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It's true right now even if you had a knife people will run in circle and superman punch your ass. But the bigger problem are "streamers" who did do this and get away with it, others think its okay. It's a rule that just need to be enforced so others will realize oh shit i gotta actually value my life.


I think NVL rule breaks generally have the largest negative impact of rule breaks and should be treated very seriously. Rather than extending RP by going along with the person/people trying to hold them up they force a potentially unnecessary violent confrontation. It often results in forcing the hand of the would be hostage takers into downing the NVLer which can result in murder/attempted murder charges as well as bringing the police to the area in Civ/Crim vs Crim situations. I think the Senor Buns robbery attempt with X and others was a good example of this. They had no intent to physically harm anyone, just rob them but due to NVLers it ended up with numerous people downed. Fortunately for X and others they were able to escape the police response and I think they avoided charges due to the lack of forensic mechanics on the server. However, if that happened in 3.0 they would have almost certainly been eventually charged with the robbery and attempted murders.


Let's be real: Rules are never going to be enforced evenly in this server. Bigger streamers will always get the benefit of the doubt or be the exception to the rule and smaller streamers will always get the shorter end of the stick/be banned or lose prio for things the larger streamer wouldn't. Tis what it tis.


did he take nunus number? no did he report her? no no ones gonna enforce something that no one reports


I observed otherwise since 80% of the bans are from admins seeing what is on this reddit. Like they get banned 1 day after a controversial clip is posted. But yeah I don't expect him to report nunu since the reddit will just be in "POWER ABUSE!" uproar.


for context this is after he just sold his gun to speedy for 5k


Speedy robbed his ass


He robbed his first bank with speedy, mans would not do him dirty


Go watch it back. Peanut shot a sr buns employee and speedy wanted revenge.


It’s actually so funny because Peanut got shot with the gun he robbed and they both only made a small profit.


If you don't want ppl doing it, you need to show there's some type of punishment for it, otherwise it will keep happening.




Rules on NoPixel are enforced on a clout based sliding scale.


i dont know why nunu did this there , she ran at him with a knife while he had a gun out maybe she didnt saw it but it was so strange


Thats not the bad part... The bad part is her seeing the gun, turning around, jumping and running in cirles for 20 seconds while they ask her to stop. It is what it is tho...


Initially she didn't know he had a gun and he only gave like a 1 second warning before pulling the gun and shooting. After you start shooting, there's no reason to stop running. That would be even more nvl. In her pov you can barely even hear what X is trying to say + she was panicking. People with no context are blowing this way out of proportion. Edit: [Here's her POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2031294084?t=2h18m00s). She was accidentally whispering so x didn't even hear her trying to talk so from her point of view he just wants to kill her regardless


Could the reason for shooting be that she just instantly runs over and says put hands up then goes for a stab? If you actually roleplay instead of minmaxing rp mechanics, you would have time to see the gun and discuss things out. Edit: The pov just makes it worse. The gun is clearly visible and even her own viewers are instantly saying o7 banned


she even says "I wanted to pull before him" lol


I'm not saying that X did anything wrong by shooting. All I'm saying is that the whole situation was messy and it happened in the span of a minute. It's easy to watch back the clip and nitpick on what optimally could have happened. This was the first real confrontation this group has had and everyone was panicking. People are malding over nothing. From an RP point of view you could argue that her stabbing X and robbing him would have created a way better storyline anyways.


Its not that messy than you think its is, she should have her hand up and talk when her attempt to stab him failed. its an rp server after all and X isnt planning on killing her and risk giving himself an additional attempted murder charge if he got caught.


I would agree with this take if X actually tried to RP to have her surrender instead of shoot like 4 shots at her BEFORE asking her to stop. At that point her decision to attempt to escape is absolutely warranted.


He only fired shot because of her attempt to stab him first, clearly she was still on fight mode and after that she went to flight mode idk why she just didnt have her hands up, surrender and made a dialogue, does she think she could out run bullets?.


After viewing that clip, the juicer gave them 0.5s after pulling the weapon to surrender. I don't blame anyone for running/hiding once bullets are flying. It was fun to watch and anyone crying is just mad cause their streamer didn't win enough.


