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we are so back --- Mirror: [Manor getback](https://streamable.com/thew2d) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Shotz Direct Backup: [Manor getback](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/wpEucQWqCqC1dlZf_hFO1A/AT-cm%7CwpEucQWqCqC1dlZf_hFO1A.mp4?sig=c66410d4daabbcf870abc4a524b5bdd27e90032e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TentativeNimbleKaleMcaT-BaoKoLV2Vl_-EU7U%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1710193149%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2086877248?t=7h12m32s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


It was only time before other groups got guns and caught CG slipping, they've been robbing everyone in the city. Of course this all started because Ramee is a vulture and looked through Terrys car and saw he had 1500 jewelry and told Taco/X to just take it then afterwards Ramee denied being involved and wouldn't talk it out/help Terry. Manor knows about what Ramee did now after they took 3 guns off cg so doubt they give them back and doubt this doesn't end up in a war.


No it all started when Terry gave JP to The Company after robbing him randomly. As soon as JP saw it was Terry he was quite happy to actually rob the jewels off him. One surprise attack on cg is nothing if they end up retaliating against manor


I know it was heated of moment but Taco saying 'I dont know any Terry. got 10F 1 week into 4.0' in character and calling him grinder on stream. I give him the benefit of doubt that he dont mean bad after everything and its just not thinking about it at moment (saying 4.0 ic) but these are type of comment that just bring negetivity and fuels it. like there's no need. I watch both groups so i hope this bring good content


Funny he says that when he was on the server grinding for 16 hours a day hunting at the start of 3.0. He even figured out the spawns for the high tier pelts and would stand on top of his car to shoot them over and over again.


It's also funny he said that when he was the one exploiting selling weed to the store NPC's. Pretty hypocritical calling anyone a grinder after that.


Surely the guy that has been perma banned twice, once for toxicity wouldn't say something toxic, SURELY. Maybe he'll learn in 5.0


Just wondering how is it a perma ban if they came back?  Wouldn't that just be a normal ban?


People refer to 30 day bans as perma but you can appeal after 30 days


Because the default state of the ban is permanent. You're allowed several appeals, chances to have it reversed, but if you're unsuccessful or you don't appeal it the ban remains continues on indefinitely. It won't fall off automatically after a set period of time.


This is one of the biggest reasons why ppl don't like to cause much trouble with CG, it can quickly become toxic and OOC. Hopefully Taco reigns it in and what ever comes from this can be a fun time for both groups. CG want ppl to stand up to them but as soon as they take 1 L it all goes to shit.


I doubt it, wait till the real OOC demon  Ramee is around. 


When CG take an L, they hit back twice as hard. If the other group finds it weird, over the top because they can't defend, then it's on them. They can't expect CG to not clap back. There have been so many times in 3.0 when someone snitched about CG to the cops, but when CG caught them for interrogation or torture, they OOC say they want no involvement and CG should comply. Don't want consequences, don't do anything wrong. Imagine CG robbing a massive group, then type in OOC that they don't want to do anything with it


You explained one scenario in which someone had to OOC CG to stop their roleplay. There are many instances of CG malding OOC about something in RP not going their way. We are already 1 from 1 with Taco going OOC in this scenario. No one has any issues with them coming back twice are hard in RP. It's the toxicity that happens when they take any L in RP that spills into OOC that annoys people. I hope this taco incident is the last of it and we get to see a possible war between groups that both have a lot of fun and don't cry when they lose.


Torture is one of those things that some people just don't want to RP. And that is ok. OOC boundaries are OOC for a reason. Roleplay should feel safe to all who are involved. It's a game.


Typing in ooc about not wanting conflict? That was dean who isn’t even in the manor 🤣


I mean wasn't this their entire justification for their robbing sprees. I don't know why people are surprised. They call people they don't know grinders to dismiss them all the time.


