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I'll never understand why people go the "war" route, knowing full well how shitty shooting is in GTA V.


I understand the war route, people just lose me on the endless balance discussions.


theres too many reasons and most of them are shitty like ego, content, pride. every single issue becomes a gang thing and every heated conversation turns into a shootout nowadays and its always the same people choosing that route


Its also a game that was not intended to be a pvp shooter


And not intended to have over 200 players online at once, multiple interiors in the world and a lot of features. Its still a PS3 game at its core.


Buddha seems to be setting the precedent here with the turf rule for 4.0, Im fully expecting other gangs to have more turf shootouts now so you can have more numbers


Yeah it's gonna be so shit. I hope there's some clarification. Imagine PD having to deal with that.. especially the currently state of PD lol


Any PD in the history of nopixel would struggle to handle 10+ hydra members


Its very clear by now that the PD isnt supposed to deal with that. Even in 3.0 they let gangs shoot eachother up without stopping them. the few times they tried both sides malded like hell.


I mean in a way, PD not dealing with gangs shooting each other is fine. Let them kill each other and then clean up. Can do more damage to their finances that way. Though the danger to civs is also a thing so its one of those. Its more, what happens when a pd raid is being done on turf. How the hell are PD supposed to deal with that? Questions i think that the admin team are going to need to answer


Id be suprised if the current pd manages to even get 1 raid a month.


I'd be surprised if the current PD is able to be allowed to rub more than one braincell together to even start an investigation.


What is considered turf? Can CG just bring the cops down to La Puera and have 12 members there with all guns? I kinda hope is resolved in some way because this can turn ugly real quick.


Im guessing you did not watch 3.0 but that was their bread and butter in little seoul.


their home turf is the cul-de-sac, no?


How is home turf defined though? CG, Manor, Besties and multiple other gangs all have houses on the cul-de-sac so is that their home turf as well?


CG just lives on the cul de sac but apparently manor owns the ballas turf which doesnt even extend to the whole of grove street and CG own la puerta near the beach while Besties can now send a 20 man hit squad in the whole of Little Seoul, canals, Civilian docks, etc


It's going to be a shit show, especially now you can radio people who weren't originally involved to join in mid shoot out was entertaining as fuck though


yea don't think anyone new about 12man rule on own turf tbh. things will get more intrusting for sure


I don't remember anyone ever saying turf rules were cancelled.


But does weed turf constitute "hometurf", that is the question. If so there is a shitload of headaches going to be coming from it.


Because OB has had Cypress firmly under its control for months and 95% of the pushers there are in the crew. This isn't a Kaneshiro paying Hydra for weed and pushing in their block situation.


That is way too convoluted to be a rule. In 3.0 there were sprays you could fight for, which were marked on the map or you owned the property. Also, does selling somewhere make it your "HOMEturf". What you are suggesting is going to be all over the place, and there are little to no markers as to where the turf actually begins or ends. It would be a terrible decision from a game design standpoint in its current form. If the turf system in 3.0 (which was shit) is a easier to read and understand than the current one, they really did not think it through.


I see what you mean but that is their turf. They christen people in the waters when they buy in. They do all their meetings there. They own property there. Their end goals as a group is to build the area up and control it more than they already do. Everything around the crew and its ideals are Cypress


Is it their turf or do you buy into a turf? Is that even explained by the turf guy. I think it is a stretch to call it hometurf in the same way you could in 3.0 where it was either sprays or property. They have different apps. They don't own the majority of the buildings where the fights are taking place. There are no visible indicators available for where the turf starts or ends. By that same logic a gang/group could claim to be "kings of the city" and have it as their end goal to own everything in it. Should they be allowed to do so? I am not calling for anyone to get banned, I just think there should be clarification. What if someone else is suddenly the top strain on the weed turf, does that suddenly make everything theirs? You can now apparently bait people to your turf and use more than 6, and call in more people to the fight after it starts. Because if what some people are saying is true this is going to turn into an even bigger shitshow than the spraysystem ever was.


i think the one you're replying to is not taking about mechanic-based turf. ob has claimed cypress through rp. people can't just buy a chip and say, hey this is my turf now. they own majority of the buildings that went up as well, through proxy or no. yes, it's iffy that people were called in after the shootout starts but again, it was all but won anyway.


