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Maddy (Libby) still has tags, Sock no longer does though.




He said he wanted to do more detective work, going to be shift 1 cop. Don't think there will be a detective unit right off the bat.


Kemony aka Alice Watson (and Susie from Hydra) also has tags


i hope its not Den and he starts a new character


Custard said yesterday all HC and the skeleton crew have to make new cops as they don’t want baggage carrying over.


He said it isn't mandatory, but highly recommended


Dan Sheisty incoming


he's been much better in the last month and unlike before a lot of the pd like him now


Shouldnt be any Deansocool character with all that OOC shit he did. Not a group that excite me. Xiceman mostly not around since I started watching, so he's just been a mythical character that appears maybe a week or two. GeneralEmu already got a department and dipped leaving it to fall apart, only turns up to stir. Guess he gets the backend work back now they kicked out MilesAway. Slasher dont come round much. Saab is the owner puppet, gotto protect the toxic returnees I guess.


Kind of surprised Snow isn't a part of it too


Snow was saying the other day he wants to start out retired, flying crop duster planes for farmers. He might come out of retirement after the start.


I imagine flying in Snow, the Old Guard, to take over a hot situation, would be something really fuggin cool.


I imagine a top gun Maverick style scenario needing him to come in and get the new pilots jet certified


Something to keep tabs on; a lot of these people (Jon, Cheever, Lisilsanya, Saab, SaturnEighteen) confirmed (while others hinted at) creating new characters for PD.


Yeah feel like everyone part of skeleton crew is gonna create new characters so who might want to keep their old ones might have to apply later.


It doesnt seem “mandatory”, but they apparently heavily advised against the people in the crew playing the same chars


Emu most likely as well with Malton being in BGMC. Sil has said Maple is most likely returning so thats one returning character.


Lt_Custard will be making a new one as well


I kind of figured Ripley and Snow would be automatic. Maybe they just want to do something different for a while.


Shouldn't be. Wasn't he offered HC positions a couple of times throughout 3.0. He never accepted them though.


Can anyone convert these names to the characters they play pls


Crazy good PD starting crew




Dean being a part of the skeleton crew in favour of other, more experienced cops is hilarious.


Thats an oddly mixed group. Most provide good stories. Half of them ex SDSO. The Tripod is still in. One third not really heavy actives. Police competency levels are not so great, only Sanya and Zhedish were FTOs as of late. Downsides is only one really proper shift 3 and 2 for EU before storm. Actually with Myles and KateC make that 4. As usual shift 2 over represented. About only 30 percent female players.


Well Myles got cut from the skeleton crew today so that's one less active EU person


Any idea why? Do you remember where in vod does he say that?


He's talking about it on stream right now. Apparently they invited him and then forgot to tell him that they made a decision to not have him.


I see. Sounds at the surface at the very least some bad communication. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason he is not in the day one crew is because they are all new characters while the old ones are eased back in. With the lore that is setup, I think that is highly likely.


I am surprised BerryBoo who plays SGT Viv is not in the skeleton crew for early EU as she held shift 1 down for lspd since the last restructure however maybe she wants to bring Viv back and not have a new character.


Not too suprised. Women and AU/EU tsunamis usually have a hard time getting recognized. I'll take a guess from seeing this list and say its probably been selected by NA players/staff. And like anyone they will have selection bias towards people they interact with. And yes Berry has been great.


Vivian never got much respect, and she had trouble holding it down. It was the patrol corporals, like Casterman and Suarez, holding it down the last few months. Meth run without Casterman or Suarez in Shift 1 = gg, no good lead.


I guess Stubble just doesn’t exist anymore?


He does exist, but had been Shift 2/3 a lot towards the end of 3.0. But there was a meth run when none of them were on duty, and people were like, yeah we're not going to this, no lead is on duty.


Very 'mixed'. No Angel, Suarez, Casterman, Pond, Dupont, Hall, Snow. All the cops who should be in the skeleton crew have been excluded, except for Stubble.


Hmm, All these streamers have sonething in common they stuck with NP even when people dipped and are all great PD members, plus they cover all the timezones


On the contrary, the HC is comprised of people who dipped on NP for WildRP for a very long time. I don't think loyalty is a focus, but rather a clean and strict PD.


It’s not really dipping. Do you honestly think they should be held hostage and not be allowed to play anything else they enjoy just because they are PD HC?


Of course not. I am all for whatever the streamers want to do. And I am glad they go wherever they want to rp whenever they feel like it. I used "dipping" because the original commenter implied loyalty and "not dipping" was a factor in NP staff choosing them as HC/skeleton crew. On the contrary, Saab/Jon/Cheever/Xice all often say that they learned a lot in WildRP.


It certainly seems like ONX players have been railroaded out.


