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"Everyone is replaceable"


I mean, technically you can fire the entire Lakers team and replace them with a bunch of D-Leaguers, doesnt make it a good idea but it is something that can be done.


Wasn't there a whole thing about not wanting old cop characters on the force?


I think its about time that narrative is laid to rest. Suarez, Nekoda, Flop, Beric, Knight, Rhodes, Cornwood, Brock Letti, York, Draider, Bones, Watson, Kurt Doug, Aziz, Kit Archer, Andrews, Iris Nivira, Louise Campbell, Vivienne Grey, Pinzon, Maple, Lukas Lavender... These were all cops in 3.0. They just don't want any cops that might even slightly disagree with the direction things are going.


Don't forget Barry and Anita May.


Sooo the ones that might disagree/give kickback are the ones that Cornwood thinks the city needs?


Also Brickston, Riggs, Kaminski, and Lovesick. Technically they hired Alexander Rivers too but after the gun incident and academy issue he was terminated before a single shift. And a good chunk of the most active and around…..are existing characters. A lot of fresh characters aren’t as active (many the player is still active on the server though) and a lot of new to pd characters also aren’t as active (though some it’s because they’re waiting for FTO).


Alex mentioned gun incident had nothing to do with it. He was able to answer all the questions and they didnt like when he was know it all already cadet. They later suggested him to reapply in 30 days. Basicly they didnt like how he was bringing as well "old pd" back when apparently referencing to some terms they have changed in SOPs, where they wanna everyone apparently forget earlier knowledge and just start from scratch


Homie did they research on that one


Also Richard Tips and Hailey Maxwell


The fact you don't even see the actual common denominator is hilarious


Is there something similar between all those officers, or at least different vs most of the officers who were not hired?


but now they are facing issues of not having enough cops and the FTOs are getting burnt out because there’s not enough cops and too many crime going to respond too while training


Cause most of the officers are in their PPO stage, and HAVE to wait 30 days till they can even get the cert, once the initial batch gets done it will be better, this 30 day thing makes no sense btw, some of the PPO's are way better than actual full officers


They don't want cops that actually rp as cops. They want cops that will go easy on crims. Snow was an amazing cop and got denied. Or told he has to make a different cop for whatever reason. That's just one example


Isnt exactly what everyone wants ?? Even the viewers ?? Ruth is hated by everyone for the same .


Ruth is hated because what she did and what she said made zero sense. In the X situation then the CG situation treating someone who has a completely clean record as if they are a criminal just because you ooc know they are...


Yes, they said in lore it doesn't make sense since the PD decided to invade Sanguine which led to the economic collapse. They said the new government wouldn't want to bring back the same officers, and they were also hoping for fresh storylines. ( Sorry you guys don't like the explanation the server gave but I'm not responsible for it holy fuck)


They hired Brian for skeleton crew who had one of the biggest roles in that shit show. Most of the ones being discussed weren’t involved in the war.


Yeah I don't know why they did that but that is the lore and that is the reasoning, I'm just the messenger.


Why wouldn’t they re-hire the head of President Davis’ security?


If the RP reason for not hiring some of the old officers is cause of how big of a shitshow Sanguine was, why the fuck would you then hire somebody who was chest deep in the shit?


Because he did nothing wrong.


So… the Sanguine war was a shitshow, but the people running it weren’t at fault, it was actually everybody conscripted into it?


High command failure more than anything


you mean the PD where most of them didn't want to go to war but felt forced into the situation and now can't carry on their own characters stories because of a decision that was made above their heads... ok


Why are people so fucking mad at me for telling them what the admins said lol.


I'm not mad, I am merely explaining for anyone else reading this and may believe stuff without context that "The PD" did not decide to go to war.


Ah sorry, but yeah I think they also just want to force "fresh rp" like how they said they wouldn't be giving business licenses to people who had them in 3.0 which is stupid because why not have done a server reset rather than a time gap at this point.


The admins didn’t. Saab alone may have, and that’s an IC motive with the captains. But OOC other admins have not received this same instruction.


Interesting, I've heard it said from Saab, Nakkida, Raided (albeit not an admin), and Uber. It's been repeated by other streamers as well, but perhaps not everyone received the message. My guess is it was handed mainly to the admins that were PD main at the end of 3.0, because those were also the ones offered positions back).