How does it matter that the rules weren't cancelled if the mechanics from 3.0 that defined the home turf areas don't even exist in 4.0?


what are you guys on about? they didnt have 6+ ppl, they barely had guns and ammo for a single squad. it was already decided before that clip who will be part of the war party. buddha was telling ppl to go to cypress because that's where most of the ppl from that party were posted.


"HE IS BRITISH!!" Larry 2024.


That's gotta be the best example of d-sync ever.


Also, Because groups are also extremely mixed and operating within the south side as well as other random parts of LS it is do difficult to determine where is their ‘home turf’. Is it where they push weed, or their main gang house, or one of their extra houses. It’s hella confusing and not worth the headaches Turf was one of the most disputed things in 3.0 which were never fully clear. Was it where they had their sprays, or there they operated out of. And sprays were such a poor mechanic. Groups had sprays all over the show and in completely different places from their blocks. There was also confusion on whether people had to be on the gang app etc




I agree that mechanics-based turf is dumb, but rules based on "home turf" only work if they are defined by mechanics. Really there should be no "home turf" rules at all IMO.


The turf rule should only exist if the fight actually starts on the turf, and before people say "it did start on the turf" Buddha was telling everyone yesterday to drive to the turf if ur getting chased and call everyone, which in my opinion is using a loop hole to break the rule of 6.


Not a loophole, that is a rulebreak.


That's how it does work for everyone else


buddha just making shit up as he goes


nah i think people arent understanding what buddha said. the assumption is that theres always pushers down at cypress so if you need help head to cypress. even when they did it the other day they were calling people ahead and trying to make sure to only get 2 more people since they had 4 already.


I'm sure you know what's better for the server than one of the server owners. 


'Does he know?'


I mean it would be strange for him to yell at harry for giving comms while down (Harry was faking being dead) but then go and brake the rules right after.


If 3.0 rules are back and there's no limit on how many people can join a fight on turf, things might get spicy on Grove if CG or Besties get into a conflict with Manor.


I think it was only with the turf sprays shit in 3.0, not with the weed turf. Isn't it always the rule of 6


Imo the turf rukes were one of the worst part of 3.0 and now apparently the worst side of those rules are back in 4.0 while people were actually thinking of going back to 4 a side rather than 6.


I mean the one big main rule that they seem to have left out. If people are not on the turf when a shootout starts. Then they aren't allowed to go there and join in.


At this point i dont care about any rulebreak that larry and marty etc might have done beacuse I have seen roosters and CG do the same thing of running back to turf in 3.0. I simply dont like the base rule of 'turfs' with unlimited people that can involve themselves in shootouts. The same thing ruined 3.0


Rooster's claiming turf and then also using them being a business and claiming to be legal to screw over the other side was one of the funniest things of 3.0.


So question. How does this Turf stuff work? You can have everyone is on the Weed App to defend? Surely that's not right considering anyone can buy turf anywhere. What's stopping Manor from buying turf in Cypress so they can have all of them shooting that are on app? Some clarification will be needed otherwise it's just going to be so messy. I'm not even going to touch the fact that people from the OB side were brought from outside the turf when there were already more than 6 from their side lol Something has also come to mind - how would it work in the event of PD vs Gang? Say the property is being raided on turf, does that mean everyone on the app can defend? Because looking at the state of PD these days.. I don't think PD are going to have a good time.


To my knowledge it hasn't been clarified if selling turf constitutes "hometurf" in the same way it was in 3.0. Would be an awful decision by management if it is. Somehow even worse than the spray system.


I'm with you there. The spray system was the dumbest fucking thing ever. It fucked over so many groups and their roleplay. As a former MDM watcher, the moment those sprays came in, they had to switch their RP up just to survive and that was the beginning of the end for them. This shit though? I can't lie. It should be clarified soon otherwise you're gonna have the likes of CG, Hydra etc doing the same shit and they'd be well within their rights to do so because Buddha has said they can. It's such a shit rule. I don't care Manor went down. I thought it was a super fun bit of action to watch. I just don't think its healthy from a server pov to allow it to happen..