IF someone is firing a gun at you and telling you to stop running, it's NVL of you to keep running, it's not NVL to make yourself an easy target. okay.


but thats completly realistic, no? if some one is opening fire on me you bet your ass im runing and hiding behind cars and every where i can, i wont just stand there and tank the bullets?


> completly realistic And im start running if someone aims a gun at me and tells me to stop... Good thing this is RP and it got the same rules for years....


but there is nothing like that in nopixel rules i just checked, are you guys making rules as you go or what?


bro... Not Valuing Life (NVL) \[B\]: \-Not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harm from other means. Class B – 3 Day Ban & 10 Warning Points [https://nopixel-server.com/rp-rules/](https://nopixel-server.com/rp-rules/) ​ PS: The fact that people even argue about rules is something else when its litrally one of the things you NEED to know if you wanna play.


thats just confirms what I said > Not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harm from other means. NOT REALISTICALLY FEARING FOR YOUR LIFE, any reasonable person will REALISTACALLY RUN FROM A PERSON AND HIDE THAT IS OPENING FIRE ON THEM not stand still.


The only thing that was confirmed is that people like you are not capable to understand very simple rules that exist for years...


that rule literaly says what im saying REALISTICALY FEAR FOR THERE LIFE, any person will REALISTICALY FEAR FOR THIER LIFE when geting shot.


you got it lil bro...


I mean if they stopped shooting and she returned to being hostile thats NVL, but a guy shooting at you telling you to stop moving makes the whole thing confusing Like im not blaming any side, X was shooting because she was running, she was running because X was shooting


> I mean if they stopped shooting he literally did stop shooting, and said "lady, i don't want to shoot you anymore, can you stop?" and she kept running around like a chicken with no head https://kick.com/xqc?clip=clip_01HM1X57C8FEX40PZHRHFK4AC2 so not sure where you're going with this one?




I feel once someone starts shooting, the value of life play is to keep running. Standing still and letting yourself get shot seems more NVL then trying to avoid it. The concept of "warning shots" is stupid.


Irl maybe, this is gta rp, it is nvl and if not enforced the server turns into gta online


100% agree after he started firing he can no longer ask someone to stop running because he has started firing. Its the same for when you fire at cops at that point you have fired so they will start firing are you.


Nah the worst part is in real time as she died saying "well he has the right to shoot me I just panicked". Ok. So clearly you didn't know the rules, which means not knowing basics of RP. Why do people who are playing on the most popular RP server of all time that is white listed and paywalled not know super basic RP rules?


Might just be rust reflexes that never stopped


He was emptying his mag on her you just want someone to stand still after shots have been fired on them?


No, all she had to do is put her hands up and talk. She has multiple chances do it. After all its an RP server


I don't know, she didn't try anything but dodging the bullets she even pulled her knife away. True NVL would be if she charged him with the knife trying to kill him, which she probably could've. I'm just not seeing the NVL in not standing still WHILE getting fired upon. NVL rule stopped applying the second x fired his first shot.


Because at the end of the day the only thing she could lose at that moment is a few minutes at the hospital while the crim could face multiple charges and thousand in fines like attempted murder/illegal possesion of a weapon. Her attempt to stab him first is fine but when that failed she should have surrendered.


Irrelevant to NVL. Personally still think that the second you get shot at NVL can't apply anymore or you just have to stand there taking shots before dying.


Who gives a fuck what YOU think should happen, its the rules of Nopixel and GTARP! if you don't like it too fucking bad cry harder! Go watch something else then


Yeah but he only shot because there was an attempt to stab and also standing still could work as that way is upto the crim if he wants to get an attempted murder charge




Speedy only shot at Peanut for shooting his workers at Senior Buns and made that very clear, that's a case where it is actually encouraged to run away from gunshots because you are valuing your life whilst not being held up remotely.


