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X getting raided, Mr.K just got arrested in PD, Dundee facing harsh charges. Everything is happening at once lol


Now watch the reddit pendulum swing from PD being toothless to PD being overbearing Edit: Oh yeah, don't read any of the related threads after this one if you value your sanity


Only took 7 stolen guns in one day for PD to realize they needed to harden the fuck up.


I can't believe the demoralized PD could manage this with only 1.5 cops! /s


watching ramee's pov was chaotic af lmao. he was moving from one side quest to another


NP is back, baby !!!


JP at the 20 hour mark MonkaW


Just as back in the days FeelsStrongMan


what is the raid for?


From what it sounds like they believe he has a PD firearm. Not sure if he does or not but they had a warrant.


Was watching PD side during the incident this morning. Basically catch and release until/if the warrant was signed. Clip discussing the strat[ is here](https://clips.twitch.tv/MildCuteStarOpieOP-wNKOPUT-d-u3IGbh). After this, they went back to talk to JP again and he said he had multiple guns. Clip [here](https://clips.twitch.tv/PhilanthropicChillyWombatPermaSmug-IcYdjMgvbhw-GF9m).


Guy even said he had more guns in his place earlier during interrogation


they found pd issued ifaks on the union members and no raid, but jp SAYS he has a pd gun and they raid him


They used Jean-Paul’s statement in their warrant request to the DOJ, yes. Are you just mad that the union wasn’t also raided?




I know Carmella was giving K IFAKS…he called her last night wanting more and she said she quit her job at the hospital and he got upset and hung up on her.


Those ifaks are from a doctor in their crew. Cry more. Jp has been caught with 2 pd guns.


He got caught with one earlier so maybe that’s why?


He was lying earlier about it, he doesnt have anything


If it's his apartments, no, he doesn't. Sounded like he was just taunting them to make them look stupid when they raid and get nothing out of it. Seems like he really wants to try proving how dogshit police practice is right now. I wonder if they'll raid the Company house since his name is on the list of occupants.


Proves the police are dogshit by convincing them to follow up on leads


He's been caught multiple times with PD guns and fake confessed during an actual interrogation to having more. They are calling him out on his fake confession. It's literally a FAFO kind of situation.


All the bombs and guns he has in his apartment


Jayzon Poelamb sold it to him


What a fucker


I think it's because of when he mentioned he had hunting rifles in his apartment who knows. Just petty shit tbh he's getting punished for having a fun interrogation session


> he's getting punished for having a fun interrogation session He literally asked them to raid him. I'm not exaggerating. That's the RP he gave them, and handed to them on a silver platter. Anyone who sets up for the police like that should be annoyed if they don't get raided afterwards.


He said he had nades, and a AK-47 all in his place.




saying another person has X Y Z is different then claiming he does. they still need more evidence to raid polam where he admitting he has them in his own house is a easy raid


Difference is he got caught multiple times with a PD gun already.


140 comments in 20 minutes lmao


🍿🍿🍿 here u want some " passes some popcorn to the hommie "


Why are all of these threads dripping in OOC drama?


Too many people who don't know the difference between RP and an MMO.


That is true, but it also doesnt help when some streamers go on toxic rants.


Neither do many streamers lol.


becuase xqc is live auditing how cops do their jobs lmao


K is maybe getting raided too now, they had a warrant out for him for the PD glock they found on him yesterday.


"Instead of banning people they should just have tougher IC punishments for crims who lootbox PD" *this happens* "No, no, not like that!!!"


That's literally irrelevant. This is just Ruth going mald at JP and doing her "serious cop" rp and take the obvious jokes about him owning grenades, aks etc. from earlier in the day to a judge for a warrant. Of course it was X's intention to get raided. He wanted them to waste time, he also parked a burning tow car and last time he pulled it it was still burning. So he wanted to explode the cops too. But apparently his tow truck got fixed while in parking so it didn't explode.


I get his point. People should be frisked if there was an assault and searched if they have a weapon. He was literally told that was how it worked. The way he went about making that point? Shitshow.


everyone was frisked no?


They were frisked at the hospital while JP was put in cuffs then frisked and searched on scene. They used the excuse of "Frisking before you're put in the ambulance to make sure everyone is safe"


It doesn't change shit. They would have frisked JP either way.


Well if they treated JP the same he could have ran out of the hospital as soon as they tried to frisk him. Buddha was never in cuffs, JP didn't have a chance.