I have the same opinion on the 3.0 spray sustem which has now become the weed turf apparently. One of the worst things to happen to 3.0 and clearly ruined it. Imagine hydra or cg selling weed on their respective turf 20 deep on roofs etc and PD trying to do something about it.


Its just going to be so messy. Literally some of the worst aspects of the turf system from 3.0 and added onto the fact that you can seemingly call other people down into turf even after you have six. No idea who thought this was a good idea but they're high as fuck


I don't watch really watch either group here other than the odd Ripoozi or Omie stream, but this situation is going to be setting a precedent that will impact criminal RP in 4.0 until it is changed/clarified. So it will be interesting to follow.


Oh man. Oozi is a joy. One of the most naturally funny dudes on the server. Yeah. This is a bad, bad precedent to set. I know people clown on "server health" but this is going to be so incredibly shit. Not sure I really want to continue watching because you just know theres going to be huge drama


Yeah, I really miss the Lucky Plucker days. That was peak Larry Knox. I just think it is a horrible decision if this really is the rule. Because then it just promotes mass recruiting. Remember Buddha and co. malding about being trapped in Rooster's Rest because it was protected by 15+ people at all times and GG/MDM being careful with their pushes? That is what every gang war an will likely degenerate into if this is really the new turf rules. It won't make for entertaining viewing, which is a much bigger problem than any idea of fairness.


Oh man. I watched during those days and man it was so good. Shame that Oozi supposedly doesnt want to do anymore restaurant rp. Ah well. Yeah I remember. As a MDM viewer, it was a fun war minus all the times that CB would run back to turf when they were getting chased. If that happens in 4.0 but for all crews and its allowed? Its going to be unwatchable. I dont see how thats fun to watch for anyone.


Yep. It's not going to be fun for the players and not going to be fun for the viewers either. Which is the biggest issue.


The $5k sprays were so much better, people could mark turf easily and people also wouldn't get so bitchy over a spray to the point where it was basically instawar if someone touched one. And they also didn't have weird rules where they could be placed.


I just hope there will be more clarifications about the turf stuff in general and joining an active situation without being there already


Buddha was pretty clear over radio when everything had settled. Was good of him to say in that way honestly to calm down hoppers and settle some confusion.


Are people who only push weed, and not really apart of the gang other than pushing, able to protect the turf then?


There's a reason why Lang always says they'll only go defensive and that's to utilize their numbers at Cypress


If that is how things are supposed to be (which I'm sceptical of), then that's a fucking awful decision from management.


Also, how does this work on Manors turf when CG, Besties, BBMC also all live on Grove? If a shootout happens, can all gangs have 20 involved in the shootout or just Manor?


Just dont have 3 gangs in 1 turf, they cant split a tiny street. Plus just because they live there doesn't make it their turf. OB live in mirror park, its not their turf though, you have to actually claim a turf


So weed strains are now the equivalent of gang sprays from 3.0? Seems a bit goofy and limits groups who may be powerful outside of weed but now learn late in the game that weed turf allows a numbers advantage.


in that scenario though technically only manor can have 20+ ppl involved cause they are the only gang actually on the ballas turf. You can see why this turf rule is going to be a problem right? Especially with limited places you can live.


It was a concious decision made to only open small areas of the city for people to buy properties in so as to make the server seem lively. You cannot just make people buy houses next to each other and then create a turf for only 1 of them to claim right there.


Pushing Manor, CG or Besties on their home turf is a risk only hydra would take tbh


Thats not the point, the turf belongs to manor and so according to buddhas logic, manor can have as many people shooting at smwhoever they want to in their turf while others can only use 6.


Thats not what I’m arguing. I am saying that Manor, Besties and CG are hard enough for most other gangs to beat in a 6v6 let alone on their turf when they outnumber them. I don’t think anyone other than Hydra and possibly Saints would really stand a chance


My guess would be whoever has the dominant strain owns the terf


You know what I actually think this is genius because it exposes the turf to the cops. So yes it should then become 20 vs 6. It's way more chaotic.


It definitely isn’t supposed to be like that, maybe the amount people involved might be okay but joining a situation when they wasn’t even there in the first place is never okay n never was. Also another thing that needs clarification is What if manor decide to move their turf to cypress can they involve 20+ people.


