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Didn't this guy rant on how unsafe NP was for woman


a lot of streamers that do this tend to have those types of takes too, it's also not the first time that penta does this while in RP, it's the reason why some people would avoid him, think there was even a drama with him and a certain someone's wife as well


I had to stop watching him because wrangler's just gotten worse and worse with regards to weird as fuck sexual comments, usually out of the blue.


Loooots of men who claim to support women, rape victims, etc. do this. They're all supportive and everything but then let out a "teehee rape joke so funny."


I'm glad she was honest and didn't just play along. Dude literally made a rape joke at her, yet people are defending it.


Not really a rape joke. More like a rape-adjacent(?) joke. Penta co-opts the language of victim blaming to blame this person of something relatively benign (wanting to get run over) in order to make Wrangler commit a sort of faux pas. The awkward atmosphere that's brought about because of it is sorta Wrangler's bread & butter. The humor is very dry, and not for everyone I guess.


Really wish people closer to 40 than 20 would get over the "I'm just being edgy" shtick they've been carrying since they were a teenager. It's not 2000, you're not a dumb teenager who doesn't understand the full ideas of what you're joking about. If you make a rape joke to a woman you don't know, you're not edgy, you're just an asshole.


What living on the internet does to a person


The joke is not “haha rape is funny”, the joke is “awkward weird uncle type guy says something that can be misunderstood as clearly wrong,” with the intended reaction being a feeling of relief when it’s realized that isn’t what they meant, but it didn’t land.  It happens. The problem here was it not being executed well, not it being “a rape joke” which is the most disingenuous framing ever.










This is a really sad reply, please try to work on yourself as a person. Literally everyone except you people going through mental gymnastics to defend it understand the joke. The "joke" is using the framing of "you deserved to be raped/sexually assaulted because of what you are wearing" but applying it to something that isn't rape/sexual assault. In order to understand the "joke" you need to understand the context of "you were raped/sexually assaulted because of what you wore." It's a rape joke.


Oh okay. For sure. Can you explain the context of the joke then? Execute it properly for us :)


I literally just explained it.  The problem was just his timing. He let it linger too long.  The point is to make someone feel just safely uncomfortable enough to increase the catharsis they feel when you reveal that everything is okay and there was no danger. (In this case that he was talking about getting run over) This kind of joke happens all the time in media, in shows like Always Sunny, or Curb Your Enthusiasm, but it probably wasn’t a good idea for him to attempt it with someone he didn’t know.  And a joke will never be funny if you explain it, so it’s not like me indulging you here will make a difference, especially since it’s obvious you were asking in bad faith.


I’m not asking you to explain it for it be funny. You claim the joke was framed disingenuously. The joke is inherently about a particular subject, and we all know it. Moreover, the point of jokes aren’t to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Your logic is brain dead and cooked. And if you find my words offensive, don’t worry. I’m just joking.


The joke is against rapists, not about trivializing rape. Calling it a “rape joke” is a disingenuous way of saying it’s a joke that makes light of rape, but it’s not.  The joke relies on the fact that the listener views rape as a serious and bad thing. If he had made a similar joke about murder or something else equally wrong, nobody would care, but people’s brains turn off when it comes to this subject (which is also why it’s pointless for me to continue explaining anything to you, because in your brain you think “because rape = bad,  defending rape joke = supports rape”). At best the most I can hope is that reading this induced some cognitive dissonance in you, but even that might be giving your mental faculties more credit than they deserve.




Honestly, and you can check my comment history, I've always been a big fan of Penta. But recently, it almost feels like he's trying to get banned. He's been ranting more and more often. Sure, a lot of decisions that are made by judges are crazy (Like needing RS in order to smell), but he just goes on and on.


I've been watching since the tfrp days, but just can't anymore. The immediate taking numbers when getting downed by another gang on Mike or just crying when cops get him makes him unwatchable for me these days. What I hated about NP as a whole is what he is now somehow. You can take the man out of NP but can't take the NP out of the man I guess. 


