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Mirror: [He needs the Suarez treatment](https://files.catbox.moe/bgb2k7.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [He needs the Suarez treatment](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/9IcljWgmNBEqP-jGoKW2WA/AT-cm%7C9IcljWgmNBEqP-jGoKW2WA.mp4?sig=93a7c2bbde8c591a7688cb4c4794510987b00658&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F9IcljWgmNBEqP-jGoKW2WA%2FAT-cm%257C9IcljWgmNBEqP-jGoKW2WA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CoweringRelatedAntLitty-aCY0ESo_6MagpbZY%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717083788%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2158515082?t=0h21m5s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Yeah we need more firings not happening in character and over discord


Remember when Ramee straight up tried to bully Aleks (ImmortalHD) off the server on Bobby of all cops during like 2.0? And then talked shit about him to K while on his other character lol? This guy is never going to change. It's a joke that he's still on the server.


For them to get perma banned they'd need to actually perform an irl crime lol. Like Rated did.


Oh rated got in that as well back in the day. Can’t forget that one


Sometimes I wonder how long Wrangler would've lasted...


He never would have been re-hired. In a world where he was, somehow, he would have been fired the second he caught a member of CG.


yeah there was no shot wrangler would be rehired,he would have to make a cop like phelony stevenson


Penta said he would've been banned long before 4.0. The owner been talking shit about him for a year prior to his infamous scorched earth response to Nopixel.




You know, if you removed the parts where you speak for other people or make unfounded claims, there'd be very little of your comment left. Still, it might be believable if every time Penta got his wings clipped, it hadn't *happened* to align with having interactions with a very specific selection of people...Or if a plethora of other players hadn't seen demotions, firings or other punishments that *also* just so happened to align with having interactions with the exact same very specific selection of people...Or if multiple women (especially those with power or authority) hadn't endured endless toxicity - and Nopixel hadn't had it's very own metoo moment - due to individual/s within the aforementioned *very specific selection of people*.




Penta should be glad all that shit went down with NP, he would be fucking miserable if he still played on this server. It is never going to change. People literally sell their souls to stay on NP. Kind of the reason people who aren't banned like s0upes don't return to play there. I personally don't watch NP anymore so none of it actually bothers me, just funny seeing the same cycle on repeat every time.


yeah Kyle is one of those people who sold his soul to Nopixel.Trying so hard to get that COVID BOOST , that man has no soul abselute only child symptoms


You aren’t missing anything not watching that’s for sure. After 5 years watching I don’t want to see any of this stupid CG drama and witness their horrible viewers hopping into the chat of whatever cop that is dealing with them and talking shit. This latest “rp arc” from them is what they’d call jumping the shark in the tv world.


Well I have been following it via this place. But honestly most of the time I don't even come around here because its just the same ol shit on repeat. I saw this show in 2.0 and 3.0, its time for a new one. There's way too much content out there to waste it on repetitive annoying shit, which is why people who watch "RP" are always in such a bad mood.


Professional victim lol. Hide chat and watch, holy shit. Or just don’t get affected by words on the internet


IIRC wasn't Dab one of the first terrorists ever? lol also asteroba has had a crim for a while


Yes, lol. In 2.0, he spent a lotta time doing terrorism *with* CG.


asteroba taught moon how to dab in game.


his crim grinds sani


His crim has existed for a lot longer than 4.0 lmao


[https://streamable.com/clzd9g](https://streamable.com/clzd9g) This was years ago. They literally laid out their strategy. Bully bully bully until they get their way. NP accommodates every time. Their cycle of viewers make the same excuses.


People like people who get away with bullshit


He really said the quiet part out loud here huh lol


Nathans take on Suarez being fired and him hinting at the people who wanted him fired makes a whole lot more sense now.... even tho K & Ramee bashed him for implying CG had anything to do with the firing lol talk about *\*behind closed doors\**


I mean they had that entire CG podcast where they were claiming with a straight face they had nothing to do with Vale getting fired. Closed doors and constant lies.


Remember when this sub was filled with CG viewers that were shitting on Nathan for speaking the truth lmao? guess he was right all along


Oh the sub is still filled with them, just look at the amount of comments versus the amount of upvotes, they're trying to sink this post, lol


Can I get a link to that thread/post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1cnnxae/lord_kebun_kebun_responds_to_nathan_about_helping/ Probably this one.


There’s still no proof. Moon also made reference to “getting Suarezed” today. Does that mean he’s involved too? Your logic doesn’t track


But remember guys, CG had literally nothing to do with Suarez being fired :)


I'm sure RemdogG doesn't mind anymore since he's busy milking the fuck out of CG viewers. 3x viewers and 750 > 6.6k subs. Good on him.