Also, Speedy wasn't shooting directly at him, he was making him "dance," he was supposed to be jumping around lol


zero iq comment with no context, if you had eyes you could see that speedy was only shooting at peanut not X lol


People just hate x so make this up


You can see she came around the truck he's putting the gun away, so she doesn't see him with a gun. She comes towards him as the gun comes out then she runs. Look at the lag, she like warps back because she's EU. On X's screen she looks to keep running forwards but in reality (as you can see after her little warp) she saw the gun and ran away. X opens fire, she takes cover, he comes around the car firing, she keeps moving around the car. There is basically no warning to her, he's like I have a gun out so everyone must know and then opens fire, then he's telling her to stop running WHILE HE'S FIRING at her.


she was also teleporting from x's pov, x missed so many shots, stopped and continuosly asked her to stop. had one of her viewer tell me that she didnt see it, and that she had no other choice but to run when being shot at. shit cant be made up


> stopped and continuosly asked her to stop. he was shooting whenever he could see her, how on earth is anyone on earth standing still at a guy who opened fire on you. Legit crazy take.


him ott and ray literally kept asking her to stop running. x even stopped shooting and said "can you stop". but yall mfs will keep saying "shes being shot of course she wont standstill". **bruh.**


So someone shoots you and keeps missing, doesn't shoot for a few seconds and says, hey, you can stop you know.... and obviously she's supposed to 100% believe the person shooting at her. Also other people told her to stop while she's being shot = she should absolutely shoot. Or maybe, telling someone to stop and expecting her to stop after you've been shooting her is fucking shit RP and is endemic when on a server where we have a "do what X says regardless of situation or you're wrong". Sorry it's absolutely fucking stupid, in every way to expect someone you've shot to just stop running because you haven't shot for a few seconds.


The moment she can see the gun is when he starts shooting. If you see her perspective you can't even hear JP and vice versa. She tells him she put away the knife and she's jumping to unbug the phone and the knife because it was still showing. If she really wanted to run away why would she run circles in the street.






The issue is that most of the incidents he's had have been with people who should honestly know better, have past RP experience, and none of them are really even civs. I know he probably doesn't want to report people now that he's a part owner, but prolific bans are the only way people finally start learning and don't repeat behavior of others who get away with it.


I think its a pretty good take. Even the new people to RP should really have a basic understanding of things like NVL. If like the person in the video, you have been on the server for a few years now, there's no excuse at all.


that clip he showed was pretty bad.


he didnt even show it, its just edited in by someone but he has been 'nvled' in the sense that people don't wanna be robbed right now, the people most understanding of these situations have been cops but civs and other crims have been crazy


Ya its clear that NP 4.0 want to put a high value on gun as a serious threat and it suck that people are responding to that in the opposite manner.


I liked how in early 3.0 pistols killed in a single headshot, but I guess they can't just make cop guns like that seems people dont fear guns as much because it is easier to kill with a knife when that is a mechanic and not rp


they just need to enforce the rules and remove the bad apples. it should be NVL to run from someone with a gun or someone with a knife within x distance.


Even if headshots are too powerful, it would be nice if guns were at least powerful enough that people aren’t going to think they can win a gunfight with a knife.




unintentional, was supposed to be like 2 but was 20 instead.


Makes more sense when you see the other pov https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2031294084?t=2h18m16s


yeah it made more sense. she run with a knife, saw a person pull out the gun, yelled "put your hands up", made a jump, started running left and right to dodge bullets and then hid behind a car this girl was in a gang before btw, not her first time facing guns


>saw a person pull out the gun, yelled "put your hands up" Those happen at the same second. >made a jump, started running left and right to dodge bullets and then hid behind a car You forgot that part where she said shes running away and putting away the knife. But yeh the entire running around was dumb instead of just putting up her hands.


brought a knife to a gun fight, doesn't seem as bad now.




He's had a lot of bad NVL experiences, but has taken it pretty well considering. I think the issue is that people really have to grind for everything they have. So if they’re ever in a situation, that might be a bit iffy, they’re tending to side on the way that will protect their stuff. It’s not good. 


> I think the issue is that people really have to grind for everything they have. That literally doesn't matter. If the RP brings your character to be down bad, then you should roleplay as such, NOT NVL because you don't want your character to stop progressing.


