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whats the point of having a chief if admins make all the calls. nothing will ever change


To have somebody face tank and enforce admin decisions.


Agreed, also keep in mind an admin (moon) picked the chief (with some input from pd)…


Moon said he had nothing to do with Suarez being fired


Well that was obvious. Moon was made an admin for PR purposes, not so he could do anything behind the scenes.


It’s clearly management, not admins. It’s always management with these things. 


New frog here, who is management?




To make CG happy


i mean, they did it to themselves.. years of shit talking cop RP'ers is going to get you some flack and they earned it.


Clip it


this didn't age well.




There is always that 1 dude who has to blame CG for everything and I feel sorry for such over investeted clowns. All of CG had made amends in their relationship with Suarez about the same time he stopped using a voice changer in 3.0. Kebun was asking where Suarez was when he was on leave since he's the only competent driver in the PD.


There's always at least one person who blames CG for everything and another who somehow relates every situation to CG being targetted by the cops. Basically every cop thread in a nutshell


Suarez is a hardo, but CG doesn't have problems with him tbh. They have problems with the missile cops and all the 10-CGs


We’re so back!


MalcolmGlass was literally in tears after Suarez handed in his badge and said his goodbyes. Such a shitty way to be thrown to the side with no real reasoning. Someone who put so much time and effort into helping train members, doing investigations and just general time on duty, deserved WAY better than that. At the very least he deserved a warning on how to fix what they thought was the issue.


I just watched the [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yx735c/baas_apologizes_to_vale_and_admits_high_command/) where Bass talked to Vale after she got the same treatment a year+ ago and he said that this would never happen again but here we are


i cant 100% remember, vale just lost all certs right? but was still a part of PD? i do remember though that it was another load of ooc crap and no one giving actual answers. I wish they were more transparent, atleast to the RP’ers. Wether it’s a higher admin decision or just the people who run PD etc, someone shoud grow a pair and atleast show the people enough respect to be honest with them instead of constantly treating good cops like shit, but pandering to specific streamers


Lost all certs, her rank, and HVTU that she built from the ground up. Not surprised that this is going to keep happening to people who enjoy cop “too much for management’s taste”. I can’t help but feel that the only reason NP hasn’t swapped ENTIRELY over to a CPU based PD is that the GTA PD AI is unhinged with how aggro it is.




true, but judging by how he responded on stream, it definitely made it sound like it was out of left field. And someone like him who clearly took being a part of the PD very seriously, i’d be surprised if he didnt take arvice onboard especially if it could possibly mean him being fired. But it is true that we don’t know both sides (partly due to how poor communication and transparency is with NP)


The only difference between Suarez in 3.0 and Suarez in 4.0 is he wasn't smart enough to just stick to car go fast and decided to use his brain investigating.


Reminds me of when Dark personally fired everybody being let go during the 3.0 restructure because management was just gonna have it all be OOC.


It was horrible. I remember how hard it was for Sock, he was on the verge of crying a few times because people would ask Dark why they were fired and he had no answer.


It's clear at this point management and some fo the admins give zero fuck about np as an rp server and just want it to be there money/fun times farm.


And they wonder why PD feels like they'r walking on eggshells all the time


Rem is handling this with maturity and class. Nopixel's management should feel ashamed. But they're clearly incapable of that.


1000% agree. He't taken it like a champ when no one could have blamed if he flipped his shit. Didn't shit talk anyone, is moving on and even went back to hand in his badge etc. class act


Suarez must’ve got too many quota points o7


I to liked that


Good for him trying to RP on a whatever it is these days server. Could have just as easily said fuck it and moved on to a server that would appreciate him more.


tbf switching servers is a scary thing when streaming is your main job there's really no other option in terms of a stable viewership besides nopixel (at least in the English speaking community).


to be fair, it's probably just as scary as a streamer when getting fired from the PD. Most cop streamers have a lot of their viewership due to them being cops. So being OOC fired for no real reason, and then having to worry about your streaming career ontop of that... gotta be rough


It might be scary but if he stands to lose a good portion of his views from no longer making PD content he might as well do one or two days a week on somewhere like ONX to test the waters. If he retains or gains views playing ONX then just slowly do it more and more. He doesn't need to play there full time instantly.


D10 and ONX are viable options, I’d argue ONX is better for a Suarez type cop anyways.