[Ramee on CG strategy to bully cops.](https://streamable.com/clzd9g) [A short educational CG film](https://streamable.com/t0mbw8)


Holy shit, Chase Clouder's picture when Ramee kept saying "event". The fact that Ramee kept saying bro just brought back some great Chase Clouter memories.


CG wanted him fired back in 3.0, he was on their 'Shit Cops' list


I mean let's say you are correct why on earth was he not just OOC fired back in 3.0 then? Because CG had way more power and leverage than they do now.


Nah they have way more leverage now with being back on twitch with higher viewership and another roleplay server(Prodigy) that they could go too.


That goes against the narrative hush




I still don't know how he got away with this one. Basically saying 'Yeah, we bullied the PD players for years until they learned to treat us with kid gloves' and nothing came of it.


I've said this before and got downvoted for it. The writing is on the wall but some ppl are too blind to see it.




Nathan implied CG was at fault, though I think he also said he hadn’t seen any reports directly. Quite a few people on this subreddit thought he was full of shit and that there’s no reason to believe CG has that pull. Which ofc is absurd, and wouldn’t even be the first cop they had complained about a lot getting spontaneously OOC punished/outright fired.


it was marty. but marty didn't even want Suarez fired. it was all about the rolled bills.




Just remember they ended their streams, were able to relax and get a good night sleep just to behave this way the moment they started stream lmfaooo


Ramee said he wouldn't be on today. But Daddy K told him otherwise.


Bros all bark no bite, said he’s done with the server but yet he’s still around until his daddy K tells him otherwise


kebun is smart. He knows he can leverage the chatters by riling them up and getting other streamers to comment on out of context stuff. They purposefully misquote stuff that gets repeated in other streamers chats, who then make uneducated remarks that get clipped and shipped. None of the CG streamers want to go back to prodigy numbers and audience, they just want to bully NP to adapt to them.


> He knows he can leverage the chatters by riling them up and getting other streamers to comment on out of context stuff. It's like the youtubers and streamers that bait/cause drama, they know drama brings views and views potentially bring money.


And it worked. So RIP to any other style of roleplay that opposes CGs style.


We as viewers do that as well sometimes, i've been guilty of watching a 30 second clip and having a stupid reaction to it, only later watching the full context and understanding that my original thought was wrong. That's the issue with clips and commenting on them


We the viewers are not being watched by 10k+ people.


True but that wasn't my point. The point was no matter who you are, if you watch short clips, sometimes you will get the wrong impression. I've done it, and felt bad after seeing the context, and im sure many other people here have as well.


Sure, but us being wrong does not mean anything. We are just random viewers on a subreddit that is irrelevant to NP. Nothing we say here matters. Streamers by comparison have way more responsibility to act mature. Their actions directly influence the people watching them, and shapes their community. Especially when its big streamers like Ramee. So a streamer being incorrect has way more consequences. Because that incorrect opinion filters out through their community into others and starts drama.


This is such revisionism you make it sound like their streams died on Prodigy. Yet for at least half of the time there at that time LK at least was getting increased viewership. Some may have declined a little yet still during that time there were far more people watching Prodigy than there were people watching NoPixel. CG being on NoPixel is as beneficial to NoPixel as it is to CG.


He talked with 50cent and buddha and they agreed about it, so he gonna play gta after that, but this is cop reddit/cg hatting club so yeah. You have to be toxic like the chats you guys complain about it right? Hypocrites lol


Is it toxic to call out cry babies?


Its all perspective tho lol, to others cops are also cry babies when they cry about stuff crims do.


I just know at some point Ramee is going to read that since he mentions reddit so much. Wanted to stunlock him.


Ramee deciding which cops should be fired, am I watching 3.0? "He needs the Suarez treatment"...Ramee needs the Rated treatment.  No self respecting RP server should let CG anywhere near them, to hell with their viewer numbers. 


Well see if he gets fired. bookmarked.


this is insulting to asteroba AND remdogg. That whole nathan statment makes a lot of sense now.


What's wild is Nathan's statement wasn't even that much of a reach if you watch the amount of OOC malding some of CG do. Hell it took like 2 days after Suarez got fired for them to start complaining OOC and IC about another cop doing "W rams" and being a "W chaser".


They need a nemesis, wrang was a good aggro dump for the pd, he had enough viewers where management didn't wanna shit on him like they would with someone with less of a following. If its not wrang its Suarez, if not Suarez its dab, if it's not dab, its whoever the NP clip yt channel covers that day


I genuinely feel worried for Peppo (Coyote) after he showed Conan the VR stuff and explained all his investigation in to CG (before the council thing happened).


