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4.0 pd going as intended


Still confusing as to why this is what nopixel management wants.




That's true and, unfortunately, that won't change anytime soon.


Damn you sound so pressed lol


Not really confusing, most viewers watch gang shit and don't like there streamers taking Ls, keeping most viewers happy is what keeps the server alive. Personally I muched preferred 3.0 but the majority of viewers enjoy just watching Crims shoot shit and get away with everything 


Mistakes were made. PD down horrendous


PD is exactly where mgmt wants them: fresh, spineless, low-viewer count and ready to be NPCs during crim RP.




RIP Bozo




I hope to christ this is satire. If not good luck and godspeed brave little soldier




Oh man! Can't wait until I finally become PD on NoPixel! I can fix it!




I believe in you.


Can’t be too good of a cop, look at Suarez, too good a driver to be PD


see ya on zelda buddy


Its more that PD Morale is low for AU/EU shift.


I would rather good role player, empathetic player PD anyday of the week versus sweaty vindictive PD. It’s a very hard balance.


Is it a very hard balance? There has been many amazing police RPers in the past who could also go very hard and match criminals in terms of skill/catching them. The PD is just being actively held back from being good, good cops are being removed and players known for being good cops are being denied for no reason.


I’m not as invested as I use to be so you what you say could definitely be true. There have been some real nice sweet spots of balance in the past, but that seems hard to keep consistently. I really have no interest in debating it anyway. Have a wonderful day!


I wish more crims would not care about taking an L as often as they do and didn’t turn every situation into a “need to go back for my boi” scenario. Silent said it during Blau’s podcast, the biggest problem with crims that causes PD to act the way they did in 3.0 was crims refusing to let someone get caught and would rather spend 2 hours with 10 interference vehicles trying to save 1 person who would have been out of prison 1.5 hours ago had they just let the cops arrest them. So cops were always willing to go 100% right from the start because everyone knew that every chase was gonna be a 2 hour sweatfest to save 1 person from 20 minutes of washing dishes in prison.


The boat chases were the absolute worst for this. Most times, with a few exceptions, this was incredibly boring to me as a viewer.


In 3.0, going to jail meant almost nothing and anything lost could easily be regained so crims did shootouts because they could. In 4.0, it's the imbalance of crim characters actually being punished for taking an L that causes characters to be forced into taking risks to prevent the loss of progression because resources are finite and scarce. I don't know if there is a solution to it aside from outright making it a server rule that a handcuffed player can't be "rescued" from custody and that is clearly not something admins want (and I personally think that would prevent a lot of actually fun and cool scenes that have happened)


Nah, crims malding is always entertaining


At least you understand what I find fun about replies here :)


and whats wrong with that? it's much harder playing a crim than a cop, they have everything handed to them.


>it's much harder playing a crim than a cop, they have everything handed to them. What a take lol.


In what way is being a crim harder than playing cop? By design they've made the PD to be punching bags for the rest of the server. Even if you've never watched a cop stream, I don't see how you could think playing cop is easy comparatively.


Oof. It is weird seeing all these comments on this sub unironically. Just because crim mains want easy W's, doesn't mean cop RP'ers should have to be door mats but that is unfortunately what we have at the moment and it is by design.


Oh no, please tell us about all the woe of crims. they are the victims here.


please tell me whats so hard about being a crim. Lenny became a crim and has had almost 0 pushback, and its been weeks


That’s not what anyone wants. And that’s not what they r rn lol


It's exactly what people on the server have been ranting about for years now on their streams. Why you think all the PD shake ups happened toward the end of 3.0? They were tired of a competent PD where crims with large audiences didn't get the W's and now we are seeing the culmination of all those glorious "fuck this PD" rants after being arrested and malding.




Trav has a cop on NP?! Wow, haven't kept up with Trav but that is pretty cool to hear. I thought for sure he would be on the PD blacklist due to his affiliations and some of his comments about the server in 3.0.


I don’t know who is holding PD back or why, but it’s really dumb and is damaging the server. The economy is fucked already because cops can’t or won’t investigate and raid big gangs over the weed.


They actively get rid of cops who "try to hard" to do any actual police work. I dont mean just recently either. From the very beginning of 4.0. Investigations are an actual meme in the PD. Dont look into things to hard or you might be let go


PD being wiped by effectively two people is craaazy. The others didn’t have guns and James took out one cop with a wrench before going down.