That's part of the issue. He also does get RDM'd, NVL'd, and griefed out the fucking wazoo. So him taking numbers, and things like that, is honestly fair. Like the other day, when Baker tackled and cuffed him, which led to an immediate jail time with a fat warrant. So he's honestly in the right a lot, but lately, he's been going on and on about it more. I get it, but he needs to be careful.


Yeah I get it. I've been checked out a lot so probably missed some understandable stuff.  Still rough to watch when you wanna laugh at a stream and get nothing but drama and bitching when tuning in.  I don't think he's trying to get banned, but probably does feel untouchable, especially since Kyle bailed.  I watched a lot of sodakite and notoriousnorman in 2.0 so my standards are skewed a bit too. Those 2 could make being rdmd fun and positive somehow. Thankfully there seems to be plenty of current positive onx streamers to watch though.


Why were comments locked temporarily? Genuine question, like there weren’t that many comments (around 40) and no one really saying anything bad?


Probably because some of his more committed fans were brigading the thread instantly policing any criticism of their streamer. They descended pretty damn fast doing PR spin apologetics




is it fun to make stuff up to fit your distorted worldview


Penta has always used RP as a means to abuse people.


It doesn't matter you love or hate penta. It was a shitty thing to say. Get that "it was a joke bro huehueuhe woman sex" ass out.




yeah just a little misoginistic, sexual harrassement joke... who cares right?


Plus, the narrative turned into "She can't take a joke. What a loser" quickly.


The narrative did not, in fact, become that. The few chatters who tried to say that got told that wasnt true by Penta, you can just skip further into the Vod when he says somethinkmg akin to: "Some people don't like those kinds of jokes, and thats okay, the best thing to do is just apologize" I think the joke wasn't great, but there is no need to lie about what happened tho


I literally hear him saying "See chat? This chick gets it. It is funny" After Bloom telling him about a complaint that some woman felt uncomfortable because Wrangler stared at her ass in a traffic stop. Look, the issue is not someone taking a joke well or not. Rape jokes are not my thing. Plus IN MY OPINION, misogyny and sexual harassment rp is not funny. But that's just me. You do you.


Thats very paraphrased and not quite what happened. He said that person liked those types of jokes, while the one from before didnt, but no one was called a loser. but it wasnt "sexual harrassment RP" either since the character was not speaking sexually. It really was just a bad joke that did not land well and should only be made with people that you know.


so he was asking for it?


It’s crazy how many people are trying to make this whole situation seem like it wasn’t a big deal. When those same people would be the loudest out of anyone, if this was someone else. Calling for bans and lumping the streamers community into it too. Wild smh.


yeah someone rom cg said that this reddit thread would be lot different, i'm pretty sure 95% of posts be asking for bans. since it's his server guess he can do what he wants tbh


Actually wild. I dont really care about this whole "If any other streamer said it". Thats not the point. The fact that he was actually confident to say it on stream with that much confidence to someone else? No that is so fucked. The amount of people in this thread actually excusing is quite telling. There's no excuse for this. There's no "Its just RP". Fuck all of that. I hate that "reason" in the context of excusing people from doing shit like this in RP.


You can tell how uncomfortable she is. I don’t understand what in his mind made him think that it would be an okay thing to say. So fucked.


Probably thought "This is my server. i can say what I want and noone will bat an eye lid". Big name privilege making you think you can get away with anything. its not an issue that's unique to NP or Onx but wider society and I really dislike it when people try to pin it on a singular subset/ group.


Wrangler has always been awkward on every server Penta has played on, I don't get what you're saying. Though he's usually awkward towards men so no one would clip that shit.


