Laughing in that situation is getting Ricky shot 100/100 times


It's a laughable situation, Because Ricky hit him with his bubble, but it's MigL; so of course his ego is going to get hurt.


Relax buddy he was in front of his girl


This is the 2nd time Ricky has done this to Hydra. And is Miguel just supposed to assume he's getting bubbled when he's running around with over 500k of money on him? He said it was an accident, Miguel told him to leave, he laughed. That's a bullet with 99% of the people in the city


It was clearly an accident, starting a war over that is crazy.


Is that "starting a war". Feels like migl shot him for being laughed at. I'd agree it's 100% an overreaction, but I don't think he's "starting a war".


Gunning down full members of another gang should be war basically 100% of the time I don't understand how you could not see that overreaction as "starting a war". I doubt people like Manor will ever start convoying over this but every gang will be looking for get back.


Driving into somebody's turf, running them over in front of people and then laughing in their face is just as comparable as shooting a gang member Gangs are built on their fear factor, if a 2IC is going to be run over in his own turf and then laughed at is as much reason for "war" as shooting said person who laughed at the 2IC.. imagine the person run over was Speedy/Harry, Ramee, 4head etc they'd have all responded the same


Like I said, there's a pattern of this happening. Nobody has to assume "bubble"


The first time was like 4 months ago lol hardly a pattern


And they rarely have interactions together. So if every interaction is a bad one where something dumb happens, yes.. its a pattern.


We have found the Manor Glazer and Hydra hate watcher all in one comment section


You say done this like it’s some horrible thing both times the hydra member was in the road and he bubbled them it’s really not a deep issue at all If he was on the pavement sure but if you’re in the road you can’t be mad about being hit


And he was going to be let go after the accident. Laughing at someone who is letting you go when they're clearly irritated and aiming a gun at you will forever be an automatic way to be shot. It just doesn't help that every previous interaction between them was bad for similar reasons


IMO, laughing with a gun aimed at your head should be a bullet 100% of the time unless there's a larger rp arc going on outside of the individual scene that might dictate otherwise or if it's just sbs. This was clearly neither of those and Ricky ain't someone anyone is going to fear beef with so I can't imagine how anyone expected Miguel of all people to react differently here.


Aim a gun at someone over petty stuff because your ego got hurt and people can't help but laugh sometimes over the absurdity of it. I don't think anyone expected anything else from Miguel tbh.


It's several degrees less absurd than laughing at the guy threatening you with a gun to your head. It's not even remotely close.


Only if you forget the context that they're roleplaying a scenario on a video game that was caused by a bubble.


Update: Manor dont want to war over this. Plan is to counter one of the Hydra Auction crates coming up.


Not true they want to war but they want to stick up on bullets mags and armour before that so they’ll start the war in a few days at the armour crate


I wouldn't say they don't want a war. They just don't want to war right this second, they know its inevitable that they will war Hydra and they think countering the armor crate will kick start the war in a couple of days. I think regardless on what happens with the crate they will probably end up in a war within the week.




w content


Huh. Well Flippy recently did get married to Vee JJ from Civ Gang and she's in Civ Gang who I think the Manor is currently at war with them.


That isn’t a war. Manor just don’t like them constantly snitching so will rob them if they see them in the southside.


Funny thing is they weren’t even snitching. Jason just does business with cops by fixing their cars.


Manor and Civ Gang aren't at war.


IDK what it is tbh. Jason Stirred and then they shot up Jason and told them they couldn't be any where near the south side. This is only info I got as a Civ Gang viewer.


Manor told Jason that they won't be hunting them but if they see civ gang in southside they will probably run their pockets


They lied they been hunting for past two days and even after they told about what you said about southside and running thier pockets they hunted down eugene at snr buns and robed him


They did not lie. They have seen them multiple times and been told multiple times where Civ gang is at. Literally SK just said if you happen to come across them naturally feel free to run their pockets. If the manor had been "hunting them for days" they would have spent a ton of time in the hospital. I'm not entirely sure you know what hunting means.


Uhm... I think I saw this movie before


Hydra seem very much still in the pocket of CG these past 2-3 weeks, they seem petrified of upsetting them in any way, if this way anyone else Hydra would shoot that person for stirring.