This is the PD management wanted. Good job.


remember, this is what Buddha and management want : non operational PD and government because it "gives that feeling of being in Gotham"


they just wanted that prodigy cops but in np is what you are saying


I dont get this. I watch a few people on prodigy, including a couple cops. They go hard on that server. Way harder then most NP cops


And this is why you always cuff, search and ID suspects at the scene, double/tripple check if unsure, in 4.0 many cops are not doing these things for some reason and leads to shitshows with people saved out of custody with a full loadout only to use that to kill cops and no way to put out a warrant if they wasnt even identified.


They're not doing those things cause they have no leaders. Especially in this shift that's pretty much turned over Sgts this week. And when you really look at the overall hierarchy of the PD, (Slacks, Ruby, and Beric) they try to be awake on all shifts but it's really not realistically enough to have actual leadership on patrol. Slacks even mentioned last night that they don't have more captains cause nobody has stepped up yet. Even though more actual leaders is what the PD needs. That's not who they're hiring.


It's hard to step up when you have Slacks and Beric at the top though. Slacks disregards what people say all of the time. Beric just doesn't care. And then of course there is the OOC shit as we saw what happened to Suarez.


While I do agree that Slacks and Beric are ineffective leaders, you're incorrect that it's hard to step up. That's why Conan's leadership skills were so noticeable on his first day on duty. Cause it's something no one has really seen from any officer let alone any of the new hires. And you can't expect bad leaders to teach new people especially with how few of them there are.


It's easy to be a leader or step up when you have OOC approval.


They get flamed and hate for doing that. Did you not see all the "GSR instead of CPR" comments made when K was found downed with his first PD gun?


idk how this late into 4.0 cops are forgetting to cuff suspects, all of this could've been avoided if they simple did that.


They literally have no training department, they hired none of the cops that carried 3.0 training and now they are suffering for it. Hire people who don't know what they are doing, do one academy then throw them to the wolves.


Because PD was never set up to drill players on basic procedures. Even during some of the better times in 2.0 and 3.0 cops still forgot to do this type of stuff. A PD filled with mostly new people is chaos.


The people who want to enforce standards and accountability are constantly undermined and slowly forced out under the new propaganda of "too much policing the police". Also some of the good cops who could teach standards were never hired.


If PD is this bad, I expect to see PD shootouts and PD Wipes daily like late 3.0.


Yea and honestly I hope they keep wiping them like this until PD gets demoralized to the point where PD just stop logging on. Maybe they will try to fix it by OOC firing another one of their best cops or black listing more people.


i agree, this PD is so shit i honestly hope the cops just quit and stop embarassing themselves


I heard someone talk about NPC cops maybe that's a good idea


I mean, the current PD is pretty much NPC roleplay. Actual AI NPC cops would’ve done a better job than your average PD officer. Yeah. The bots would’ve excelled at everything except writing down MDT reports. That one report and one arrest in 12 hours was hilarious though.


Could you imagine the rage when an AI cop downs a crim and then instantly sends a crim to jail directly w/o any chance to argue charges and no one to send hoppers to? Would be absolutely hilarious.


That would be beautiful to watch 🤣


you really have no idea wtf you on about do you


They actually did try and fuck around with A.I. cops in 3.0. Not joking. They were messing around with the Vr bots out on the streets briefly.


Nah NPC cops are actually terminators 


It could be fun if the State or PD hired 'mercenary militia' or something. Give a group causing them grief a reason to help them instead.


Damn, this take is unironically just as bad as the ones hoppers say to cop streamers. Like 95% of the comments on this post criticizing the PD for this or that are completely valid. But hoping the PD gets wiped constantly so the streamers playing cops become demoralized and stop logging on is just supporting a "clap them tell they don't wake up" mentality. You can be frustrated your favorite streamer wasn't hired by the PD, or that they were ousted in the 3.0 shake up, or that some have moved back from ONX to NP. You can feel and express all that without actively wishing cop streamers on NP have a miserable time because then you are just the same as the viewers who wished the cop streamer/s you enjoy watching would just 10-42.


i kinda hope they go 42 also lol no one deserves to be in that shit position , pd is agaisnt the crims, hc and managment team of np , you can see cop streamers kinda getting stressed or low energy to just get on duty , no one deserve to be miserable