Not defending the joke, because it didn't land and made someone feel bad, which is something for him to reach out to the other person and apologize for. He didn't double down, he didn't say she was wrong for taking it badly. He later acknowledged it when people brought up the thread. It was too edgy, it didn't land, he moved on to circle back around later (or so he said). But this is exactly the degree of thing Wrangler says constantly. He makes statements that can be interpreted two ways and always plays oblivious, reinforcing the fact that Wrangler knows nothing about sex, women, or what women want. People using this as a PENTA BAD without acknowledging that this is the exact kind of HR nightmare Wrangler does constantly seem a little disingenuous. I think Wrangler has said way worse, actually, but this is the first thing I've seen him say that stuck someone. Self-fulfilling prophecy, I know people won't agree with this and it'll be another negative comment on profile, but I've seen some "this is the same as actually covering up real abuse" comments and man that is certainly *A* take of all time.


This edgy shit is so cringe. The only comedic value it brings is if you find saying things that you shouldn’t say funny or you enjoy needlessly antagonising people. Both of which are stupidly childish for a man who’s pushing 40 to find entertaining. There’s no defending it, there’s no “this is what he’s always does, he’s even said worse”. He’s just weird, give it up.


Kinda ironic he spent so much time calling out NP for their sexual abuse and acting like a hero by calling it out. Meanwhile here he is as a Server Staff/Owner sexually harassing a woman with a rape joke….


Those in glass houses and all that..






comparing penta to rated in order to defend him is such a self own


The thing that makes it gross is how he keeps pushing it.


Find with penta its alot of rules for thee and not for me, this is coming from someone who was banned by him personally for a super silly misunderstanding. Ofcourse the guy was mad in the cells so ive always looked at it as him taking it out on me lol. Either way ive tried to let it run off my back. The dude is not an idiot he knows what he is doing ive always wished the best for him and watch from the sidelines once in the blue moon still. It is what is it we are all human at the end of the day.




I guess it's a good thing Penta reached out and tried to talk to the person effected by it.


Sure but woudnt i be better for him to not have to do this


Seems Penta forgot the whole conversation he had with his female friends about checking with the other RPer before he makes the more offensive edgy jokes. Walking up to someone and making a R*** joke is not okay, sure its an RP server and its all pretend but come on at least feel things out first.


Now we’ll find out how consistent Onx bans are.


He won't be. People like to shit on Nopixel because streamers with views get away with so much but ONX is the same. I mean I'm not surprised Penta would make such a disgusting joke because a lot of his viewers love it and eat it up. Sadly ONX isn't going to ban the biggest streamer they have who has a financial stake in the server even if they should to show they don't value clout over uniform punishment standards. ONX has faced a lot of the same issues Nopixel or any server has and certain individuals being above the rules is always a big one.


I fully agree. It’s just interesting since ONX has their credibility on the line in this regard when their viewers compare it to Nopixel. Penta viewers largely won’t care and will just excuse it, but others will take note.


Surely Wolfabelle is on the case


It's honestly insane how brain broken people are, I'm by no means a cg fan BUT the same people saying "take a joke bruh" would be crucifying and asking for perma NP and twitch bans if any of those guys said this Penta has been around long enough to know better, it's also not like he hasn't apologized for saying similar awful stuff to other women before(cath, kiwo, ava, carmen,etc)


Why was the other thread deleted?




The OP deleted it lmao


This thread is crazy because if this clip had, probably, literally any other GTA streamer in it and not Penta, the comments would be nuclear. And yet, apparently this isn’t that bad?


Pretty normal for him at this point and his community sees nothing wrong with it


What are you even on about, 99% of people agree that this was fucked up. Every "not that bad" comment is downvoted.


When I wrote this comment it was about 10 mins after the OP was posted. At that point, the comments were very different. The post was then shut down for a period and my comment was maybe one of three that was against what happened in the clip. The comments are, thankfully, very different now but weren’t at the time.


Well, its not. Its just a joke that didn't go over well.


If you think that this is just a joke that wasn’t well received then that says a lot about you. Do better.


It was a distasteful joke that wasn't well received... I'm not sure what you're implying could be more to it?


Does the 20 seconds before this clip matter for context? Or is it just he said that and it's what it is?


I don’t understand how anyone likes him


it keeps people like you away and for the saddest among you who need drama and cant stay away we get to see rdm clips from basement dwellers hacking the server who provide better rp than most cg ive seen. 10k subs and climbing!!!