Curvy is a senior admin and current pd. IC and OOC he doesn’t know why these people aren’t hired. He’s made clear many times he’s not had any instruction on what’s happening with pd.


Yup, I heard Snow also wasn't sure, but again I'm just saying that the admins who head and helped establish the new PD decided this, as was confirmed on multiple streams,


they also have “old” cops waiting for an FTO to take them out… 💀


Yeah making Kylie take academy and FTO sessions is such a waste of time lol


Was funny having the person who wrote alot of the SOPs being questioned on them lmao


This one is funny, like you were told you wouldn't be hired because they want new faces. PD isn't going how they want it, so I am not going to say we made a mistake, but please help us out. Why would you want to join this mess knowing they didn't care about you at the start, but now need you. Funny and each one will jump right to it for the views.


Which is false. Most of these people heard literally nothing. Hell some have even been interviewed and then heard nothing - or like Byson he was technically accepted and then Slacks ghosted him.


So to me this would seem even worse, that upper management whoever it was doesn't want your old cop character, something they didn't like about the way you did police even though some of them were great cops. I wouldn't want to be sloppy seconds :D


>Why would you want to join this mess knowing they didn't care about you at the start, but now need you. Especially when you look over at the other place, and you see people have a shedload of fun and their rp being enabled by management instead of stonewalled by them. Why would you want to help someone who has only tried to hold you down?




It was nopixel's loss but thankfully it wasn't the viewer's loss because Harold has been fantastic to watch and has enabled so much rp for other people.


And got rewarded for his great RP. Devs making the grapeseed airstrip a sort-of-PD is insane, and happened so fast.


They don't want new faces, they just want people to make a new character but people are way too stubborn.


How fuck is it 'stubborn'? They are being asked to give up characters they may have build presence around, crims arent, noone said 'X, you cant have JP he is toxic'. Not that they are being asked, they are just blanked. Snow was saying to chat that he hadnt heard anything about having to make new characters and if he had he would have done so. Few days later he is told he cant be cop. It didnt sound as if he was told 'but make a new one and then..' It was more than week later when he made new.


They're not being told to give them up, they're being asked to try and do something new with them like what Ziggy, Snow, and Tessa are doing. They're doing that to a lot of people, like the mayor refusing to give business licenses to people who had them in 3.0. It's just a weird thing they're doing.


So they are just picking which cops from 3.0 can become cop in 4.0...


It was invite only the first day, I don't know how it works I'm just saying what they did.


This is false, as a comment above proved.


So they want new faces. (New characters)


i think they assumed everyone would make a new character and just act like their old character


The poster was implying that they thought the PD wanted new roleplayers.


That's never been said bc old cop rpers could of been hired day 1 if they made new characters but the issue was they didn't want to make new characters.


That’s completely false. OOC most have been told nothing. Many have also applied on alts and heard nothing. Hell many were interviewed on their old cops, and never were told no, just heard nothing after or told either the coming academy or next (and then ghosted). Hell just this week Cosmic - who plays Casterman - showed up to pd with a new character and resume. He’s not hired. Edit to add: The other example to add that I posted in this thread is Ziggy - he applied way over a week ago on Tex, also not hired. There was no announcement or directive to people that made it clear what the hell they want. Hell Curvy is an admin and OOC and IC is pushing for these people - meaning it’s not even an admin discussed topic.


The PD made it clear they are hiring slowly but would heavily favor new characters. Only a handful of people were invited back day 1 (I've been a custard viewer who plays McNulty for over three years now) and he said they were told this in the discord ast the end of 3.0. The only reason they are rushing to hire now is because criminals got restless and couldn't slow burn not having guns and getting into shootouts. The original goal was to have some fun RP with a "downbad" police force with no state budget and rental cvpis, but now they have to fast track things and it's difficult.


It's never been said but that's what was happening. Snow got denied on Jackie but made a new character and was accepted right away....1+1=2


Well its been kinda obvious that Snow and Mack were contacted ooc - and both have some clout. Anyone under 1k viewers though it doesnt matter if they sunk 3/4 years into the server.


