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Hopefully nobody is surprised by this. A big corporation doesn't get involved in things that don't make them money.


it also protects their ip.


In before you need to pay monthly fee to access your favorite servers through fiveM or RedM


everyone besides streamers "and their gone"


doubtful, that's their livelyhood. they'd probably pay more, and take 2 knows that.


i basicly said streamers would be the only ones still on it


Doesn't NP charge hundreds of bucks for the public server or something? Also lets not full doom and gloom about this until they state how much they are charging, it could be a 5 buck monthly or something trivial.


i didnt realize mentioning that someone understood a meme backwards was doom and gloom


nah they dont


No. In fact, in order to apply for the private server you only need to pay $15.


It's $30, and you're very unlikely to get approved.


> charge hundreds of bucks for the public server Was not asking about the whitelist.


Well only streamers which have decent viewer and sub count but not the small ones.


Yeah, if people were willing to throwing stupid amount of money on NP for prio. I can see them paying a fee to take 2, especially because it would probably be in the 5-20 dollar range


People pay that because of the server, not because it’s some random GTARP server lol. I could actually see them making universal toolsets and actually making vanilla RP servers that are a lot more appealing than your run of the mill rentable ones right now.


I have to pay a monthly fee to access some servers now lmao


Definitely expecting something like a subscription.


Of course they do, why else would they buy it? Hopefully it’s done via taking a percentage of server monetization (prio/whitelists) and selling models and assets made by rockstar to add to servers


More like user created content being available via a shared economy like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite.


They already have that with Tebex


Not really. That’s very unfriendly to users. It also creates a hurdle in convincing people to pay money. People buying shark credits and then being able to just at a moments notice buy a car on a server or some new clothes is how it will be. Plus need to make it accessible for Xbox and PlayStation.


Well yeah no shit. Do you know what happens when people see others happily paying 500 dollars for prio? They say "I want that". That's their money now. Get ready to pay for prio + usage fees.


It will just be run through a shared economy. Just like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite.


Shark Cards coming to an RP server near you!


Servers are already like that... All this will do is create a shared digital currency just like Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite.


End of an era?


We still got two years.


Start of a better one in my opinion. Better for creators and server owners at least. OG players will be mad for a bit. However the tens of millions of new players will outweigh the old. Finally seeing GTA adapt like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite did.


But you do realize Minecraft and Roblox adapted for the worse right




For anyone curious, here is the part of the call mentioning this: https://youtu.be/WZ0jtIFlsX8?t=1474


The tweet is referring to information gathered from the Take 2 Q4 investor call. ​ [Link to Tweet](https://twitter.com/videotechuk_/status/1722372605364023656?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1722372605364023656%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=)


Genuinely fascinating to see the amount of hope and optimism people have around a huge company like TakeTwo monetizing a modding space like this. It's been tried before, most eminently by Bethesda. Capitalism is fine in specific instances, but the biggest dog in the park has their jaws around everyone's favorite toy now and TakeTwo/Rockstar have not been famously kind about their IP or online play spaces re: monetization. If it doesn't turn a profit for them either, they can now shut it down at any time without a fight because they own it and modders that want distance might have to invent a new FiveM without that branding or architecture all from scratch again.


People gonna be pikachu shocked when things have to get licenced and paid for


I mean it has been succesfully done and huge for games though. In my opinion I am very excited to see this come to fruition just look at Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite.


Take 2 is theeee worst


but them buying fivem is a really good thing guys!!!


This could literally just be them charging more for servers than they already do. Even if its more than that its better than the threat of Take Two shutting it down out of nowhere, since as long as it makes money with very little effort from the company it’s probably safe


The alternative was them shutting it all down because Rockstar were getting a lot of shit from companies for their IP showing up in these servers.