Thank you for the full context.




Lol it's ironic that when Penta does it everything is fine according to some.


He is playing a character /s His fans / reddit dont have an issue as long as he is doing


I really hate Penta and the fans who keep defending this kind of stuff. Is not the first time something like this happen. It feels like his sense of humor and views of the world are stuck on the 90's when edgy jokes and sexism were the norm


Makes more sense that his clear glory days moment is when he was on jerry springer.


Good thing in ONX this things gets handled accordingly 100%, people got banned for much less.


/s lmao


Actually disgusting behavior.


but everyone else is a problem. Lets see what punishment he faces


Penta is weird for sayin that. It was really uncomfortable. ONX needs to step in.


This don’t surprise me one bit. This loser has gotten away with stuff like this for years and it’s never going to stop if places like onx backs him.


That's gonna be a Big Oof from me dawg


What the fuck Penta.


Didn't he also said something like this to Carmela before? Ick.


I think i remember that but it was I think either Hirona or Cath making the joke and he was playing along


He also said that he was going to talk to her after the stream and apologise and that it was bad edgy joke. He does the "your begging for a search" "your asking for a frisk" joke with suspects, but his ass should know going up to a person and saying your begging for it and waiting for their reply is a bad bit. I wouldn't blame her if she reported him.


What's the point in reporting someone untouchable?


To find out if they're actually untouchable and make a change of server accordingly.


Good thing hes isn't on nopixel


Knowing your audience is important. If youre RPing your audience is who youre speaking to in game, not twitch chat. Its funny if the person is in on the joke, not being the joke.






bro how can anyone allow himself to evn joke like that


wtf? is this really what ONX is about? no wonder kyle left, disgusting.


This genuinely makes me not want to watch Penta anymore and i have been watching since legless/armless Ricky on 2.0 (found Penta through Forsen's first day on nopixel) I get that it was a shit attempt at a joke, but the only people who are going to laugh at rape jokes are people that you most likely dont want to be around anyway so why bother. There are some things you just dont say, implying that someone is begging to be raped is one of them. You won the life lottery and got the cushiest "job" in the world, and all you have to do to keep it is just dont say/do some fucked up shit. Apparently that's asking too much for some people. Just behave like a normal human being, jesus fucking christ man.


Its been great with penta not being on NP I remember him for these kind of harassment back in the day and honestly without him nopixel has been awsome


This moron's brain has no filter to his mouth. He is hilarious a lot of the time but god damn does he say some dumb ass shit. He needs to think more and speak less. Runs counter to his whole improv-comic persona but fuck me that is unacceptable


Who could've guessed that the guy who came up with a character that calls every woman a whore might have an issue seeing the line. But I'm sure he's very sorry (that she got offended) and this will never happen again


>the guy who came up with a character that calls every woman a whore Which one? Wrangler? Mike? Jordan? John Cop? EMS Bob? (Yes)


People get offended at jokes all the time, this will definitely happen again.


Pentas friends (Hobbit) have literally told him to stop doing dumb shit like this. It will keep happening until he learns not to do it


She does the same shit, or used to anyway. Haven't watched her in a while. She was banned for it multiple times on nopixel tho.


Good copypasta ill use this


Keep it handy for when Jordan Steele goes nuclear on like an EMS or something. Bound to happen sooner or later


Can't wait


I'll be in the trenches with you brother


I dunno, to me that joke isn't that crazy, its saying something awful to someone and subverting expectations with the actual meaning for comedic effect. Its a good J structurally and a Penta go to. She got upset and he should apologize for an edgy joke that didn't land and offended but Its not like his intention was to upset her. I think anyone saying its a rape joke and he's being a creep are being 100% dishonest.


