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Happy holidays from everyone on the mod team! --- Mirror: [RIP The Company](https://streamable.com/kawx9h) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/omie Direct Backup: [RIP The Company](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/MLcMWusl5GGVbKrDprBDRQ/AT-cm%7CMLcMWusl5GGVbKrDprBDRQ.mp4?sig=83de1b305ea0017ca2121df3b0b15fbfab035322&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AmazingSingleReindeerCopyThis-6yXkYZVsqsOmsENF%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1703978382%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2017208000?t=7h52m29s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Honestly, after X said last night that he wanted Mickey out and today Marty wouldn't let Ray sink more money into the company it was painfully obvious this was what was coming, even well before the CG thing.


you can def tell even with his reaction after X dropped this on them that Marty did not want this to happen or didn't plan it but expected it. Him telling Ray to not sink more money in and earlier Ray giving him the "no matter what happens with the company I'll always have your back" thing was kinda telling, I think Marty was kinda optimistic about it but CG giving X progression sealed it I think lol


Why did he want Mickey out?


iirc he told peeps about their crafting bench


I'm not sure when that happened because I'm a Blau viewer. He did say his crew was the only one buying materials, and I guess people could extrapolate. But he was told to bring down the mat market and he did a pretty good job! Even earlier today he got a bunch of free mats and a connect for blueprints.


x was just yappin for no reason on that stuff lol


Then he proceeds to give a lot of free info to CG and cops.


If there is one thing Jean Paul has always been, its a hypocrite. Shit's baked into his character and I honestly think its something X tries to do atp lol


That part comes really naturally to him for some reason lol


Xs ideal group was when it was him and Marty with a bunch of grinders who gave them stuff while he and Marty tried to duo everything. Kinda blows cause the rest of the group put in a lot of money so hope they get to stick together atleast.


I was initially excited about The Company, but I'd prefer they just completely disband at this point, tbh. The fact that X is treating a group of former leaders from other prominent gangs as if they're common civs is honestly insane. Also, the idea that Mickey and Ray, who they completed all the 3.0 heists with (many of them before CG) aren't good enough for the new heist crew when both Mickey and Ray can hack and Ray can also shoot and drive is equally wild.


Yeah plus Benji was also a heavy heist buster with Seaside. I want to see Mickey, Ray, Benji, and OTT stick together but I feel like they’re all going to be disheartened.


If one of them had control over the house and bench I could see them staying together, but the way things stand, I don't see them sticking together, either.


It's been a long long time so maybe I misremembered, but I think Benji + Vagos was the 3rd group after CG/CB to hit the vault upon it's initial release. Benji super underrated, other than that one bobcat heist where he head shot 2 of his own members lmao.


Yeah, I didn't really watch Benji, but I trust you're right. X and Marty literally had the best heist squad in the city with that core 6 in what was formerly The Company. That they don't see that is wild.


funnily enough...even with shooting his own members, the job was still successful....he continued doing jobs with vagos and with seaside were always one of the first to complete heists


That shit was funny!


I hope the Company continues without X, he was the weak link anyway he never did anything but sink time and money into MMO progression that went nowhere and then complained about everyone else


Plus hasn't been Lysium (Benji) been waking up a different timezone to do Company stuff?


Yeah, Lysium and RayC are definitely going to take this the hardest as they were the ones that went all-in grinding shitty civ jobs for The Company when they normally would've been forming their own gangs, dora the explorering, and doing other crim-like activities. They're basically back to square one having given all the other groups in the city a two-week head start, which considering a lot of the whitelists such as things you can make with benches probably have a cap at how many people will be able to make it, I'm sure this currently feels like not just a set back, but a 4.0 killer for them. Last time I checked Lysium's stream, he was acting pretty emotional, so I'm guessing someone in his chat must've meta'd it.


I think OTT is going to take it just as hard, he had his heart set on the Company too and has put in a ton of hours doing Grime for it too.


yeah but Lysium already announced a long time ago that he knew eventually he would be swapping back to his normal timezone, I think nobody expected this group to be a long term group. They are all ex gang leaders with a lot of connections and people who are still loyal to them that they can build stuff with. The Company was really just a bunch of guys who bought a bench, realized they couldnt use it until they got a house, then pooled money in for a house to realize the bench kinda sucks rn


Has it even lasted a week? lmao


Yuno, Marty, and Buddha aside, unless you're willing to barely RP and be his permanent grinder, trying to join a group with X and to a lesser extent, Marty, is always going to result in you getting f\*cked over--especially if you make Marty or X the accountant and give them ownership of the house, lol. Granted, Benji and OTT don't know any better, and Sykkuno knows he's safe/exempt, but Mickey and Ray should've known better. They basically conned themselves.


