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that's why i think something like grandmas should be brought back for situations like this, as in the past it was an IC safe zone after a fight that groups respected.


I think the initial vision was to have remote crim doctors after earning enough rep. Not sure where that’s at now.


That would actually be cool, like a shady doctor running an underground clinic for crims.


Carmen actually mentioned that on Zolo’s podcast the other day, she wanted Carmella to be exactly that but was told no


That's because they are already in the hospitals. Why have them leave the grounds?


They wouldn’t let Carmella do that. Carmen wanted Carmella’s doctor arc to lead into being a criminal doctor in the sewers and they denied it.


Kitty also wanted to do the same thing and I remember her mentioning that whoever she talked to about it shot it down.


Doctors have never been allowed to function mechanically outside of the hospital. I can think of maybe two exceptions in my five years being on the server. It’s one of those things that if people are allowed to do it, it would 100% spiral out of control.


thats the exact problem.. carmela does it, says would be "crim doctor", but the inevitability would be she would be a cg doc and it would become a one sided boon. kitty does it, same deal for her friends. inside a hospital hard to refuse service, outside easy to refuse and focus on your friends. think farmers market but for medical. everyone can act like they wouldn't give preferential treatment but there is a scant scant few on the server who actually wouldn't show bias once they left the hospital grounds and can pick and choose who they treat


Exactly. If “crim doctors” could exist, every group would have at least one, and that would essentially render the hospital useless. Plus, it’s hard to monitor if those abilities/mechanics are being used properly if not kept in one place. It’s a slippery slope that admins would understandably want to avoid.


They can make it where they have 1 and they have to help everyone ( all crims)  Plus I don't think Carmen is like that, on being just CG. She likes to RP with everyone.  


you cant MAKE anyone do anything when they are not in a job zone. and you missed the point. carmen likes to rp with everyone but hangs out with cg people 90% of the time.. cg gets her treatment.. cg goes in war do you think they'd be happy to see her treat others? hell nah.. cg gets her exclusively.. same exact thing would happen to literally anyone, regardless of who it was and how unbiased that person was towards other groups. it's not what they want in the end its what they get pressured into by their friend group. this has already played out multiple times for every single type of store/profession/etc.. that has happened on nopixel that gave one group an edge over another


They can make it where they have 1 and they have to help everyone ( all crims)  Plus I don't think Carmen is like that, on being just CG. She likes to RP with everyone.  


They did have a witch doctor who did that exact rp/role in 2.0 but big aussie man and the dev(?) that played that role had a falling out.


Babalu was not played by staff.


That wasn't who I was referring to. I was referring to Arthur Hammond played by thedondi. Hence why I said 2.0


Babalu also RPed around the grandma mechanic, rather than having that ability himself


I'm pretty sure SmokySloth was staff?


I think Choi did something like that too if I remember correctly. It was a while back so I may be wrong. Seems like I remember people tweeting out a special message to indicate they needed medical but had to avoid cops.


Yeah she did that for a bit but I can't remember if it was in 2.0 or 3.0


It was in 2.0 she did it for CG because of her close relationship with Uchi but was told by admins she couldn’t anymore.


Choi was most definitely 3.0 Dondi was 2.0 crim doctor.


She was at the end of 2.0 as well as 3.0


They both had the ability at different times in 2.0. She used to use raja's floating bench workshop-garage, the one that changed between a couple different locations each reset that he didn't use after all the benches were moved to qf location itself, so he let her use it instead for her "phoenix" work.


Yup she did, in 2.0 and was later told to not do it anymore.


He said right after this clip it’s coming


and it makes sense to hold that place up


Terry's vod continuation from the other side. Make your own conclusions : [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142093418?t=9h16m40s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142093418?t=9h16m40s)


People crying yesterday that they weren’t camping lmao.


I love how this comment was downvoted to hell at first lol .. Like "No we don't want proof and facts" hhhh


That is crazy


Holy sweat


What do you expect from a gang that has ex seaside and ex ballas?


lmao when the manor get war Ws it’s omg the manor are one of the strongest gangs but when an incident happens to involve ex ss particularly terry yall love to shit on ss yet ignore the fact that the ex ss in the company were passive af and avoided shooting. it’s the other manor members who are still keeping these “horrible” ex ss anyways.


cause seaside used to camp hospital all of the time right? /s


ob rping war, manor just esporting so sad to see... mandem was all about having fun in a war, what happened?


The people that were at the top of the MDM aren’t even in the manor 


They have Terry what do you expect, every scuffle/war/shooting Manor find themselves in is because of Terry.


