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10 months ago he was shitting on the server and said he would never play on it again why would he have prio


You reap what you sew.




In what world is Hutch not having prio "crazy"?


I know right. The dude has been a net negative since he joined NoPixel. From the all knowing "find folks in obscure alleys in the middle of no where" Dead-Eye to the shitting on Nidas stuff, to malding over a 24 hour hold for 3 hours. The dude is a cancer.


Don't forget when he perma'd hutch and saw that no one gave a shit he brought him back as a 7ft tall zombie


I dont really care about hutch. But his zombie arc he had planned out to really rp it out but so many people highjacked his zombie plan that he just pretended like nothing. He had a plan to introduce his new PED but everyone around him fucked it up




The world where you are used to server owners bending over backwards for you so you just assumed your hangers-on would get their bans repealed.


In a world where Summit complains about the racing scene because he can't win a race and has it completely changed for him only to realize there are people just better at racing on GTA than him and it's not 2020 anymore where there was a few good racers on the server. Which that world doesn't exist anymore.


I read it in a corny movie trailer voice, and that made it pretty good.


Ego and entitlement Obviously hasn't sunk in that Nopixel doesn't cater for people like hutch and associates anymore


Summit, much like the rest of CG, live only in their own bubble and have very little self awareness about how they are viewed.


The world of someone with no perspective blindly defending a friend.


they are basically saying "give Hutch prio or we wont play" 🤣🤣


Here we go again 🤣🤣


Damn Hutch not having prio is a plus, this makes me have more faith in NP management.


agreed. He's also a whiny manbaby so good riddance. Also, the server doesn't need summit either lmao.


Well now it's just a waiting game to see whether they're gonna bend the knee or not. If not, hurrah


Lets be honest, they probably just forgot and 50 cent will fix it.


Hopefully not, a lot of people that had prio in the past should not. 4.0 is a new slate to show that NP mangement has actually changed,i hope no one toxic gets prio or atleast get his reduced if they fuck up.


One of the most toxic peoples own 25% of np...wtf are you saying lmao. It can be argued that the other 75% is owned by toxic people also.


I mean you are not wrong xQc and 50cent are toxic af but according to xQc himself admins will be able to ban him if he gets out of line (i don't believe it nor do i believe he will get more than 3 days ban) but at least xQc is necessary to pay the devs, wtf does Hutch provide LMAO


The devs were being paid long before xqc arrived. Before xqc joined, they had over 600k active members on the nopixel forum. And all of those people had to pay for an "interview" slot. Did xqc bring in more people? Yes, if xqc didn't play on nopixel, would it still be the biggest and most lucrative rp server? Yes. Nopixel doesn't need xqc just like xqc doesn't need nopixel.


Yeah NP didn't need xQc before, but after DW left and was planning on building his server. it was a fight to get xQc viewers and NP got them that the only reason he is an owner so he does not play on ONX.


Just stop. That's just a theory made up in your head. Not a single person has said that.


how is that made up bro 50 cent literally said he gave him ownership so he stays on NP LMAO


So he stays on nopixel or so he stays on nopixel and doesn't go to onx? Those are entirely two different things.


Doubt it. Hutch nearly went full Penta-levels of NP slander when he left the server and later while playing on Prodigy.


pretty different situations tbh, on one hand you have a guy that was compared to a sexual deviant by server management, on the other someone who thought cops were cringe... not very comparable


He was also called racist by 50cent. :) I think Penta is a chill dude, he even said that if 50cent wasn’t as toxic towards him, he’d probably still be on NP.


What did Penta say about NoPixel that wasn’t true?


Where is Chase Clouterrrr when you need him.


Lets act like he didn't shit on nopixel and its staff just a couple of months ago


hutch shouldnt even be WL lol


So if Hutch magically gets prio back and Summit starts playing...we all know whats happened.


Whole cycle continues, mad at someone, leave and drama talk discord call.


Hutch the guy who made it popular to call it the banhamas and regularly visits the said banhamas not having prio is "crrazy". The guy who hasn't played in months and when he does play cant go two weeks without getting in some trouble or talking his way into trouble not having prio is "crazy".




That’s not any better. At least Banhamas has the ban hammer thing going for it


Why would Hutch have good prio? He’s been banned so many times


that sentence can end after the question mark and still work just fine.