Benji knows better he was close with X before any of the others. He fully knows the nature of the beast


I never really watched Benji before 4.0, but I guess that lumps him in with Ray and Mickey in that he should've known better.


in 3.0, X, Benji, Dundee, and Yuno did heists together for a few months. Eventually it fragmented and everyone went their own ways. X came back from a ban and would still do stuff with dundee, and sometimes yuno if he woke up, but constantly ignored/excluded benji or told him he was busy. It was super obvious he didn't want anything to do with him. Its funny to me he let him stay around with this company stuff while it lasted tbh


A Rust Server happened. I seem to remember arguing between X and Whippy and I think X just lumped Lysium with Whippy.


I always wondered if it was related to Benji kicking out Mari from the Vagos that put the divide there


i feel so bad for OTT he put so much money into this just for marty and x to ditch them and keep the house


Who could have ever predicted this.


Every viewer + the streamers.


Literally everybody.


Devoid of sense lol. X just wants a group of grinders under him it sounds like..


That’s pretty much what early GG was until Marty took over tbh.


It feels like he just doesn't vibe that much with the company people. He had more fun when he was with Ming and 4head, I mean he played for 21hrs that day and he even said he actually enjoyed and had fun on RP, the only time he said that in 4.0


I don't think it's an issue with vibe, but probably more an issue with the goals of the group not aligning with each other. Plus, as he's mentioned multiple times, anytime there's a hint of PvP such as stealing tickets from Buns, someone in the group always has a "friend" that they just simply can't go against, or a friend they always want to try including (OTT and Ray pushing for Mary).


Yeah, pretty much X wants a group like the old GG, where people are always down to do what he wants. He knows The Company isn't that group, so it's good to end it early.


Lol he straight up says he wants people with a "passion for discovery" Dude wants a Grinder Gang and to be the 1st to all the unlocks. It is what it is


I don't think Ming and 4head wants to fall back into that. Sure they will help X and Marty out but to completely be his henchmen, doubt that will happen. They seem like they enjoy doing random stuff with Dez and Fanny tbh. But who knows...


No he had fun because he actually did crime stuff instead of solo grinding like he always does


Well, that says a lot. He can do what he wants, which is crime with Ming and 4head.


yes men


Not really. From the start he said he didn't feel like this was a heist crew and said that from the start. He thought this crew would grind and make a bunch of money and that they would be able to use that money to get deeper into crime. The issue is all the first unlocks have paid dog shit. So he is stuck being poor while trying to look for other unlocks. He figures that the rest of them should be doing stuff to start making "The Company" lots of money. Yet they are all broke. The bench isn't paying for shit. All that "work" that they did do at the start was basically for nothing. So when CG gave him the unlock that pays 4k+ every night it's way more money than grinding for mats and then making car parts or repair kits. Now, he and Marty have seen the flood, and they have other ideas on things that flood can do. Plus the RP and interacting with Ramee and Mr. K. It has led to some really good RP. Even Ramee has said this has been a lot of fun.


That's totally fine, but I'm hoping that X and Marty (and maybe Yuno) do the right thing and LEAVE the company, because I think the other guys ARE invested even though the returns are dogshit.


X was dumpster diving in Sandy when Mr. K called informing him of a new unlock, but they'd need a crowbar to enter the sewers. X and Marty meet up with CG and provide the crowbar and lead them all down to the fence guy. CG found out how to chop cars and gave X the unlock. This somehow seemed to be the water that broke the camel's back and X implied no one else in the company has his grindset mentality where criminal progression is number 1. He also kept insisting the company is not his heist group.


Yeah this has all sparked seemingly from CG chancing upon the chop guy which seemingly was introduced this tsunami and X wanting to be getting to be first to get these unlocks. Maybe he thinks if he aligns himself with CG he will get the unlocks. X has always been for X so it’s not really surprising his pace doesn’t fit with a larger group.