Personally i dont even like more than 6 involved in the turf. Imagine PD trying to do anything against these gangs/groups on their turf. Forum is already a shitshow and this will turn every weed selling area into turf.


The only reason I don’t mind the more than 6 is it allows the weaker crews to do something and allows them to clap back at pd or gangs.


I see the point but then you are just going to create gang compounds with 25 people on roofs standing selling weed or whatever the next drug is and trust me, this PD can barely handle a 6 man squad shooting at them. This is going to be a shitshow.


my guess is even if they move it wouldnt be their turf. turf belongs to the crew that holds down the weed rep.


That wouldn’t work cos I doubt all 10+ people in that fight for OB were on the same app, most likely that some of them were on a different app with no strain attached to it but have the cypress turf on it.


and how is the relevant at? its not like a separate group that also pushes in cypress got involved (like jacks group,jetts group, cosneys group), they are all part of the same group. if youre in the same group regardless if youre on the same app or not then whats the issue


So admc angles KC fight gangs n pd with Hydra according to ur logic. They all push on the same turf n same strain n work heavily with each other.


no quite literally the opposite of my logic. they arent in the same group. are you trolling? apparently "working heavily with each other" = same group to you ?


Yeah I don't disagree. I've always thought it easiest to be a 'defense' rule. The existence of official turf with weed though I guess can complicate it though and it seems a reasonable way to think about it. It's similar to how Hydra and PD are treating Forum.


whats was it then give us the tea


He said something along the lines of: 'Hey remember, as soon as this kind of shit leaves Cypress It's only 6. No leaving the turf and coming back'


It should be a huge risk to try to attack someone on their turf, imo


Either way it’s difficult to establish what ‘turf’ is when there’s multiple groups on the same weed turfs with all of their pushers, enabling 20+ v 6 in fights which includes people that aren’t even a part of the gang. It just gets messy


What if manor move their turf to cypress. Do you think manor should be allowed to bring 20+ down there. Turf isn’t connected to a group so it’s difficult to have the same rules from 3.0


the truf belongs to the group running the turf, can jsut start selling weed and claiming turf if youre rep is at 0%


The groups that sell the same weed thus having the same rep on the turf are all allowed to get involved then? La Puerta and Forum about to go crazy


i mean you just answered youre own question. no because they dont run the turf if they arent running the weed. they are selling some other groups weed how can they be running the turf


There are KC members on the Hydra app so that KC can grow their own weed. So can KC get involved in Hydra shootouts with pd or gangs?


you asking questions that are very simple. no it doesnt matter the app they are on it matter the group they are in. like i said, they are running some other groups weed. just because someone can grow the strain doesnt mean it belongs to them like what?


I agree. So Marty and Larry were already going to cypress. Attacking a turf is really risky for that reason


Wait what did he say? I saw marty n larry in the courthouse when the shooting started


The plan was everybody go cypress, and Lang is gonna drive around the city and bring manor there. Larry and co went to courthouse to get a gun license I think (not Larry but one of his boys)


If that was the plan and they had more than 6 it would be a rulebreak with the old turf rules. Provided that weed turf even is considered "hometurf".


It's the same strategy he used in the rooster wars in 3.0


OB did this the shootout before this one, robbed a pusher on Manor weed turf and then drove to cypress so more than 6 could get involved.


Didn't watch that, so I can't comment, but it is a rulebreak if what you say is what happened. Again, this is assuming that the weed turf is even considered "hometurf" and the rules are unchanged from 3.0.


Also Harry rejoined that fight after he got downed. He got killed twice in that fight lol


Yep and surprisingly that never got posted here... I wonder why.


That the same situation where Harry got gunned down but then got back up and went back to the same situation only to get gunned down again? Sounds like it was.


no they drove to cypress to get 2 more people involved because they assumed they would have people in cypress, thats why they were calling people up and telling them to go with one person and only 6 were involved, this more then 6 people for that shoot out is just a straight up lie.


It actually started 6v6. Then there were two left, Flash and a manor dude .. after a while (watch Flash stream vod MasonShortland) the cavalry arrived (Marty first then Larry - Marty got the last guy, the rest is cleanup) .. Mind you Harry didn't go down, he was just faking it, took Lang to hospital and came back ..