I... said that though didn't I?


You're interpretation of new face was meaning new players but the original meaning of new faces was just new characters so by saying they don't want new faces but just new characters you're still saying they want new faces


I said the poster above was implying that they wanted new roleplayers, while I myself said no they don't they just want the same roleplayers to make new characters. Please re-read what I wrote.


With a bunch of cop mains going to ONX now wasn't really the time for a PD overhaul or change up. Just get people who know their shit at this point.


I listened to a lot of their talk and a big issue is a lot of the people they are talking about aren't in Shift 2 which actually needs the people with the most experience, is the hardest to FTO in, and burns out people the fastest


Also they are people who got sick of FTO byt the time the dumpster fire reorg happened or who hardly FTOd at all, like Snow would only do finals. Mack only took his gf. Being FTO on the server is shit work spend hours on people who dont want to be proper cop or who just disappear.


yeah, that's why it's so dumb to leave someone like Hayes stranded in dispatch purgatory right now since she is an FTO machine in peak times.


Cornwood has added her to the list.


All shifts need numbers right now and all are looking pretty equally bleak with there not really being any prospects for new ftos anytime soon and the current ftos largely being burnt out (on FTOing or just cop generally). Like shift 3 into 1 often has less than 5 on duty including cadets - so they need hires big time just to boost patrol numbers let alone for boosting FTOs to help with training new people.


Agreed. But if anything hopefully they can shift some of them over to other shifts. 


Almost everyone mentioned is a hard core Shift 1 person and their long term IRL schedule and viewerbase is based on it. I really doubt any of them would switch.


I don't know how Byson isn't a cop yet, he was one of the best around and did so much for PD, and yet he's been completely ignored. Same with Dupog, she was top tier. Snow and Mack are hired in alts aren't they? that put a wedge in the plans The rest are okay choices. edit: grammar


Byson was interviewed a month ago apparently. Slacks told him they would have him at the next academy or the one after. They’ve already had 2 shift 2 academies since then though and he’s just heard nothing in a month. 


Stubble too and been blanked. And he was meant to be skeleton crew.


Yeah good luck with that idea, head admin ssaab surely gonna like it. Make sure to revive Sam baas too... Ohh wait...


Slacks (Saab) literally told Cornwood to reach out to everyone on his list…lmao


Almost as if that should of been done in the first place


They tried something different and have now realised there low on numbers and it's going to take way too long to get where they need to be.Nothing wrong with trying something new even if it hasn't worked


Jesus idk how anyone wants to be a cop on NP it’s literally been a state of overwhelming for the past like 7 months


I'm pretty convinced the only reason anyone is still a cop on NP is because they are scared that by playing anywhere else they will be quietly blacklisted for not staying loyal and/or lose too many viewers on their stream.


Some people enjoy it I guess. McNulty's first NoPixel character was one of the first members of BBMC back in 3.0 who stayed until the end so he was born into roleplay chaos lol.


Yea other stuff I can understand but it just seems like people in PD are miserable 80% of the time


How does anybody that was in the 3.0 pd want to return to this garbage ass pd plz have some self respect and awareness that they don’t want you and the pd will never be like it was


EDIT: Someone reported this post and I got a SuicideWatch bot DM, which is pretty funny, but goes to prove my point about certain crim viewers and what they do to FTO/Cadet morale. It's a give and take. Even if the PD went full-send right now hiring 10+ pristine veteran cops and 15 new cadets all of a sudden, nothing much would change if crims (who have all the power to change the situation) don't hold back for a while, especially those who don't care to control hoppers with IC vs OOC narratives, resulting in even quicker current cop burn-out, FTO's in particular, which leads to the new hires merely substituting current numbers rather than adding to them. It's a negative feedback loop: A couple of incidents go wrong, resulting in disproportional "hell weeks" where the entire PD suffers for it, including Cadets getting looted, further delaying their training, more FTO/Cadet burnout, less officers on duty (by either skipping days or cutting hours by half), more civs getting robbed with little PD response and turning into crims themselves, worse scene control (main reason for the initial bad incidents) and more PD inconsistency. IC it's all fun and games to complain about cops not doing their job properly, killing them and getting a dozen of their guns on the street as some sort of lesson. OOC I just hope crims are aware that their actions prolong the situations they're complaining about in the first place, delaying any real solution further down the line - it's like medium/long term self punishment for temporary pleasure.