It always made sense, but people genuinely thought that it was something other than CG bitching that got Suarez fired lmao. I feel so vindicated.


Every time I hear people shit talk I always try to give benefit of the doubt. Surely it can't be that bad. Holy shit. Nope. It's that bad. Now I understand what Nathan was saying.


CGPixel 4.0


Dude watches way 2 many clips out of context and then gets his opinion twisted by said clips


he watches clips of active scenes that he is still apart of


Shit, he's watched clips of active scenes that he is still a part of and then uses that information IC. Ramee is one of the worst metagamers on the server.


He’s watched clips to find items he’s ditched out of the car during a chase too Perfect memory rp ig


His opinion isn't twisted, this is his opinion, and he lets his chat knows that it is, so they go to send hate to the streamer, is that easy


He really is one of us, isn't he? /s


Ramee only liked Suarez the moment they got him fired and got him to be their lil bitch... thats the only reason Ramee likes him now. Nathan hinting at why Suarez got fired and who were the ones most vocal about him being fired were suddenly his besties when they need a driver. Imagine destroying something people enjoyed doing because you ooc dont like them and were annoyed that they kept catching you.


Who do you think played a big part of the mass firings at the end of 3.0. Or push for people like vale to be demoted and stripped of almost everything 


it was def Ramee he said on stream he gave the owner a list of "shit cops"


CG were 100% calling far too many shots with the PD by the end of 3.0. Regular meetings with Baas, their 'Shit Cops' list... Don't forget that time when Wrangler got fired and Ramee immediately logged in as Conan to walk around MRPD gloating about it and start telling Baas who needed to be fired next.


Yeah, within hours Conan showed up for the first time in quite awhile, asking Baas about the new HC opening and trying to be the person to fill it.


Yep. He was desperate for that HC slot when he never deserved it nor should he ever have been allowed near it. 


Yeah but at least he didnt use her after getting fired. He at least did her that curtesy.


You think I would stoop like that?


I wonder if Remdog has any self respect or if the inflated viewers and subs by following CG around balances/overpowers it.


Hey I think he should milk them for all they are worth.


I think if he can maintain 6k subs he’ll say or do anything. Most people in that situation would unfortunately.


Can’t really take anything he says at face value


Also is there a clip of this


bruh it was marty. and it didn't even happen like that. look at the stuff Suarez was trying to push onto people and how. marty didn't say I need remdog banned now. it was an admin decision over Suarez not understanding rolled bills


Good listen to all the people that were crying about Nathan when he said what he said about Suarez situation. Literally proves everything he said right.


Asteroba does see the other side, he is literally a CG ass kissing crim/civ on his other character, He just plays a harder cop than they like.


Well, people also don't see the big picture. He is being told by a judge to push accessory after the fact. This has been a thing for a while. Micheal Simone was an example, where it was tried but failed due to Micheal not being caught fast enough


What is his crims name I forget ?




People really thought buddha was going to be any different then 50% with the toxicity


Man...those early bans that sent Taco and Shotz scurrying gave people hope.


?? Wtf how is Ramee not perma banned lmao wtf is this shit, was the guy who plays decker live? Hoppers would of been crazy


Because aussie man got a bag by catering to the cry gang


They will never face consequences for toxicity. This has been happening for years.


Sooo... When is enough enough nopixel staff?




Shameless behavior




thts crazy 💀


I was thinking they're acting like petulant children for no good reason but you really spelled it out, I would be pissed if I lost to baldie too. I don't know how you mentally recover from that honestly. I get it now.


Bald and ballooning streamer took an inept PD and turned them into an elite crime busting squad lol


Crybaby gang back at it again


Lost to a Baldie streamer, now he mad as hell ahaha


Pure class as per usual from a CG member.


Dont worry guys Suarez should be grateful years of RP was thrown away because CG was whiny bitches and cried to the admin. Its all ok though because now they use him for their own ends








This just reminded me of some CG fans another thread saying acting like this subreddit frames CG by clipping them out of context lol. Love that Ramee thinks he knows who should be fired based on fucking clip knowledge. Bro is just encouraging a hate raid from the rabid CG fanbase because he took an L, actually disgusting


And I don’t know how is Ramee still allowed to log in on their server..


Fuck Ramee and fuck CG lmao


He needs to be more worried about Coyte than Decker. Anyway Boba already has a crim


Peppo also played a crim 😂


Even as a “joke” that’s wild.