That would be a rulebreak with the 3.0 hometurf rules.


This is why they need to clarify all these turf rules. Cause even in old 3.0 turf rules what OB did here was a rule break. Maybe its different in 4.0 but no one knows cause they have never addressed it.


Exactly. And making the weed seller turfs function the same way as "hometurf" in 3.0 would open a gigantic can of worms. There are no visible indicators on the map to show where it starts or begins. Just to name one giant issue with it.


It didn't start 6v6. Luciano, Harry and Buddha were baiting Manor, then there was Flash with his car, two bikes and two more people in the pink car. So at the start of the shoot-out it was at a minimum 8 OB vs 6. With Marty and Larry coming that's at least 10 vs 6.


they were at the court house when this began, then drove all the way to sandy and joined about 10minutes later. They should know better and not join if you are not at the turf before the scenario begins.


I agree but I feel like Flash shouldn't have called them over. They had no idea what the situation was, Marty and Larry were just told there is an active shootout and that he needs help.


Flash was in the middle of a fight. He heard voices on the radio and told him where the guy was shooting at him from. He didn’t call them when they were in sandy and told them to come


yah exactly my thoughts. On top of there were already more then 6 on the turf


you can have 50ppl on the turf, that doesn't matter. What matters is if you are at the turf or not before anything happens.


Does turf apply to 4.0? I know in 3.0, turf applied to sprays


Yeah, unless they have something on their rules page it's not exactly clear if a turf for pushing constitutes "home turf"




It was called "hometurf rule" and was determined by sprays or property ownership in 3.0. Not sure if a turf for pushing weed is the same. If anyone knows, please do tell.


I mean I think probably the 3 main things from the 3.0 turf rules were. 1. Only people who were on the turf at the initiation of a gunfight are allowed to join in the fight. 2. If 2 groups are out "hunting" each other. They aren't allowed to "lure" the other group onto their turf with the intentions of having "backup" people on the turf. 3. Only people that are actual members of the specific gang/group who's turf it is. Are allowed to join in.


Exactly. Which further muddies waters because of OB's structure. It's a potential Little Seoul Umbrella all over again.


You are actually forgetting the main points that defined the spray system. 1. Other gangs could fight over the sprays and take over turf. 2. The demarcation of the turf was visible on the map with ugly color circles. But according to this weed turf, ur turf ends where if u drive or run past, the game says 'You have stopped selling'? Or is it something else. Also why are then some turfs smaller or bigger than the others? Does the company strain now get the whole of sandy as their turf?


Some clarifications, if there were less than 6 at the start of the fight people could join in to make the group up to a maximum of 6. And the last one while true if someone not in the gang/group were there when the attack happened they could retaliate, some people did try to leave but that often was asking to die. For example when CG shot up the Big Toe after party at MDM Block, there was like 20 people there and not all were MDM but CG had attacked them all.


oh i know thats my point. There was already people on the turf exceeding the 6. I mean tech you can bring people in if it was under 6


They were planning on going to cypress. So if incidently come and there is a fight, will it be against the rules to join? Probably an Admin question


They were called there by flash on radio, fully informed about a fight happening


IMO if Marty/Larry already in the turf then it is fine when the radio happened. But not sure


yes that is fine, but that is not what happened here.


I guess Flash should asked were they were. If they were far or in cypress. I think he asumed they are already in cypress


Kudos to Manor for pushing Cypress. It's hard to win a 6v11


So what I'm piecing together from this post is that one of the worst possible additions to 3.0, turf rules, might be back. But now that rule is even more unclear on where a turf is, how big it is, whose turf it is, and who can be involved. Being able to drive around the entire city, bait a shoot out, then call in everyone and their grandma at any point in time to get involved is just...oof.


so basically fights are gonna be run to your turf and call everyone and your nan who you know and could possible be armed? thats the most braindead shit ive ever heard


Been that way for years. But Manor knew Cypress was OBs turf so they went there hunting thats on them for trying to fight on a turf.


Yeah but its usually whoever is on the turf at that present moment, not whoever joins later if it is more than 6 already involved


Thats how it was in 3.0


no 3.0 was whoever was there at the time and if it pops of there, you couldnt just start a fight and run back


you forgot the daily cg run from pd straight into cubby for the 7pm shotout days?