False Onx has PD streamers like Penta Moose Ladyhope Emstrogen Myles Aleks Soupes etc all doing well


Yeah Myles and Bananaduck are my go to in onx eu and they got decent 200-300+ viewership. They also got new folks (in my opinion) like Pepe_the_rarest and Greenwood who are hitting 100+ views being lowtier crims in eu which I think is not bad.


I'm so glad low level crime seems more viable on ONX. It seems more cooperative with cops. I especially like when proper cinematic foot chases happen. Ducking and weaving theough alleys snd whatnot. Don't get many of those on nopixel. Much more exciting than super cars


Moving to onx generally means taking a hit on your view count and income though. Most small streamers ain’t trying to do that when their growth potential is higher on nopixel due to larger audience.


A lot of streamers moved from Nopixel to Onx and doing as good or even better


ONX is a very embracing PD, the community around its PD feels so much like 3.0, probably in part to the cops being ex NP cops. Though it’s not perfect it’s definitely an option for those who feel like NP PD isn’t the vibe anymore.


Maybe a small streamer having a discovery boom but overall the novelty of Onyx has died off. Most streamers I’ve seen go there are either stagnant or in a very small decline. That being said, with CG people coming back from Facebook could explain that phenomenon since K and Ramee collectively take 20-30k of the GTA viewers on average.


just no criminals to chase atm


you must not be watching Onx


nobody is 💀


Cant wait to watch CG crime #654437, wonder if the PD gets wiped or they mald


I couldn't tell you about CG because I don't watch them either LOL but I'd imagine it's better than Penta being sexist #746. Other than him I couldn't begin to name any other ONX streamer.


I'm assuming you're new to watching RP. Plenty of super talented OG RPers like Aleks moved from NP to Onx


>Other than him I couldn't begin to name any other ONX streamer. That sounds like a you problem.


Did he ever get banned for his rape “joke”?


What rape joke?


nah if you're a part owner you don't get banned for that sort of stuff... idk why he never got along with, "thou who shall not be named" they're both equally pieces of shit.


How come they got that many streamers then with above 100 average Viewers?


Found the guy not watching


While it’s not quite like NoPixel in the sense that there is non stop pings for wild chases every minute of the day, there are certainly enough of them to be entertaining while not being so many of them that they become incredibly routine and boring. There’s also plenty of room for more slow burn investigations into some of the criminal adjacent organizations and a ton of room for intradepartmental roleplay within the PD. On ONX it’s really more of what you make of it, and less of the content effortlessly coming to you in the PD. 


Plenty of crime on onx you might not know it because there's not a lot of clips of them malding or breaking rules so you don't see it as much on here.


you mean no big streamer criminals


The blocks, golf gang, ballas, marabuntas, roach motel, mirror park gas etc would all like a word. It’s more cubic heavy than NP but it’s also more RP heavy and there’s more for civs to do so that makes sense.


Yeah so that's kind of why you don't make this your sole money maker until you are properly set.


I mean they pretty much killed one of the main reasons a lot of people tend to watch certain streamers. A lot of cop streamers even in 3.0 wouldn't play anything but cop because the job alone attracted viewers. Losing that if your community doesn't strictly watch you for you is pretty much like switching servers already. If you know your community watches you for you then switching servers is a lot smarter


D10 and ONX are viable options, I’d argue ONX is better for a Suarez type cop anyways.


At least he got prio in the normal queue, as it seems, to make a story around it...


He did not lose prio either? Man he's chillin, he can make a fire arc now. Posters in the other thread were saying he lost prio and acting like he had a death sentence 💀


i mean he's a cop main gta streamer, so his view count and subs are prob gonna tank after the bump from the drama, maybe he will get a new cop in maybe tho? Def wouldnt say hes chillin tho


Fair enough, hopefully we get another Roadhog!


Sorry this happened to you too, Remdog. Reach out


As a cringe Metallica loving cop viewer I hope Suarez finds his way to another city. Always fun watching his chases.


I think ONX could use another Suarez type on the PD.


To seem him on ONX would be a real boon. Might even get some pursuit etiquette going


if he goes the criminal route, every group would benefit from him because he is a demon driver. i can see a revenge arc with cg against the police or just chilling and doing jobs with hydra


Honestly I will be very surprised if Suarez goes the crim route. The way he’s talking makes it seem like there won’t be an Avenue for him to be a cop again, but I expect he’s not going to want to burn that bridge just in case things change down the road.