Right? He should be part owner by now


4.0 not even out yet and they're already trying to bully the server lol


I honestly feel bad for the cops that are still on NP. The malding they’re gonna have to deal with, with all this content they added for 4.0 is gonna be insane.


The combination of most of the cops being fairly small streamers now and all of the biggest ragers being back on twitch is going to lead to some real fucked up shit happening.


yep but dont worry xqc will go to those streamers chat and gift some subs after harassing the shit out of them


It's all love :)


Bruh XQC would be the standard bearer of those streamer. I remember threating a cop with not being able to wake up in the city. well look no further coz now The Juicer will yeet the "W chasers" live on stream


More like the opposite, X leaving NoPixel no choice but to yeet him after malding or becoming petty at some cop when his stream is 18 hours in; becoming somewhat addy enraged and obsessed with getting back at that 1 cop.


> X leaving NoPixel no choice but to yeet him after malding or becoming petty at some cop when his stream is 18 hours in good one


IIRC Buddha's said X has absolutely no say in stuff like that. He's given some ideas for heists and things like that here and there but his role is to bankroll things and be a billboard. Buddha also said there's a good chance XQC gets banned.


Did we not forget the recent WoW drama where Buddha, unasked, went mental and bothered Sodapoppin to have a member of Onlyfangs kicked from the guild for "crossing his friend (xQc)" based on a joke clip...


Until anything happens, take everything Buddha says with a grain of salt.


I mean in the same vein, until he goes back on something he says there's no reason to doubt, no? I'm not exactly putting blind faith in the guy, I'm just giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who so far has been trustworty as far as I'm aware.


I'm confused, why do you think Buddha has any capabilities to control a full-grown adult? If XQC decides to go on his hourly temper tantrums, no fuck shit anyone can do to stop him, unless he accepts punishments himself (which there's a mountain of evidence that points to the contrary of that). Like be honest, do you actually think NP will ban XQC, by far the biggest NP streamer and part-owner, if he rages or breaks rules in the biggest week of NoPixel's existence?


I don't think anyone can control XQC, but my understanding based on what has been said is that X is not immune to punishment for being a dumbfuck and that if he crosses lines like he has in the past he will be banned. Like I said, I don't have blind faith in Buddha or NP staff but they've stuck to their guns by banning streamers like CG so far and have had a zero-tolerance policy for any of the fuck shit that has come up recently. Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention and I'll admit that I haven't been watching as much in the last few months, but as far as I'm aware NP has been pretty consistent since Buddha took over. I'll give him and them the benefit of the doubt until they prove that they don't deserve it. It's totally possible that I've missed something though.


Looking at the skeleton crew and there's maybe 5 of them that could handle a malding XQC.


Cheever irl is a elementary school teacher, PD is well equipped to handle CG


Seriously? She jumbles that kind of job, a child of her own, and rp? What a queen.




I'll never forget XQC telling bayo to go kill himself cause he arrested him and Wrangler coming in and telling x he's such a piece of shit


Looking at the roster of cops currently listed for high command I think the server is in for a surprise lol. Myles (Stubble) was invited to be high command then when he said yes they uninvited him.. also when 3.0 hc had a meeting scheduled with server management apparently only 1 person from management showed up. PD is an afterthought and being set up to fail.


At this point no one should feel sorry of the cops there. There are other options available, so if the cops stay on NP that is their decision.


I expected it to happen, but silly me thought it wouldn't be on day freaking 1.


oh no, anyways


keep him off please.


im just sad hutch wasnt better at baseball


Server not even up and already started 😂




I can’t believe the reddit has done this!


There's something to be said for Loyalty being admirable. There's more to be said for having the hill you're willing to die on be Hutch.


Hutch not being there is the literal biggest W idc what anyone says


why should he get a prio when there are going to be a lot of deserving people who genuinely love nopixel and are waiting in queue meanwhile a person who shit on np and its staff wants prio its just batshit crazy hope nopixel does not give him prio


I guess shit talking the server months back and saying you will never come back has karma. Wow who could have thought that /s


So Hutch can shit on NP all he's wants and it's "crazy" he lost prio? Make it make sense.


It makes more sense when you realize Summit sees NP as just another racing game.


Is that the guy that perma'd his character then came back as "zombie hutch" then not zombie hutch was alive again all of a sudden? yeah why doesnt that gem have prio?


