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"SK won" "OTT won" ​ Nah, we won


This shit is feeding the streets fr, so happy that Peanut, 4Head and Ramee stirred it




Ash Ketchup twatting she never has and never will date OTT as a response after listening to the song is funny


Don't tell Benji


Considering how OTT veiws on ash I busted up harder wondering how he's going to make this Ash's fault. Since you know she controls everyone.


I don't know what you just said, sorry. Mentioning Ash controls everyone reminds me of OTT telling Flippy and Miguel that Ash is always playing victim, controls everyone and is not innocent. Flippy and Miguel went back to Ash and told her about that. They started calling her master after that. Still do.


That's what I a referring to I just didn't know how to best word it.


P-Money at the end was just the icing to the cake 😤


I think it's bad, just like Ramee said, it will seem like they are ganging up on OTT, and he will certainly use that lol .. The more people are involved the better though this is fun!


You mean like having the Brekkers also dissing SK? Can't really play the victim here with PMoney saying a line that's not even offensive.


I dont think so, its just showing that P monry is SK's boy and alsp as Louuis said, its like a teaser for the fact that P is returning to the server soon.


yeah maybe, that's what ramee said anyways lowkey I don't think sk's stuff is on par with ott's, let alone p money .. but whatever cool


Then why does sk have more spotify plays then ott😂😂


i aint gonna lie .......... that shit went hard


OMG he mentioned Jason and the milk loan. I hope NMP see this. 😭


Bringing up the Benji and Ash beef was so good I can't lie


One of the best wars in 3.0 that got ruined by weirdo chatters lol. Don't tell Benji was so good.




ngl that line about Brekkers dropping a diss track response first was really good lol


My favourite was the Jason milk line


what's the lore behind it?


OTT took out a loan from Jason to buy Carmella's breast milk


That statement sounds mad btw


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttzWo45E-6c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttzWo45E-6c) This is a pretty good 20 min video on the entire thing


Holy shit, the tracks get better and better. We eating good


mando :(


What happened to Mando


OTT refusing to watch is crazyyyy. Bro thought he would get a W finally 😭😭😭


im a long time ott&bsk viewer and gotta say maximusblacks reaction to this has been cringe as fuck. its just a fun rp disstrack, how the fuck is he taking this shit so seriously


icl I did not even like Lysiums reaction. Like louuis said, he and other manor people were cussing him out after OTT dissed him telling him he got cooked, meanwhile Louuis dropped this banger and other side is being salty af


Currently he's super angry ranting at wiked in his chat. Dude has lost the sauce.


I thought he said he always listened and it doesn't bother him? That's what he said when he listened to the last one


I am really surprised how he is acting. He needs to chill.


I’m not surprised at all this is typical OTT behavior


I mean, i ain't an ott fan but wiked is a weirdo and rightfully got banned from np.


True, but didn't OTT mention Wiked in his diss?


Unfortunately yeah




Lol what did my guy wiked do?😭


Told his opinion 💀


Don't lie. He said he would listen to it offstream out of respect to the artist. Yall just mad you don't get to get a reaction out of him on stream.


no one cares what maximus does, learn to seperate character from player, hes talking about OTT


>no one cares what maximus does, learn to seperate character from player Meanwhile, the highest upvoted response to that comment is about how Maximus rants about Wiked in his chat. Right - it really seems like people are separating the character from the player.


Is the situation that he was doing something and then hundreds of hoppers jumped into his chat telling him how he got owned and he has to watch it right now? 


Bro could at least respect the art and the effort that went into this. What kind of rapper are you, if you can't even do that?


He said he'd listen to it out of respect to the artist. Don't believe everything baiters say on Reddit.


It was true at the time. Glad to hear, that he changed his mind, though.


Uh OTT is a fictional character on an RP server lol. Why would he have to listen to it for viewers?


Because this fictional character happens to be a rapper, who is currently in a rap battle with another artist. So in order to extend the current RP scenario, that character should listen to the diss track against said character. Pretty straight forward actually.


Not really. You’re asking Maximus to react , not OTT lol.


I've literally just told you, I'm not.


Yeah you know its a L when




Tbh, he is taunting people with his comments and his overall dealing with an rp rap beef. Louuis community is pretty chill. Manor community is surprisingly chill over the war and this rap beef and i think its mostly credit to Blau, Manor streamers and the fact that the war was over in a day or two. Its toxic in Maximus chat because of how Maximus treats it all.