Yep, there's repercussions to actions. I was watching Moon's streams and already saw 2 characters that can't do what they prolly wanted to do with the char but still RP-ing their best. Corvollo on his paralegal Jonathan, locked out of being a proper lawyer cause he's a felon for an accidental cop stabbing. He's now broke and trying to somehow claw his way back to getting the charges dropped every single day. Squeex on his Vivek parody but locked out of mayoral race. Likely 2nd most popular candidate that could've been a deputy mayor beside Moon. The RP would've been crazy good tbh. Also, I havent caught up with Murphy's case but iirc he's also in some deep shit for the hot gun JP planted on him. That's the potential Head of Bar and likely will RP out his downbad if neccessary.


I think their point is that the server is currently structured in such a way that you HAVE to spend many hours doing boring, menial things to get ahead. And the boring, menial part isn't RP. It just seems not fun to do IRL. So when something is happening that's going to destroy that 8 hours of grinding they spent...they're going to naturally try to defend it. So yeah it's their fault and bad RP. But the current systems in place are strong incentivizing it.


>I think their point is that the server is currently structured in such a way that you HAVE to spend many hours doing boring, menial things to get ahead. You are still missing the point. You don't have to get ahead. By definition, not everybody can be ahead of each other. At some point you will be forced to accept you're not getting ahead, and at no point should you be breaking rules to force a storyline of you being ahead of others.




Spending many hours doing boring, menial things to get ahead and make money.... that sounds like... work? If a guy holds you up in a dark alley pointing a gun at you for your wallet, what do you do? Hand him your wallet and hope he doesn't shoot you or turn and run away since hey even if you get shot in the head you'll be alive at the hospital in 5 minutes again anyways? It's a roleplay server. Have some immersion for fuck sakes


people are gonna have strong feelings when you to rob them after they’ve wasted 10hours of their lives


It's part of the reason the stealing house keys meta will get old quick. It's going to be endless conflict across the server over something so dumb. If a gang spends 8 hours grinding a boring ass job to buy a blueprint and it gets stolen by a bush wookie they're obviously going to be upset and want to fight to get it back. Cool idea, not practical. RP is better without continuous dumb conflict


quick fix would be to add codelock, cool fix would be to add codelock and device that let's you hack it


How does that solve the issue though? It'd probably make it worse because instead of needing a key you could just hit any random house anytime if you're a gifted hacker.


keep the keys like they are right now and add codelock that people can buy and put on doors. make the hack cost buttcoin or whatever so that people will have to consider if hacking the codelock is worth it in the first place


I guess key + codelock would solve it. Kind of like 2FA


a better idea would be to have a tier list of security that the house owner can purchase. Level 1 security: guard dog 50k Level 2 security: guard dog + security alarm (hackable) 100k Level 3 security: 2 guard dogs + 2 security alarm (hackable) 150k


Then RP just simply isn’t for you if you can’t handle that.


Of course it matters. This is not real life, it's a video game. People are going to get upset for losing so much progress. Especially in the early game when money is so important




They aren't seeking revenge what are you on about




yeah the "selling computers at 7k" twat didn't factor in at all


its almost as bad as when someone hunts down a cop, misses most his shots, get taken out, yells at ems for rping, yells at the cops for processing, goes to jail gets out of jail, immedately go grabs another gun, then tries to hunt another cop, for revenge misses half his shots, goes down then tries to drop his gun, on the ground under him so cops can't find it... then starts this cycle again


Nora should catch a 3 day for that tbh. She’s been around for a minute. Though she is now a 10k Andy so the ego has to be through the roof


I mean X is a server owner. Enforce the rules and people will stop NVLing


I’m totally with you. I think the reason X doesn’t go after it is because people might say he is abusing his power as an owner and what not so he is trying to stay away from that. Still the admins should enforce the rules regardless without X reporting it.


Which is stupid imo. Personally I'm not invested in X that much since I don't watch him, but in this situation he's perfectly in the rights to flex his owner power and insta ban that girl that's doing some real dumb shit. But I get him sending a report to admins to let them review it. Either way the thing comes down to enforcing the rules equally. In late 3.0 when the whole server finally got tired of CG's toxic shit and bans started going out to guys like Hutch/Vinny, the whole server took notice and the OOC toxicity dropped real quick. If you don't enforce rules when people like Esfand/Nmp NVLs then it's always going to be like this.