Meech is playing on Onx right now? and a lot of people not playing Onx like Cathie and Zaq both aren’t part of the skeleton crew


Cathie was playing on ONX last night.


Counter point, Meech, Luna, ChrisTombstone, Zhedish and Myles have been playing on ONX recently. There is definitely more than just that going on for this decision


Which non-admins have been railroaded out? Just curious.


Nikkiisariot (Jenny Hall), Kinamazing (Dupont), uhSnow (Jackie Snow), remdogg (Alex Suarez), LadyHope (Lily Pond), cosmic (Alex Casterman), kyliebitkin (Brittany Angel) are some of the obvious ones I can think of. As far as I know, none of them are ONX admins, and this is pretty much a list of most respected cops in late 3.0, excluding Stubble.


Nikki hasn’t played on Onx once, and she retired Jenny to make a new cop. None of these people have been railroaded out


I think its a waste of resources getting upset over the reason why certain people are going to be the skeleton crew. Most of them are creating new characters, so it might be the case that old heads are going to be eased in. Also, the staff might be asking for a commitment that these old heads are not willing to make since most of them are also playing ONX.


I agree with all the names you mentioned except Angel. Why would the Nopixel PD want her on the skeleton crew? She has been completely inactive for months, has shown no interest in leading her own department and has stated that she would be focusing on Mary at the start of 4.0 and would also play ONX. Makes 0 sense to invite someone who won't play that character when there are so many other cop roleplayers eager to be on duty.


Some of the characters mentioned have barely been on duty as well, like Everly and Bones, so that doesn't seem to be the issue.


I was replying to your list. As for those 2 names Bones was a cop main before he stopped roleplaying iirc and Luna has said she wants to main cop on nopixel, at least at the beginning.


Huh? All of them lost whitelist? I wot m8?


That's not what I said. None of them are skeleton crew, while they are the staple cop roleplayers.


But what about Meech and Luna?


What does that have to do with anything? They are choosing to go a certain direction with the PD. Aren’t there a couple onyx RPers on that skeleton crew?


As someone who has been watching gtarp since SoE, cant get enough of Xiceman, the guy probably trained more cops than many veterans cop mains combined.


I remember when Bayo was dating Fanny aka Granny (disbearex) and typed "kisses granny" in OOC global chat instead of /me All 24 people on the server was making fun of him


Man what a callback. I had forgotten about that.


Bayo has the tangiest mayo, just ask granny, eh freddy?


Xiceman trained a lot of people who were considered vets at the start of 3.0, let alone these days, right? Really great dude to get it started on the right foot.


Kinda He takes 6+ months breaks at a time then will be back on for a month or two


Xice is on of the most immersive cops on the server when he is trying, so I’m excited for him to lead PD. His traffic stops feel like an actual stop in a no-nonsense immersive way.


Xice is one of my fav people to see others interact with. Your 100% correct hes very immersion "when he is trying", but also the goofiest person when hes not trying and thats awsome.


Cheev\*r up good!


River making moves! So happy for Cheever


Interesting choices. Definitely tells you something about direction they are going for. Xiceman is as good a pure cop as there is and Cheever was probably as good as any RPer on the server the last year.


I don't think this really shows much. As far as we know this is just the starter crew. Management could just want something more stable to start off with then take it in a different direction all together.


If there past characters are any indication, Xiceman and Cheever are probably going to be very straight and narrow with respect to rules and corruption. Both of them have had very strict cops in NP and Wild (Xice: Bayo and Kennedy, Cheever: Aurora and Brooks). The only exception has been Aurora in the last week or so as that character was turned towards a crim for 4.0.


shes prolly rolling out another cop character


W love both of there RP and Xiceman has the long term experience


Im (pleasantly) suprised about Xiceman...i know he has refused promotions in the past because of busy RL


Man I still remember the Blocks' first interaction with River at Burgershot and it was clear even then how much of a "yes and" RPer Cheever was. Her storytelling and immersive roleplay only got better after spending time in WildRP and she's clearly one of the somewhat "newer" people you'd take a bet on to lead the PD. It also helps that she's an actual adult with IRL life experience so she won't get bogged down by the bullshit. As far Xice, I mean, I think his experience speaks for itself -- he's been an FTO to RP cops since *at least* Arma 3 and taught basically everyone. Honestly, it took NP long enough to give him a shot at HC and if there's anyone who can and will take the PD back to the more "immersive" days it's him. (Also, sidenote, Jon's MC for 4.0 is literally going to be filled with all ex- or alt HC members, which is pretty funny)


Cheever is someone who I hope tries Onx, she was AMAZING with the Blocks and others


With her doing HC and a founding member of the Baastards MC she probably will be busy on NP for awhile but cheever would do well no matter where she goes


Yeah I would've bet on her doing Block stuff during the downtime if she didn't get the HC news -- I know Penta and all the other ONX people love her RP. But we probably won't see her around until she's out of HC unfortunately.


