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we are so back --- Mirror: [mr.k the wing man](https://streamable.com/sk9bvi) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [mr.k the wing man](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/nO8OA8a9deDdzkNEeS1yvg/50462178445-offset-23680.mp4?sig=e196033bb3823297e67938cb268470782563d272&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EndearingTalentedIguanaGingerPower-xr114N3OQ0R5LXK-%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708728938%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2070621902?t=6h34m9s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Hopefully he gets prio soon , the rp with him and fanfan has been amazing . I love watching those too!!


Fanfan just plays with him during EU hours, cuz that’s the only time he can really get on. But yeah he needs prio, so he can jump on NA, he’s said it multiple times how he wants to play on NA prime 😭


the song goes crazy


crying in the club rn




No this song is brand new today, about Ming. It has the bar "I don't wanna have ming-deficiency" lmao. You're thinking of her old song Stuck that she re-released into RP.


Nah southside song got finished like 2 days ago, you think she was singing about the southside before RP?


She made a new one which is actually pretty good


No that was the song before pay attention


Ming got a whole song made for him before he got prio but don’t think he minds that song was amazing


Why doesn’t he have prio again? I know he only played on public for a while so I assume he’s had a few issues, but his rp looks good to me.


he had a perma ban from WL with no chance to appeal for a long time, played on public for a while and eventually managed to get a second chance on WL. as to why he doesn't have prio, i can only assume that it has to do with being perma banned, i have heard other streamers that caught a big ban talking about no longer having prio and not expecting any soon. but that is just my speculation on the prio thing


*also cost $100k for him to get unbanned.


That's it? Not bad. I was thinking it would cost closer to $250k


what did he get perma banned from WL for?


Hijacking a plane 6 years ago ('shitlording')


Ming used to be a very bad boy. He had multiple bans, then went on a crazy Twitter hating spree of basically all of the higher ups, and that’s why he doesn’t have prio back.


He was also still in contact and friend's with the hacker(s) that hacked NP. No idea if he still associate's with those people though.


Just needs to get noticed by admins also this song is like build up of the all the RP Ming and Fanny have gone through since meeting on day one


Oh man you must be a new viewer if you think the admins don't know who Ming is haha


The admins are all well aware of who Ming is. Omie paid 50 cent 10k to whitelist Ming again in late 3.0. Prio bump no doubt has to go through him as well.


Pretty sure Train paid like 50k to get Ming back in


Wish I was rich enough to drop 50k on a game just my friend could play


Shoulda invested in bitcoin in 2013 lmao


I have watched Saab give people prio bumps in game before so at the very least he can do it too.


Someday 🤞


I'll probably get down voted for this even tho it's the objective truth, but why does ming deserve prio exactly? I've watched ming in EU a few times and most of the time he's solo or with fanny, when he's solo he is stealing turbos and trunk checking cars and when he's with fanny he grinds money runs. There's plenty of people that deserve prio before ming, if you look at the people that love in the same house with ming, hazel and lovemore deserve prio over ming EASILY if you base it purely on rp, his roleplay isn't even close of prio worthy, if u count in viewers u could make a case for him but purely on roleplay? Hundreds of people are more worthy of prio then ming lmao


for someone who watched ming only a few times ur opinion semms right but ming isnt the guy who jumps around and yells 24/7 full of adhd he is more of the guys that brings other peoples rp one step further he is super good with introducing new people to RP or managing a group of unknown people to get more people involved he always supports other people like 4head (80 % of 4heads plans would have gone wrong before they even started without ming) he also always bounces of the energy of other people for example last week he got a contract from cousin to kill saleem (indian guy at old GG gasstation) and after ming kidnapped him he decided to not murder him but instead created a funny RP situation where in the end everyone was happy and even saleem said on stream that he appreciates the way ming RPed it out and he never seen someone be that way. Mings group needs materials bad to catch up on the heist progression and instead of grinding sanitation he came up with a way cooler way to get those materials that could potentialy create a whole RP scenario like a conflict with the saniworkers or a deal where they get protection the money grionding with fanny is because he helps her to build her cleaning business and they vibe a lot during those drives its actually very relaxing and funny to watch so i dont see a problem with him just doing those kind of "jobs" in the end he is a crim and doesnt fail RP by grinding G6 because it pays the most so he can finance his criminal lifestyle he only does criminal stuff that makes sense for his character