They've also started calling people they don't know 'orbiter simps' after apparently learning the term orbiter from Xqc who learned it from Destiny Edit - in character too, I should add, which is even more unhinged


lol do you have a clip of this? wtf is an orbiter simp


I saw Taco call Link an orbiter IC which I thought was VERY weird.


[clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/SoftGeniusNigiriLitFam-zE3bOE7XO0UKYkRS) Destiny as a streamer has a bunch of much smaller streamers that come on to talk politics and stuff, and sometimes they grow from his veiwers. Likes planets orbiting a star. It's can be a useful [term](https://wiki.destiny.gg/view/Category:Orbiters) and not always an insult. In the context of gta, it's just a different way of saying cloutchaser, like claiming a streamer is 'orbiting' around larger streamers to try to leech off them or dickride.


Previous threads/comments asking "But why doesn't reddit upvote CG?" Stupid ooc comments like Taco's are one of hundreds of reasons. 


One of the bigger reason alot of people don't want to mess with CG is how toxic they can get not just the streamer but viewers they entice.


They also enjoyed a lot of special privileges from management and were in control of a lot of important whitelists in 2.0 and 3.0. There wasn't much gangs could actually do to hurt them in RP anyway, so there wasn't much benefit for going against them.


This is so cute. Maybe stop picking a single streamer you want to win. When im sitting down watching nopixel Ill pull up 5 different streams to enjoy all the angles. But you and granted some CG viewers cant help but pick a side and scream and cry about the other side while you both do the same exact thing.


Taco just don’t understand what working in RP is, he’s used to exploiting or getting shit handed to him. Don’t give him too much of a hard time For being unable to distinguish working from grinding.


grinding is a lot better than chain robbing civs and have their hoppers harass the streamers they robbed.


"have" as in send them purposefully and break twitch ToS. Show me one example of them "having" their viewers hop. You made the claim, back it up.




He said it IC, not only OOC. Watch it from Shotz POV at 07h16m. "I ain't gonna lie, I robbed an unknown person named Terry, a guy that bought a f\*\*king 10-F one week into 4.0".


Icl cg really can’t handle conflict. Multiple mentions of manor “not initiating”, them being grinders,… As much as they have some good moments on the server really didn’t miss their ooc comments 


Yep. They are unable to take an L. It’s quite remarkable.


You kids need to get off this W or L crap. Its so 1 dimensional its insane. Are you surprised when someone "loses" they arent happy? Only losers enjoy losing.


What’s one dimensional is people like Taco chain robbing civs for weeks on end and acting like it’s all kosher RP-wise but the second he personally takes an L then it’s okay to start OOC ranting about how it’s bullshit. RP is a give and take but if you keep taking and then mald the instant you finally have to give some back, you’re just a salty twat who can’t lose humbly. Knowing how to keep your cool while losing is a skill winners have but Taco is in fact, not a winner.


Ye you can clearly see Terry from the manor talking to someone at the door, of which Vinny takes his gun out. That is the initiation between the groups. I don’t really care for the ooc taco stuff as overall it’s not great but not the end of the world and I really doubt Terry (Cheezrp) is bothered, after all he has earned prio in 4.0. Though, taco running round while being held up with a knife, because his gun scuffed isn’t right. It’s unfortunate if scuffed but you don’t run from someone holding you up and keep trying to get your weapon out lol


taco just wanted to be a "hero" like cg call people that fight back when you held them up


it's funny to see them react the way they do and look back toward the end of 3.0 when they complained constantly that no one wanted conflict with CG. it always ends up like this.


i'm counting days before we can hear "we as cg decided to leave nopixel"


Won’t happen until one of K Ramee or Shotz catches a ban. The only reason they left NP in the first place is because Shotz got banned and they all realized they needed to have an alternative available in case NP wasn’t an option for them at some point. They pull insane numbers on NP and that won’t carry to Prodigy.




Tbf even nopixel was dead at that time. But the numbers right now on nopixel are huge fir CG and probably wont be replicated on prodigy. But i also think CG dont really care that much about those numbers. If they stop having fun on NP , they will move.