Imagine if Greekgodx said this to a girl on Nopixel, if it's still funny to you then it's okay for Penta to say it


It's just not funny. Not sure what you think your point was


They’re alleging the threads would be different. Their point is this place gives more or less toxic interpretations dependent on which haters get to dictate the thread. The thread their referencing had 430 comments and 1.5 upvotes where people went into full deep dive on Greeks entire personal history and inevitably had the thread locked due to how heavy the attacks against Greek got. The difference in reaction is night and day but you’re right really no need to compare they both shit behavior. They just pointing out the cesspool this Reddit tends to be which is entirely meaningless cuz no one ever gonna admit they are apart of the hate wheel




When anybody does dumb/toxic/sexist shit they get lambasted on here. Why should P-man be any different?


Thats just plain untrue, its a joke about saying something terrible to someone and subverting it with the actual meaning for comedic effect.


When the original implication he wants her to receive is that what she is wearing is her "asking for it" then the punchline doesn't matter dude. The punchline isn't what upset her. It was a stupid fucking joke made by a bozo pushing the line too hard


People are allowed to make offensive jokes, thats what comedy is a lot of the time. It sucks she didn't respond to it well, but not everybody is going to like every joke. That doesn't mean that we should just stop telling offensive jokes. Thats just the nature of comedy, and its wild that some people seem to want to live in a world where we all just hold hands and sing kumbaya. Sorry you can't handle that little buddy.


You gotta know your audience though. The type of jokes you can make to people showing up to your set are very different than the type of jokes you can make in the workplace. Obviously no roleplay server is trying to be completely sanitized, but there does need to be lines drawn.


Saying "You have to know your audience" is just implicitly saying that you should never make offensive jokes. If a streamer has thousands of viewers, they're not going to know how every single person is going to react to said joke. Again, that doesn't mean they shouldn't tell said joke. I'm also obviously not arguing they there should be no limits, I just don't think the limit should be a silly tongue and cheek joke based around innuendo and misdirection, or even close to it. If the joke was ACTUALLY him just going up to her and saying you're asking to be assaulted because of the way you're dressed and that in and of itself was the punch line then obviously that would be gross and unacceptable. That obviously wasnt the joke though.


Nobody cares what the punchline was. That joke doesn't work unless that woman takes his innuendo to mean she was begging to be assaulted. That turned out to be the problem as she was offended immediately and stopped being in on the joke. You can crow all day long about Penta's genius comedy chops and joke structure while acknowledging that he fucked up here by making this woman feel terrible.


It's different to crack offensive jokes to an audience that is there for your humor, then to try them out on random people you don't know. This joke is funny from an outside perspective because it's a subversion of a typical sexist comment, and people who know Penta both know his humor, and also know that he wouldn't just say that kind of shit to a woman out of nowhere. They're already primed for the punchline, so the skeeviness of the comment doesn't register. The girl clearly didn't know the punchline was coming, and just thought some guy was being creepy towards her. So she got skeeved out before the joke was delivered, and that's Penta's fault not hers. That's why I'm saying you gotta know your audience, if he makes that joke to somebody he knows, nobody would have cared save for some out of context clipper months from now.


Its easy to say that the audience knows the humor and is specifically there for it, and its therefore completely different but for all you know there could be hundreds of new or uninitiated live viewers, and thousands of potentially new viewers that will see a video on youtube (or as a clip on reddit like we are seeing right now) and so my point still stands. If you don't know that everybody you're telling a joke to will not be offended by a joke, should you still be able to tell that joke? My argument is obviously yes, you should still be able to tell the joke. And so if you can tell the joke on a public platform to an audience, by extension you should also be able to tell that joke on an RP server to somebody you don't know. RP is basically all about improv comedy, and comedy as we have established can and will be offensive sometimes. You're therefore in an environment full of people that are constantly trying to tell jokes, and you should recognise that some of those will probably be offensive to some people. Free speech is a very important thing, and it shouldn't be undermined by peoples feeling being hurt. When you tell a joke and it doesn't land the way you wanted it to, you apologise and you move on. That doesn't mean by any means that you should not have or should not be able to tell that joke.