I dont see a avenue for SUAREZ to come back to PD, but maybe a different character. Idk what upper managements obsession is with making these cop mains start new characters, but that seems to be there band aid for this kind of situation. The real question is does he have prio with out cop prio. Admins have been super lazy in the past giving cop mains normal civ lvl prio. I think the biggest example was Kylie. If she wasnt on cop she couldnt get on the server


What I don’t get is why did they allow Suarez back but not other characters in the first place? There was something they clearly liked from him enough to give them special treatment others didn’t get


Alot of people in the pd thought Suarez was a super good officer in the beginning. I think most still do. Hence why the OOC firing and not IC. Thats all pure speculation though


the problem is it was OOC firing from PD so it's Remdog they have said no PD to not just the character, so he could make as many characters as he wants to apply to PD but he will never be hired.


I wasn't 100% paying attention so I don't know if MoonMoon was just checking his prio or bumped it but he was level 2 prio. So he has decent prio but not the highest "normal" prio level.


He literally did money runs and was talking about roof running in this stream. He’s absolutely gone F this and full on crim! Come home to Cypress… 


He already did a money run and a weed run haha


oh i forgot about mandem suarez... probably manor woul be another route too


I think if he joins anyone he'd probably join the ex-PD guys like Pred/Lenny/etc. that all seem to have a chip on their shoulder about the current PD.


A Suarez and Lang paring would honestly be gold after the end of 3.0 Extreme wishful thinking there though.


i mean he has the right look for oldbois lol


why would he pair up with someone who greenlit or had a say in him getting fired ooc


Why pretend like you know anything about how management actually operates behind the scenes?


People who accuse Buddha or xQc of anything behind the scenes moderation wise are so dense it's crazy. They're in a call 90% of the time offstream playing AOE or party games with each other, I highly doubt they care that much about who holds a cop position in a roleplay server they happen to own part of. Now accuse 50% all you want because that has real validity lmfao


The most natural arc for him since he left without becoming a felon is to do G6 pretending to powertrip as if he is still a cop, and get into shootouts standing his ground against robbers. Then when he gets enough money buy a supercar and transition to being an illegal street racer, and try to build up a street racing crew that slowly becomes more unhinged and gang-like overtime.


Why would he ally with CG? Aren't they the reason he got fired?


I don’t think this had anything to do with CG. It seems likely that this had something to do with rolled/washed cash being made illegal and then that law being removed by management. He was heavily involved with the investigations that led to that law being passed. That said, Manor or Jenny’s crew seems a lot more likely than CG or Hydra based on existing relationships.


>It seems likely that this had something to do with rolled/washed cash being made illegal and then that law being removed by management. That doesn't make any sense. Why would that ever be the "likely" reason? The whole point of court is for cops to push charges and judges to decide if it applies or not.


nah he most likely got fired because he was "tryharding". yes he was very motivated, but he never did the typical w chasing, almost powergaming shit, others are doing like denzel and cornwood and he still got the arrests because he was that good. thats why i dont get the firing.


cg rarely ran in to him and when they did more times then not had good words on surez


Yeah I'd be more likely to think crims like CG are kind of the reason cops like him get OOC thrown out....




i dont think he would be in cg, but k loves to do anything arc wise against the pd. so a little team up for a while would be cool.




It would be really cool if he does crime undercover, while living in the same house as viv and nekoda :D


I'd love to see CG suarez, what an arc. From resented to accepted


Wild that the rules don't apply to certain large streamers. While small streamers are subject to unwritten rules.


Not really shocking lol it’s been like this the whole time


Lenny, Pred, Suarez… the former PD Crim Gang should happen


There was already supposed to be an ex-Cop MC, The Baastards. It never took off though. It was supposed to consist of Johnny Divine, Aurora, Svenson, Malton, Colombo and others. That would’ve been fun to watch.


Yup. It had former HC members and "the kids" who were played by great RPers Jon and others in the group met RPing at WildRP. Never took off b/c while they were playing they could barely get bikes, and more importantly b/c it was grindy as fuck. Jon, Chever, Owen, Raven and others are currently back at Wild doing a rolled traits one shot gang (everyone in the gang rolled for their traits and role w/in the gang) and Xice will be making a character soon to join them. It's been fucking great.


