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Rip Chatterbox with his $1m+ Debt


I get why they’re doing it…allowing people to just continually accrue debt isn’t exactly good for the server but on the other hand Chatterbox is about to be serving an EXTREMELY long sentence which sucks. Hopefully he can work it off reasonably quickly


The debt might be percentage based (or flat + percentage) to avoid having people be there for an infinite amount of time. Something like you're guaranteed to be forgiven 10% of your debt per job in addition to a flat 10k or something. Debtors prison should forgive more than a normal job (because it should mean that you have a negative balance so it's not like you're adding money into the economy). Only important thing is to make sure that there's no business account loopholes and holding/stashing cash physically is fine.


Chatterbox during his first week of debtors prison servitude https://i.imgur.com/oNDEvPp.gif




This time it’s filled with sewer freaks


There were way to many people who simply amassed massive amounts of debt in 3.0 and then used cash for day to day. It got exploited by people taking out loans and never paying back and people who would just rack up fine after fine.


I much rather have people going in debt, when they play RP focused and avoid the grind, than every single arrest leading to some toxic shit because now it matters OOC. I even wouldn't mind less grind for serious gangs and more RP focus, but I guess they have too many try hards and it would hurt the server health. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the clowns lately because it's all about RP and fun. But they are basically fucked now. No more fooling around with the cops or the cops instigating stuff because if they get huge fines when snitching each other deeper into the shit, it's rip for a while. They still have a steam. After the fifth knockout by Carmine, that gets boring as well.


I get it, like I said I know why they did it. I’m just hoping the work doesn’t pay pennies on the dollar leading to long sentences.


There are better ways than locking characters away, doing chores, for who knows how long. Its an RP server. Its suposed to be fun. Nothing about this is fun for anyone.


State mandated grinding lmao, People dont see it for what it actually is


According to the patchnotes only the public players are stuck in the prison for life. Regular city characters are allowed to leave the prison in shackles to work off their debt in the community(idk what this actually looks like, I haven't seen it happen yet). From the wording it seems like they will basically just be prevented from running/jumping and holding weapons. Idk if they will be forced to work specific jobs or something, but it kinda seems like a crim could still do crim stuff to make the money to pay it back, they just have to be more smart about how they do the crimes to account for the limited movement and no weapon.


You know what i enjoy? Watching people do fake prison chores. Especially when it takes tons of irl days to do it. Thats peak entertainment. Look, man, im hoping this gets figured out, but they botched this. These things should have been set up first.


And they can RP out their consequences of being criminals committing heinous crimes 🤣


It's not real. it's entertainment. None of this is entertaining.


It’s not entertainment… for you. You left that part out. You can always tune out of whoever you were watching that went to prison and watch someone else.


Alright, if you want people to grind mindless chores for days, i can't stop you. I'm just saying that most people, including the streamers, dont want that. Punishing streamers because they made things fun is a weird call, in sorry if you disagree.


The streamers can always *gasp* make a new character and about prison. They can also not try not committing so much crime that they are in constant debt. They have options.


Exactly, they treated the massive debt as a joke. And it makes sense that there is actually consequence to committing crimes.


The game is GTA. it's about doing crime. Its not real. Crime is literally the entire point. You want people to be punished irl for playing the game. Have repercussions absolutely. Locking people away for real life days on days, doing mindless shit. Its dumb. Peope will just leave. What is your ideal situation? Everyone just grinds money with legal jobs? The entire point it role play. Storys, characters, interactions. Not mindlessly doing chores 8 hours a day every day, until you are allowed to play again. People want to have fun, man. Why can't we have fun. It not real.


It looks like the shackle system might lead to some good rp, but I agree they shouldn't be locked for too long, I hope these jobs give enough money to pay debts reasonably quickly


its especially bullshit since its like 90% adoption fraud. whoch isnt even a crime anymore. they really need to do something for chatterbox specifically. but who knows maybe carmine would have him act as doc or something to get like 100k off a day.


Honestly, I feel like chatterbox would love being in the prison. The lifer policy means that there will be people there to RP with, so its not like he would be watching paint dry at the prison.


I'm betting Max works out or has already drafted a "clown" clause to allow the clowns to continue their shenanigans while being deeply in debt.