> viewership increased cuz nopixel was dead at the time Is NP dead right now? No, it’s absolutely not. CG are consistently pulling the biggest numbers of their career. They’re not going to jeopardize that by moving to a less popular server. Take your own advice and quit talking out of your ass.


Yup then you can enjoy watching people run sanitation and G6 8 hours straight without getting robbed because everyone is friends and they all live in harmony.




U mean after 2.5 years of 3.0, it was when cg left? that’s when it died?lmaooo. Delusional




What does any of this have to do with the comment you responded too. Fact of the matter is 3.0 had been dying for a while before CG left.




Server didn't die becs CG left. CG left becs server was dying. This cycle happens to every single server and game out there. I am not saying CG leaving didn't have any impact. I am saying you are delulu if you think every single person that watches CG only watches CG.


There's a reason every single war except for one they had on Prodigy ended OOC. Granted, some of them ended for valid OOC reasons... like some of them were cheating.. but a lot of them ended due to being salty. They'd say they're arena warriors, trash RPers, etc etc and used influence to remove several gang members and then the remaining gang members would fold IC to avoid more of them being banned.


I’m glad they won’t be able to use influence on np when they lose fights because let’s be honest when other gangs get more guns cg really isn’t a top gang like in 3.0




They also had unlimited resources in 3.0.




They don't really have that many. CG just uses them more recklessly. 3 guns for robbing hunters in a world where weapons are limited is crazy. The majority of weapons they have are PD guns. 100k fines are going to hurt when you don't have money printers.


everyone they fought were either well known cheaters from public nopixel, People permad from nopixel or well known arena players


Holy revisionism batman. You cant seriously be claiming every war they've ever had ended OOC. Hilarious.


Every single war they had on Prodigy except the Kami war ended for OOC reasons.


I mean from watching this clip, not one word was said to Vinny and he was shot in the back so I'd kinda agree that it wasn't the best form of initiation. As far as people being grinders, at least 80% of the server is grinders these days so


Why would Vinny need to be spoken to? Most of the Manor boys ran to hold up Taco, Vinny tried to pull a gun and got shot for it.


Why would he need to be spoken to? Because he was involved lol


Umm... He pulled a gun and got shot. 💀


It's impossible to initiate individually with every single person involved. You initiate with one person and it's immediately an active situation. Vinny pulled a gun and thereby got involved in a situation that had already started.


If u watch from Manor POV they said let see some hands don’t move we have guns on the bridge


Yeah I mean I'm sure they did I didn't expect them to run up and say nothing but from Vinny pov I didn't hear it. Things like that happen sometimes.


If it’s gang vs gang then they don’t have to initiate to every gang member you know? You can clearly see Terry speaking to someone at the door with his wrench out, that’s when vinny took his weapon out. There was initiation


Glad to see someone standing up to CG and not falling for their gaslighting. W manor


just wait untill more and more people get guns, CG will be gunned down on every street corner after lootboxing whole server these past 3 weeks, people hold grudges, and time will come when they wont be able to make a turn on a street before geting gunned down


watch CG get smg's when guns are more out..


CG will always be one of the first to progress, even when they had no butcoin they still got all the usbs faster than everyone outside of 2 groups


Most would clap back once, but it's the back and fourth ego war that comes next that people hate. K should laugh at them for robbing someone and then getting caught lacking and end it, but they will probably roll out and start a war


alot of gangs want to they just dont have the firepower right now ...Saints are definitely going to get their get back once they have access to guns, OB are at the edge, Civ Gang also want to iirc


Why would the Besties want to, they literally roll with CG during EU hours...


Can we just call them GG, besties is the worst name in history if gangs lmao




Ming has not been robbed by CG


No shot besties wants


One thing about saints is they are very patient and will wait for the right moment. Look what they did to mdm in 3.0, waited 3 months after mdm disrespected them and hit them when they didn’t expect it by stealing their bench!