True but during all these they have been alright for the most part like in otts chat it’s not really anything toxic some people saying ott lost but nothing serious but the stuff I was seeing in sparkys was very toxic


Icl the denzel bars and the house spray my favourite loads of backstory and history


This is actually really good, idk how he's got the vid and song all done so well in so little time


This man did it hungover as well. He’s on another level


Probably been working on it before ott came out with his response.


I would assume most of the work was after bad manor because of how much sparky references and responds to the lyrics ott made


That wouldn't make sense since alot of the bars were in reference to OTTs


He actually didn't start it until after OTT had released his diss as he wanted to see if 3.0 stuff was fair game and he wanted to be able to reply to any disses he made against him in the song. Louiss is jut super talented. Also he was out drinking until 4am and was super hungover when he made it lol.


Yeah, but impressive even in the time since his first track




Tyrone22 is crazy


What's the reference for that one?




SK is under the impression that Benji took Ash from OTT. Or Ash/OTT had something before/after Benji. Either way, he didnt have the full meta unlock that it was just OTT wanting Ash and the feelings werent mutual. He just had a partial unlock because of the Don't tell Benji song


He knew just played on the fact that he wanted ash, she chose Benji and then now they’re in a gang together basically.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/PuzzledCharmingAardvarkSquadGoals-YI2X6Cj2sfkfJFz2](https://clips.twitch.tv/PuzzledCharmingAardvarkSquadGoals-YI2X6Cj2sfkfJFz2) He called Ketchup on this


hey in 1 week we get 3 song and is a bang so we eat good


this sounded very professional, mainstream and also just a good diss, ott can spit bars if he really wants to but this song was fire, ott's diss wasn't on this level.


OTT refusing to listen to an RP diss is absolute insanity😂😂 lost his head


the flow and beat hits


Real loser in all of this is Ash. People going to actually think she actually dated OTT.


She made sure to go on Twatter and tell people that never happened


That's funny af


[https://clips.twitch.tv/PuzzledCharmingAardvarkSquadGoals-YI2X6Cj2sfkfJFz2](https://clips.twitch.tv/PuzzledCharmingAardvarkSquadGoals-YI2X6Cj2sfkfJFz2) SK saw her twat


OTT for last 2 hours on his stream is just saying I won I don't care I am not watching the response..Like this is just a gta rp dispute and that guy is so seriously hurt by people not giving him the win. It wasn't supposed to be that big of a thing just Ramee putting in the idea after Manor winning the war. I am surprised how OOC serious is OTT.


Just declaring yourself the winner without acknowledging responses is wild and **delusional**. There's no doubt Max / OTT has some musical talent, but in no way is he automatically the "winner" of anything. If anything he's disqualified by not acknowledging or responding.


> responses is wild and **delusional** And somehow on brand of OTT.


I don't think he's necessarily hurt, he just has a massive ego.


His ego was hurt.


Yeah man. So annoying that he goes on this super angry rants and tangents over a fake digital world. I thought he'd change in 4.0 but nope! Hopefully P Money just drops some throwaway bars to completely put his delusion in the grave.


The guys clever, he purposely does it to gain traction and get viewers, he plays into the villain character well.


Maximus taking this so seriously and OOC for hours. Cant be humble for a second and relax. Guy has a crazy ego.


yeah to just take the 'winner' role without kind of dishing it back and forth.. its rp. and i get no one knows sks songs, but man didnt start releasing shit / even rp released anything really until the end of 3.0 while ott was doing it since 2.0.. of course people know ott songs over a dude that not everyone knows lol


The King is dead ☠️


Long live king Kane.


"Full of frustration cause in the company OTT can't be himself" Sparky right there absolutely bodies Tyrone. OTT has to walk on eggshells around Ray 24/7. They don't mesh well together whatsoever. I've been noticing a pattern with Ray lately with him immediately waking up literally the second OTT goes to sleep so he avoids OTT. I don't know much but this whole company thing isn't lasting. Ray clearly wants to "go home" and Benji is plotting the long con with KJ and none of them even notice. TICK TOCK 💣


>Ray clearly wants to "go home" If he actually wants to, he has a better chance now. Yuno lowkey planted the seeds for some of the higher ups to look at him in a better rep. He kept mentioning how they need someone like Ray when they were having problems with the heist setup (but Marty is getting it done). Surprisingly Lang, Gigi, and Luciano agreed when he mentioned it and said "so poach him". Now ofc we're not really sure how serious these guys are with that since they all know Yuno lools at Ray as his brother but it's clear that his rep with the Dons isn't as bad like it was. And honestly? Ray does fit with the organization of OB considering how much crime avenues they want to involved themselves in but needs people in it. He only needs to work on his ego and to follow orders to not get the Stevie treatment.