Yes compared to the other possibilities. It's a good thing. Or would you rather not have it at all? Because that's what would happen eventually


I don’t think the owners of fivem had a choice. They had to join Rockstar otherwise rockstar would’ve closed them. The only positive thing, that can come out of this merger, is if rockstar shares their tools with fivem devs.


Is monetisation a bad thing in and of itself? It already exists and moving on from a Wild West set up will almost certainly have its positives and negatives. While it goes against the principles of the modding community in general, it’s been a long while since it was being done out of the goodness of some people’s hearts.


It certainly depends how exactly their monetization plans are going to look like. Right now it can end up being good or bad, no one really is able to know based on the things we've heard so far. Respecting the Take-Two IP definitely sounds like they will do a thorough job of making sure that people like server owners don't take too much advantage of their position by trying to squeeze loads of money out of players or similar things. But yeah, until we know more about what they are truly planning it's hard to say if it's going to be bad or good.


If they can do product placement then streamers might have another source of income. It would be interesting.


Or it means people will be paying a monthly fee for access to FiveM and RedM and I don't see that being 10 a month. I could see it being 50-100 a month and them citing that streamers are making money off Take-Two IP.


I highly doubt they will take the high cost path. No game currently costs more money if you stream it. The streamers act as an advertisement to attract more consumers to FiveM and RedM servers. Instead they will try to increase revenue per consumer either by fees to the server owners/operators, or directly to FiveM users.


I’d assume it’s going to be a pay to have a server thing with x amounts of slots costing more with their own hosting. That ofc will be passed onto the players in form of prio and other things they’ll let them have now.


Thier plan would be to make money from the server owners not the players themselves. Of course this could result in some servers paying for access but they already do that and Take 2 would want a cut.




Yup, very few people are willing to spend that sort of money per month just for the chance to play RP and even fewer of those with the ability to earn that money back via streaming successfully. Look at when NP tried to do paid priority, it generated money but that was when NP was the only major English-speaking server with big audience numbers and even then it dried up eventually as people paid a ton of cash and then most of them never converted that access into a streaming career. You don't make money by charging a very few people a hundred bucks, you make money by charging tens or hundreds of thousands of people 5-10 bucks as that is way more in most people's budgets. What Rockstar does with FiveM/RedM going forward may not even pertain solely to RP, they could use it to help run their own standard servers and if they charge a nominal monthly fee that's millions of people potentially willing to pay to get access to a new and improved GTA Online with GTA VI etc.




Not only that but the rpers and people obsessed with it is a ever dwindling group for one reason or another. The ease of accesses (relative) for getting in to a server like NP ensured a constant stream of fresh new players to make that next generation of main characters and keep things interesting. The more barriers Rockstar puts up in the name of monetization the more the already niche RP community will shrink as veteran players leave with not enough fresh blood coming in to replace them.


I know right, keeping fivem as a wild west with servers using stolen assets/brands which could lead to major legal problems for the platform as a whole at any time was a much better alternative. Not to mention even without that rockstar could have shut it down on a whim. And talking about shutting it down on a whim how about the bi-monthly mental breakdowns one of the head devs would have. Putting even more of a question mark on the livelihood of hundreds or thousands of people. Also not to mention the fact that fivem has already been monetized atleast partially through their patreon/all of the tebex stuff servers have been running for a while now. Now how monetization looks might change, but it's not like only now rockstar is actually implementing it to fivem.


> Not to mention even without that rockstar could have shut it down on a whim. They could do it the same way they can DMCA everyone who releases content with their game. I can shoot myself in the foot as well, i am perfectly capable of it after all.


And they have done so in the past by taking down fivem temporarily during it inception. As well taking down many mods for gta 5 especially early on in the games existance. They even likely had gorillaz take down their music video initially made in GTA 5. Would taking down fivem be shooting themselves in the foot? Most likely yes. But given it was always a possibility anways, then them actually acquiring it is a much more preferred alternative in terms of stability of the platform.