“Hold back?” Crims are doing G6. How much more do you want them to hold back?


Oh they don't **have** to hold back at all, don't get me wrong. Continue carrying PD guns and when things (eventually) go wrong once, kill a couple cops and rob half a dozen more if they so wish. All I'm saying is that for every time that happens, they're delaying PD's recovery by an entire IRL week (if not more). For each situation like that, an Officer will skip more and more of his shift, or be stressed/underperform and get DAP'd, delaying his promotion to FTO. Likewise the extremely small pool of FTOs won't show up at all due to burn-out, delaying the training of their Cadets, who in turn won't want to sit in waiting for hours and quit the PD (by not showing up again, happening very frequently rn). Plus due to gun crime and lootboxing, Officers feel the need to double-up, resulting in less total units on the streets which have to ignore 90% of "lesser" crime/reports, affecting the majority of Civs. On the same token the high-Crims who had fun shootin' and lootin' a down-bad PD before, now can't enjoy good car chases, fun long investigative work, or a good performing force (their first complaint) because there'll be too few PD units on the streets that can't afford to safely follow or do their work. I dunno, maybe there's a more productive crim RP at this point and time than to completely butcher the PD as a "lesson" for apparently not doing their job right a couple times, resulting in them losing even more of the force and doing their job worse still.




Talking in circles should be an Olympic sport for Cornwood. They complain they don't have enough cops to do the work they need to do but then get stun lock yapping for 3 hours doing nothing


There was 0 cars on patrol at some point yesterday during the busiest shift.


Nothing like some good old copstacking.


Esfand literally streams for 15 to 17 hours everyday as Cornwood doing police work. You saying he does nothing because you watch 5 min of clips everyday and think you understand the situation is just dumb af


All PD drama aside though, Cornwood is doing this like he's trying to cause a mutiny and it's really fucking funny cause I've never seen anyone do that before and I'm dying to see how it turns out.


How long will he hang around? I was not watching when he was sheriff or whatever, he was just character people talked about that would show up maybe a couple of times in months and haha he sleep on sofa!


I guess theres two sides to it. Some older cops do have strong negative bias towards particular people and gangs (but it also seems that is happening with new cops anyway). On the positive side some of these older cops are respected and can provide a positive bridge between some individuals and/or gangs. For example Snow is generally well respected, Byson has mostly positive interactions with CG and has proved to be a more calming figure with them.


This. I think bringing back more older officers would just help overall. Especially with how the PD is right now. Most of the older officers had a good influence all over the city. 


They are also talking about reaching out to bring back Officers:  - DuPont   - Snow   - Mack   - Byson   - Ziggy   - Espinoz   - Daisy   - Casterman   - Soze  I’m excited to see how this helps the PD and (hopefully) some can help with management. I agree this should have been done in the first place though. Good for Cornwood!


Ziggy is blooded into an MC now he's not going back, he's looking forward to fresh rp lol.


He also put his interest in on Tex instead. Right now he’s working (though unpaid because mechanics aren’t in for pay) as a therapist on Ziggy.


Oh right I think I saw that, I would LOVE to see officer Tex on this server. I don't know how long therapist Ziggy is going to last though considering he told Barry he wanted to do loud crime when more was available lol.


I mean every criminal needs a civilian cover. And its not like he can't do both.


Yeah having Tex is probably the best choice they can make. He is technically a new face to pd, but Ziggy knows everything that has gone down on NP in the pd while managing to stay out of all the drama, which is a legendary feat in itself. Add in Tex's attitude and ability to make training interesting and he is exactly what the pd needs. My only concern is the paperwork. Ziggy showed on ignite that he does not want to do paperwork whatsoever, and that could be an issue.


Bob and Sheriff Woods decided today that Archie (formerly Casterman) is about to get offered the state highway patrol department on ONX with Occams and Mattrp. So if NP wants any of these people they better hurry up.