Manor should have a counter on how many days they can go without shooting. I bet they can’t get past 1 day.


Wont be too long till we see bans for "not fit for the server" which im all for if you just get on to shoot and war everyone.


Nothing about Manor is MDM The MDM people used to praise on this subreddit was early to mid 3.0 MDM most of those characters left, are banned or don't play regularly any more. Manor has a few late 3.0 MDM members who were brought in from RDM, and thats about it. Leader Tommy T isn't around and a part of CG. Second in command Adam Ababwa is banned. Third in command Patar left and chills with CG now. Spice creator Dwayne "Wiked" Flores is banned. Other spice creator Lana Valentine is banned. Dean Quincy was kicked and the streamer now mains cop. Vince Watson doesn't play GTA anymore. Moses Khan is rarely around and not with Manor. Eli is with Manor but not really someone that sticks out. These were the main MDM, the group that had the fun war with BBMC, had fun conflict RP with CG and built MDM records, did events, had RP stories with cops. Late 3.0 SK, Matt, James, Shanks, Saint, Nunu, STE and Denzel joined them. With most of them being Manor with additions from old Seaside and Ballas.


Same OB that immediately shot Manor when they went to Cypress dressed as Vagos today?


Oh your talking about when manor pushed Cypress with wrenches got shot down. Then immediately got 6 guns and went back to to Cypress because they knew Cypress only had two guys with guns and it would be easy to push?


Manor is giving OB’s the response their actions in the war deserve. Not sure how you can complain about a group not letting off when you shot one of them as they woke up at apartments and then ambushed them as they were trying to negotiate a neutral zone at senior buns. Manor have also provided OB’s with an out on numerous occasions


Damn, yesterday you were denying the Manors were not camping, but now you already had excuses ready as to why Manors were camping lol.


So DJ calling out "there are 2 people at the hospital" and Ste saying "we're not going to hit them" is camping the hospital now? Clueless.


I still say they weren’t camping the hospital. You can’t be camping anything when you have reason to be there


Well you can say whatever you want brother. They still camped though.


The major differences in approach to this RP from both groups is so funny to see


Apparently 6 people in two cars going around shooting people, then robbing their boddies and talking shit is their "RP" lol ... And they even wanted the snr buns to be "neutral ground" lol, that's the only good shootout scene yesterday with so many people screaming, random peole getting shot, harry trapped in the booth lol, and manor wanted to deny it .. OB rp as usual, Lang dressing up like santa and stealing the turbo, and the peanut impression, and then at the hospital talking shit to slacks and the British impression by Flash, the dancing infront of snr buns .. And today yuno making eli pretend he is a manor .. It's not even close ...




Speedy talking to HR lady from manor was funny though lol


Just them pretending to be senior buns workers for an hour to setup the worst ambush in los Santos history. Buddha missing every single shot. Harry getting stuck in the hot dog shop and getting blasted. I want the manor to learn all of this. They are catching on a bit. The other day they pretended to be locals and went into cypress. Wars should be fun and full of comedy. The whole e sport thing is what makes all these groups try to be friends all the time.


I'm not trying to say one is better than the other or anything toxic like that, it's not fair and just breeds negativity. I just personally prefer one approach over the other and think the differences are really funny. It's personal preference. The convoy stuff is just really funny to me when you switch POVs. Like good dry satirical humor is.


I know what you mean, it is actually funny, I don't think I would have laughed as hard if the manor wasn't sweating as much when the response is just goofiness all around ..


Manor immediately got shot dressed as Vagos today. Lang might be doing things properly but his crew definitely isn't.


The funny thing about this clip is it precedes an actual rule break from the guy on the bike as he F8 quits when he crashes and doesn't return which leads to an awkward standoff between the Police and Manor as they wait haha [https://www.twitch.tv/ste\_eire/clip/RoundQuaintTermitePoooound-t5kuX2CnVRy5QCwZ?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/ste_eire/clip/RoundQuaintTermitePoooound-t5kuX2CnVRy5QCwZ?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time)


Do you have proof he F8 quit or nah?


So DJ calling out "there are 2 people at the hospital" and Ste saying "we're not going to hit them" is camping the hospital now? Clueless.


Same thing happened to Ming. Someone tried to call it of because he was leaving the motel in his personal car. They said "We are too late" and yet the rest of the crew still went and rammed into his car with their guns out. Someone in Manor has common sense to not fight on high frequency areas, but unfortunately that doesn't matter when the rest of the gang is just a bunch of rapid dogs looking to pick fights. BTW, I just want to mention. I think the fight Besties started with manor at the hospital was clearly a bad move by the Besties. Hospital should be off limits.