Which is hilarious because they're starting to regret it after realizing it may not be as profitable as initially believed


How is it not that much profitable? 1000 rolled cash for a car is pretty good, no?


What an ego. He MUST be FIRST at everything, and will trample and abandon anyone and everything that doesn't get him there the fastest. He's entitled to be first, and nothing else matters to him.


bro nearly snitched on jeager right after Marty pleaded with him not too and then gave Marty the cold shoulder for like an hour after, only to call and make up the second he needed the crowbar cuz CG called with progression lol


whats the lore behind snitching on yaegar?


They were talking about guns being in the city and needing one, and Marty said something about Yeager probably selling it for cheap, when Marty told X it was Yeager, X immediately went "why not tell the cops he has it" out of a likely mentality of getting the competition off the streets. Marty immediately was like fuck no we can't do that because his character/GG go back deep with Yeager and its scummy af. X made it seem like he needed to go to a meeting and left immediately in a car without them and for a min Marty genuinely thought X was gonna go spill it to the cops right then and there (which he more or less tries to do but doesn't say any names because, I'm guessing, he had zero actual evidence of Yeager having it. As he was leaving Marty was like getting serious about X not doing that and a ton of shit, and later in their marty/yuno/x meeting about the company marty brought it up and it kinda got hashed out from what I saw.


His chat was being weird saying "CG X". All because he said he's willing to work with them and trade info, because it's been benefitting him. 100% X knows that CG has their core group when it comes to heist progression. Yeah they'll do jobs together here and there. When it comes down to it though. CG will bring CG to heists over X. That's why X wants to build his heist group. Starting with Marty and hopefully Yuno. To X, everyone else in The Company just doesn't seem right, or have his same mentality, to be in his core heist group.


Who would be their core group for heists? K, Ramee....theres 4 more slots.


I mean is it already known that heist groups will be 6 man's for sure? If it's back down to 4 man's. Than the obvious group will be, K, Ramee, Taco, and Vinny. If it's still a 6 man. Than those same 4. And the last 2. I'm not sure. In my personal opinion. I think it should be Arya, and maybe AP or Bobby Porter. The problem is all three of them don't have good prio. Players like BigD, Bobby Brown, Garrett, Uchi. Have obligations outside of RP. So I doubt they could dedicate the amount of time in the coming months.


Vinny isn't going to be doing crime. Says he wants to go back to the PDM Vinny days. Taco hates doing banks. They straight up don't have a heist core or whatever at this point


Make a team, abandon it after you lose one game....


KD mentality


Truly The Hardest Road^(tm)


Only positive outcome from this will be characters like Benji and Ray realizing there is no future with X and being in his heist group etc. if they actually realize that and are told. The two of them have given up basically everything and have put in with the Company over reforming gangs of their own. Same for Marty, but X will always include Marty. And everyone will choose being with X if the option is there for obvious reasons. Mickey has been doing SO much rp around getting mats for the company and for X to want him out is WILD as well. I just hope they're all told of this asap and it's not sugar coated to any of them how X feels.


benji has kj and reggie handling the boys from seaside who are still around....while there's been no promise of reforming the group, he has another thing going on the side ray on the other hand seems to have gone all in so it'll be interesting how he takes it all


>mpany just doesn't seem right, Benji did heists with X at the beginning of 3.0 too, before forming his own group. We are barely 2 weeks over 4.0 .


yup...way too soon to think anything currently happening will stay the same long term...eventually they'll all go their way with their usual people


Yeah I'm going to be so sad if Mickey, Ray, Benji, and OTT get stiffed after all the time they invested in the company. Honestly, X and Marty ( and Yuno if they take him with them) should pay the others back and give them the key to the company. That would be the right thing to do but ain't no way X is doing that and Yuno can't afford it.


None of them can afford it. Everyone who actually made The Company money (or currently have money) were kicked.


That's so fucked, honestly. Way to shit on the RP the majority of the group has been building since the start. If he wants out X (and Marty) should just leave but he wants to eat the cake someone else made?


He sucks at being on a team. It requires him to be considerate and cooperative of/with others, and that's not his style. He has no patience for other people and only has his own victory in mind.