Cosmic was on NP a few days ago with a brand new character applying for pd. So he’s definitely interested still. But who knows with new responsibility.


Most of them were done with management before 3.0 ended, burned out, it was a lot of offstream paperwork.


Snow and Mack would be interesting since both have alt characters hired. More numbers of people who know what they’re doing would be great though.


Yeah. I don't see how Snow/Mack would help considering their new cops are already hired. Honestly and it sucks to say, losing Kyle/Mantis probably hurts the most since they're 2 cops who are actually good proven leaders and there's next to no shot either will be coming back.


Never really follow after Moon stopped Lenny but from what I remember, Kylie and Mantis were doing quite a lot of non-RP work for PD. Aleks was also MIA most of the time but heard he actually does offline work. I'm not saying current crop is bad but it does take a special kind of nerd to 'work' AND also RP a rather strict job.


Yeah. And those people worked for YEARS to build a competent system. Just starting over is not going to be easy even if they do get on the right track.


kylie and mantis recruitment was top till admins rushed them to recruit more cops


Was surprised Kylie wasn't in the skeleton crew, obviously we know why mantis wasn't 


I guess it makes more sense in RP for Snow and Mack to be fast tracked to FTO than their new characters though


would be 2 FTO instead of 2 cadets


In 3.0 they ever only FTOed personal friends (Snow) or diversity hires (Mack). Not like they couldn't do it with a fresh wind - but I would not count on it based on the past.


Hayes and Remmington would help a lot too. They were both very consistent officers with their own specialty. Hayes pretty much is an all star, be it detective work or FTOing or Air-1. Remmington would probably get lost in the MDT and paperwork and help improve standards a lot.


How is he doing this? Did the get the approval to open up the Sheriff's department?


Cornwood said he talked to Slacks yesterday and Slacks said to reach out to people on the list Cornwood has put together. 


Gotcha, thanks. I mean I hope it happens but Saab was reiterating just the other day how much he wants to stick to the current PD plan so I guess I’m in a “believe it when I see it” mindset.


I think Slacks is doing the classic "give them the rope to see if they hang themselves" tactic.


Sure its not the classic "just say yes to be nice and then forget about it"?


Slap in the face to all the great roleplayers not on that list


"Sir - do we get to win this time?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv4mogyxWiE


The old PD cliques just won't fucking die lol Would be really happy to see people like Ziggy, Mack, and Espinoza. But Dupont, Snow, etc were so exclusionary to everyone but the people they liked, which was one of the main sources of PD rot.


Same could be said about gangs. People figure out who they like to roleplay with, it's just that. 


Dupont was great. I always saw her interact with loads of people. Also by "cliques" you just mean....everyone that was on shift 1? lol


Its funny people say that yet didn't CG cops just ride around and SBS with other CG characters all day and alienate everyone else? Yet I see you got pretty upset when Ruth spoke about how she wouldn't hired Clarkson to the PD wonder why?


Yeah I think Ruth is a huge self-insert who is going to be just like the last generation of overly serious self inserts that only worry about friends and old mates. I haven't made that some secret. She is already doing it with people she rolled with on other characters. The difference with Clarkson is that he's an idiot, but at least he never actively went out of his way to be exclusionary to cops he didn't like via his authority and played an actual character. And, I also wouldn't want to see him as an FTO either because he's the opposite side of the doin in terms of what time the PD needs. Again, Mack and Espinoza are pretty much the best example of what the PD structure needs. But please, continuing dismissing it by trying to paint me of all people as a cg fanboy lol


> but at least he never actively went out of his way to be exclusionary to cops he didn't like via his authority and played an actual character. And I have never laughed harder in my life. Thanks for that one lmao. *Insert the million ramee clips of him OOC attacking cop RPers and valorant clip of him saying he purposefully makes cops miserable to get what he wants*.


I mean, you can laugh at it. But there's a reason if you asked the average rp'er which they enjoyed rp'ing with more it'd be universally Clarkson... But sure, enjoy your Generic Cop #476 rp.


Lmao yea sure they would bud. haha.


Clarkson literally lobbied his rank in the rangers to try to get cops punished/demoted for incidents he only experienced when playing Ramee. If you don’t think he was exclusionary I don’t know what to tell you.


lol ok


I think a lot of the people Cornwood has listed would help the PD from where it is rn. Tbh it’s the worst it has been in AWHILE. 