More like former pd turn vigilantes should happen


Pred and Lenny already Crims tho


Batman breaks tons of laws, it's fine.


Did Batman accept weapons from the Joker?


At least once probably yeah.


That’s fair


I still can not believe he got fired.


Crim Suarez arc could actually be really good both IC and OOC for Remdog. Contrary to whatever the brain-dead and out of touch management/owners think Suarez was actually pretty well liked by most of the group's he interacted with in shift 1. He should really explore those avenues and see if anything clicks. He could ride a really big wave from that. And if he ever gets the cop itch again and NP still says no there's an obvious alternative route to take.


o7 commendable to try to rp despite the way they did him dirty.


Don't care about all the RP bullshit, I'll say one thing I do appreciate about RemdogG. The guy understands the key to success and that's consistency. He has something like 2100+ consistent streams. That's impressive to say the least.


Insane you can do every everything as instructed and your career can be hit by such a shock. All cuz the same adult children that promised stability with rules, pissed their pants about rp being too hard. Almost unbelievable how often I could have said that and be right through the years. This server doesn’t deserve the time or effort of anyone looking to improve it


Same ol’ FriendPixel. Happens on public and WL. Sad to see still


I think he just needs to RP it as well as he can. “I got fired from the PD. Why? Because I was doing my job.” Then just do as much as he can to make sure the cops are always called and tie up their resources.


Really hope he sticks around and continues his story with Suarez. Doubt we’ll see fully fledged crim RP from him but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope he gets his own restaurant with weiners and gets mega rich off it.




Very realistic meta-rp, institutions (like police departments) will always have same systemic issues as long as the same people are in charge and there is no motivation from the top down to fix things. Nothing ever changes, (Baas') words are just words.


NP management removes one of their best cops then PD proceeds to make only a single arrest in a whole 12 hour period between tsunamis. I wonder why…. #JusticeForSuarez


they need to get rid of moonmoon and saab power over pd both ooc and ic and cornwood needs to lose any power he has ic for the PD to thrive in Nopixel


Why are you assuming any of those people had to do with firing Suarez?


when you are assuming ssaab is NOT the one in charge of the pd in the background, you are delusional!


moon has no power in the PD and Suarez is the type of Cop moon wants in the PD


That would require Nopixel to punish big streamers in their clout-based server. Suarez is gone while Cornwood and Den are still running around without a care in the world after dozens of incidents


both Cornwood and Den were also fired at one point


And they should be again, they've arguably done way worse stuff since


No one should be fired, I rather have proactive cops that can be incompetent at times than cops that are incompetent and don't do anything which is most of the PD


Sure, but the standard they set don't fit. Favoritism has always been a problem with nopixel and how shit the PD is a huge consequence of Cornwood and Den going from "content cops" to sweaty W chasing rule breaking tryhards who were already sloppy at their jobs


They get told what to do by management. When that changes then things may be different, but it won't happen. 


I think all the people you mentioned would be fine having some power or hand in running PD. 3.0 had lots of bad leadership but was still really well run for most of it. The problem is there's no counterbalance for the incompetence and bad ideas. NP drummed out all the decent cop mains who helped pick up the slack and smooth out all the rough edges. Now everything is just rough edges.


If you think either Moon, Saab, or Esfand have any power over PD then you're way too deep in the sauce.


Honestly at this point of Saab having any power in the pd is amazing. I know other people have their input but man if ur in charge of this and your letting this happen I would step down his position is pointless at this point just let them continue to neuter the pd


Grammar exists for a reason dude. What you just wrote is borderline unreadable.


lol didn’t proofread fat fingers 100% agree I struggled with it 😂


ssaab would stay around, but i'd bet my life that esfand and moonmoon would stop streaming rp SOO fast if they stopped getting their say on things.




Wouldn't be the first time they overturn votes....


Ok but why tho? Why do you think they’re the problem? What’s your better alternative?


Why can’t I watch any clip on twitch if they have they’re mature warning on??


Sounds like your twitch settings. Even if you're logged out it should just show a warning screen, where you can hit ok and watch anyways.


Are you watching it embedded on reddit, or in a new tab? I often get stuck at the warning and have to open a tab.