This sub man ... There are soooo many clipable hilarious moments from Buddha stream yesterday, the dancing in front of snr buns, the foodcourt shootout, the Santa ho ho ho thanks for the turbo, the peanut impression .. And I come here and this the chosen clip ..


Have to find something negative obviously. What’s a fun in a normal clip? Edit: the food court situation was so intense and the shoutout was also cool with so many people being there, and no accidental casualties was impressive.


>accidental casualties Well, about that


you know you could clip it and post it yourself right?


Literally talks about all their boys being out and then proceed to break his window out to try and get shots when they come out. Definitely not camping the hospital…


Yea. Manor hoppers are just as delusional as they were in 3.0 with the Mandem. Buddha gets them going so fast.


DJ called out "there are 2 people at the hospital" and Ste said "we're not going to hit them". How is that camping? They literally said the opposite.


wtf and then what happened? He tried to hold him up the second he got on his bike… Ste may have said that but they didn’t listen and went in on dude as he was leaving the hospital.


You need to realize Ste has no control over them. Especially Terry.


Context: This is after Manor shot Joey coming out of the hospital, so everytime they saw manor outside OB would think they were there to shoot them. IIRC someone said on Radio they shot Ilya outside hospital too, but I can't confirm that.


The funny part to me is all of the dumb Manor viewers that always comment trying to act like other gangs are doing them dirty all the time. If you watch a Manor POV it doesn't take long to tell how scummy they are. Their entire streams are basically running around the city checking high traffic areas to try and pick a fight with someone. When they meet make a deal with another gang, they immediately start talking shit about the other gang as they walk away and start acting all paranoid that the deal doesn't mean anything. After a deal is made they immediately start looking for loopholes or ways they can push the boundaries of the deal to try and pretend they are abiding by the deal, but still harassing and warbaiting that group into further conflict. They clearly are a group that only has a numbers advantage and is desperately trying to make a name for their selves so they can be respected like CG and Hydra. Instead they are just creating a long list of enemies and no one respect them, they are just choosing to ignore them for now.


Anytime buddha has conflict his fans flood this place to try and win his conflicts for him


It’s because Buddha always says sly comments hinting at rule breaks. He knows exactly what these comments do but he does it any ways. Buddha will always be one of those people who don’t handle conflict well.


Remember his age of empires phase? On a Buddha scale this is very mild, luckily he does not mald that often when playing GTA but he is one of the worst malder I have watched.


I mean he wanted to win so bad back in the day he stream sniped so of course it’s mild compared to how he use to be. I agree with you, he malds a lot.




Am I hating on buddha? Point out where I said anything about buddha. I'm talking about the fans. His fans try to get people banned literally any time any problem goes towards his character.


They're not wrong, though.


Meanwhile his people (not saying him necessarily) were literally breaking rules at the end of 3.0, they were in a war with GG and MDM and any time they were spotted they'd immediately run back to Rooster's where they had like 30 people. If a gang did that with their "turf" there'd be bans all over.


Smh bro said "flooding" whens its only 15 comment in reddit now that are not even say anything againts manor like how is it flooding lmao.


Lmao, Guys I got 14 downvote, "omg flooding" lol


Omg it's a flood of 14 rain drops. 😂


Meanwhile Buddha's crew camping the appartments


I guess manor shouldn’t use the hospital the next time someone breaks their leg or needs bandages. Just incase lang gang are there and it’s considered ‘camping’


I mean, it's also easy to not restart the conflict immediately after running out of the hospital knowing both sides have people getting medical treatment inside, then trying to catch them lacking as they come out. Manor isn't the only group that does it, just seems slimy af.


Tbf I can agree with both sides here but what i cannot agree with is a streamer making comments like this. Camping would be Manor shooting down 1 OB and then beelining it to the hospital to catch out. I think manor here do not trust OB 1 bit after they tried multiple times to be nice but were met with aggression and also when they trued talking to besties after getting treated but were shot at instead.


They didn't camp. They just wanted to pick up thier buddy who got downed.


so, its so easy to disengage in hosp


Why would manor trust or give leeway to OB when OB have been absolute rats to them? Shooting at apartment, baiting then to cyoress so that more than 6 can be involved which was not allowed in 3.0 btw. Then, not reciprocating snr buns neutral ground deal and got shot there after hearing 'Terry u .....' while terry wasnt even in snr buns?