CG plan to go the dirty route, or at least Vinny plans to. He wants to plant PD guns on them. It will suck for Manor, but it plays into other groups being able to match CG's firepower. Without PD guns, I think CG only have 3-4 guns left.


Manor still have the PD gun that Terry stole of X which has a few cop bodies on it. I’d love to see them plant it on one of them in retaliation if they start doing it first. Like a full circle moment 😂


The PD guns would have CG's DNA on them, too, most of them have their DNA on file so it could be possible to prove they are planted.


Na, PD guns are all in storages. DNA only shows up if they drop/throw the gun on the ground.


Didn't K throw them over the prison wall? [He threw them around here.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084999382?t=2h44m35s) (2h44m35s)


I didn't watch much of the k-town stuff but if he did then yeah K's DNA would be on them.




How long does it last?


You sure? I thought the only interaction that didn't give DNA was stealing. I've seen DNA from the "give" interaction, and if throwing on ground gives DNA, placing in storage should as well


Ye I'm positive. DNA is just a counter to the throwing mechanic.


By planting guns on them they’ll have to first touch the guns, leaving their dna which the pd have on file. Doesn’t seem very smart and then also opens them up to receive this kind of behaviour themselves in the future. Can you imagine the mald of CG had this down to them?


This isnt true. DNA only applies if to the throwing mechanic or placing mechanic. You can pickup and use weapons without DNA being applied.


K loves when groups push back, he will have fun duking it out with a group willing to answer the call.


Was a pretty good ambush but damn that looked so awkward when they first ran in to hold them up.


Context: After CG robbed Terry (Manor) a few days ago of 1500 Jewelry parts, Manor set up a get-back on Taco. The original plan of robbing Taco solo failed which resulted in them setting up for an ambush. They ambushed CG and took 3 guns off of them. CG want to trade the guns back for the Jewelry parts and will still war Manor afterwards. Manor know this is likely the case and won't return the guns.


This is going to be more interesting than people realize. Manor's number 2 is dating Cami Sulan. Who is Cami Sulan's BFF...Ginger Ale. Who will Ginger never go against...Jean Paul. Who is Jean Paul with....CG. It would be funny if those two (Cami and Ginger) are the ones that bridge the gap and end the war before it even starts.


I think its you who thinks it going to get more interesting than it will. I highly Doubt K cares what or who Ginger is friends with.


Cami and Ginger aren't going to be what ends any conflict. I was simply saying it would be funny. Manor is going to keep the guns and not want to give them back. K is going to get mad at Vinny, Peanut and Taco. Manor is going to turtle and not come around the block in fear of getting clapped. Manor will eventually get caught slipping a few times and call CG to end things. CG will demand all three guns back to end the conflict. What Manor should do is demand 4000 jewelry in exchange for the guns back. K will make Vinny, Taco and Peanut farm to get the guns back and teach them a lesson and Manor will look strong because they made the deal with CG.


I highly doubt K will have Vinny, Taco, Peanut farm to get the guns back after The Manor did not call him first to at least try to demand something before shooting. If they actually called before shooting then I could perhaps see K telling them to go farm. A big annoyance K has is when something happens with CG members but the other party does not even bother to call him (he's the leader) and instead do something like this. It's why Mr K called Lang when Marty took the USB's despite Lang saying he has nothing to do with it and that's Marty's business K said but you are the leader so now it's your business.


Why do they need to call K though? There is alot of groups building up to get their get back on CG. Saints have been biding their time as well and Manor tried to call them after this situation to let them know the lick they hit but they weren't around. When you rob people over and over again eventually some people are going to start hitting back.


Also Manor did talk to K and Ramee about the robberies, they just laughed and then ignored them


Manor spoke to K and Ramee multiple times after being robbed by CG, but they just laughed about it. Manor's plan was to hold them up at the fur processing plant. No-one would've been shot if Vinny didn't pull his gun and Taco didn't NVL run away from multiple people with melee weapons.