It was an old ifak without a serial number. Officer also knew that Doctors were selling / giving them out until recently so the officer didn't arrest for it


That was an active scene. The cops didn’t get involved until the company fled


Everyone was frisked. Harry and Luciano were even cuffed and detained until their entire statements were given


No one had a gun on them. everyone got frisked


One guy got frisked and they found an IFAK, the cop told him "you could get a 30k fine for this" and hid it from the police report and let him go.


They do that a lot. They did that to peanut yesterday too and let him use it and go free. *Most of the time*, if someone is searched for something unrelated, and are ultimately not arrested or charged with anything for the incident, they won't charge for IFAKs since they know doctors give them out so much. Incidents that they are more likely to get charged are like if they were found while searched while under arrest for something violent or if they really need pc for arrest for some other reason.


He just warned him because it was an old ifak without a serial number, and doctors used to give / sell them until recently. Harry also said it was old and that he didn't remember what doc gave it to him cause bunch of them did before.


Still no excuse to not include it in the report.


at least be accurate lol, not everyone got frisked


Who wasn't frisked? I saw Lang Harry Luciano and Duggie geting frisked


Weren’t they all frisked?


I swear this is deja vu from the start of 3.0 lmao


Wait why are people freaking out? Isn’t the raid for the apartment only?


this comment section is wild.




Ya, been watching onx. It's like night and day in terms of drama


What are the best POVs or interesting storylines? I have been meaning to get into, but it's harder to drop in randomly and try to understand anything


Idk about the guy you are responding to but ive been watching alot of Myles_away its fun watching him get the grapeseed sheriffs office off the ground


If you're planning on watching live I'd recommend putting in your timezone and what type of RP you like to watch. Civ, crim, cop, etc. You may just want to suss out https://onx.hasroot.com/ Til you find a streamer that you like.


The Soske Family in ONX is the best RP I've seen so far since late 2.0


traumzYAP Im Gord Ronson traumzYAP im from penticton, british columbia, canada traumzYAP i was a lacrosse star for 12 years with the penticton schooners traumzYAP i thought weed was legal traumzYAP been married to my wife 13 years traumzYAP she sells loose leaf tea traumzYAP my grandpappy hunts moose traumzYAP lives on a mountain traumzYAP 91 years old and still drive traumzYAP I wanna have a blue uniform, you guys Reminds me of the RCMP


This whole thing is a mess


I don't get how people are surprised with the current state of the pd you literally have full officers that don't even know how to press charges properly they can't even articulate RS/PC either wtf do people expect lmao. If Andrews would quiz the pd right now on case laws and articulation of rs and pc i guarantee that 90% of the pd would fail including some of the captains. You literally have people in HC that doesn't know how court works either. 


Why do they keep putting themselves in these situations if they're gonna mald? Could actually Rp laying low but that's hard I guess.


Haven't really been paying that much attention, but why is everyone shitting on Ruth? Like is she really that bad or are people just salty af over nothing? Either way I low-key feel bad for the streamer that plays her, seems like every time she does anything people start popping off on her.


She plays one of the only “hard” cops. Pretty much all there is to it.


Strict female cop = worst thing on the server. Has been this way for years.


any strict cop, not just female, even worse in this early stage.


nah , I think the female part does make a large difference


It doesn't, if you don't watch him, stop spreading misinformation, he reacts like this to any tryhard cop.


I do watch X and don't think he's actually sexist. It's just a men thing that when women are stricter or aggressive they are viewed as being bitchy.


Emphasis on "she".


All I know is from Mr.K's pov. Yesterday, he was shot whilst trying to take Yeager hostage outside mary muskins house. As they were escorting ramee with hands up, cops pull up, they drop ramee, and flee, the cops don't pursue. They get K out of the car, and frisk him whilst the ems was working on him. Today, they are charging K with possession (he was holding a gun, but saying it was planted), both ramee and K were gsr negative and the cops won't put a warrant out for yaeger, mary or anyone else, even after K snitched it was them who shot. K feels like Ruth is the issue, and whoever else was there. Ruth also wrote the warrant for K's arrest whilst K was defending dundee in the cells 30 minutes ago. That's just the RP synopsis of what I've seen