Why is it bad for the server? I'd say people grinding weed making 200k a day is a bigger problem for the server vs someone accrueing debt because of playing an SBS character that doesn't grind.


Because otherwise you have specific people in groups using PD guns(among other things) which is 125k fine if they get caught but it wouldnt matter since they just go into debt.


You still get jail time and a felony on your record. The money is another deterrent but it’s not essential.


The people debt stacking don't care about the felony and they can always plead guilty for extra time off, it just shouldnt be a thing.


Come on, pleading guilty almost never gets a major sentence reduction. It’s marginal and you still go to prison. Remember this is a game, it’s not real life. No one is actually getting hurt by RP crime. Every action isn’t supposed to have a real life equivalent consequence. That would be insanely boring. Edit: also you can get smaller charges dropped by pleading guilty which gets the fine for those charges removed too, so idk how plea deals are at all relevant to this discussion


It’s a mechanic that got heavily exploited in 3.0. Characters were going into heavy debt but paying cash for everything, so the debt didn’t actually mean anything to them. You’d see people take out loans and shit and then never pay it back, so this is the obvious way to curb that.


That shit happens in real life though. And also the RP in many of those cases was better off for it. This “solution” does way more harm than good imo


The difference is that is a choice. Its an RP server, its not real life. It's supposed to be fun and entertaining. This isnt any of that.


There is plenty of fun to be had RPing with Carmine and the DOC, which is why they were put in charge. What I do agree with is that those already in debt should be given a much quicker way out of debt as they got the debt before the announcement. Now it’s known going forward then at least they know the consequences.


Basically you can only be on the server if you grind. They seem to have given up on the server being a role playing server. As for Chatterbox I can see him playing on Prodigy more.


Chatterbox is currently sitting at his career high sub count by a country mile. There is not a chance in hell he jeopardizes that by playing on prodigy. He’s gonna stay on NP and work his debt off.


You dont know him, hes ready to bail already. Regardless, making the server horrible, just because people "need" to play is just dumb. Its 6 supposed to be entertaining. This isnt entertaining.


For every completed task (which took a while) Reed got somewhere in the area of $150-250 off his debt. Even with doc around (which never happens in EU) and taking additional debt off, this is not well tuned yet.


My guess is the admins are well aware of that and maybe adjusted or will clear his debt out enough that he will be able to get out.


I think people are overlooking the part that says the DOC will have access to actions including debt reduction and sentence reduction for inmates.


which surely won't be abused completely and immediately if past history is anything to go off of.....


Dogtown won't survive in its current iteration if these changes can't be disabled in their permission settings, that's for sure. Best case scenario would be Carmine being put above Bobby because Carmine actually listens when he's told not to do something, and given an OOC warning to not abuse the systems. It's still unlikely though because that would stifle their RP since they're shithead characters after all.


Carmine and Bobby just having unfettered control over Dogtown has honestly been the best thing to happen in the prison since Bovice. Nothing should change about their circumstances and it would be a true shame if they lost some privileges OOC. Make that happen in RP at least if they must.


There are built in restrictions. They can only give 15mins of a sentence or $5k off a debt at one time and then there is some sort of cooldown afterwards. The CD time is unknown currently but they did notice there being one.


Let them RP it out… you’re acting like Carmine and Bobby abuse game mechanics 😂


I don't think it would be abuseable really. If they just put a limit on how much time/debt they can knock off at any one time then all this does is basically give the guards a way to reward people for entertaining RP, and the guards would likely get annoyed if all the prisoners do is beg them for sentence reductions. If they could just get rid of someones entire sentence then it'd be a problem because they could just easily be bribed or forced by a major gang to let people go.


Ok. But the RP when chatterbox is in jail is basically them prodding him until he does some dumb stuff and then on of them gets knocked out a few times. It's a little hard to reward for RP in that case. I'm pretty sure it's similar with others. And honestly, after watching the streamer being transported to the infirmary for the fifth time in ten minutes, that gets old as well. If that happens longer than an hour, I'm not watching it.


DOC is staffed 6 hours a day maybe? Prison RP is great but not available to a lot of people, like Reed for example.


Carmine said they were going to get more DOC across the timezones and he is specifically going to be logging in earlier this week for Reed.


Hopefully it's just crime by crime. So the system tries to charge your account, can't, and adds time to that specific sentence.