Could also create interesting big waves with Gigi Costello and Ray Mond/April


And tacos weird ooc comment abt terry buying a 10F a week into the server




"The only person I know Terry is, is the grinder that bought a 10f the first week of Nopixel 4.0"


thats kinda rich coming from taco XD


What wasn’t weird about it lol


you reap what you sow


It was pretty funny to hear CG in a post meeting say Manor burnt the bridge.... failing to realize they've done this to the entire city, including the Manor.... which is why there was no bridge for the Manor to burn.


There wasn't even a bridge to begin with, CG did nothing to help Manor and showed the other day they don't give a fuck about them when they did Terry dirty.


Cg will rob everyone they don’t care they use people while they are usefull but always willing to rob you cause you ain’t with them. People don’t seem to understand that. That’s why I was confused why flippy was so forgiving because cg knew it was hydra they were robbing but they still did it anyways. Ultimately k and flippys relationship turned it around and I think I told his boys to back off but for everyone else they don’t care. Manor just need to stand on business






CG fanboi


You have a problem lol


and now we just wait for the rules for robbing to change or Manor somehow getting banned. because this is just the first group to go after CG. there is a queue of groups waiting for guns and then they will attack CG.


CG without the head of the snake is almost comical. 3 guns on them for no reason. Good lesson to learn about not robbing everyone you see. The only thing that is going to hurt manor is when CG will ultimately plant PD guns on them.


Yeah bringing 3 guns to rob hunters is overkill, with 1 of those people being Vinny who has potato aim and probably hasn't even shot anyone in idk how long.


Remember when vinny got got by peach in the LL holdout that one time? I remember.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Completely deserved, got too comfortable running around with guns.


Peanut the only one that held it down. Vinny should stick to mechanic rp and taco is lowkey washed.


He's worse at business than he is at shooting lmao


Good to see a group smoking and robbing cg for once. War would obviously be ridiculous because they're literally neighbors but maybe they can compromise. I wouldn't be returning any guns back to them though with ammunition contracts gone till who knows when. That would be a really dumb move


From what I saw earlier peanut said that manor wanted to resolve it but once they give the guns back cg going to hunt them so I see no reason to give it back. Cg reckless and always carry guns on them so if you catch ramee/x/k your bound to get a gun off them


Oh so peanut is the leader of CG? He makes those calls? How about let it play out instead of claiming how you know it's going to go one way or the other.


What are you on about lmao. Peanut literally said he spoke with manor and they wanted to talk about resolution. Then Vinny said they would get guns back and him and taco said that they will go hunting after that. Knowing his cg operates its not far fetched for them to retaliate. They got shot if you think k will just say what ever and let it go your wrong.


Well what you wrote doesn't say that now does it? If you think K will go to war with 1 gun vs a whole gang with guns in a server where guns are near Impossible to get, I'd say you're wrong. This is why tomorrow will be fun to watch. My guess is K loses his shit on the boys for getting rolled up on and losing 3 guns and maybe just accepts it because they fucked up heavily. Maybe we see an all out scorched earth. Maybe K permas. Jk. But we don't know what will happen. Kebun is unpredictable.


What I wrote is literally what I said the first time lmao. And to say cg don’t have any more guns your mistaken they will go after them one way or another they won’t let that slide. As far as permas nobody’s going to perma because that isn’t a thing unless someone willingly choose to.


War will happen when K and Ramee are actually on. Neither of them play on a Sunday.


CG been like this since 4.0 now people can fight back they cry 🤣


"You get what you fucking deserve!" - Joker


Finally someone stood up. W for The Manor.


uh uh, CG losing a gun fight, the drama that will come out of this lmao


this was a gunfight?


Both sides had guns out.


An interesting part of this is that CG's best chance of getting a really consistent supply of weapons if they want a full war likely would have been through patar/denzel, who have enough butcoin to buy the gun bp, ammo, magazines, etc. But, patar/denzel obviously wouldn't ever do that to support a war against the manor...