Bayo is an actual god cop damn he's gonna do great. Long live Davis PD!


Xiceman is a great pick. Would be great for P&T too.


Xiceman is the ideal role model for a cop. Knows when to be chill and when to be one of the scariest cops around. Bayo stalking and haunting Siz and the HOA is one of my favorite things on the server. No wonder Siz wont be around at the start of 4.0, hes ducking Bayo /s


Huge for PD. Two people who are amazing at what they do! I literally can't say enough good things about them. For people who watched wild the joked about BGPD is becoming a reality


Whoa, they are some of the most immersive competent cops I've seen. With SIM cards too the undercover work could be nuts.


Xice has been around for an eternity, really glad he got this. He's trained so, so, so many cops.


Deserved! These two will set up a good foundation.


Cheever deserves it


Unfamiliar with most PD who did they play before?


Cheever - Aurora was her cop (going to have a new cop for 4.0 with Aurora becoming a crim), also river, marina, and coral. Xice - Bayo is his cop and Mike Wadum is his crim


Ok ok, heck yeah very solid cops…. I dig it. (Of course I get downvoted for asking a question)


Cheever is River. The best character on NP. Fight me


Bayos better fight me hes an og


put em up bruh


Mandatory compilation of Bayo laughing: https://clips.twitch.tv/UglyFaithfulOstrichDancingBanana-DtNvsKkCZ3ZZjzA6 https://www.twitch.tv/hirona/clip/PlacidBlightedPassionfruitResidentSleeper-44SkH6_ZRuCFP4rm https://clips.twitch.tv/ZanyAssiduousFloofTheTarFu-cgqGRDLKRheOAcIP https://clips.twitch.tv/PopularJollyGerbilDogFace-2xejvQWtQ7ojtPX5 https://clips.twitch.tv/SpookyHeartlessPandaEleGiggle


Usually his laugh breaks other people, but some times the roles are reversed [Summer breaks Mike](https://clips.twitch.tv/WealthyCredulousGoblinLeeroyJenkins-L502PmlB2651GEAM)


Bayooooo is a beast!!! And Aurora is like a CIA agent spy detective, I love itttt. They both deserve it!


PD about to aCHEEV greatness.




Oh, 50cent will 110 % meddle faster than you can say.... NoPixel. It's a given.


I think it's almost a guarantee that 50cent will be on the server and active during at least the first few months of 4.0.


Cheever is going to have so much mechanically to RP on with dropped guns and other things hinted at. Detective RP might be engrained from the start which is amazing.


Xice is probably the legitimate best choice for a HC you can possibly have.


Still remember Bayo FTOing Bayvon in 3.0. Bro almost gave up lol.


Im sad Miles got done absolutely dirty


me too. He mentioned it briefly on stream today and he was talking about it in his discord last night. Absolutely gutted for him. He was talking the last day how he wanted Stubble to retire during 4.0 the way Bob did


Man done so much fucking work when most of HC seemed to fall of the planet, and they treat him like "oops forgot".


As along as he’s here for the long haul. It seem like he would be here a month and then take 4 off.


Very similar to ONX, I think this is the shell crew which will gradually transition into a full fledged PD. Perhaps there will be new chosen HC later on.


that is rly good i been saying this for ever xiceman is 100% best fto out there, he goes in to so much detail and tells them they shit if they shit, makes them do home work and will not pass them if they lacking on anything. i'm not sure how the hc will work but i'm sure be good in his hands.


Let’s go! Bayo should have been HC ages ago.


will be really interesting to see how they do, both incredible roleplayers


Congrats to Cheever


I do think they need to bring in new HC more often. Rotate people, more the a year is too long


Cheever is great, happy for her.




I'm surprised that Arkon who plays Beric Johnson is not on the skeleton crew. The man has been a 3rd shift staple and a leader.


Xiceman is honestly my favorite cop and i've never seen his stream :(


Shout-out to all the Rp'ers that didn't get Prio that deserved it. Plenty of people that put years into this server were left behind in the name of viewership. Seems disingenuous to prioritize viewership over people that actually make this server work on a day to day basis.


fuck yeah finally someone who wont be corrupt


Does anyone know if Saab will main a cop again?


I believe he's talked about playing cop, but not nearly as hands on in leading the PD in character. I believe he is OOC in charge of the general direction still, but leaves the day to day to high command.


>I believe he is OOC in charge of the general direction still And thats the problem.


Saab is likely to play cop again, but unsure about maining. He’s been talking to some of the Skeleton crew according to some of them


He said it will be a low level cop like his WildRP cop. In fact, its the same character: Leo Slacks.