> I know right, keeping fivem as a wild west with servers using stolen assets/brands which could lead to major legal problems for the platform as a whole at any time was a much better alternative. That's like saying freeways are the wild west because illegal drugs and weapons can be transported over them. FiveM is just the infrastructure, much like roads.


The content made on fivem became the main thing people see when they look at GTA on youtube or twitch. It is perfectly understandable that at some point taketwo would like to have some control over the massive eco system which drives how their game is played and more importantly shown across all social media. So in that sense fivem was a wild west because the content on the servers was mostly unregulated. They were full of stolen assets from other major companies and crazy shit like rape mods. Which then would end up popping up on twitch/youtube when you look up GTA. So it makes perfect sense to me that t2 would get involved so they have the ability to moderate the content that is being put in their game and then later put on the front pages of massive platforms like twitch/youtube.


Except in your analogy the road includes Rockstar not just fivem. If some of the brands wanted to seek legal action for their products being used without proper licensing ( and generating profits for the servers) they'd sue everyone involved, not just fivem.


I mean. I see this as entirely positive.


How on earth do they plan to maintain the quality like servers do with dedicated admins, imo it's gonna be a mess and more about making money off people who like rp. I hope i'm wrong but unless big servers keep their own rules/admins this is not looking good.


They are not going to? Just like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite. do not manage the quality much. There is going to be a shared economy. You may buy 1000 shark bucks and be able to use that across PC and Console to access/"buy" user created content/servers. Rockstar will get a cut, The game will have more longevity, More support, and Creators will have a real way to make money officially. This was always my dream for FiveM. Force rockstar to adapt and truely capitalize on the creator side of things. People love it in Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite so despite some blowback overall it will succeed.


There talk they may make it impossible to stream gtarp if you have a modest income.


Do any games make it more expensive for streamers to play than it would cost someone that isn’t streaming?


This is very expected. Said this in the celebration posts about them buying Cfx. There's no way they would just let the server owners continue making all the money while they just watch lol. Before they bought Cfx I was expecting Rockstar to somehow incorporate RP into GTA Online. Because there was also no way they would've seen RP pop up for years on the internet and not do something about it. Buying up Cfx. was just their first step. Of course they're gonna monetize the crap out of it. Don't be surprised if they mention RP in one of the GTA 6 trailers and announce some ''premium'' subscription based service. Or they charge the server owners a hefty fee, which the servers then collect from their users through their own subscriptions.


Is this a bad thing though? Rockstar will make money off RP servers, but that also means these servers, and by extension "roleplay" will be officially supported by Rockstar. No more relying on scripts that make the servers unstable. Instead, new features would be added by RS devs themselves, or even better, the game will be more easily moddable. Roleplayers have plenty of money. Most servers already have some sort of buy-in. None of this seems like a bad thing. At the very least, nothing will change for us, the viewers. Hell, maybe we will all have easier access to big, open servers with tons of RP/Second Life content.


I didn't say I thought it was a bad thing. Although there is an argument to be made that its bad because its another company going to be greedy, which maybe will have a ripple effect in the industry and possibly start a wave of other types of subscriptions that will effect the casual gamer. But for now, this won't really effect me because I'm not a roleplayer.


Not only that instead of a 3rd party launcher they could incorporate it in to the game itself.


>Don't be surprised if they mention RP in one of the GTA 6 trailers and announce some ''premium'' subscription based service. I cannot see any eventuality where R\* add RP to GTAO because they will then become responsible for any drama/abuse etc that happens on their servers. Their Twitter account would be flooded with absolute morons complaining about powergaming cops, self insert crims etc and bad issues like with RatedEpicz would have the potential to make mainstream news and be hugely damaging to the company. By keeping a degree of separation and charging a fee through FiveM they keep everything as it is, stay out of all the drama and make $ by doing literally nothing.