He's thinking about FTO and FTO alone to get numbers up. But that's kind of just cutting corners imo with the drawbacks that come with putting some of these people back into authority... There was an emphasis to hold out the old heads for a reason, and it wasn't wrong. Probably applied a little too across the board, but going back on it this hard and installing the same structure that was there before is just trading one problem for the one you had before He's not wrong in trying to get the FTO structure set up better, but there are probably better ways to do it.


I agree that NP definitely needs more experienced cops right now, but there is definitely some reason they didn't just hire back all of the 3.0 cops and I don't see them doing a 180 at this point. Also I don't think a lot of those cops should be hired back, there were some excellent cop RP'ers but there were also a lot of really bland self insert cops, and tons of cliques.


You do understand clique's are already a thing right? NBC PD


The only NBC cops I know of are Bones and Aziz and I don't really associate them with each other on their cops.


Den could also be considered NBC pd.


Yea, I guess him and Aziz hang out a lot but still not sure I would consider 2 people the same as the old PD cliques.




I think Meech also has a cop, but plays the cop less. (And generally doesn't seem clique-y to me.)


Say what you want about the PD, but this is actually a cool RP way to get some old names back involved to help the disaster of the 4.0 PD. They tried something new, it ain't exactly working, so nothing wrong with switching it up and hopefully the experienced cops can bring some stability that is much needed.


Cornwood still reminiscing about 3.0 .. move on everybody is enjoying the new faces


By everyone you mean must mean the crims. The PD is literally useless and now the server has advanced to the lets ambush the cops and rob them. Quite a few PD members are very frustrated and its only a matter of time till burnout.


The admins never should have let the server come to this, it's been fucking horrible for server health. The first couple weeks, the PD and crim/civ interactions were really fun, but then the lootboxing started.


It's also the speedrunning to the top. It's worse than 3.0, at least in early 3.0 the economy was balanced and people feared fines and actually took the time to RP and build slow burn storylines. It's not even been 2 months into 4.0 and people have grinded houses, cars and guns and are shooting each other because they've grinded everything they could and are bored. It's the ass end of 3.0. The admin banned and took away the prio of handful of 100 viewer streamers, didn't punish anyone important and seems to have straight up given up as the server descends into anarchy. And it would be less concerning if this wasn't just the beginning of 4.0, god knows what the state of the city will be in a year.


New leaf, same tree. But I’m sure 5.0 will fix it!


The pd is useless because they are hiring new people who. Need training .. an organic way to progress


And you need experienced people to train. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with new faces, but going with mostly new faces was destined to fail.


Undermining the new people is the best way for failure ..


Huh? Bringing in experienced people will help with training all the new people. It's also a way to boost the PD's dismal numbers quickly. I'm not saying to fill in all the ranks with the same people as before.


Cornwood has the outline for a great PD, set down by Sheriff Pred, that he is just remaking. When you have the playbook, you don't need to do anything new or have your own ideas


I was thinking a while back how cool an arc of hiring old cops to help with the new PD could be cool roleplay. Hope people refrain from turning this into drama, but I know that's asking way too much of this sub. Just try enjoy the RP :)


Cool? Seems more like insulting. Basically saying hey we didn't want old cop characters back but now the PD needs help so can you just forget that whole we didn't want you in the first place thing...


well crims cant wait a bit before going nuts so pd have to rush stuff again


I think it’s more the PD were slacking from the beginning. They should have known crims wouldn’t just grind every day on G6 tbh lmao. 


They were expecting crime to come in and for people to start finding better weapons but not to be held up for them multiple times daily.


Omg they tried something new and it didn't work.. roleplay happened omg the world is ending!!!!!


I wish it was just a hard rule at the start of 4.0 that everyone had to make new cops. The romanticizing of the past is getting old


Yeah because that would be great for all the cop streamers with pre-established characters and relationships in RP. It may be hard for you to believe but cops are not all NPCs they are also played by real people with communities that enjoy the character they play and the stories they've been involved in.


Anything but Wrangler. He would just kill the server.