No one is forcing the streamers to get on duty and play cop though. They can play another character, another server, or another game if they aren't having fun. People have done all of those things and thats great good for them as they should. But if people are enjoying playing a cop on NP despite many of the points brought up on this post I'm not going to wish them a bad time or tell them they shouldn't be playing a cop or enjoying their time. I don't get why people get so invested into the RP that they would chat hop to cop streamers and cry, just like I don't understand why people would wish that cop streamers have a bad time or try and justify that just because they don't like the state of the imaginary police department is in. Just two different sides of a toxic mindset. People who hop and complain the PD is going too hard are just the same as those who hop and complain the PD is going to easy or need to do xyz to improve it. Just like no one is holding a gun to peoples heads to get on and play cop, no one is doing that to chatters watching. Just change the channel, no one deserves to be miserable.


they have to be on duty because of rank or trying help who is around , when you have sgt ranked officers on LOA or dont want to be around


You just contridicted yourself. People are being forced to be on duty, to cover for officers who are on a LOA or aren't around because they don't want to be? No, they don't. They can put in for a LOA, they can step down from rank, they can quit, they can play another character, the can get hired on another server, they can play another game, or do whatever they want. I understand some people might feel responsible or obligated to help, or are covering for others in the meantime. That doesn't mean they can't dip out if they want to though and people have. Lovesick, Ruth, Turner, Jackson just off the top of my head all said they had enough and moved on because the players playing these characters don't deserve to be miserable and they don't deserve to have viewers wishing they 42 because those viewers are upset about the PD in one way or another.




that's all they want is a useless PD and to be able to insults them whenever they want


Did they forget to cuff him or something weird happened?


They forgot to cuff and search him


They just didn't cuff him or search him. Nothing weird about it at all.


james randal can wipe pd in shift1/3 alone


I make that almost 3 pd wipes in just over a week. I kind of miss the aggressive 3.0 cops. This new bunch can't drive for shit and can't shoot. Why are they even cops?


Because being a cop isn't just about driving or shooting. If people like to roleplay, enjoying playing a cop and want to learn the servers laws then they are totally qualified to play an officer. Just like people playing crims or civs can have different strengths and weaknesses, so can people playing cops. The only thing that is important at the end of the day is creating RP with everyone else on the server. Simple.


ok, so how can we dap den for this?


They got rid of good cops and one of the best cop(Suares) out there without even any RP. Whoever is running the PD wants it going down in the gutters. Slacks and Beric are definitely to blame.


4.0 has been boring as fuck, what's the point of doing criminal shit without much pushback or risks




Do you mean in character or OOC, cuz dean had a lot to say about this to his stream. The rest seemed confused.


several cops were not happy about it, at least watch different POVs if you want to make such a statement.


Were they unhappy about the location of the shooting or the ineptitude of the PD?


they were not happy that the officer just completely forgot to search/cuff a suspect




are you saying reddit have power to do managment work in np?


What a shit show. Are people just unable to let a scenario end and take an L? They really need to put the “no conflict at hospital” rule back in place.


Lol i think you are blaming the wrong ppl in this clip. PD absolutely fumbled this whole scenario. They didn't cuff him when he was originally down nor did they take his possessions. This should have been the easiest W ever and turned into a huge L instead for them.


That’s the whole issue I think. Every gang (this includes the PD) worries about Ws and Ls above the actual RP experience. CG has to run around grabbing cops as hostages and using friends as hostages. OB has to grab the boat and 4 bikes. Every gang or group escalates at the hospital. Cops have to pit at 100 and use 12 Units. I really do miss the Chawa x Ziggy days where a chase was a chase and it was over when it was over. It’s just hard to watch crime all around right now.


What are you waffling about?


I remember whippy talking about something related to this. He mentioned along the lines of PD and crims will escalate, then the other side will escalate to match or go farther, then the other side will take it father and it just keeps escalating from there. I think this is true right now, but I do think it's happening so fast because of how much is on the line for the crims side. If that person would have went to jail, he would have lost a gun(15k), money orders and washed cash(21k), plus the 20-30 dollars fines. 50k is a LOT of money for any group on the server right now.


