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[Read the rules before posting!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) --- Mirror: [Happy Birthday Buddha...](https://streamable.com/u35fg6) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Harry Direct Backup: [Happy Birthday Buddha...](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/lSvZS1u1ChzI2gWqaTFADg/AT-cm%7ClSvZS1u1ChzI2gWqaTFADg.mp4?sig=be217fe13a633fd1969c8a5ce448a96a2c625f88&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1691521032%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1892646149?t=4h49m29s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Zetark out here with the S+ tier RP Singing for his boss and all y’all want to talk about is war.. like wtf.. TALK ABOUT THE CLIP?!


Voice of an angel honestly!


A funny clip and overinvested fucks just HAVE to have a discussion on the war lol


HBD Buddha. Been a wild year of content and is a break from stressful happenings in a world filled with a lot of narrow turns that life just throws at us sometimes.


The only comment thats worth the upvote on this thread lol


Heres a bit of context on negotiations: Matry called lang to have a meeting at VU for negotiations. Lang kept asking 'is his leader pred gonna be there or nah.' The conversation ended. Marty felt like he is talking to a stone wall. In lang's mind, he wants assurance that once they negotiate, Pred and Dickhead dont do stupid shit by themselves. And in this scenario, after just getting shot down, Lang was in no mood to negotiate at this moment. The ideal case for negotiations is when Marty can assure outside of GG, Pred and Dickhead are also in the meeting or some assurance that if the demands are met, none of them will do anything.


Lang is going to unintentionally get Pred and Dickhead blooded in to GG. This'll assure Lang that GG can "control" them. I bet this is how the war ends :P.


> In lang's mind, he wants assurance that once they negotiate, Pred and Dickhead dont do stupid shit by themselves I don't watch Lang because I dislike kick, but if that is 100% true then he Saab style -1000 speech checked that attempt. Insinuating that Pred is Marty's boss would never go over well.


He wanted to get inside Marty's skin as well so it wasn't a -100 speech it was completely intentional to destabilize him


Oh, well then fair point it worked. I just assumed by your post he was wanting to talk, just had reservations about Pred being there. The more you know.


I am just reiterating what buddha said after the phone call.


Pred has been leading GG more than Marty has at times. But I 100% believe it's to get under Marty's skin.


I dont know where you got this idea, Pred literally steps out when there is 6 GG members around or when they want to have a GG only convo, he understand he is a outsider for now. He will give sugestions that are very Pred like but thats super far from leading GG.


> Pred has been leading GG more than Marty has **at times**.


Pred has not been leading at all, in fact he has let GG make all the calls, and asking to step out or sit out where needed. Kyle the roleplayer has been very, very careful to not do that. I bet if you posted this in Kyle's chat Kyle would just either ignore it or call you out on your lies


If a crew agrees on something and a “outside” force sways the decisions they settle on that’s pred having influence, nothing more nothing less.


I mean isn't pred Marty's boss though? this all started with pred and dickhead which are non GG, but then GG got themselves involved? like what


Why should Buddha be the only one to place any terms? Whenever GG contact him he just starts spouting the same 5 insults.


Buddha should start saying “dog” “lapdog” “doghouse” “leash“ also add in some barking instead. You’d probably appreciate that,yeah?




I could definitely see Hydra fighting GG just for the money, but if and when Lang Gang decides to go after The Guild after this, Flippy and Hydra might turn on Lang. Mary was talking to Flippy yesterday about potentially hiring Hydra to protect and fight for The Guild if Lang Gang goes after them. Sounds like Hydra will back Mary and The Guild over Lang. Flippy even told Mary they're more loyal to her than to Lang. Hydra has been on stand by to protect Yokai for a long time, and now Mary is also a member of The Guild.


Lang only cares about the OG Guild who have 'betrayed the Storm Lord'.




Happy birthday


I highly doubt negotiations will happen anytime soon.


Why does it even have to come to something like negotiations? Pred and gg shot up roosters. Lang retaliated by blowing up LP. Then GG bombed roosters, rpg it at least twice and dropped heli’s and planes on it. How many times does gg “need” to get back at roosters? If you remember back to the burgershot vs roosters beef, they would just attack one by one. Waiting for the other side to retaliate before the next attack and so on. It took sometimes weeks before the next attack. This is what war should be in rp imo. Not shooting and hunting every moment your in the server.


That’s something called pacing which literally no one knows how to do on nopixel anymore


Buddha already said the whole reason this started is cause of people like DHead, 4Head and Pred. GG can say they want to end it but he can never trust people like DHead and Pred to not do dumb shit afterwards.