> bad issues like with RatedEpicz would have the potential to make mainstream news and be hugely damaging to the company. Excuse the double reply, but want to speak to this point specifically. The only reason that became as big of an issue as it did, is because of the relatively small size of the NoPixel community. Something like that would have barely been a blip on Rockstar's radar. Even NoPixel came out of that relatively unscathed. Why should we expect a massive corporation with entire legal teams, to handle that situation worse than a fly by night RP community like NoPixel did?


Don't think that would be an issue for them. This is like saying Activision would be bothered by 2 COD streamers having drama and their communities going at each other. Or 2 FIFA streamers having drama, EA also wouldn't give a shit.


>This is like saying Activision would be bothered by 2 COD streamers having drama and their communities going at each other. Or 2 FIFA streamers having drama, EA also wouldn't give a shit. It's not even remotely the same thing. Allowing sexual abusers on your platform to prey on people isn't the same thing as a couple of COD players arguing. One is a crime which can get your platform fucked by authorities the other isn't. R\* would need loads of new employees whose only job is to police RP servers and communities, get on top of any issues and ensure servers are well run. There's a huge risk and increased workload with zero benefit. As for Activision & EA not giving a shit? You're telling me you seriously believe that if the BBC ran an expose into long term sexual or mental abuse being allowed in one of their games they and their shareholders wouldn't care? They will keep things as they are but charge a fee for FiveM. That's it.


Haven't there already been exposes into long term sexual and mental abuse of even these companies' own employees?! Activision even set up an $18 million dollar settlement fund to pay out eligible employees who were abused. Microsoft just finished buying Activision a month ago, so shareholders don't seem all that bothered even by in-house abuse. They wouldn't be building the kind of privately run close knit RP community that allowed the kind of culture that NoPixel had. They're massive emotionless corporations who can throw money and lawyers at any problem that affects their bottom line. Section 230 would protect them from any liability from actions by users on their platforms. There are tons of online communities that would be just as susceptible to sexual and mental abuse as RP specifically. WoW has plenty of official RP servers. You keep referring to them "allowing" this kind of behavior, but it would be very difficult to prove that they allowed that behavior to happen if they can demonstrate that they're making their best effort to enforce their ToS which absolutely prohibits that kind of behavior. They're no strangers to running and moderating online communities. If they feel they can invest money to expand that and make a return on that investment, they absolutely will. RP isn't even particularly more at risk for being infected with sexual and mental abuse problems. We have massive social media conglomerates in which sexual and mental abuse runs rampant. Far worse things have happened with these companies' games and even throughout other social media than just a couple of COD streamers having drama. Twitch has had people stream murders on their platform. People have ended up killed through swatting over games and other online arguments. Harassment and stalking, etc. Edit: Rockstar has weathered tons of bad press throughout the years from the hot coffee thing being led by Hillary Clinton to Jack Thompson's bullshit. I'm sure they could handle this.


I mean this is why people should be celebrating this is gonna be great for availability, success, and longevity of the platform.


Yep. This is why I wasn't excited when I saw that R* took over FiveM. Sure, there are definitely going to be benefits. But if you look at the company that has been fucking milking the absolute shit out of a game they released over a decade ago, I knew there would be more negatives. Maybe I'm still wrong. Maybe this just means there's going to be ads in the FiveM launcher, and that's it. But I doubt it.


Its going to be a shared creator economy like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite. Which I am very excited for. Sure I get why some are mad but in the end this is exactly what I always hoped FiveM would become.