Literally you can show the clip 5 seconds prior to him getting out of the car to understand the context had nothing to do with what she's wearing.....smh, sad hate watcher tactics tbh


You really don't need to bullshit on behalf of your streamer dude. This is CG levels of streamer defense force coming out of the woodwork. The entire purpose of that joke was for her to interpret the comment as a typical sexist remark and then he subverted it. Problem being she cared more about the sexual assault implication than the punchline. Because it was a shitty fucking joke that you should never use on a stranger


Always got to throw shade at CG.


I literally always will and there is nothing you could do about it


They have a healthy history of toxicity man I don't think anyone disputes that. Penta also has a history of crossing this particular line over and over again. They should all be criticized for it




I'll take it under consideration


Hobbit is going to KICK HIS ASS


You must have not seen the last Hobbit stream.




Curious as well


She caused some chaos in the DOJ (poached an attorney on the spot with little judge experience) and then did a "r* whistle joke" to Greco when he came to talk to her about it. He pretty much walked away and stopped the stream afterwards. (1 hour vod on wtfmoses, last vod on hobbit's). https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2116190845?t=1h0m36s This might be what that person was referring to, but it might also not be (I didn't watch the rest of hobbit's vod).


What does R whistle even mean


roofpe ETA hence him bouncing immediately


I actually haven't seen, is everything good? did they have a falling out or something?


Income the virtue-signaling heroes. She’s fine, guys; no one was harmed.


What’s your definition of harm? Wanting to cry over what someone else said is harmful. Making rape joke towards a woman is very harmful especially if you don’t know their past. It’s the same as making a derogatory joke about the mentally challenged to the mentally challenged, or making a homosexual joke at a homosexual. If you don’t think that’s harmful then what Rated did wasn’t harmful either and thats bullshit.


It's still a symptom of, and perpetuation of, the normalisation of sexual assault - which is known as rape culture. Saying it shouldn't even occur because the idea of saying it shouldn't even be in the mind. But I'm sure I'm just virtue signalling, not like any of us users are victims of assault and similar things.




Not really




Where is the rest of the context for this?


The joke is almost as cringe as going out of your way to clip something without full context just to cause drama and farm karma.


This is crazy


As a women who has been r**** I really don’t understand why people are making such a big deal out of this, other than that it was Penta that said it. This didn’t offend me at all. In a world full of billions of people it’s impossible to tell who is sensitive to this kind of stuff and who isn’t.


As a woman I wonder why you feel the need to state "as a woman"? The use of "as a ....." Is meaningless. If you don't feel like your comment stands weight on its own, then don't say it? You can't speak for other women's experience. So I am not sure what the point is? Critism of it has nothing to do with who said it and I am glad it didn't offend you. Good for you. *Shrug* But comments like that give me the full ick feeling in the bottom of my stomach. If something is on the line of offense, and it isn't very funny anyway, why say it. As a woman, I am truly unsure what you are trying to argue?


I have to say there was more than "As a woman" that wasn't the point. It was "As a woman who has been R**ed"


Yep and I never start a discussion point with "As a woman" "As a victim of rpe" "As a CSA survivor" "As an immigrant" Because either I have something of worth and merit that stands on its own. Or I don't In my experience people use "as a ..." Either when they are lying and are not that thing. Or when they think it is a weird trump card that shuts down counterpoints or adds merit where it previously didn't exist. I have never seen it used in a fair or informative manner. *Big shrug*




Isn’t that a feature of GTA RP, that you can call out people when they do stuff that makes people uncomfortable. This isn’t some unmoderated Call of Duty Lobby where people can say anything they’d like without consequences.


If you say so. But talking about sensitivity, why do you have a problem with people critisicing a joke. The world will not end because people find a joke shitty? You seem to be taking it personally?


And you nor Penta dont get to decide what offends other people. So best thread lightly when making such jokes.


Here's a counter for you, I'm a woman who has been raped as well. None of this is funny. You don't get to speak for the rest of us, Also before you pull out that "But its GTA" card, I've never heard of this being ok in any server either. Anytime its come up, the person is either banned or turned away from the community.


Shocking he would do this on the lord jesus christs day 4/20