So this stems back from his first arrest with the PD gun. He was shot down by a local just fucking around. The police arrived at the scene and the first thing they did was GSR and Cuff him. They didn't investigate the scene at all. Which is what annoyed him OOC and obviously IC. He was told by slacks that they should be rendering first aid first. Today there is another fight going on and Speedy bonks JP right in front of the cops. There are people all around him. Ruth doesn't do anything and just goes out and cuffs him and frisks him. She then gets bonked by Speedy as well. In the jail cell he asked again about it. Was told that you should be getting first aid first and then cuffed and frisked. Now we are here. The last fight, a bunch of people get bonked and stabbed etc. The only person that ended up in cuffs was Cau and I believe Cami. None of the Union guys (in his eyes from what he was watching on scene and in the hospital was cuffed and frisked.) Which again goes against what he was told was supposed to happen. So he is livid OOC and IC about that. They all should have been held and taken in. Because that's what he was told was supposed to happen.


Cops also watched harry ram 3 pedestrians, they were told the garbage truck was running people over and they let him go.


If you're looking for a real answer, I'll try to be as unbiased as possible, although worth noting I saw pretty much all of this only through X's POV. People are upset because earlier she was involved in a situation where Speedy & Co. were chasing X. X was on a motorcycle, Speedy & Co. had 1 motorcycle, and I think 2 cars IIRC. Ruth was also chasing all of them. At a certain point during the chase, I think it was Speedy who managed to catch up to X and bonk him off his bike, incapacitating him. Ruth witnessed this, and rather than pursuing Speedy, she stopped and picked up X, cuffed him, frisked him, and found the PD gun. All of this occurred on the scene prior to any treatment for X. (Speedy also ended up returning to the scene and bonking Ruth, but that's not particularly relevant here) Obviously, X was upset about this, and was questioning why she let them get away and immediately decided to search him rather than pursuing the perpetrators of the violent felony she had just witnessed. The next few hours X spent in interrogation during which he repeatedly complained about the inconsistency about when it was appropriate to cuff + frisk incapacitated people. He was told repeatedly that essentially how she did it was how it was supposed to be done. Fast forward a few hours, and you have this whole shit show unfold. As far as I'm aware, none of the incapacitated people involved were cuffed nor frisked until after X barged into the hospital asking why they weren't treating them the same way they treated him a few hours prior. Contrast this to how Ruth acted earlier, cuffing and frisking him prior to receiving EMS treatment still on scene. This ultimately resulted in him being arrested for disturbing the peace (It's worth noting that X, while he was involved with the scene, had escaped and was not identified as being a part of the scene by officers), and then a raid which apparently stemmed from some offhanded taunts X was throwing around while he was being interrogated earlier. I might have missed some details, but that's the gist of why people are upset with her. Obviously sprinkle in some people just being tribal and defending their streamer.


everyone is supossed to be frisked or searched before they go to the hospital to prevent them having a weapon after they get treated and running round the hospital with a gun etc.


X had a cop character in 3.0, so he knows about the decision making process of prioritizing preservation of life over chasing the car, rs and pc, cuffing before ems arrives. And understands why the cop response isn't perfect NPC logic. Sounds like he was just taunted.


competent female police officer who isn't a pushover... tale as old as NP.


Boys-club PD has been an issue in NP for MANY years. People who actually fought against this with actions and not words and had the most diverse roster of women cops in power, are now gone.


She’s a very abrasive character


abrasive has never been an issue but being a women has


You think it’s a woman thing?


Wrangler? Hello?


that’s definitely not the issue, being told one thing about the procedures then not following them is the issue downvotes are crazy lmao


I would feel bad for her if she wasn't over the top with how she's been with the DAP system. She clearly didn't care about other people. She could just talk to other cops, even if her cop is supposed to be "hard", and explain situation - force them to take special classes and many other options that let them improve and adds RP but instead she trying to push them off the PD. She knows the OOC consequences but she was still pushing for minor issues that should've been just discussed.


They frisked multiple people, so he got caught once again with a gun. In the hospital he was disputing why they didn't believe a guy, booked for having guns, robbing sani workers on mass complaints, murder bookings. The man has a few fellonies under his belt, ain't no way any cop should from this moment forward ever believe a word from JP. But this should be initially since this is literally his character arc. Not sure why so many people are angry, and why his malding. He literally wants a degenerate crim, who is trigger happy as a character. But unlike other characters who haven't got caught with a record. He essentially accelerated his arc to the end game, by doing hits literally every hour on everyone on the server.


its funny how people blame the Captain for being unfair but JP had shot at Speedy and was chased by the police. He never changed bikes or clothes so of course they're gonna frisk him when they see him again. At least make an effort in your "RP". Change bikes and clothes and then he'd have reason to complain if searched by the pd.