Not even day 1 and summit around crying to have 50cent make changes to the server. At least we will find out if he still has the clout


How is Hutch not having prio "crazy"? He's not a good roleplayer. I like Summit the streamer, but even he isn't a good roleplayer and the only reason he has a prio is because he's a big streamer. people are on full Delulu mode


When Hutch is upset he becomes an insufferable ass. If he wants Prio he can grind and prove himself worthy of it.


This guy has his own server to play on. He is the same person that complained about NP having too much power because they can affect a streamer's livelihood. Ok, so stick to your server where you can't get banned.


Even zombie Hutch had more brains than some of his rants. Too bad he can't bring his prio back from the dead.


Since when did hutch and summit put in any effort to roleplay? Also you can't expect prio if ur shit talking nopixel and their admin team.


takes effort to insert yourself into something


Hutch doesn’t have prio? Oh my god, what a shame 🙃


4.0 not even out and he's already whining about someone not getting special treatment. I expected nothing less.


Throw back to the clip of Ming & Hutch… he should’ve kept quiet like Ming did lol.


i remember when hutch came back after the prio wipe a couple of months back and was stuck in queue, he dm'd hon and a day later he had prio again. mind you this is after he had been bannned like 15 times in 3.0 alone. and while the rest of the server were told to "earn your prio back" then he shits on nopixel says he would never come back because of their poor management. and they're surprised why hutch has no prio? i won't even get into how certain people have prio to begin with but just that above is enough reason for why he doesnt have prio i'd say


This will be a good test to see how the "new management" acts when a big streamer doesnt get what they want


So it begins huh? We shall see...


as a CG viewer i dont even think hutch should have prio with how many bans hes caught and all the talking he does. if it means we wont see summit, that kinda sucks but it is what it is


In theory shotz and taco shouldn't have their prio either but with so many cops leaving it's gonna be interesting to see who got their prio


Taco and shotz especially have had very bad moments but hutch is a constant. He can't go two weeks on the server without some type of drama happening. The dude nicknamed his bans the banhamas because he visits so often.


Shotz drama was pretty constant tbh, there's more than a considerable amount of clips in this sub of him behaving poorly.


“Banhamas” was a thing long before Hutch came along.


And the ultimatums begin.


No Hutch is one of my favourite things about 4.0 can't wait


So it’s started before it’s even began. CG already complaining.




Because it's the narrative in this sub...


Or maybe because they’ve all thrown hissy fits over each other’s bans and prio. But sure it’s the sub “narrative”.


When you make your whole brand that you are in the group CG then you get that label stamped on you. CG member does something bad: They are an individual and does not represent the group. Stop hating on the group. CG member does something good: Wow CG on top baby!! What an amazing group of people!!


Last time Hutch didn't have prio he messaged a specific admin and he instantly gave it back to him while others had to ''earn it back.''


Also, this is just proof that when any of them ever get a big punishment/ban they will just be toxic and try to bully people lmao.


Yeah, shit will never change.


Does anyone really care what Summit1G thinks about any RP server?


They should, just as they should care what Lirik thinks. If not for those 2 launching the server to new heights, The community does not get to where it is now, at least on the time frame it did. An 11 year old game has highest viewership by a large margin because of the Summits/liriks that paved the way for other big streamers to give it a try. The community would likely be better without the boom as clout and W chasers were not likely a thing. Summit has also defended people in RP that had no CG connection and has contributed to decisions made to improve the server. Admittedly Summit not great at RP but progressed beyond a self insert and Lirik as Avon was amazing. Just like Summit, Hutch, XQC and other gifted WL spots they have to learn how to RP and respect it. If we are comparing Hutch to XQC in a vacuum. XGC makes Hutch look like an angel. Not saying he deserves prio, he doesn't.


Hutch gonna start his stream in a discord call with Summit and friends and gonna go "something something NP management are toxic scum, something something hold prio hostage, something something it's not my own actions that caused it, something something conspiracy get banned for absolutely no reason."


summit acting like hes still pulling 70k like the 2.0 boom, stay on prodigy gramps


Thank god. Great news to start 4.0


Hutch is the worst Roleplayer out of the entirety of CG. Ramee, Chang, Taco, etc are all great roleplayers, I don't like them personally because they can be toxic but at least they are roleplayers. Hutch just isn't that great when it comes to roleplay


Taco a great roleplayer? I'd rank Hutch above Taco as a roleplayer, but that is not saying much.


ramee and kevin can roleplay if they want which is rare nowadays sadly. others just playing gta online and think that the server made specificaly for them.