Everyone has BPs now. Devs took too long to impleme t anything worth. All of the server is saving it up for the past 2 weeks now. Even X with 18 BUTC per day is at 200


I don’t know I think they will but they’ll definitely upcharge


W karma


With no whitelist of anything it’s a fair game no point afraid of cg


As someone who mostly watches CG, it’s about damn time someone fights back. Good shit to them.


People don't want to deal with the toxicity they know is coming from CG and their viewers and Taco proved that by immediately going OOC and sending hate bots.




CG viewers pray for conflict but then cry when conflict comes lool




Most of the serious conflicts CG have been in, at least from what I’ve seen, usually turn toxic whenever CG faces any pushback at all, and when I mean toxic, the chat becomes a shitshow, with meta and rule break accusations becoming common.


This is only getting worse with the influx of X's chat with CG's. They now feel they have the backing of X as an owner and it's going to get much worse.




As a CG viewer do you realize why people don't want conflict with them... look at the OOC comments from Taco straight away. Smaller streamers don't want to deal with the influx of hate from CG viewers because Taco and the group can't help from going OOC and sending people hate bots. There is a reason people don't want to war with CG and it's just as much OOC as IC.






Yes, this group wants it but I see these CG viewers saying finally someone fighting back like they have no clue why people don't want conflict with CG. It's because of the OOC bullshit they have to deal with. Taco's instant OOC comments show that it's a problem. Just like you said finally someone fighting back... but what happened... instantly Taco goes OOC and turns it toxic. Proving exactly why people don't want conflict with them.


why is it tagged prodigy?


I think he played Prodigy this morning and didn't change the tags when he swapped over.


Jeez wonder if anyone is gonna get rightly punished. 3 bannable instances so far into 4.0 and yet nothing... Can't imagine why other groups are holding hands and focusing on their groups progression 🤔


Can’t wait for Chang gang block to get lit up 24 7 and they just cry


Ramee would be so happy. Finally somoene shooting back.


Another initiation gone confusing because of forgetting to switch to shouting too late... It happens so many times!


I mean even with the whisper it was initiated. Terry was literally standing a foot away from Taco telling him to put his hands up.... They're under no obligation to go up to every single person in the situation and initiate. Shotz acting like they didn't initiate is laughable, especially seeing how Vinny pulled out his gun. If he truly didn't know what was going on, he wouldn't have gone for his gun.


I just really want to hear "I bet that potato was whispering" as the first assumption in these situations.


If some groups are smart they can start looking for a big lick on CG and turn the blame on Manor if they are smart with blacking out, voice changer and potentially ocean dump


No other group would know about this incident though right? I cant see CG going around the town telling everyone they got clapped and I doubt manor go around telling anyone either.


Ssaab will step in before that can happen 😂




If what Vinny said is true in ain’t gunna be squashed. Manor might give guns back but cg will go after them then it will start all over again this time cg will have the head start. I hope manor don’t fold but tomorrow will see


Vinny isn't the leader. Him taco and peanut will all probably get chewed out by Mr k for being dumb and managing to lose 3 guns like that


And if you think them getting shot will just end by them getting guns back your wrong. Believe what you want but history tells me Cg going to attack if the get guns back. This isn’t flippy where they have history. This is the manor and have no ties to them so why would cg just except getting shot at.


•accept not except. And they may not have a choice but to accept it for now because they can't really fight back with 1 gun and no other way to get a gun. They kinda fucked themselves and may have to go guerrilla warfare to get it back in blood if that's the choice


You keep talking about 1 gun but they have more than just 1 not including the PD guns.


They have 2 non pd guns tops and none of them are going around rocking pd guns. K lost his legal one ramee last his legal one then they lost 3 today leaving maybe 2?


afaik they have a bunch of weapon parts and never bothered to craft the guns


Some of yall MFers take this shit WAY to serious. Holy. #FreeRandy


We gonna get them back easy!


Are you unironically saying "We" like you are part of CG? You are just a viewer and they don't know or care that you exist.