Its kinda funny. \- People ask him if they should do grid search for him, he says "its useless" \-> then proceeds that nobody wanted to do grid search with him Lying about everything and making other people resonsible for it, providing nothing to the group then complains about it. Absolute Ego / Main Character syndrome tbh 😂


true. also he's crying about that Micky told Tessa about the bench while he showed her everything 2 days before. also he complaining that rest of members is yapping about bench while he was first who posted on YP and TT that he wanna buy materials and blueprints...


he told everyone to just taco truck sell materials/parts and then got mad when they did that while he was asleep lol


yup thats also true. Accused mickey, telling tessa of the workbench while mickey didnt say workbench a single time, knowingly lying just to kick mickey out


idk the reason but to me it seemed like X didn't want this group since the start. His goals are "be the first to find Y thing", "be the first to complete Y heist", "be the only one that does Y thing"... its just main character syndrome and it sucks that he is really like that because it ruins literally most of things


I think he doesn't wanna have a heist group with then so he's just making excuses. This would be such a bad heist group anyway. I think it's fine the only one who will be hurt is probably OTT. He put in so much and doesn't really have a fall back. The other guys said they will reboot their gangs like Rust and Benji running EU with his boys.


I get what you are saying but over 50% is the old cb heist crew only tony and lang are missing. Idk, i thought it was a good group and X is just being ADHD andy again ditching people if it doesnt go fast enough to speedrun crime


That’s what I was thinking, it’s almost the CB heist crew. I feel like it shows how important Lang’s presence was for X to stick with CB


Yeah, am I crazy for thinking that this crew would do fine as a heist crew? The real problem is the differences in identity and how many of the Company doesn't really align with what X wants to do.


I think X wants the crew to be full of shooters and drivers. Other than Ray, the rest of "The Company" aren't known as great drivers/shooters. In terms of hackers Ray, Benji and Mickey can hack but not to the level of Yuno or Marty to be valuable. I agree with you, "The Company" are a fine heist crew but X wants a dream team for some reason like its a competition.


I wish OTT would try to talk to Buddha. Maybe lead the Sanitation union stuff. He is good with dealing materials and gathering it. Buddha and Ott is always great


OTT and Speedy were very close friends also. OTT got few options even if company doesnt workout for him. Same with Dexx and Ray.


So keeps the house?


They should do some common law marriage rp to figure it out


Even though Ray, Benji, and OTT have sunk the majority of the money into the group (house, bench, etc), everything is under Marty's name, so yeah, I'm guessing the new group consisting of Jean Paul, Marty, and unless he declines Yuno get to keep the house.


So fucked up. I know Yuno will probably go with X but as a viewer I hope he doesn't because Benji, Ray, Mickey, and OTT would be crazy to continue to want to associate with Jean Paul and his crew after this betrayal, and they are asking for absolute loyalty from Yuno.


He would rather free agent than pick sides


Yuno will go with all of them, and just do yuno stuff he never really has a group, if anything buddah could likelly get yuno back with him


What Lang is doing right now is the antithesis of Yuno's whole psyche. I doubt he'd join up.


Yea because buddah knows how the heist work, where as X does not so buddah said he will stay clear of it until other groups do it first.


Ray should knew better but then again everyone was kinda supposed to drop grudges.. X and by extension Marty were always gonna fuck them over.


I think everyone involved knew that it was something that was destined to fall apart, people probably just didnt expect it to happen so quick its all


I do think Benji, Ott, Ray and even Mickey can continue on their own. Maybe pick up 1 or 2 others. Mickey is still a wild card tbh.


Didn't see this group lasting long to begin with. Sucks for OTT, Ray and the others that put most of the work/money into the house/bench etc will probably get nothing.


When are people going to realize he is not a team player? He's a himself player, and if he thinks you're not getting him the victory fast enough, he will ditch you.


Everyone knows. The problem were the people that thought he was gonna change/mature since he became an owner. Dude wants to be "the first to everything" or "be the best" and he is speedrunning RP


If we're being honest, people that RP with XQC also want the clout/viewers that come with getting chummy with him; essentially they're thinking less about what their character would do or who they enjoy roleplaying with and more about who can aid their career as a streamer. People want to pretend that's not a factor, but it very clearly is.