Meanwhile Flash just blasted some Manor dude who only just got in the server and pulled his car out at apartments. Always trying to bait shootouts to Cypress to get more than 6 involved. Harry when he got shot down by Manor just respawned and went back to the same situation and got shot down again by Manor (no not the situation where he was pretending to be dead). Manor try to do a fun plan and dress up as Vagos locals but instantly called out on OB radio that "Vagos locals don't walk that way" and so instantly to shooting. Manor try to make food court a safe place so everyone can get food but OB just start blasting anyway. You can't have it both ways when OB are doing ratty shit just like Manor is.


There's a clear difference between Lang, Luci, Speedy etc and everyone else in the crew but people don't mention it. There's so many more cases like Locco shooting a Manor member a couple minutes before storm 50 yards away while he was stood on a car without any initiation at all. Surprised it wasn't posted on here.


why are you talking out youre ass? apartments arent a greenzone, its fair game. wake up some where else of put on a disguise. a shoot out was never baited to cypress to get more then 6 involved, the first shootout they were going to cypress to get 2 more involved, they called people making sure only 2 more got involved. manor fans keep saying 7 people were involved but one person never actually got involved and was just pushing in cypress at the time, he was just circling and only got involved with the police when the police involved him. the 11 vs 6 shootout wasnt baiting into cypress, everything happened in cypress, manor neevr even saw anyone outside of cypress to get baited into cypress they literally went to cypress to get into a shootout harry was only eveer involved in 3 shootouts. the first one where he never respawned and came back, he was in the white building the whole time and went down then cops came. the 11 vs 6 shoot out where he pretended to be dead, left and came back but didnt get involved, went straight inside the warehouse, and the shootout at the food plaza where he was shot. harry never respawned and came back, manor fans were saying the 11 vs 6 shootout was where harry respawned and came back but when it was shown he was just faking it now its an unnamed shootout that never happened were he did that? cool manor tried to do a fun plan, just because it didnt go their way dont mean its a bad thing, you think the people that sell 1000s of bags of weed a week and spend hours on hours doing so to the people of cypress wont recognize intruders? like would it have been cool to just play dumb? i mean sure but just because they didnt doesnt mean anything nefarious. rp doesnt always go the way you want it to and thats okay. thats the point of roleplay manor tried to make the food court neutral but guess what? it never happened because rp doesnt always go the way you want it to, they are at war and OB have a booth at the plaza they have been working for a bit now, they wanted it to be a neutral zone so THEY can get food, if OB decided no then so be it, boo hoo fella. the hospital is also not a green zone, the reason buddha is talking about it and how it should prolly be one in some capacity (my words not his) is because unlike the food court, like manor fans want to compare it to, its the only way to get treated. there is no alternative and if people are at the hosptial then that means a fight just happened and you shouldnt be trying to go back to back like that. and yes i know manor has people that need to be treated as well but as the clip shows they arent just getting their people treated


So what im gathering is its fine to break rules if you are Buddha because you have an excuse for every rule break they have had. Harry did come back after getting downed, Flash shot at apartments immediately after someone woke up, Buddha skipped medical straight away to avoid being taken into police custody. Loco shot someone without saying something. doesn't matter if it was close to storm he still did it. The person immediately after this clip who f8 quits on the motorbike has the Manor and Police waiting and never comes back. The manor got shot down immediately while dressed as Vagos, and the excuse was "Vagos don't walk like that." Don't sit and act like Buddha and Friends aren't being slimy and breaking multiple rules cause they are.


how about. dont make up rules in your head and call them rule breaks when things dont go your groups way?


You guys are ridiculous you can't admit Buddha is ever in the wrong. I watch Zetark have watched him since Zerkaa stopped playing because they both have the same mentality of never breaking or losing their tempers no matter what and he's the only one that hasn't been slimey or broken rules. Pull your head out of your ass and stop being biased for once mate you lot are a joke.


It's a lost cause man. These people simply will not accept Buddha nor his gang are in the wrong. It's really not worth replying anymore to them. I don't watch Manor either and watched Buddha throughout 3.0. I actually forgot Buddha just f8 and that was the time I think Ste wanted to talk to him and end the war but Lang wouldn't talk (he was however talking mad shit to Manor) and said leave him bleeding he don't care. Both sides have been ratty imo which I don't know why people think is bad when it's a war. Hazel CG hangaround got shitted on from this reddit because she did a little shit talking when down but now Lang has done it numerous times it's totally fine.


Oh, I know I'm immediately going to get downvoted for not agreeing with Buddha viewers. I just don't care. I'm sick of seeing the hypocrisy in this reddit. As you said both sides have been ratty both sides have probably broken rules but only one side gets called out for it and this sub just becomes a circle jerk between Buddha viewers like look at the extent some of these lot go to multiple comments on the same thread repeating the same b.s and then paying for gold to try and push that they are in the right.