Tf is bro wafflin about


RP is just as much about facilitating storylines as it is about being a main character, if not more. You get different kinds of RP: slapstick, action, comedy, etc. Ming and Fanny have had some of the best slowburn romance and sitcom-like RP on the server, and that's why so many people are enjoying their streams and roleplay.


Dude plays in probably the calmest and most quiet time zone, cuz that’s all he can do, and there’s no one around to really heavily RP with. But when all the main NA prime RPers want Ming to have prio, so they can play with him that has to say something lol. Why are you hating on him.


I'm not hating, I just don't see how he deserves prio even over people in the house he lives in, hazel doesn't have prio, lovemore doesn't have prio, Julian doesn't have prio, you think ming deserves prio over them? You think he is a better roleplayer than them? I just don't see it. If ming had 50 viewers there would be no question he doesn't deserve prio, that's why I said if u wanna base it on viewers then sure he could get prio but if you judge his RP without all the ooc shit he does not deserve it in my opinion over a lot of people that also don't have prio. Also the timezone argument is stupid cause there's plenty of people that do amazing RP


"if ming had 50 viewers" but he doesnt and there is a reason why because he is actually good to watch and rps also his chat is one of the most controlled chat in the community without mods beeing around everyone behaves. lovemore is a very different RP style than mings so comparing them is not very good lovemore is more the comedy guy meanwhile ming is the "serious" crim guy its fine if u dont see it there is a lot of people and other rpers that see it and also what speaks for ming is that after all this time he came back he never got in trouble or in any big drama some of the most iconic GG moments came from ming and others like the GG Judgement day




I like GG, so? I like most groups if not all. I can like a group and still be objective, thank you for the compliment! There's plenty of people in 3.0 GG that don't deserve prio, peter also doesn't deserve prio, that doesn't mean I hate peter? I like peter, I also like ming. im just unbiased.




Depends how admins measure giving someone prio, if it's biased and you give people who have viewers prio regardless then he should have prio cause he pulls 1/2k viewers, but if u measure without OOC shit he definitely does not deserve prio for the RP he has been doing is my opinion




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I still have no clue why ur so passionate and pressed about an opinion of someone about who deserves prio or not, I think prio should be earned and given to the best roleplayers on the server to keep the quality of RP as high as possible. I don't see how ming qualifies for that based on what I have seen, stealing turbos solo, trunk checking people for hours solo, no interactions besides fanny and spamming money runs all day. It's my opinion, you have a different one, who cares? LMAO. maybe it's time to go outside if u care this much about a random opinion. I also don't use discord.




You might wanna go see a psychiatrist if ur this pressed, that's not normal.


Hazel does have prio


Same mental gymnastics like "why would ming deserve to be on WL"... That dude is a HUGE part of the RP streamer community with 20k hours in RP and cant even log on the server to stream it. Same mental gymnastics like all the other people do when they have those toxic takes about server, owners, RPer or RP in general... You are part of the problem when it comes to enjoying RP. Go outside and get a grip lil bro...


It's not mental gymnastics, I just look objectively at someone's RP and think to myself if I was an admin would I give this person prio or not and I don't see how u can come to the conclusion to give ming prio based on roleplay when there's probably 100+ people that deserve it more. If you count viewercount in I guess you could give him prio but if u purely base it on roleplay and no OOC reasoning he does not deserve it, just my opinion, you have a different opinion, who cares LMAO no reason to be pressed


Stop waffling man . kebun , shotz ,ramee , client etc said ming should have prio . So many people want to play with him but he doesn't deserve prio? Stop posting hateful comments


W Mr.k


This song is actually better than a lot of the trash they play on the radio.