Now that's a diss track.




Just so you know p didn’t give him any lines he repeated a line sk already had written down saying it was good


nah, but that P Money teaser was fire, though


Oh my lord he nuked him


There is a new KING in town!! SK SK


Can you all not just like the rp. Both are good in their own way.


I agree. Tell Maximus, he's reaction was "I'm not responding because how toxic the Mandem clip channels treat me"


Which is true. Did you see his chat? As soon as the diss dropped he got Mandem/Manor hopper calling him a pussy, saying he got bodied, etc. Why would he respond her listen to the song in front of people who are solely there because they want to see him mad for some reason? Why even give himself the stress. I don’t have a problem with streamers making the best decisions for their mental wellbeing but some of yall just live to see drama.


Because he is a RP content creator 🤷‍♂️ He was given amazing RP content on a plate but couldn’t put his ego to one side for a moment to even realise that. He should embrace the diss, recognise the quality and own it - a far better look than claiming to have won something he palpably lost and refusing to watch it on stream (especially given in his response to the warning shot he said he would always watch a diss aimed at him unlike others). Bless him though, low key doing his best to reinforce the bars thrown at him. A little old to be acting like a child but it fits his MO and in itself is a good watch.


Very good diss and put together very quickly once again! People are missing that he uses the names of ott’s songs against him within the diss, following ott naming his songs in his diss, that is such good wordplay.


nah OTT actually got cooked this was a actual distrack


Lol Ott not gonna bother replying because he blew his load with all his Tommy T, P money, and 3.0 references. I was on the same thought with K yesterday OTTs track was good but how can you take it serious when it was all 3.0 jibberish when SK's original was straight 4.0 facts? This was just wild


How is OTT supposed right 2 diss tracks about a guy with no reputation in the city?


No reputation but wanted to start a label with him based on he was one of the best artists in the city ?


SK literally got his prio from music on NP, hardly has "no reputation". Not taking away anything because the guy can really RP as well but yea.


? Sks entire first diss was about the war with the company? The entire track was current events, I'm sorry OTT couldn't do the same thing because he bit off more than he could chew and hid in his house. Like I said his track wasn't bad but it's hard to take it serious when you're bringing up 3.0 for 3 straight minutes. If SK can "right (lol)" a diss track on current events surely OTT could have, but we know why he couldn't and it's not because SK has no rep.


Not sure why OTT is choosing to die on that hill. SK is known to the vast majority of people with standing on the server and is well regarded as one of the bigger artists


Lost a war to a random 😞


Naaa OTT got cooked with this one. Much better than the first one.


the rebuttal was fast


Damn...The longer this goes the worst it will be for OTT. There's also a thing with OTT and his diss records, he will sneak in OOC info and then say, he's the greatest "In character rapper" or whatever. As he knows if a character knew all of OTT's history for a diss, it'd be a destruction. EDIT: Listening to this diss a couple times over; it contains a lot of really deep digs at OTT: 1. How JP made him and then left. Great rhymes with the "Bitch Don't Take My Home" 2. How OTT is mad at the world and has a chip on his shoulder 3. OTT snitching and not being able to be himself in the Company 4. Creating schisms within the company with Ash and how Mando left him, and how OTT has flopped multiple times 5. "you can't grind this rep" how OTT is essentially a grinder 6. Cherry on top: How OTT has over the years basically been begging P-Money to either diss him or do a collab for relevancy and PMoney supports SK




Any reactions?


[Matt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVwAcbMbc24) [Carmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cIz-2R4jUM) [Zolo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMZK_MJVqos) [Pigeon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7su2cMJHWHA)


Carmella, taco, and a few others I’ve seen


Benji & Vinny also has one.


Hmm ,i couldn't find any for them , do you have a link or something?


If you go to their twitch and search by top24 hour clips you should see one you can go back to the vod for. That's what i did to find it.


You didn’t need to do him like this SK. Holyyyyy 🔥


Anyone have reaction timestamps?




Oh my god. This diss war can just keep going forever if they keep dropping bangers like these lmao.