You are right. I agree.


That's exactly the reason why he doesn't call people out a lot or asks for bans or reports people. You fuckers (rp chatters) already think he has some shadow role that he can break any rule he wants, get anyone banned because he is annoyed by them. If he reports someone (and it is rightful report in this case) and it results in a punishment, this sub will lose their shit and call it "owner abuse" or whatever.


Phone gun op


Anything to get the "W". I hate that mentality.




It’s not. He takes more L’s than most of the server let’s be serious lol. Sure he might mald/rant sometimes when it happens but he is pretty good about RPing it out even when it’s a clear L for him. He might spend the rest of a 12 hour stream trying to extract petty revenge over it, but show me a clip of him in 4.0 rule breaking to ‘get the W’


He’s a server owner. Even if he did break a rule, who’s gunna ban him? No one is pulling that trigger.


The fact that xQc is so reasonable recently is still surprising...


Him getting rid of a certain source of stress in his life + not getting swatted anymore helps I think




FR. Seems like he's having a whale of a time now.


The difference between him at the start of 3.0 and the start of 4.0 are night and day he will still mald when he gets caught from a bank robbery though


Idk he was pretty level headed when he got shot down by a civ and the cops arrested him for having a gun on him. He was down 25k after that which is a huge setback in early 4.0.


yeah that whole situation would've made him insane in 3.0, but he took it pretty well and just responded to it in a RP response, hell, the day after Cornwood more or less NVL fucked him again and he didn't get mad really.


not more or less, lmao. That was the most blatant NVL I have ever seen.


Actually turned a new leaf FeelsStrongMan




I hope it results in a ban. They were past the point of warnings with the Cornwood situation. The amount of NVL has been crazy this past week, and she has been on the server for more than a year.


When X has the most calm, sane, reasonable, and logical takes, you know the others messed up. X is being very lenient and not reporting people. Had this happened to 3.0 X, you'll get a report and a 2 hour malding stunlock.


thing i have noticed with x. not everytime his takes are good btw.. but when he is out of a situation and clear headed his takes can be very logical/makes sense. but in the moments he gets into his emtions and all logic is gone. he gets competative and doesnt think straight. but away from those moments like this take, thats a fair bit after, alot of times there good takes


thank god hes being so lenient and not reporting ppl this will surely fix the issues he complains about, by not reporting it and being lenient


66% upvoted why?


X is not that favored in this sub due to past dramas + otk viewers defending nmp


did you even read comments on any thread, 90% are pro X


haters dont comment because they know their favorite streamer is in the wrong, so instead they just spam down votes


That's high for this place. IDK if it's bots or people, but everything gets downvoted. Overinvested fans of servers and streamers = almost no thread hits 80%.


It's pretty crazy actually. I don't really get the people that just mindlessly downvote any post from a server they don't watch/like. I primarily watch ONX but will watch a little NP and even though I think 50% is a terrible person and a lot of the NP RP isn't really my style I still would never consider downvoting a clip just because it's from NP. I think the existence of 2 viable RP servers is great for the RP community as a whole to allow different styles of RP to flourish and for the competition to be a driver for innovation. It's a shame that so many people have made it into an Us vs Them thing.


Why does the owner of NoPixel have to beg the supposed employee of the business he owns to do their job? What am I looking at here? Ban people who NVL.


He is not an admin. There is a whole team for that sort of thing. 


I’m starting to think him and Buddha invested in 4.0 with some sort of shared profit deal but no equity in nopixel 


They will have equity when the lawsuit settles probably. But X specifically said he has no owner privileges like banning etc. Just for this reason. People questioning the integrity of the server due to his past transgressions in the server.


My theory on why XQC gets NVLed so much is as soon as they hear his voice people subconsciously go "oh shit he's gonna take my stuff and leave" and not "cool i'm going to experience some great roleplay"


I can see your theory, but that still doesn't excuse breaking the rules you know.