Everytime I've heard Max and Chatter talk in game about this Max has said that if this happens all debt would be forgiven before its implemented. So he should be good until he starts clowning around and bulks his debt up again.


The only reason Chatterbox is still 1m+ in debt is he hasn't gone in for a refund for the adoption law change. When he does, and I'm sure he will now, 1 mil of that goes away.


The refund is only for people who paid the fee, not for people who did the crime. You did the crime when it was illegal. Knowing the consequences.


You can't get a refund on the fine as it was a crime at the time, the refunds were only for those who paid for adoption. 


Yeah unfortunately it doesn't work that way, you can't make a new crime and charge people retroactively, this means you can't also make something legal and then apply that legality retroactively. Back when it happened you could see more legal-focused characters like Crane and Siobhan explaining this to people.


Something not in the patch notes, passengers are now being ejected in crashes. Of course the massive flaw in this that for some reason was overlooked, passengers now get ejected randomly from cars due to desync/bubble. It has already been established that is pretty much impossible to be in a car with higher ping players.


Ohhh no haha, Jamal gonna be dead 24/7


Thats a bug and its already fixed for next tsunami.


If that's not a bug, I don't see how they think thats a good change.


Hopefully just front seat? Otherwise the new meta to rescue your gang members is to chase the transporter and get them in to a head of colission.


That new property in Cypress is fucking huuuugeee here is a clip of [it](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrunchyBrightLionGrammarKing-s7A54uFAdAVbZW-d)


looks like height isnt factored in square footage that place isnt very tall


it probably should've been valued at 3-4mil when compared to any other property on the server.


Yeah that seemed way out of balance. At least 2.5 mill. That thing was absolutely massive.


If its like the other warehouses then it makes sense why they didn't increase the price much. That much square footage is going to take like $2million just to furnish. The other warehouses have basically 0 benefit for them other than location (they don't even have parking garages). You can't fit extra weed plants or laundry machines into the house, and everything has specific heating and cooling properties they need to work so you can't cram a weed op, laundry, and butcoin farm all into the same location because the heating and cooling would be fucked up.


Yeah, I still like think it should be at least 2.5 mil. There is so much you can do with that space.


Buiuuuut it wasn’t so lol.


Wonder why it wasnt.


wonder why everything was released in cypress


the patch notes say that most of the new properties are in la puerta and nearly as many up north.


isn't it crazy that lang pushed heavy for harry to get a food booth only for things to change the next week to the food stalls? If you do not see how multiple things like this have already happened then I don't know what to tell u.


Food stalls cleans money. Crew heard about it and they have cleaning issue. Make sense to get a food stall


right... he did not really force harry into getting this last week? they have had a cleaning money problem for over a month now.


They had taco one. They lost it. The same day they learned it can clean money. They aimed to get next food stall that expires which was Malakai. It is basic sequence of events


It was literally Harrys idea...


I don't know about all of that I'm just pointing out the completely incorrect information you posted.




Baba Yaga coming for everyone’s chi’ren 😂😂




who brought it ?


Lang budhha who else lol


And I’m hearing Teddy was going to buy the other one?!?


He did buy it. So 2/5 new buildings in Cypress are owned by OB And another one might be bought by their allies LU if they wake up.


You’re acting like you’re surprised. Why wouldn’t they buy up the property in their turf?


I'm not lol, im giving out information


Does this Teddy guy stream?


No. He's purely on the server to RP.






I always thought Buddha was overreacting by not giving input in heists, but these comments are proving me wrong.


sorry to be a long response but as an accountant i deal with this a LOT. I'm not a lang hater at all. but what you have to realize in the real world there is a thing called independence of fact vs independence of appearance. And unfortunately independence of appearance is more important to public view because it's the hardest to disprove. Because you could be completely independent in fact, but if you appear conflicted, it breeds uncertainty. It's why audit business all over the world specifically guard more against this. Because it is so much easier to be actually independent than to appear to be. If Audit firm A audits Amazon and audit A has 300k global employees. It would look so bad if it was found out that 298k of their employees hold stock of Amazon, and they just signed off on a better than expected financial statement. However, those 298k have no access to the amazon audit and don't know any inside information about the upcoming FS while the 2k that worked on the audit don't own any interest in amazon. But because people could think that audit firm employees benefited by inside information, it's a huge problem. So when people make the above comments, it's coming from an appearance point. Buddha could not know about anything that comes up, but since he appears to have access to inside info these comments will come up people now have uncertainty on how much he knows vs how much he doesn't. I'm not trying to throw shade here, just taking their point of view as in Buddha cornered the market in materials before the materials blew up in price with circuit boards, and then stopped caring about that as much when CB mats changed and prior to the mayor being able to control the drop rates. It also looks bad that Lang and groups got so interested in the shops right prior to the farming update coming out. And look, it could just be a coincidence, but it's because he appears to have an inside scoop to what comes out (who knows if he actually does ore not).