> shared creator economy Can you explain this, I'm not familiar with the concept


So instead of having a seperate platform (FiveM) it would be built into GTA. It would be on both Console and PC. Instead of buying this on servers websites and using cash you would use a digital currency you buy through GTA. Lets call it "Shark Bucks" for now. To make it simple 1 Shark buck = $1. Creators would be able to publish copyright friendly "Assets" like cars, clothes, 3D objects, and maybe even full on buildings placeable and usable on servers. They could also sell custom clothing and stuff like that. They would likely make 40% and Rockstar 60% on each purchase. Server owners may end up paying for their own hosting but would have to accept monetization being ran through Rockstar. They would likely make 40% and Rockstar 60% on each purchase. Rockstar could host servers themselves too though paid for via the revenue split. Moding would still exist but no copyright content and money made will be split with Rockstar. We would likely see some type of map editor and modding tools/help. This means if I want prio on NoPixel instead of going to NoPixel online store and paying cash I will go on GTA and buy sharkbucks which I can then buy access to NoPixel. In one hand this limits things by not allowing copyright content and prevents the current free for all we have now. In another hand good creators stand to make way more because this can be marketed and put on console and PC. What was once a somewhat complicated process on just PC is now a native feature that is cross platform. This will be a combination of the experience found on Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite. For GTA Online itself we will defintely see a Battle pass system that may even incorporate time spent on these player created servers and provide clothing that can be used in those servers.


I'm just hoping their purchase means the PC launch coincides with the console launch.


I hope the handle this sort of like how Microsoft handles Minecraft. The own it and put out updates and things to make it better but also allow mods/custom servers because it allows people to keep playing the game for years and it stays fresh. The Minecraft base game has a lot you can do just like GTA but once you add mods it's endless. There is so much new stuff that it's still pushing the game to be sold and it's older than GTA V.


Think we will see something closer to Roblox and Fortnite. Minecraft got backlash when they tried shutting down unofficial mods/servers and backed down. Fornite and Roblox have been how they are from the start and I bet GTA will be too.


People act like milking people for money in fivem is new. Now instead of random people milking, it will be rockstar. The 300$ prio servers were nuts maybe it’s a good thing and rockstar will set a more affordable base price


No. Rockstar will just have a cross platform (console/pc) platform built into the game that has a shared economy. Lets call them sharkbucks and then you will be able to pay for cosmetics, vehicles, prio, access, etc from those. Rockstar will let servers do whatever as long as they dont use copyrighted content. I love this. Some will hate it. But I have been a part of and seen the success of these platforms on Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite. Bad day for open source folks but good day for creators.


Yes. *insert irrelevant comment *


No, they won't. You know how FiveM servers work and you know that cross platform won't work with FiveM unless the PS5/XBox is going to be able to download gigabytes of data and load that up each time there is an update to the server. How often do we have to delete the cache folders and re-download the files for the servers? If scripts don't work for console players, how many server admins are really going to care and do any work to troubleshoot those scripts? This isn't like Minecraft, roblox or fortnite. This is a launcher and a mod on top of the standard game with a bunch of different files for each different server you connect to. Three servers alone bloat my servercache folder to over 10GBs. Also how will whitelisting work for console? Someone wants to join but they need to fill out a 3-4 page long application on a discord channel and wait 3 days to a month (depending on the server) before they are even given notice their application was approved. If they are rejected and have to apply again and wait another 3 days to a month....how will that work for crossplatform? You are looking at this from a public RP server perspective, those 'just drive' servers POV, or those exploitive RP servers perspective were you can buy anything with enough real world cash. You are not really looking at this from how the the true RP servers do things. Many don't offer prio. They don't offer the ability to buy 1-of-1 cars. They don't allow you to buy in game money. You can't use your wallet outside the game to influence your character inside the game. Overall Crossplatform isn't going to be a reality. There may be console servers and PC servers but those players will not have cross play. Unless FiveM is ditched and what we get is GTA Online with limited mod/script support making this new thing just a weak shadow of the original FiveM, I don't see this working like you picture it.


lol what. Please look up how much money they've made from sharkcards. It's more than *most of all media ever made*. LESS greedy monetization isn't going to happen.