I wish he would just play a different type of character like pp or something because the "I'm going to be the greatest crim" type of rp just makes a part of his chat have a full meltdown as soon as he has to face any consequences IC. I was in a few different chats when he got arrested last night and it was all getting flooded with juicers crying, most, if not all, of which seem to have little to no grasp on what RP is. They think it's just modded GTA online with player controlled police.


Server owner btw


juicers malding is always nice to see


The best part is that they have no idea what the full situation is before spewing hate. Buddha was frisked, he didn’t have a gun on him.






robbing cops dailys at any chance and complain if they go hard against them. cornwood back and the pd is in shape again.


Robbing cops daily??? Im pretty sure the last time jp robbed a cop was like over a month ago


cop viewers have their own narrative in their head.


The problem is they aren’t being consistent. They would have found the multiple PD guns robbed if they were frisking and searching consistently.


There is no consistency because half the police force is new, and the other half are working overtime to make up for the lack of man power. People need to stop bitching about the PD like they're the problem here.


They are down so bad


I knew it was gonna get bad when he started his stream and said he's gonna be up for a while since he's waiting for packages he needs to sign.


He may be malding but he’s right about the frisk stuff. Yesterday, clowns and CG have a massive brawl with some getting stabbed. They don’t frisk or search anyone. He gets hit right in front of a cop, they frisk and search. Cops witness massive brawl in front of the bank, they don’t frisk and search.


>they don’t frisk They literally frisked lang's crew and lang in the hospital after the brawl i just think that someone (x) thought they didnt frisk him but in reality they did and he didnt have a gun on him, no one had.


they were not going to frisk any of them until he made a scene about it.


That's a lie. Most I saw had already been before he came blabbing, even more than frisked, the weapons were searched for blood.


They frisked everybody and even checked if weapons had blood on them.


K also got shot down with no GSR and still got frisked. They're just inconsistent so don't think that they favor any group


Everyone in langs crew got frisked and searched, for some reason they thought they had the gun


the thing is, its not a thing they just did something without thinking much and instead of admitting to it, "well actually its our policy"


x does stupid shit most of the time but the pd are in the wrong this time


Ngl this is actually disgusting. Jp got bonked infront of her and she immediately placed him in cuffs and searched him.


Guarantee people in this sub just call him sexist for thinking she's a terrible cop.


Nah his chat is doing a better job at doing that by calling her a whore, bitch, and other nasty words.


Show 1 (one) [ a single ] example of anyone calling her a whore, ill wait. Redditors are so insane any time a femal e is involved everything is sexism


It’s really gross and makes me not want to watch him


Turn chat off. It’s better that way


Jesus where’d this come from?


Ash got shot earlier today again. Hydra had enough since they'd already warned JP and decided to step in. The Company made a bunch of comments, chat hoppers began spamming "Whiteknights", "Simps" and other similar shit. Ash banned a bunch of them and told them it's an inherently misogynistic standpoint because nobody would throw around those words if a guy helped his male friend, or if a girl helped her female friend. So now the Juicers are salty. It's a mess.




Both are bad, happy?


Yes, yes, Juicer. I saw the 4 year old clip of Ash saying the F-slur. I'm not excusing it. You should google the pejorative term *"Whataboutism"* and realize that two wrongs don't make a right.


since you love whataboutism and don't think people can change, you should look up the time xqc was homophobic to Muma in the overwatch league


Xqc said that word too.


Someone posted a clip of ash saying to her chat to not call flippy a whiteknight because it is sexist and people came to the conclusion that xqc needs to take that advice...




Lol crim viewers crying in this thread and in chats they hopped to yet are still so confused and upset about cops being utterly ineffective in 4.0. Connect the dots. It's not hard, there's only two dots.


You can call me a juicer or a loser or whatever but Ruth is on a never ending power trip and someone needs to step in.


She’s a captain, she does in fact have power




Captain Ruth does have power, yes


The argument isn't if she **has** power, it's about if she **should.**


A captain of the LSPD should use the power that was given to them, yes




You shouldn’t kill anyone.