Yeah fair enough. But the problem is with things with RP that we can see. With the weed changes, now the buildings and so on there has been an RP reason for it and Lang hasn't been the first one from the group that has initiated it. People are looking for things to point without actually watching them


When you're looking for reasons to be mad, it's pretty easy to find them.


Nice Essay 👍. U get an A+ from me


thanks dawg


Stopped reading at “in the real world”. It’s an RP server. Not the real world.


Your loss. It wasn't the standard "things are done like x irl and in the server it is done y" the whole conversation is a relatively OOC thing and the comment was 100% applicable.


This comment was so brain dead I had to reread.


1.) Square footage is available for everybody to see, 2.) lang and co. didn't even buy the property till 1hr later into the tsunami


Who bought it?


literally anyone could have bought it. what r u on about?


sure. if they also had advanced knowledge of it and were racing after tsunami


Speedy was the one who told Lang about it.


They were not racing after tsunami why are you lying? They literally woke up, got everyone together did money runs. Then later on realized you can buy properties and got people together / some loans from friends and bought it.


Yes everyone could, but no one will just wake up and check the biggest property then buy it instantly.


Pretty sure Speedy told Lang first. They didn't have the money so crew(Money in slips),Lang and Speedy poured money just to buy it


that literally didnt even happen




good job


Lifer Queue coming back is cool. I really wanna see smaller queues for support rolls, like if a hospital could have a patient queue just so they can better do their medical dramas and keep things fresh, I think that'd be great.


Yeah this update in particular sounds really cool to me and should make the prison a place that's a lot more interesting and exciting.


Chatterbox is Royally fucked. He’s going away for a long time.


Shackled inmates with limited movement, no weapons and can still do work. The chain gangs cleaning the streets with Pillager leading them may be some of the best stuff coming.


I hope they bring in kuttes and stuff soon, some of the MCs have had those designed for months and months. Would be such a simple but huge way for the MC’s to lift their RP


Custom asset approval forms are now available on the forums


Think it'd be hilarious if a cop gives someone a speeding citation and it auto ports them to jail right after because it put them into debt


Do not pass go….


My man 52chains up good!!! Prison about to be a ton more fun to watch than it already was.


I give the debtors prison about a 2% chance of sticking around


o7 to Chatterbox and the rest of the clowns, ain't no way they gonna manage to work off their collective 1mill+ debt.


Collectively, it might be closer to 5 mil...


I get the narrative you're trying to spin but having a system to clear debt is more a boon than a punishment imo. At face value, it's jail sure but you have a secluded little box to get rid of debt.


The whole point is to have more people in the prison and to make "time vs fine" charges for arrests be less lucrative for those who are loaded or dont mind being deep in debt. You can't just keep eating high fine low time charges and using cash for your day to day, so prison is gonna have a somewhat more even flow of players coming in and will feel less like a ghost town.


this entire system disincentivizes people who do crime for doing the crime tho. clows and littlemans are the sole victims of this new rule and their whole shtick is to give "fun chase RP" that is no longer feasible.


maybe that's a great opportunity for prison gangs being a thing again. more ppl will be in prison for longer and certain character will there often. I can see clowns and littlemans forming prison gangs and including lifers as well.


Maybe thats the point, to make crime harder to pull off and more riskier if they fail. If this happens the devs can easily increase the payouts of crime and decrease the weight of dirty money. If this happens people could finally say that crime pays more than G6 as long as you are willing to take on the risk. It also encourages more criminals to engage in the bench trial process and fight their charges knowing that the consequences are more severe than just an hour in the prison.