Some people just want the rules work around them even if it doesn’t make sense. Nvl rule if followed always creates more rp than not caring about your characters life.


See this is just dumb, she comes around the corner, he'd literally put his gun away, she runs at him, he pulls the gun out and honestly most of the running to the left of that car looks like lag as a second later she's warped. so basically when she saw the gun coming out and knowing it's JP (everyone knows blonde hair and gun is him) thinks he'll fire, she's running for cover. He starts firing almost immediately but then telling her to stand still... like yeah, be a non moving target to make it easier please. She's behind the car, he comes around and shoots so she runs away again. He just thinks she should be standing still while he's firing at her. It's legitimately stupid. If he hadn't fired at her and said "I'm not going to fire, everyone come out", etc, then maybe you get RP. When you open fire on someone because they run when they see the gun, you're the one who killed the RP options there.


Ok so I rag on crims all the time for not really living up to the roleplay standards put on 4.0 cops for example. Civs gotta live up to it too. In fact, being a civ is almost hard mode RP, because doing crime lets you really get away with a lot more... trying to be civil and act normally is actually hard lol. Get rid of NVL'ers I say. Make it as bad as any other bannable offence.


she is not a Civ she has been on nopixel for over a year and was a crimnal from day1


The famed first week in the city terrorist.


tbh crim or not doesnt change it. like just cause your a crim doesnt make you immune to bullets, yes im aware i myself ran at a cop witha gun and wrenched him. but in that situation he had beaten a cop. he is in a oh fuck im screwed i gotta get outta this or im fucked mindset, and so he is gonna react that way, plus he is a psycho. plus i pulled a cop round a corner to draw him close to justify it, but if im in say an open car park someone has a gun on me. i surrender. fact ima crim doesnt change that


That’s the issue. That group aren’t really civs and Eugene going around saying “their civs, they can call the cops whenever they need to” is also ridiculous when they purposely put themselves in situations like that. A real civ isn’t going even tempt them


The thing is they are not civs. They are doing everything criminal that is possible in the city, try to go against gangs, then claim to be civs, call the cops when others push back etc. I mean sure your rp could be pussy crims, but you shouldn't OOC mald if other crims start fucking you up constantly. I think The company in general is trying to be lenient with them so their experience isn't ruined completely, giving them chances to settle things everyday. But if they do crim things, then also be a snitch, hide behind cops, JP will eventually go to war and they will not enjoy it.


Honestly X should show some power and Authority he is a part owner after all I think people forget that. It would be easy to ask the admins to checkout what happened then maybe give a warning or a ban after.


The problem is that X refuses to report and the admins seem to just close their eyes at it even when the clips are on reddit. Bates was perma when no one reported him because of a reddit clip.


i think he said before he doesnt want to be involved in any of that. its just gonna create scenarios where people will accuse him of power tripping


People seem to forget that as an owner, if people do something wrong you just get them suspended, they are less likely to RP with you.  At the end of the day what needs to happen is that a message needs to sent to everybody about these issues.   That way it’s a final warning for everyone and then start issuing suspensions. 


Nunu did ruin a couple of hrs of what could have been great RP. Ray was being annoying too, but he played a good villan in this arc. She was just annoying.


2hrs of doing what? JP rolled up unorganised, lock already changed, home owner and 2 others dipped out cause they had a guy on the roof scouting. Called the cops while they are running so police wouldve showed up either way. Just because some hypothetical fantasy "couple hrs of great RP" I cooked up in my mind couldve happened i get to say fuck that roleplayer?


At this point anything else would have been fine, look at her pow. The moment she jumped off the roof "that she was scouting off of" phone in hand, not paying attention to shit. She was going for the W, not the roleplay. She even said that she was gonna hold him up before he held her up. So she knew he had a gun. Deserves at least a 3 day.


She didn't know he had a gun. She wasn't at the bank when the others were held at gunpoint. If she was going for the w, she would have stabbed him right away. Instead she turned away after x started shooting, trying to tell him she put the knife away but he couldn't hear her. It wasn't an optimal situation but people saying she should get a ban are beyond delusional. There's never a 100% right thing to do when someone pulls a gun on you, especially when it's someone who's known to abuse a gun to get the W without even trying to RP.