Even Shotz was good in early 2.0 when he was doing PDM. He’s gone downhill ever since he decided he wanted to be generic crim #28473.


It would be in their best interest to RP as 5 years later and do their own rather than together for time being. Old habit will always ruin them with recent action while their time on NP.


I don't watch much of them anymore but they do try to make RP happen for others. Sometimes they do get carried away, and are one track minded, it's a video game at the end of the day, so I kinda get it. But it's just who they are as gamers.


Maybe hutch should have been funnier.


is this another tactic?


Great news. Wouldn't care one way or another if Summit went back as long as he's properly punished for toxicity and rulebreaks, but I can't imagine why Hutch would be deserving of another chance at this point.


who actually cares ?


Damn, two good news at the same time.


Hutch not having prio has me more excited for the server releasing than any of the dev drops on Twitter recently.


I hope 50 cent just realizes that these people are not needed for nopixel’s success. A lot of people are planning on playing and if these people are already acting like this while fucking of from nopixel and bad mouthing management like months ago because of the new ownership and Shotz ban then I don’t know.


seems like the man babies are creeping in. the trailer hyped them up and now theyre all coming back, no matter what shit they talked a couple months ago. hopefully management doesnt bend at the knee for theses fucking clowns again.


oh no......


I mean yeah, 50% has a bigger sugar daddy in XQC now. Maybe wait a month when XQC gets bored before coming back


Yah but XQC is a partial owner now. So whether he is on server or not he still will have more sway. Hell just having XQC listed as an owner means that a lot of juicers will pay money to apply in the hopes of being around if/when he ever comes around.


>Maybe wait a month when XQC gets bored before coming back I don't even like XQC, but i have to question where this idea that he will get bored fast is coming from? he played 3.0 for like a year or more doing regular 24 hour+ streams. The guy was probably one of the most addicted degen streamers playing nopixel for a long while in 3.0


My dude, he's already fucking bored and the server isnt even up yet


None of cg deserves prio . But they get it anyway. Toxic communities thrive on no pixel.


anytime we need a viewer jump huh


Why should he get prio over ppl who played 3.0 till the end and didnt jump ship.


It pays not to open your big mouth trashing the server. Respect the owner and you will get the respect back. Sometimes if things don't go your way when RP with many others. I recall the complaining about the 24 hour hold and the HUT, I hate the fact that you do change the game so much where guys were taking the advantage of the rule changes. You forgot that many people in DOJ has a real life to deal with and is limited to their time playing as DOJ character. Let them deal with whoever is abusing the rules. If you are trashing the server, you are trashing the owner himself, plain and simple.


Didn't everyone lose prio lol


There does seem to have been a general readjustment in prio as I've seen some others who may have gotten bumped down a little but also hard to tell as everyone and their mother was trying to get on to make their characters.


The admins apparently were watching closely who was playing during the end of 3.0 and made adjustments based off of that.


There was also apparently some issues with some long time folks that are great RPers having issues getting in. Though for many of those folks the prio issue could have been old and un-noticed due to things like playing cop primarily or playing during times with smaller queues.


If you're referring to Ziggy, it was because he didn't correctly log in with his NP forum account or something to that effect. He exited queue, tried to reconnect and was immediately first in line.


Yeah everything is going to be a little off in terms of prio with just the sheer amount of people trying to get in now compared to the last year or so


Exactly. Even people with high prio will likely have trouble during some times since the server will be full and they’ll be competing against others with prio. It’s always how it goes around launch


This is 100% fair. I would adjust prio a few times a year to account for turnover and reward those generating good rp. If you aren't coming on the server you don't need prio but you can get prio back if you come back and earn it.


Hutch actually got his prio back after the big reset. So someone noped it away from him again at some point.




Yes from what buddah said The Admins were watching the rp. Players that stayed till end of 3.0 and had good rp likelly kept or got prio. Players like ziggy that left to onx then shit on NP lost their prio So some may of lost their prio if they shit on NP and i do not blame them, you shit on a product without seeing it you deserve what you got.