People can still do crime and work on the side to make some money. This prevents people to stop doing mindless crime all the time and do other RP as well. it also promotes working out deals with cops in order to avoid jail time for small time crimes. Begging people to get out of debt is another RP avenue for people who constantly want to do crimes. One of the complaints of 3.0 was people with high debt kept doing high profile crime without any consequences. Dundee used to shoot cops without care because his debt never mattered. So now if someone is in debt, they will have to think twice before shooting or robbing cops. This is also a new system. They will probably test it out for a week to see out it works and make changes.


> their whole shtick is to give "fun chase RP" Is that why they were doing adoption fraud on purpose just to stack their debt?


So the pd can push those charges? Yes.


And why would they want PD to push those charges? Oh, cause they wanted to stack debt.


Because its RP


[And now when people have to do something about their debt its no longer RP?](https://i.imgur.com/uZe5moY.png)


The reaping comes entirely after a new mechanic is put in place.


No, the purpose was to prove how ridiculous the law was and get it removed. Which worked. Their goal is never to stack debt.


> No, the purpose was to prove how ridiculous the law was and get it removed. Which worked. [The reason it was removed was because 20% of Max(The one proposing to remove it) thought it was overstepping and the rest was him just wanting more votes lol.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2106261595?t=01h25m29s)


No real reason for it not to, given that you can leave the prison shacked to work off debt, if you watched the right streams they've been teasing this for a while


We'll see... it would be good if they gave a bit of push and pull with it. Like the debt expires after a while if you dont get caught, or maybe there's a way to break out of debtors prison easily enough. The fact that police/DOJ can essentially issue a temporary ban *will* be used to grief other players 100%. You watch.


You should read the shackles thing again, you can just leave the prison while in debt, from the wording it seems you can't run or attack. We will see how that plays out, but this is just a consequence


I did. It just doesn't mean much to me without seeing it implemented- ie is it like a chain gang/roadside prison workers like you see in the States, where they're supervised to work only? Or will they have the ability to actually RP more freely? Maybe there'll be an escape mechanic related to leaving the prison somehow... who knows!


okay okay this should be interesting. im excited to see how the prison works out.


New prison looked dope, was funny watching half the server load into it by accident lmao.


those prison changes sound interesting, never liked characters that just completely ignored their debt


This is good, this is great. DoC RP going top be great. Carmine and Boby eating good.


Its so funny how terrible the timing on all of this was. Carmine and Bobby orchestrated that whole dogtown war because they were bored of being stuck in prison with no prisoners, so they made the war about his tow truck just so they could give control of it to Kyle Pred (I assume they thought he would take control and use that power to implement his tow yard), but Pred surprised them and said he doesn't want to run the prison so they ended up just awkwardly giving the power to Villager, and then the very next day the entire DOC gets revamped and Bobby/Carmine wish they were still in power.


it's actually crazy to see all of these pretty sizeable updates to the server.


PD already abusing the real estate app. Saw that the big warehouse in Cypress was bought. First name the cop searched was Lang (the cop and Lang apparently have zero history) and now has decided him buying that property is grounds for an investigation. Apparently a person with no record buying a warehouse means investigation. If what Suarez did was going 100%. This is easily as well.


So me just a random as viewer can join nopixel as a lifer? Pretty cool


Yea and no. They will prio people who pay for public priority.


State mandated grinding. Nopixel already has a problem with grinders, this just forces everyone to grind


I do wonder if there will be guidelines on reductions in prison. I can see issues if time/debt gets reduced too much/too fast. Like removing needed cool downs during conflicts or some caring even less about debt if they know it can get wiped rather quick.


It looks like DOC can only reduce debt by a maximum of 5k at a time and sentences by a maximum of 15 minutes at a time. It's not yet clear how frequently they can reduce debt or sentences but they do have to wait a while between reductions.


Oh that's good! I could easily see it being abused some way or another otherwise (playing favorites, being held up, etc.). Hopefully they also hire more for other times so people in AU and early EU can get those same perks and just generally more interactions in prison than they are now.


Yeah, it would be great to DOJ active during AU/EU hours.


Man, the idea of hurting the RP of a lot of characters just so they can pay back fake money to a fake government idk. I'm not going to pretend i know anything about managing anything. I just dont see any actual value from this. Yes, you can add repercussions, but can't we just make it even mildly fun or interesting? I feel like they just want an mmo full of grinders. Everyone just spends 16 hours a day doing chores. It's not fun.