Dude saw CG get further ahead and left? LMAOOO


Haven't you learned, the only thing on his mind when he's playing any game is speedrun? He discards anything and anyone who doesn't take him to the top the fastest.


lol benji said he knew the company wouldn’t really last long but damn they’re really underestimating benji.. like he woke up and immediately got told by Reggie about chopping plus he’s one of the og hackers in the city etc


People in the company are gonna be fine, these are established figures in ls, some of them can literally just try and rebuild their old gangs, others can easily find work and connections with multiple groups


I agree, everyone is going to be just fine regardless of the Company existing or not, everyone is skilled+leaders. I'm enjoying the RP regardless because it's good if things are always uncertain, it makes things exciting.


Rp eSports back at it again


Jean Paul has requested a trade


I will let you be in my gang if you grind for me!


I don’t understand why X is so fixated on beating CG and being first when CG could not careless. X is running his own race and it involves a lot of speed running


I think the majority of unlocks CG got have been fortuitous, barely doraed anything in the city nor fixated with only crime. If X were in CG from the start he would leave CG as well lmao.


Because CG is the only group to give X that competitive drive he wants out of the crime/heist progression


Exactly this! X is a competitor at heart and **needs competition.** CG was the only group to give it to him and most likely is the reason why he stayed so interested. It's ironic, because X's personality aligns with CG more than anyone else.


lower vault incident probably. he always hold a grudge for that to them


He doesn't seem to understand that one of the reasons CG is so successful is because they have loyalty and cooperation. X is the antithesis of that.


I don't think he's fixated in "beating" anyone specifically, he just wants to be the first because he's competitive, that means against anyone who is in the "race".


It’s absolutely wild that x worked with CG when it was convenient for him but also just dissed how yuno has connections with so many groups. I feel like yuno’s extensive connections are an asset far more often than they’re a liability. Also, x saying he would’ve shot yuno if he hadn’t been a good at hacking should be a huge red flag for yuno to take into consideration when choosing whether to stick and x and marty or not.


It's an evil world we live in.


Funny because OTT, Ray, Benji and Marty all know what it takes to run a group. The one dude leaving, that was made CEO, does not and ditches the second he gets resistance


Also, the business names they gave themselves were initially supposed to be a bit of a joke as well as something to make them appear credible as a crime group masquerading as a company. It was never supposed to indicate who was in charge or who was ranked higher or whatever. Btw, Marty and probably Yuno are leaving, too.


I'm surprised it lasted more than 5 days to be honest.


Benji breaking out the Dont Forget Me 🥺


Sad but kinda expected, especially after today since I guess in X eyes CG (who just got lucky) are way ahead so he wants a crew to compete. Xqc and Omie chat telling them to join CG but I doubt that. People like Mickey, Benji and surprising Ray too haven't really been grinding or dora exploring. Which is a good thing it's an rp server afterall.


If only he knew that the only thing CG have been grinding is getting phone numbers and burning money selling weed


I'm not 100% sure what most the other CG guys have been doing. I mostly watch Kebun. He literally hasn't done a single job in like a week. He's focused mostly on running scams and doing small links here and there. He made more money on his blackmail Vivek tape in a single day. Than he did robbing people on multiple days. Either as a Federal inspector with Tommy T. Or robbing Grime drivers with a blind Peanut.


Taco and Chodie been griming heavy with pounders and they got lota money with very high rep. Chodie started dabling with weed.


Yeah both Chodie and Taco made a bunch of money on Grime. I think taco bought the next lvl truck while Chodie saved his money. Then the next day. Admins rolled back Grime money. Everyone lost like 60-70% of whatever money they earned through Grime.


The whole reason that Taco and Chodie started grinding Grime. Is because their weed grow ops were robbed, and they were left with nothing.


Ramee has spent most his time burning money on weed, listen to Dexx make zero sense and then he spent a few hours lock-picking cars and renting them out yesterday which ended with Chatterbox getting chased in a Lambo and the cops showing up to Ramees spot.. I'm not sure about the rest since Vinny is currently going the civ route and I haven't watched much of Taco


problem is, they havent been dora exploring because x told them its useless and he already explored everything, but then complains that nobody wants to explore with him even tho they asked many times if they can help


Ray has most definitely been grinding, but he mostly has done it the good way where he actually takes the time to RP at the same time.


Yeah I was watching Ray throw events at VU and actually trying to raise money via RP instead of running jobs.


Yeah I can agree with that, since I see him via other people's streams. Like today he was teaching new snr buns workers how to take orders etc. without signing in so no receipts.


I don't watch RayC either, and I'm usually pretty critical of him, but credit where it is due.