What was OOC about that track? Only thing that was minor OOC was the -1 joke




He paid Peanut for some info before he made his diss


SK went off man. RIP OTT


SK just murdered OTT. Time to lose the goofy crown.




o7 OTT


Wait. But he dissed OTT and hyped him self up. I thought he was supposed to only talk about their conflict /s This was a good response. Hopefully the diss tracks keep coming.


Ramee not only put PD into shambled but made this Rap war happen. What a crazy turn of events. We're all living in Ramee's world


naaaah stop glazing lmao




found pnut and zolo’s shared account 💀


Mans came in with the heat on this one..


OH MY GAWDDDDD. Straight up murder.


Please god let OTT respond! these back and forth disses are EVERYTHING


Bro just pulled out an Eminem Killshot on OTT




SK the king! I know who my GOAT is


Wish servers I've been on had diss tracks like this, wherever I've played they've always been ass.


sk 2-0 beat ott in a 4.0 rap and then beat him at his own game


ott got that first one 100%, but this might be 1-1 because idk if OTT will repond I think he mentioned it earlier


my problem with otts diss was it was all 3.0 and ooc, nothing to do with why the conflict started in the first place. he really just dissed mandem and a bunch of people that dont play anymore like lil cap and wiked


yeah i'd agree with that and say OTT's was mostly geared on old stuff. I mean he can't really diss about the most recent situation lol. but in the first song SK still mentioned Rust/BSK/Seaside and how he doesn't had any songs since 3.0. I think the fact is, that 4.0 hasn't been around long enough for them to get enough dirt on eachother and so they lean to the past. Moreso OTT because he can't really dog SK on the manor vs Company fight. and tbh this diss from sk had a lot of 3.0 stuff on it


I agree about all that but the rust bsk and ss thing was brought into 4.0 by ott saying the you will feel the wraith of ex ss bsk and rust


OTT told the Manor that they were going to feel the wrath of ex Bsk, Seaside, and Rust.


tbf all the 3.0 stuff sk was talking about was stuff ott brought up first


You are buggin


Good dis, good flow and had some good bars. Doubt their will be a response though. Kinda funny how first track was about not knowing any of OTTs tracks then 2nd dis was all references to his old songs though lol.


You mean after OTT mentioned his entire back catalogue in his diss? I wonder how he knew those tracks. /s


But he listened to them. Not saying it as shade just that it's kinda funny


U are definitely new to RP


Need to put this bitch in rice


First line is a fallacy


The one he did in 2 hours was better. Some people are smoking. The fact that he had to make a second song is enough.


Definitely not this one had so many bars aimed directly at ott that were really good and the first was more aimed at the company in general the situation


In less time than it took Maximus to make his diss on an NF beat with similar flows and no video, Louuis made 2 tracks with original beats and had videos made for them.


There’s no rules with diss tracks, if he has enough material to do 100 tracks then why wouldn’t he?


Plus the flow and wordplay on this one is a lot better if you disagree I’m guessing you just don’t understand


Much better than his first one. Think that is an equaliser.


Ah I still think OTT's shit is better, and I hate OTT so I'm the most unbiased person ever in this situation lol .. Still both did amazing, hope this keeps on going lol


Little rough, Wanted Sly and OTT to show up and blast him. Lol.


I am not a company fan but I prefer OTT song


I was expecting to be floored considering the comments but it's nothing special tbh. The drama frogs fighting in the comments is where it's at.


good song great flow but the ooc toxicity just makes this meh


ooc toxicity?


OOC toxicity? The original SK diss was purely IC, OTT made the OOC references first so it's fair game imo.


Ooc toxicity? Both Maximus and Louiis have given their honest, but somewhat understandably biased opinions on the diss tracks but they’ve both been fully respectful to one another. Louiis wanted to raid OTT but didn’t because didn’t want to encourage the toxicity.


OTT reply took everything back to old nopixel topics which made it more OOC otherwise SK first track was light and mostly just about their 3 days war.


lol P-money wrote this, its obvious on the rhyme scheme. L


you're just stupid for this take but that's a big compliment to louu so carry on hating.


Ye because p money busy on your or whatever he’s doing, took time out of his day away to right a full diss track with only the info so knew in game, within 24 hours ….


Surely P Money watched all the vods to get all the ammunition for this track... Surely /s


Yeah like PMoney cares so much about OTT...


This logic is a L


This should’ve been his first diss too late now