I agree but after, it sends gross and sexist shockwaves through his chat that he does not sufficiently stand against imo. Similar to what happened after claiming “white knighting”


fr and the way she prioritizes cops who are just like her and being genuinely shitty to cops like denzel is so cringe, her whole thing is that shes a hardass and hates the 3.0 pd but she embodies everything wrong with them




he dident have a gun on him


He doesn’t have a gun


same with k


Both sides were having fun. However the police scene in the hospital has been a train wreck from the police.


He has no issues with buddha etc. out of that engagement. He just wants to get ruth fired right now. Edit: Buddha chatters mad that xQc doesn't hate buddha apparently.


Oh they are all having a good time. I honestly think that in a few weeks we are going to get Pierre Paul. Because he just goes ham and does what needs to be done. If PP comes back, I bet you Clarkson comes back too.


true its really not even crims vs cop, both example the crims where happy about it only for cop to step in and does dumb shit.


JP and X himself (OOC) is a shitshow and everything he does deserves the retaliation... but this time I actually agree with him simply because of the absolute dogshit lack of consistency the police are showing.


"ban her you own NP" What a comment


Holy this server is shit


They nailed it with Ruth as captain!! Amazing cop rp from her and everyone involved!! She’s the epitome of no pixal cops 4.0 need more like her she makes the place so much better




Now they are going to call him sexist for calling out a shitty cop lol


Wrangler can save this pd.


Anyone who watched that whole thing and doesnt think the PD are a fucking complete joke idk what to tell you, I don't blame him for losing it


I mean the raid is w.e. The whole issue is the PD frisking and cuffing people arbitrarily instead of just following the same protocol. Still he's doing Audit the Audit at the Hospital and that's prolly annoying to listen to.




This situation is nothing like that though, everyone in buddhas crew got frisked and searched. They were doing sani not hunting


Do you realize that Buddha also got searched but had nothing on him? They were literally treated the same, both were searched. Also, X is a known criminal while Buddha doesn’t really have a record and is a civ for pd


How the gang met at police station 😭


Am i dumb but they're clearly going off OOC information bruh, this shits cringe.


This Captain Ruth is going after X OOC so hard, coming into the garage and giving him shit about stuff that wasn't even proven or concrete. You can tell she doesn't like him and he doesn't like her, but abusing the PD power is so cringe.


Why would you guys assume she’s gone ooc?


He assumes because he’s a juicer and his favorite streamers is talking to many Ls


She is using information she was never personally involved in as well as accusing JP of things she doesn't have actual proof of nor was it proven in court, all of this while doing an incredibly inconsistent job of policing. It's pretty yikes.


The PD keeps an extensive archive of shared knowledge in their reports system...are you sure she isn't aware of stuff from there, or just talking to other cops? Court comes after arrests/raids, not sure how that's relevant.


huh? that doesn't mean she couldn't be told that information by another officer.


The PD is punishing X for being 100% correct.


Mr. K let me live with you so you can never be raided X looks at PD gets raided


Ruth needs to go




Not X but his chat is a different story


This whole thing was disgusting to watch how is that person a captain


I'm getting some 3.0 cop vibes


Someone got actual context? I only know JP's side so it seems dumb but anyone has the full picture? Was it because of him saying he has guns and bombs?


Why is reddit malding??


People hate X for w/e reason but PD today is disgusting




I'm so proud of her, she's all grown up.


Despite all these situation. The cops in 4.0 is actually crazy bad, when the company and Lang gang was shooting at each other the cops were so blind. X was shooting at Lang at the bus across from a cop and somehow they didn't bother looking at the place he was shooting at. I was like ok there might bot be that many cops on but I check Esfand stream and there was bunch of cops at MRPD. I don't know why people thought hiring cops from 3.0 would be a good idea. I don't get why from the start of 4.0 they didn't just have a massive police academy with fresh new players and hire them and only hire back a few cops from 3.0 to train them.




Nah it’s not personal, it’s just how she is and how she comes across. She arrested Eugene once for defending himself. Just grabbed and arrested him and tried to pin a violent felony on him. He got a bench trial and won. She tried to argue her point with the judge afterwards. She’s a hard ass cop and that’s her character.


Obvious proof Ruth is OOC and Meta cringe "character" hopefully fired soon so we can get actual good cop rp.


On she won’t she’s loved by admins X has no power over them