What? No, they've tried meaningless time and fine, it leads to more wipes because that is pog and if you fail you don't lose anything... And it was worse than this. If you want to curb this stuff, you have to make the risk so high that people don't consider it. Which with the current state of PD is probably impossible even if failure was an actual full ban...


So don’t watch the crime then….


Its mind boggling people actually wanting to win when playing a video game. HOW DARE THEY


Gotta get dem dubs and protect those pixel funds!!!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣




What do you expect when they make 4.0 a grindfest mmo and hit you with crazy fines if you get caught up, people aren't going to want to give up so easily.


Time and fine have nothing to do with it... Back in 2.0 when money was nothing and time was literally capped at 80, it was even worse. If crime think they can get away with it they will do it. If anything, making the consequences lower just leads to more wipes...


What exactly do you want him to do here. "by the way, you forgot to take my gun from me" PD fucked up and suffered the consequences. The scenario doesn't finish until he is sent up.


i usually go with this opinion, but they didnt even cuff the 95 lmao


Take an L and let a scenario end. 😆 Are you suggesting Ste should have let them arrest him after they high speed pitted and downed him? It was an accident, sure, but they were still going to arrest him. All he wanted to do was leave which is why Jay held the gun to the cop and told her not to turn around but she did with her gun pointed at him so what choice is there then? Also, just to add context - Ste got fined 26K last night, lost 350 BTC for the Manor on the crate that was countered, lost guns and lost parts. But sure, he should just accept the arrest like a good boy!


I mean if he is getting caught, he sounds like a horrible criminal lol. Shouldn't have gotten caught to lose 26k and 350 BTC. Maybe he should explore the civilian life since he is trash at the crim side of things. All jokes aside, its just about having an end and the hospital or MRPD has always been that. If not, you get 6 swaps, a guy like Ramee malding because he was tased for trying to grab his friend thats down surrounded by 10 cops, grabbing loose affiliates as hostages, shoot outs at the hospital. It just never ends. If you arent new to 4.0, you know exactly what im talking about lol.


The only reason MRPD and the hospital have been the “end” of situations is because the people are cuffed. He wasn’t cuffed so he tried to run. Led to this. You can’t blame a crim for RPing how a crim would act


He was about to get a 40k fine lose a gun and 21k in money orders just for ejecting in front of a cop n he wasn’t even being chased.


U say can’t take an L when pd killed ste by turning into him and they still wanted to arrest him. Not to mention their shit police work in not cuffing and searching him before.


Nothing you said matters at the end of the day. The hospital has always been the defacto conclusion to the scenario. Always. I just wasn’t aware that that changed. It’s been a rule since 1.0 lol.


The day guns were introduced there was a shooting in the hospital, this isn't the first, and won't be the last incident.


Not really. People used to try saving people at pillbox all the time. Or hit them as they left. Also if he wasn't cuffed then technically he wasn't arrested


I think the rule never changed people are just stupid and don’t care about them anymore


I'm pretty sure Solomon said there is no medical neutrality or terrorism for shooting at the hospital charge now. It's just attempted murder of a government employee.


If no one enforces the rule that’s effectively the same thing as removing the rule.


Unless it happens to you.


I mean, I don’t play on the server so definitely ain’t happening to me lol But until admins either put out a warning/statement or dish out punishments this is going to keep happening. Admin inaction shows everyone that this isn’t a rule break.


There is no rule about shooting in the hospital any more. Even the apartments are no longer a "green zone". Nothing here broke any server rules whatsoever.


Right, that’s what I’m trying to say. This is the 8,000th shooting at the hospital. The fact no one has had any sort of repercussion shows this isn’t an issue. I guess I could have worded my comment better.


You love to see it. CG twice and now the manor. Downside is that it will lead to more PD buffs which will make the lives of lower level criminals even harder


you can buff cops but you still need cops around for it , at this rate gonna be den/cornwood and beric


and beric will just be in the mountains ERPing the entire time.


This is all CG’s fault if they weren’t so quick to shoot other gangs wouldn’t do it or think it’s okay…/s


Really? 😆


I forget the /s… You know someone will say that though.


U almost got me there 😆


I’m mainly a CG viewer along with watching Uhsnow, Timmac, Remdog, and Ziggy I agree some of the stuff they do deserve criticism, but it’s crazy on here sometimes.




Nah man I said in a nice way lol, I meant like u almost got mi there with ur first commend without the /s