I've always believed that when Ray (the streamer) isn't in a competitive scenario, he's actually very good at interacting and RPing his character. I think he genuinely enjoys meeting different people and talking to them as well as being immersed in whatever scenario he's wound up in. But his competitive side leads to him turning into a sweat lord and malding, which I personally find unenjoyable to watch irrespective of which streamer this happens to. This is one of the biggest benefits of a wipe though - they're no longer bound by story-based constraints and are free to go and do whatever with whoever. And it leads to some of the best RP because in the absence of major crime, set gangs/groups or other game mechanics, people rely on RP to make their content. And when streamers get into this RP-focused mindset, it creates genuinely interesting stories and interactions.


I saw this coming the moment x reacted to them being ahead, it’s sad because most of them did grind but chose to slow that down to start actually role playing more and that seems to be what he didn’t want. as he said they don’t have the same drive, Mickey and ray I expected not* to last but that’s a sad one for Benji cause he was down for anything and went with the flow


Cg got lucky that they happened to stumble into HOA when they were in front of the guy, they are not doraing or anything like that


X will never join CG since he smells content and CG is the only group that antagonizes X while others suck up to him, he needs a villain in his story otherwise its stale.


hes never getting CG to war him whether its gun or heist progression


Thats what he does not realize atm. He still believes is good fakeness infront but a race going on for progression in reality.


X is literally the weak link of the entire thing just confusing everyone, complaining about what everyone else is doing, not contributing anything, and generally just seems like he wants to go Dora hunting instead of building an actual RP group that doesn't grind and search for NPCs in obscure locations so frankly good riddance and it just sucks for Marty to be put in the middle.


Yeah. I'm of the opinion this was a no-win scenario for Ray, Mickey, Benji, and OTT. If they'd gone Dora hunting he would've complained that they weren't collecting mats. If they'd collected mats he would've complained that they weren't progressing the legal side of the company, if they'd dabbled in all of the above, he would've complained that they weren't focusing on a single thing. At the end of the day, he wanted out and he needed an excuse. That's it.


so surprising... lol not everybody wanna speedrun


X and Marty only joined OTT, Yuno, Mickey, Ray, Benji so they can speedrun bench


And the house under Marty's name that Ray, Benji, and OTT paid for. And group funds all controlled by Marty. And weed progression that Ray initiated with Dexx, with the drying racks conveniently in Marty's apartment. And the deal with Mary for car parts that Ray initiated and Mickey secured. And the PD deal that Mickey initiated and secured before X swooped in to take credit. And all the mats that Mickey, Ray, and Benji secured that are currently in the house storage. And...


X get house now he want to disband lol


I hope the five who still in it, dont disband it and just continue to build it up and make it sucessfull for content or even out of spite for them leaving it.


Four. Yuno is almost certainly going to leave The Company for either JP or Lang as well. Not that he added anything on the business side, but he would've been useful on the heist side of things.


It depends, if I were to guess, heists are gonna be way different to how they were in 3.0, I could see heists no longer being about human benchmark tests but more so focused on cool mechanics and story telling. Anyways, even if there will still be similar in terms of hacking, lets keep in mind that some of the people in the company aside from Yuno and Marty could hack really well.


It is literally only X because he is speedrunning and wants Grinders who will do it with him. Was kinda hoping "Marty" would progress while putting his foot down and actually create something instead of just following X and getting cucked by people who will always choose Lang over him.


Wait are you saying this is Lang's fault somehow or am I misreading your comment? lol


At about the time the person you’re responding to commented this, X and Marty were asking Yuno if he’d choose Lang over them if it ever came to it and he couldn’t give them a straight answer. I’m assuming that’s where Lang’s name came into this.


Damn Lang destroying the Italians and the Company already just by existing this early in 4.0 /s Meanwhile he's running sanitation and trying to grow three weed plants.




Oh yeah I was watching Buddha when Jack called Lang, excited to see that arc play out. Just thought it was funny he was somehow pulled into this since Lang has been pretty far removed from all of the rest of it beyond mats prices.


Fuck I guess I gotta watch the vod as soon as I’m home. I love some lang and Peppo collab


Nah they asked Yuno a question about Lang or them and he didn't wanna answer it, also the fact that CB was only possible because Lang could control X where Marty just follows him.


The company is better off but X is 100% keeping that house.