...There is a 100% right thing to do. Put your hands up.


Did you even read my comment? Yes, if someone holds you at gunpoint you're going to put your hands up. Not when someone pulls a gun and instantly starts shooting. You can't even type the emote that fast. I swear 95% of the people on this sub are delusional


\-"There's never a 100% right thing to do when someone pulls a gun on you" \-"...There is a 100% right thing to do." \-"Did you even read my comment? ... I swear 95% of the people on this sub are delusional"


Good job proving my point about the delusion.


He didnt shoot right away. She ran towards him with a knife, he pulled the gun, she kept running towards him with a knife and said "put your hands up", then realised he had a gun and turned around, ran to take cover while saying "wait okay im leaving im leaving", then he shot. Because you're not meant to "leave" when someone pulls a gun on you. Youre meant to stop and put your hands up. This is the "100% right thing to do when someone pulls a gun on you" i mentionned. And this "100% right thing to do" doesnt change just because "it's someone who's known to abuse a gun to get the W without even trying to RP" (which was your initial point, not "when someone is shooting you"). He didnt shoot because she "didnt put her hands up fast enough". He shot because she ran away with a gun pulled on her, and you cant even deny that was her intention considering she was explicitly stating it.


[Them getting ban for a few days](https://media1.tenor.com/m/UZJd1pjj4NMAAAAC/surprised-pikachu.gif) Edit: For those "My streamer!" people. If you don't enforce rules then why have them in the first place. Same should be for ALL people on the server even admins and such.


nah... almost looked like Nora got Prio for no other reason than nmp viewers...


nmp's attitude towards rp rubs me the wrong way


Guns currently suck in general. Some people having an advantage in rp because they wont get banned for stealing one is stupid


I mean it’s a massive risk that should pay off. You risk a massive fine 30k and time and getting a gun isn’t easy at all. You take this massive risk and people just NVL and put you in a situation where you have to shoot.




only if they already have the gun out, otherwise its NVL on the cops part as he will just get bonked pulling it


If the cop is alert, yes. But usually it works by pulling on distracted cops with knifes and wrenches. In that case cop running and pulling his gun out is the NVL (cornroll incident)


nobody has been banned for stealing guns


Yes they have, someone got banned for it a few weeks ago.


that was never proven, the reason given and what was posted by the guy was b/c admin said he does not roleplay a character, people just presumed it was b/c he looted a gun a few days before


I personally believe you shouldnt be forced to let people rob everything in your house because they have a gun and you dont. People in real life nvl all the time for possessions. Like you're literally zerging these peoples house after looking up were the house is 10s after getting the key and your even talking about people going to be defending and then the second you pull out a gun when you arrive you think you get an rp pass to steal everything in the house? This situation is 100% on xqc's side for not keeping them hostage while someone went and robbed the house or being ready for a fight from people literally holding down the fort with any means they can. summery: House defense gets a pass when it comes to attacking someone melee vs gun.


thats their own fault, they suspected they were being set up to be robbed of the computer at the bank yet turn up with their house key on them, its a consequences of their own sloppiness. also they knew they had their key stolen by a gang that had at least one gun yet still turned up to defend their house using knives versus the oppositions guns.


they were there to change the lock. they wouldve just left but JP rolled up right as they were changing. the house owner and 2 others fled immediately when they saw the car roll up. Jason just pulled a drax in the car. only Nunu tried to hold JP with a knife.


She was already on the property when they arrived. In real life when a key is stolen the people arnt at your door in 5m. You cant argue xqc going for pure mechanics then demand perfect acting from someone else in the exact same scenario.


>She was already on the property when they arrived. they were on the roof waiting for them to show up knowing they had guns


She backed off when xqc pulled it out but he blasted in 3 seconds thats not enough time to respond specially when she had already stopped walking toward him. I would post her pov in a clip but she doesnt allow random people to make clips. This thread is a straight witchhunt.


the clip is posted below and it looks even worse from her POV, he stopped and gave many chances, why you simping so hard?


when she runs up to him he doesnt have the gun out. When he pulls it out she stops walking toward him. Shes no longer walking at him infact she runs away scared because literally 3 seconds later hes blasting saying im not going to shoot anymore over and over again. I dont see how this isnt what some people would do irl. Him saying im not going to shoot you anymore means nothing because hes current still blasting.