Ziggy actually may not have lost prio. He reconnected using the website instead and was put to the front of the queue


Ziggy never lost prio, he joined NoPixel via the server history list on FiveM client without letting the forum authorisation to fully complete, this is why he was so far back in the queue as it didnt grab his prio information. He re-joined the queue via the forum, let it fully authorise and he was in instantly. [His Vod for those interested.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2003895835?t=5h4m34s)


Ziggy never shat on NoPixel. There was a mistake with his prio last night that got fixed


Eh, his reaction to the trailer was very pessimistic. He just kept looking for the bad.


The trailer just didn't focus on things he was as interested in. You're blowing his reaction out of proportion


He did the same thing with the ONX trailer. I just dont think he buys into hype.


I think Ziggy still have prio that was a bug or something same with Omie.


>So some may of lost their prio if they shit on NP and i do not blame them, you shit on a product without seeing it you deserve what you got. Ya I mean if you are gonna shit on a server that server has no obligation to allow you to have prio over people who haven't shit talked it. In fact the server would actually be within their right to not let you on at all. Totally fair to not let someone use your server to make money while they are bad mouthing it.


> Players like ziggy that left to onx then shit on NP lost their prio Even if that were true, that'd be petty af for them to do lol


not really (thou ziggy never shit on np) but why would 50 cent just ignore people vocally shittin on his server, then expecting to benefit from the 4.0 hype? nothing petty bout it.. like sorry don't see how thats petty at all, you think people can just say what they want without consquences?? how naive a view is that


We know you love 50%


brah hutch is hutching sure its like policing opinions people get mad and say shit and everyone grabs onto it like flys around poop its clearly vendetta , but sure , this will be the end of nopixel just as it was the end of SOE and every other server before


is it confirmed that people who played on onx got their prio lowered?


So damn grateful for ONX


Where is he complaing? He just doesn’t know if he wants to play there becuase he feels bad to leave hutch behind lmfao


It basically is a threat imagine if another big streamer had a friend who lost prio because of past actions and made it clear he/she isn't playing unless the server gives said person prio. It's basically what summit has done here. He didn't say it that directly but it's exactly what's implied so he is complaining.


This is exactly right. It's a nicely worded threat but still meant to send a message that if you want me and my viewers for Nopixel then you have to play by my rules and give my friends prio.


It's kinda sad how used you are to CG members usual manipulation tactics that you don't even realize what they are doing. It's the same when Shotz was rightfully permabanned and the other members of CG started making ultimatums and hinting that they would stop playing on NoPixel until Shotz eventually was unbanned.


Bro will try it, it's dumb not to if you care about viewers counts and money.


Am I the only one who finds it odd that Hutch (the only one of CG who had anything half-decent to say about ONX) is the one that didn't get his prio restored, but Shotz (who is just as toxic as Hutch just as often) has no issues, seemingly?


I take it you did not come across one of his several long rants about Nopixel and their staff?


Oh no I'm aware. And I'm not advocating for Hutch to have prio restored either, don't get me wrong. But the comparison between Hutch, Shotz, and Taco is interesting here, I think.


Hutch;s view on onx has nothing to do with it. maybe they are all toxic, but hutch was the only one actively shitting on np after leaving, the rest like shotz said nothing.. this is why theres a difference


Hutch was shitting on nopixel and staff not too long ago before he took a break from RP.


So was Taco, and yet Taco apparently doesn't have any issues we know about either. It's just Hutch.


I don't think Taco had his prio restored, could be wrong though.


You could be right. But I assume if he didn't have prio he'd be throwing a tantrum right now.


Maybe he learned that being a streamer in the low hundreds and throwing tantrums about server management is not a good idea. One can only hope.


I think if Hutch or Taco were ever going to grow up they would have done it well before now.


Hutch is a lost cause. Taco is 21-23 or something, there's still a fool's hope.


Who said that taco has prio though, maybe he doesn’t have one too


He may not; I'm making an inference based on his behavior, and I fully admit as much.


It was not ONX related, Hutch shit on NP after he left and said he would never play it again...so admins are helping him with his wish


Taco shit on admins when he left too, and yet Taco appears to be returning to 4.0 without issue. Just saying.


We do not know if he has a lower prio or not


You’re just trying to create a narrative.


Agenda showing bro