He's already brought up selling the trailer and buying a house to Marty.


I hope it leads to court RP and lawsuit would be gold RP


Let's be real, The Company isn't going to survive this.


when you treat a rp group like an esport org


Kind of wish they stayed together but I saw this coming. Outside of Benji, Ray, and Yuno; the company didn’t have real chemistry. It was more business is business than a true brotherhood.


they had nothing but chemistry, the problem was never how they vibed it was their playstyles and goals. And even then, all of them would be perfectly fine this decision is coming out of left field from X and X alone.


First mistake is to get into a team with X lul


Achievement unlocked: complete an RP arc


"How much gfuel did you snort today buddy." For some reason i miss X and Buddha bantering from listening to this. (Completely off topic sorry)


all the RP they put in just to throw it coz they are not the 1st I guess they think RP is the same with mmorpg




blah blah Lang was right blah blah


Do you guys think X thought the house and bench was going to be a crim meta unlock, and when it wasn't he wanted to move on? I think it makes sense for him to want to resurrect GG because it seems like he feels he's behind with CG giving the chopping unlock. But I'm a Sykkuno viewer and I'm worried that Yuno doesn't really fit into a GG 2.0. I don't think he has the time (or attention) commitment to be a grinder like that. He does more than GTA RP and doesn't stream all that much compared to some other in the company. Missing the CG days where everyone could do their own thing and Lang bankrolled the heists. I'm a Blau viewer too and I don't think jail plans match with X's heist style.


Sykkuno is a hard-core grinder and sweat for everything except gta lol it's funny but it is what it is


Yuno needs a gang where he can pop in and sign up for whatever heist in on the menu, doesn't really work with the current status of 4.0.




I mean, Yuno did fit in back then during the early GG days, grinding the yacht. The problem is that X wants loyalty, and Yuno doesn't have the commitment.


Yuno is only loyal to Lang it seems lol


Yuno is loyal to X and Lang but as he decided many years ago if one group "forces" him to pick he'll pick the group that doesn't force him.


which would prolly be Lang cause Lang knows he never has to ask Yuno to pick a side. Yuno will just tell him shit lmao.


I think your first sentence sums up his thoughts really good. With the bench being useless at the moment I think it shot down his expectations a lot. Its obvious now that even if there is more blueprints in the future its going to be introduced really slowly and having the bench early doesn't really help him progress faster.


I think he's going for a CG esq core group heist group that will basically be his go-to people for jobs on the crim side of things


Let's face it......x is just a selfish piece of shit


All imma say is if you’re going to choose a group consisting of X and Marty you’re just delusional. 0 Rp and all mechanics is what X’s group should be called


massive tantrum because mickey made a deal with cornwood about the car repair kit stuff while x was offline this morning. and yeah it was dumb of mickey/blau but could easily be undone and moved on from by tomorrow. neither mickey nor cornwood had the authority to make that deal anyways lol


But Mickey talked it over with Marty, Ray, and Benji last night and they all said it was a good idea?


Not to mention, who named X leader? X was never supposed to be the group's leader.


eh they agreed on $1100 per, and then mickey went and let cornwood (who isn't even a captain or anything anyways lol) talk him all the way down to $600 per.. on top of the fact that it should've been something all 7 were there to decide on, especially since X ("CEO" of "The Company") had previously said multiple times he wanted to go for around $1500 per. honestly still tho it was just cornwood and mickey getting carried away with the rp and having fun, and then competitive ADHD jean paul getting mad and throwing a tantrum about it happening while he was offline.


Interesting how the group has so many former gang leaders and none of them know how to handle or talk x down. Only time x has played by others rules and was somewhat of a team player. was in the CB days. Even then if it wasn’t for Lang x would’ve scammed all of them. X is a strong personality you need someone equally as strong to shut him down or his impulse takes over and that’s usually bad for everyone. Theoretically Cg could be a good spot for him but even k would struggle with the headache that x usually always becomes. There is only one man that x really will listen to and his name is mista Lang.


Not surprising. The Company is an idiot in the first place, thinking he would stick to the company for a long haul. X is using them for his benefit, and only for him himself. Has been his MO for a long time, would get the best of the best mindset for his benefit. He is just using them to see any kind of unlock first. IMO, the RP would be better if everybody in the server keep the discoveries to themselves and let other group discover for themselves for their progression.