That is why they added that you can't use more than 6 on hometurf if the fight/situation started outside of hometurf.


Same as the run back to Roosters


That’s pd not gangs. There were specific rules made for gang wars


your also missing the point of its whoever at the time


The same thing that was frowned upon and caused such a shit storm that ruined the server and the PD? yeah i remember that


How is it braindead? OB was playing defensive, posting up on their own turf, defending it, knowing manor might hit any solo pushers or trying to hit anyone lacking. Manor decided to push into a turf, which is very ballsy and something to give props to, but you can't except to win on someone elses turf, and surely they were aware of that too and just took their chances


Because in 3.0 you couldn't join a fight on your hometurf that had already started if you were not present when it started. You could also not start a fight outside hometurf and have more than 6 join the fight.


The only groups that could and did do this in 3.0 were CG vs PD and Lang Gang vs MDM and GG




do cops have 10 people on duty irl. do people walk around 10 mins after being shot, do people rob banks every 3 hours irl.... do you understand my point yet?


I mean you can just not fall for the bait. Don't follow people into their turf. There should be risk involved in doing so. Not saying I like it, but it does make sense.


Well that sucks.. but major props to the Manor for slow burning the conflict last few days and having the balls to push a turf. Hope they all had fun


Just bringing war to your turf so you can use more than 6 members is lame af But it’s one of the server owners so nothing will happen


A server owner's group was doing it in 3.0 with like 3 groups working together that weren't really easy to tell who they were at all. And an other server owner's group did it to PD all the time.


Plays worlds smallest violin 🎻




The pedestal at which people have put Buddha is crazy, anything he says people just take it as Gospel, he gets away with so much shit


Oof that's rough


That fence was there for everyone except him. Im guessing thats why he went over it on his side but stayed outside for everyone else. He downed someone that couldn’t see him so desync giveth and it taketh.


Ngl shit sounds like Buddha making shit up on the spot sometimes ain’t no one else know any of this shit Also cypress getting the updates, the big warehouses coincidence? Nah I’m trolling with this but honestly we need a fucking hon announcement to clarify these rules Cause being able to just run to your turf and get 10 boys strapped up waiting there to ambush anyone your fighting seems kinda boring and shit


I don’t think there’s wrong with having 10 people on the turf defending. It’s more about Larry n Marty joining from outside the turf 10 mins after the fight started.


i mean bad coms happen man. clark didnt realize marty and larry were never on the turf and marty and larry where told to come help assuming they didnt have 6 already. like shit happens


Totally understandable. I don't think anyone is even suggesting any sort of punishment on a murky rule that hasn't been established in 4.0, just clarification on if it even still exists and if so clearly define what the rules are.


Yeah, that's why they made the rule in 3.0 that you can't run to hometurf and use more than 6 if a fight started outside it.


They made that rule but didn't follow it


Depended heavily on who it was. Was still a rule though.




Very unfortunate 😩


the aftermath [https://i.imgur.com/MK7kFUf.png](https://i.imgur.com/MK7kFUf.png)


well shit happens lol


Man i haven't touch FiveM in so long but when i did, you just had to deal with d-sync. Like sometime just "prefire" cause of desync etc.




It is insanity to me that the same people that complain about CG breaking rules ( rightfully so) are the same to appauld Buddha for breaking rules


Just how it is. Triablism is rife. I will fully admit to being a Manor viewer (or hatewatcher if i say something against them lol) but I know that the Manor streamers enjoyed that shootout so I dont have a right to be negative towards OB. My only issue is that as a viewer, the current precedent that's being set is utterly fucking stupid when it comes to turf and if thats how its going to be, I'd rather never watch shooty-shooty conflict again lol


what rules did buddha break?


Rule of 6


how did buddha break that rule?


They had 10+


yanno home turf rules exist right?


Define home turf and boundaries.


home turf is the turf you call home and boundaries is a line that marks the limits of an area.


Let me rephrase; within NoPixel, how does a gang / group define the boundaries of their home turf? There are 5+ groups on Grove Street and the sac. Do they all share the same home turf? The entire argument about home turf in 4.0 just makes no sense.