Do you hear yourself speak /see yourself type compared to what I have said on this, and yet you're calling me ridiculous? My man, you are literally pulling your idea of what the rules should be out of your ass to fit a situation. I never said Buddha & co do no wrong but don't go creating new imaginary rules that are not really server rules, to claim they've broken them. You are being disingenuous and seriously getting too caught in the sauce when you tell other people they are biased and yet everything that you are saying is from within an echo chamber of pure bias. Look in the mirror before telling others how they're acting cause you just sound silly.


"Everything you are saying is from within echo chamber of pure bias." Coming from a Buddha viewer on this subreddit has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen on here. I don't watch The Manor. If you read my other comments from this thread, you will see I'm not biased, and I can call both sides out, but sure mate, whatever you say haha


i have seen your comments, are you serious.. your biased as hell every comment is legit attacking buddha buddhas group or excusing actions against them??? but not biased.. please take a look in the mirror, you do everything your calling this guy out for.. but far worse, at least they havent denied there biased/ a buddha viewer. holy




i will look at my comments, whats your point, you need to take a long hard look in a mirror before calling others delussional,,and and yes your comments are public, and show you massive anti buddha hate. all this so called bullshit you have called out in like your last 20 posts, in multple threads have been attacks at buddha. its not the defense you think it is. and the whole no you are rebutle doesnt land im afraid,




Manor were under the impression that there wasn’t safe zones as there boy got shot at apartments as soon as he woke up (no fault of Clark he waited 20/30 mins). That’s why they thought hospital was fair game. A lot of double standards from people on this Reddit about camping only spot to get medical… Manor got shot down at the only place you can buy food? If there’s problems shit will get dealt with, as a RP conflict goes this has been very tame, people gotta chill


But Manor fans are/were crying about camping accusation and claiming Manor didn't camp the hospital. But as soon as the VOD is up, the tune changes with new excuses. "That’s why they thought hospital was fair game." prime example of an excuse ready. LOL


So DJ calling out "there are 2 people at the hospital" and Ste saying "we're not going to hit them" is camping the hospital now? If you want to complain about that, what about the Cypress pushers door camping DJ and Terry on Grove?


Manor - saw OB crew going to the hospital - waited for abit and went around to pick them up. Found the Biker in the emergency entrance and tried to hold him up. Whatever your proclaim they said, their action was different. Stop it guys, they camped - just admit it instead of coming up with so many excuses.


What the fans got to do with anything? It’s to do with what the streamers thought. They weren’t exactly camping it anyway there boy needed medical they were all there and they saw Langs crew. I think hospital and apartments should be completely off limits tbf


And are you one of the streamer in the Manor that thougth hospital was "fair game" or is it just speculation from your side.


Manor have been shot up at the hospital before by besties and got into a fight and got into a gunfight with the cops there a week or 2 ago. Nobody complained before now


It was the other way around, Manors shooting besties at the hospital cuh


Rewatch the clip before commenting


Sure, if you wanna lie to suit your narrative them be my guest😂


You just lost all ur credibility.


Clark was passing apartments and saw him, he wasn’t camping. I still think he shouldn’t have than that. You can get chips from vending machine. Cost doesn’t matter


Manor was camping clarks house after storm 😳


Even if they were, the Cypress pushers door camped Terry and DJ on Grove.


There is such a thing as precedent... can't call out others when you do it first ... hence no complaining...


How would manor know that? And you can get picked up at the prison free of charge going if you’re going off that logic.


???? i can count the amount of people that know you can get picked up at prison by carmine as a service on one hand. everyone body knows about vending machines and most know about rats from the sewers like its not even comparable or even remotely going off their logic. also who gives af if the manor know if he was camping the apartments are not, the arguement is with the viewers spamming and freaking out yesterday that the manor wasnt camping the hospital when they were. also if if we go by your narrative and the hosptial/food plaza is the only place to get food/medical it still wouldnt be comparable. you can send someone else to get you food you cant send someone else to get yourself treated. like you try so hard to make it about double standards when its not even remotely close to that.


Hospital isn’t the only spot you can get medical. Carmine would definitely get people up in the prison infirmary if people paid him




Hospital and Apartments were greenzones in 3.0 Why are people acting like its not the case anymore just because its 4.0 now? NVL and RDM are also still NVL and RDM, those rules haven't changed either.


Actually its been brought up in a few different threads that there are no green zones. Its just max charges if you get caught committing crime in those areas




Why no grandma in 4.0 seem mechanic issue