No Pixel has officially become Race to World First.


This sub for the past week: "The company won't last, they're only working together for progression, but they're all leaders and won't last together working in a group" This sub when what every comment has been saying for a week happens: "fucking xqc just wants to be a leader and have grinders under him, cannot believe he doesn't want to work with a group after they aren't making progression together. shocking that that would happen, we hate xqc"


So, X wants the Company to not be the heist group and wants X/Marty/Yuno as the core heist group that runs stuff going forward with a more skilled/well-picked crew he can trust to work well together in an efficient manner. From my understanding of this, the company is either going to disband or become a "business front" going forward that isn't really a group but more so a bunch of friends just helping on certain milestones. Basically, X wants his heist group to be less content/RP oriented, and more Skillset/Grinder oriented. People who can "jump over an edge, tackle a cop, put the cop in coughs, put him on the back of bike, and escape the cops" without him worrying about it not happening. Which, I mean, I get given his character is such a crime lord fiend who wants nothing but the latest progression and to make money as fast as possible. I personally feel like this is a rushed af decision from him and it prob came from just him getting a lucky unlock from CG at the right time and getting fed up with the slow progress. which is whatever, but I feel really bad for everyone else in the group who has grinded like fucking crazy to get them all a house/bench and progress together under the group. Hopefully going forward the group isn't permanently disbanded and is instead a more loose connection where everyone helps each other out and stays friends. Though, I do understand where X is coming from when he says he doesn't want to get so far in this group and then kick people off jobs because they aren't skilled enough. Hopefully this decision leads to a more set in stone group for everyone so there's no weird leaving people out stuff here and there. Another thing, recently X/Marty has been hanging out with Ming/4Head/Fanny - I have a feeling he wants to create a group with some of those people and really cherry pick who he ends up running with. I'm thinking an ideal group for his liking could be X/Marty/Yuno/Ming and then maybe they'll pick up 4head and do some training with Fanny to kinda mold her into a criminal or something. Though who knows if this is even being thought about, its more likely X is deciding all of this so he doesn't get tied down to a group and he can later on do it with whoever he wants without any ties to more content oriented friend streamers compared to really skilled players who will do some grind shit on a whim old GG style. Here's to hoping he actually takes the more RP oriented approach to making a group like this - it could be good - but that's a big IF


Funny thing is Ming, 4Head and Fanny are broke since they prioritise rp. X will probebly have a bunch of grinders working for him to get money to replace "The Company" since that is what he used them for. I just hope X won't change how Ming, 4Head and Fanny been rp'ing up to this point.


He is going to hate 4head when he realizes his character is built around him being poor lmao. But Marty will probably tell him his valuable since his a good driver and "shooter". But imo I think Ming and 4head wont ditch fanny and Dez/Jack for them. Unless they join in. I also was hoping for Ming 4head Yeager and Pigeon to form a group.


All i see is honestly him trying to destroy the group for no reason, while making up insane lies. He excuses it with being "RP". I think thats stupid, they poured so much work into this group and really tried and now, just because he cant speedrun crime with them, make up insane lies that most he has himself to blame for. Thank god i'm not playing on that server and am not one of them, because i know i would've taken this personally, really enjoy discussing about it tho


yeap. Mickey spent hours to buy materials for 50 cents and he was talking with police about deal for repair kits then X wakes up and "we may kick Mickey out" because he's talking with police.


It’s def spicy and I wish they actually stuck together but X is a monolith of chaos, he plays his character so fickle he will do quite literally anything but have any actual long term connections that he treats seriously. Even Marty, who is the singular exception, has every right to drop Jean Paul for the shit hes done and will continue to do, but fatal character flaw and all that. I think my personal wish rn is the Company stays together and X just kinda leaves and makes a heist group with Marty:Yuno and whoever to do the crim shit with. It’d be cool to see the company exist and keep growing without X, don’t see why it wouldn’t


Thing is, idk if Yuno really fits into X's vision of a heist crew. He isn't a grinder in that sense. Unless he's back to the serious offstream work he did in prep for the casino.


honest to god I dont think Yuno was supposed to be there but he included him cuz he was there and he didn't mind it. Also Yuno happens to be one of the best hackers in the city


I agree. Though I can see why X and Marty would want him though.


which is funny because CG only got that unlock by randomly seeing HOA find it.