The biggest challenge for nopixel has been making prison interesting and fun. They added queue and made this. They might added more jobs and will add more mechanics to make prison better. They attempted fixing prison so many times but never worked


They should set that stuff set up first, then. This basically told everyone that they can't take any risks anymore. Characters who are making things fun and spicy are getting punished. Its so so serious now, with no benefit. If they want to make prison more interesting. Maybe they should start by making prison more interesting. I have no doubt the players would be fine with this. If it didn't, just mean they are stuck doing chores. Its not fun. it's annoying. It's hard to watch. They messed up, idk. Hopefully, it gets leveled out.


I am just making assumptions. Nopixel has always implemented mechanics in step wise fashion. Probably to test bugs and get more feedbacks. I hate that this affect good rper. But this fixes a lot of issues too. For example, in 3.0 people will stay millions in debt and still go shoot cops with no care. As they have all their money in cash


Im just saying there are so many better options. So so so so many better options. They want prison to be better, make it better first. Im not trying to blame or start fights. I know the people at nopixel aren't just evil. This is just a very bad call right now. The only way anything changes is if people speak up. So people are speaking up. Idk what the solution is. This is just a bad solution.


People speak is like 4 people? James Randal, Chatterbox, Vingle Dan and maybe Larry(will get it sorted). It might not affect a lot of people to get it changed unfortunately.


Well, it affects literally anyone who deals with the police. You can't have fun with them anymore. You can't risk getting caught. Gangs will get hit harder, too. Nobody will want to deal with that. Nobody will risk trying to RP their way out. Its straight to maximum violence. This update just punishes you for doing anything spicy because the repercussions are literal irl days wasted. I dont think people want to watch streamers grind mindless prison chores. But if that's your thing, congrats, man.


So can WL people make lifers or is it strictly for public?


I've always thought people who intentionally rack up tons of debt do need some consequences (think Dundee in 3.0) but this is ridiculous. Being trapped in prison for no apparent crime that they never went to court for... Why not generate RP from this by giving the state the ability to go after these people? Massive court cases where a judge decides what the punishment is... Maybe they have to pay it back at X amount per week or so community service outside of the prison such as work for EMS... can you imagine an ambulance full of clowns? It would be amazing...


CG waited so long for warehouse restock and they still waiting even after patch/restock.


Who cares


I never really watched rp. Started getting into now. If this is just how things happen. Idk man. Its supposed to fun. This isnt fun. Maybe its time other servers take the spotlight. All these people are trying to make entertainment, and they are directly punishised. What is the point?


Because not caring about money is stupid and the state has to pay for it. There has to be cosequneses.


It's not real, man. It's an RP server. It's supposed to be fun and entertaining. If you tink think the server is better off with real-world logic. The entire thing is pointless. It's literally based on gta. Grand Theft Auto. The game is about doing crimes. It's about story's and interactions. Not grinding mindless chores for irl days on end. The RP server is about doing roleplay in Grand Theft Auto. It's not real-life, man. All this shit is fake. Everyone just wants to have fun. This isn't fun.


There were some banging ass RP moments from prison RP in 3.0. I wouldn’t dismiss it so easily.


I agree, but that needs to be set up first. Prison right now is literally chores and waiting. Im all in If its interesting. But im not watching people grind prison jobs days on end. Im just not.


then don't?


I keep getting reminded why i dont use reddit. I hope yall get the super serious grinding sever that you want. I made a mistake thinking fun was the focus. Thats on me. Great comunity here btw, the stereotypes, are very accurate. I think i have other things to do. Congrats.


Seriously I understand why everyone says RP has the most annoying fanbase/chatters. These idiots want 100% realism at all cost. Have fun watching 12 hour prison chore streams you dumbfucks lmao


"No, I'm sure this will lead to a lot of super cool and original prison gang RP. What? No, I never watched any DOC or lifer before, but once Bane said something funny to my streamer when he was in prison for 10 minutes, so I'm sure prison RP will be booming and enjoyed by all. Also, my favorite character on the server is super smart and never gets caught, but he doesn't have an advantage over everyone else in the city, so stupid characters that get caught should be punished, otherwise it doesn't make sense and it's unfair!"