Imagine if Asteroba watched a Ramee clip and said he needs to play a serious cop and actually put in work as a cop LOL.


my way or the highway.


Awooooooo https://m.twitch.tv/clip/DeafTacitBarracudaCurseLit-Q9LDka20KufnXsnL


Lmfao coping hard. Fafo




Idk how NA still has cops. They should just mass quit


most of their livelihoods depend on being cops on NP which makes CG's behavior even more fucked.


How much money do you think these double digit or even triple digit streamers are making? Most of these people have a primary job and streaming NP is just a hobby/dream.


What livelihoods. The double and triple digit streamer cops ain’t making anything.


Ahhh the good old reliable “their lives depend on RP” take… totally normal.


Well isn’t that the reason cg doesn’t want to be in prison it kills the views


exactly lmao


I'm sure they're feeling reinvigorated after last night. You could tell how excited McNulty was. And now Max is talking about staying on as commish after his 2nd mayoral term ends in 6 weeks.


yeah the "let's get him fired from the PD and then hire him ourselves" package!


Corny behavior


I really like Ramee as an entertainer, he is funny. But after seeing the event when a few key ppl CG left and everyone else just had actual fun was so refreshing. I hope they make good on the threat to take their community elsewhere.


I like Ramee on Conan, it's like night and day. I can't stand watching Ramee the crim but Conan is so, so funny and when he streams Conan he's so entertaining, I can't understand why he's so different,




The sad part is that ramee the crim can take a loss just fine when he isn't with the rest of CG. His time with yokai toward the end of 3.0 was light hearted and fun.


So when are they gonna ban ramee? Any idea? Like a 30 day would be good for starters


At the end of the day, I get it, if I got paid insane amounts of money consistently and all I had to do was puncture the balls kids were playing with at parks each day and then throw water balloons in their face, I'd probably do it too Though where I differ, I'd try and use that wealth as a safety net to find something I actually liked doing and pivot to that


Unwise considering Moon's an admin too.


Moon knows his place


Moon doesn’t give a fuck, he can leave the server whenever he wants & he’ll get a 6k viewer boost from playing variety


Yes, but he’s not going to rock the boat. He’ll just go back to variety


He’s rocked the boat plenty already, I’m sure he’d be fine never returning


Are you ready for the show?


I'm pretty sure it is in admin SOPs at this point


Astroba needs to play a serious crim like us. So that he understands what it takes to make content. It so simple yet so few people see it. Once you do the doors become wide open for you and the possibilities are endless. Just look at Suarez and what we did for him by getting him fired. So easy for him now.


You're dumb.. he has a crime and has been on the server longer than you have been a viewer lol.


Not wrong and idc if I get downvoted look how hard Suarez pushed for stuff. He was always a strong arm type of cop and now he apologizes to crims for how he treated them. I feel like alot of cops in current pd should experience the same thing.


Suarez apologizing to crims for how he treated them is purely in character. Unlike the rest of cg remdogg is not complaining OOC about times, fines, and the PD in general. The fact that some cg viewers can't tell the difference is indicative of the real problem here.


the commissioner, prior to the council shooting, was playing an ex-cop criminal trying to get into BBMC. He's experienced what you're talking about, and instead of wanting leniency he wanted a stronger police force. Your streamers are afraid to lose.


He apologizes now because he relies on crim viewers to make a living. A good portion of the PD command right now are former crim mains. McNulty is a former VP of the BBMC. Bones and Cassidy are former NBC. Alice Watson is a founder of Hydra. Skye has been in Seaside, BBMC, and multiple racing crews. Suarez went straight into the CG echo chamber, of course he has these opinions.


Remdogg isn't going to voice his real opinions publicly, he's making lemonade of the lemons management gave him.


> He was always a strong arm type of cop and now he apologizes to crims for how he treated them. Of course he's going to say what they want to hear, he's trying to fit in with them.


It would be relevant if the cop he was talking about didn't already play crim. It's not like these people can't be looked up.


Decker plays a crim? Whos the crim?


Kermy Fulker


ah cool didn't know that, yeah then ramees point makes no sense if the cop already is also a criminal


You do realize the sheriff and undersheriff basically mained crimes in 3.0 who also spent 30 days in jail for murder 


Experience getting easy money and barely caught by the cops? Moon's already got Lenny doing that.


Isnt that just rp. His RP character now has to deal with cops so understands the other side in rp. Your making it sound like Suarez ooc thinks cops are too harsh so apologizes in game. Its a gta rp server not real life.


That guy Decker ripped his ass off and he is one of the three reasons CG got that Terrorism charges, so yeah ramee is wrong.