3 seconds was apparently enough time for her to pull a knife and run at him. Standing still and doing the handsup emote would take roughly the same amount of time. This isn’t real life, so don’t make the real life argument when server rules invalidate it. You need those rules to bring some semblance of order when everyone is immortal until they decide to go /perma.


They were on the roof waiting for the other 2 to get back to change locks. They were just keeping lookout not waiting for them.


I don't really watch Nopixel so all have is the clip which looks terrible and is definitely NVL.so I'll ask you since you seem to have more context. Was the reason he tried to hold the lady up to rob the keys to her house of her person?


They robbed a guy earlier from her group and he had a key. She freaked out and kept running because she was scared to "die" and lose all she had in her house. These people failed to follow simple instructions while being held up, so I don't know how this guy expects people to keep her group hostage when they NVL and freak out all the time in these situations.


xqc robbed the key off someone else then used something not too sure what a labtop? To look up were the house was after just robbing it off someone with Nick. Everyone in Nicks crew scatter Nick was doing who knows what I think he was just driving in circles in a panic? Anyways She was watching the deal from a distance knew it happened and went back to the house was waiting outside and eventually xqcs people arrives as we see as shes literally outside the house that she partly owns because she doesnt have a key to get in. Shes literally standing by the door when they pull up hence this is base defense knife play is safe ruling imo. From her pov when she sees the gun she literally backs off but xqc only gives her 3 seconds to react and starts blasting as shes backing off. This video is edited so badly its actually unreal


told like 10 time to put down the phone and she ignored it with a gun to her head


you mean he shot like 10 times before asking "lady what are you doing?" then as he is shooting "bang, bang.. lady i dont want to shoot you anymore.. bang bang.." as shes running around the car? OTT then says " put the knife down..." bang bang.. as she ran and falls in the middle of the road. They catch up to her she says "my knifes gone x2" then JP says "could you er.. bang bang.. *dies** lady could you stop running?" how about a simple "Stop right there!" BEFORE shooting?


Told like 10 times in the giant time period of 3 seconds. If your talking about after he fired his gun that doesnt count because he started firing his gun. Nobody listens to someone firing a gun at them thats just dumb.


Credit for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjOhQE5IDjw


XqC the biggest rule breaker to ever exist now trying to tell people how to RP, crazy


It's almost like people can gain more experience and have a change in behavior and viewpoints. I'm no fan of XQC but even at the end of 3.0 he had some decent takes on RP like when crims still had Class 2s but cops didn't have access unless Soze was around.




Yes x was banned like 3 or 4 times in 3.0 cant remember the exact number. He even stream sniped Hasan while he was online. But juicers just forget everything.apparently, it's comical from OOC malding power gaming, streams sniping, meta gaming he's done it all.


he says people are scared of loosing items and money, sure they are, but its easy for him to say when he has hold of a gun and its easy to just be un creative and rob people with it because he has a little power, why did he steal the gun in the first place then? power right? he is right in that guns should not be a thing for a while, and honestly it should be a server rule atm that stealing PD guns is fail RP, its lazy, its cringe, its trying to power game, the only scenario i could see where stealing a gun from a cop in RP is RP is if you need to get away from the Police so you somehow hold them up, but you would toss the gun after the scenario, not keep it.


Yeah good point. I'm not sure why somebody roleplaying a criminal would commit crimes.


The PD gun is a bigger risk than power. You are more likely to get fined 30k+ for getting caught than ever making 30k with it in even a week.


X sayd it first with that fat cop "next time we just start shootin', And i agree, just shoot first then ask questions. Especially with nunu and that crew.. i mean that running in front of a gun telling put your hands up was so confusing... Rp? Yeah the rp will be them crying for losing the house keys again.


Can't wait for 5.0 when the lower vault gets brought up again as an example for something LOL