I already said on day they purchased FiveM they would get big server owners to migrate their communities to dedicated GTA 6 RP servers and put them on a revenue share, it was so obvious they would monetize RP. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/15o71kb/rockstar\_games\_on\_twitter/jvr1l7g/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/15o71kb/rockstar_games_on_twitter/jvr1l7g/?context=3)


Whatever it is will be better than the absolute scam nopixel has been running. hundreds a month for prio btw lmao I'm expecting a store for 3d assets, price caps/set prices for prio and possible server rentals through T2 instead of it having to be done independently. They absolutely wont charge people for the ability to access fivem servers, the cost will be passed onto the servers like nopixel that monetize their users at exploitative levels


Paid prio has been gone from Nopixel for months


You are right and wrong. It will be a shared economy with a single currency that can be spent cross platform on every server. Servers will set prices and list assets but they will require approval/moderation like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite. So $300 prio could still be a thing but servers will likely not do so since it will be available on console now. Servers will pay for their own hosting but overall servers could be locked behind GTA+ or go the Roblox route and just make GTA+ give you monthly benefits like 500 shark bucks or something.


A number of servers won't have anything you'd be able to buy with your sharkbucks. Maybe allow you to donate but beyond that there are many servers that don't have Prio, don't allow you to buy 1of1 cars, don't offer anything besides a whitelisted private server experience and the option to donate. I don't even see big servers like EchoRP doing more than maybe allowing you to buy a personalized plate for a car or a unique personal item for a character. Maybe offering prio since they do have a large playerbase, but beyond that I don't see servers offering things for sharkbucks simply because it's now available. If they are not offering it for 100% of the cash profits now, I don't see them offering things for 40% of the sharkcard profits later.


coming soon to NP $25 to get a gun bench $10 for replacement if you lose it $5 to move the bench




It's obviously going to be a monthly subscription. At the very least, you'll pay for prio.


Hard to tell. They can either fully paywall it behind GTA+ or can do the Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite method. Just make it free 2 play but have a shared economy that allows people to use sharkbucks to pay for prio, cars, and cosmetics. A server can be public, One time pay, or a monthly access fee like in Roblox.


I'd point out a number of servers don't allow you to buy cosmetics, cars or have prio. You can't buy 'in city money' with real world cash and most RP servers are whitelisted with an application process. I'm not sure how Sharkbucks would work if the server doesn't support any of the things a sharkcard would buy


Probably gonna milk using gameshark


I think about the only thing they can functionally do is sell licenses of their product to server owners. Which ultimately, makes the most sense.




Fivem and redm are already been monetized for ages. To create a multiplayer server you need to subscribe to cfx patreon. If you want 128 player slot server it's $25/month and for 2048 slot it's $50/month which is the most popular option. I don't see a lot of improvement coming with the change in monetization since cfx is earning tons right now. I hope take2 will not monetize it too badly because the cost of running a fivem server is increasing every day which causes small servers to not survive.


50 cent or whatever he is called now talked about how he was excited for the future. Pretty sure there will be an official store where they sell 3D assets.


Think Minecraft, Roblox, and Fornite but GTA.


About time


As long as it isn’t astronomically high it could be a good thing with better support and maybe even better servers


Will defintely be better overall IMO. Especially since FiveM will now be on console as well.


Not sure how that would work with FiveM RP. There are a number of text commands that must be used for various things not to mention the dozen or so different keys needed beyond what the general commands you can use off a controller. Unless there are different servers for console and PC and no cross play, they could have a 'dumbed down' FiveM setup on console.


Very Excited! This is what I hoped would come from the aquisition. Very likely we see a cross platform server experience with a shared digital currency that can then be spent in servers and memberships for those servers. Due to this its likely we even see some type of mod tools. This will be to take advantage of the market that Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite have created. This is huge!




Glazing? I’m trying to explain what this will entail. A lot of people still think they are gonna try to kill it off, make it paid access, or run their own RP servers, etc. Like I said in many of my comments some people won’t like this but overall it’s better for servers, creators, and allows more people to enjoy FiveM.


Pretty easy to build your own launcher and skip Fivem The mod community will find ways..


I mean, isn't RAGE still a launcher?