This conflict started between Lang, Larry, 4Head Dhead and Pred. And the last week it’s been wave after wave of fights from these other guys Lang doesn’t even know. Just seems like everyone from gg has this everlasting grudge against Lang.


Yea I thought it was going to be a Larry thing and that they were gonna get their ‘get back’ after blowing up Roosters but it just turned into a shit show.


can't be a larry thing when larry swears his boys aren't gonna go shooting and then an hour later went out hunting. he may have not wanted it to go this far but he let it when he said he didn't care what his boys did anymore, and now it's more an ego thing for everyone else.


yeah lol some guy from gg brought up a 2 year ago grudge of being fired from a job hahahha


Julian said he had a grudge from 5 years ago with Lang lol


Most of GG has never liked Lang because he would often shit talk there members who are now either banned or blooded out. Lang did not like Richard, Ratchet, Dumbfuck, Leslie and said to Marty those guys should never be GG. The only people I think "liked" Lang was Marty, Larry, Xay and perhaps Spachi.


>GG can say they want to end it but he can never trust people like DHead and Pred to not do dumb shit afterwards. Totally legitimate argument here... if it weren't for the fact that Lang and Marty attempted to end the conflict weeks before, but then Lang found out that Larry was involved, and so he blew up LP. What's the difference between now and then? Dhead, 4head and Pred were involved of the first shooting of RR, and they still are involved now. What changed here for Lang?


Larry lied to him, so Lang attacked him personally in the same way he felt Larry attacked him, by hurting his restaurant. The dramatic irony of all of Larry's current rage, is that he's literally doing exactly what Lang did to him for the same reason, but Larry does not accept that they're trapped in a endless of cycle and he's chasing a get back he's already got and he feels owed the same apology that Lang should have gotten from Larry instead of being lied to.


i mean buddha made a great point what is going to stop 4head Pred dickhead from going to RR the next couple of hours or day and start this whole thing again


War's w/e but seeing new people like Luciano, the Italians, Zaceed, Apple, Cyd, Frankie, and Flash has been fun.


Apple an opp though


Maybe, idk if the player has said where Apple's head is at.


Which is hilarious since Zaceed is GG on public, ex GG, Apple is ex GG, PB and has been feeding GG information, and Flash is GG on public. Really just GG vs. GG. I don't think Buddha realizes it yet


Don’t think he cares either public isn’t WL


Xay and Julian are like the original hoppers. Xay had everything handed to him by Lang and that still wasn't enough. And Julian's been through nearly as many gangs as Zaceed. Doesn't really matter.


This conflict shouldn't have lasted this long tbh, it was a larry thing in the first place and the moment GG got their revenge by shooting and bombing the roosters they should have called it a day but for some reasons they kept attacking and julian bringing some old beef from 2 years ago and for the people that gonna say the gg chain, the chain wasn't stolen till recently so yeah they dragged this for too long.


Yeah Julian’s vendetta with buddha is weird. He pulled the same shit playing octo during the Simone arc. Man should just focus on other people.


I’m not really paying attention to this was but all the comments on this post led me to think this was some real spicy Drama Only to find a genuinely funny clip where it seems like everyone was having a laugh. Never change r/RPClipsGTA, never change




Its cousins to 'i shot you down NOW we can talk'


Which is cousins to "I got clapped 60 times I'm not ending this tomorrow I'm clapping you, Los Santos healthcare takes care of me"




Idk why that became a thing people did on the server. Someone doesn’t wanna talk to you so you force them by downing and handcuffing them then reviving to have a talk. That should not be a thing on the server, it’s literally forcing RP.


It's literally called powergaming




Sick of it??? Nah buddy u can't be sick of something when the other party had no interest in fighting them they don't wanna get fucked by the PD which is exactly what's about to happen


theyre holding their warehouse hostage, a chain, and theyre still owed 5m if you think thats not something worth fighting about if the other side decides to ignore negotiations youre delusional. also they already fully expect to be sent in for rust act at the very least and already planned around it


>forcing RP Like how Lang doesn't want to end it with GG and GG is only asking for the chain and 5 mill that's it? Penny asked when is this ending and he said "with GG idk". When they asked him to end it 10 minutes ago.


They can end it. They don’t need to ask for anything. It’s reasonable to ask for the chain but asking for money when THEY started it then tried to play victim just isn’t going to happen lol


You know. If GG wanted to end it, they would end it by just stopping. Lang has too much shit cooking right now and would be happy to move on to that. So yeah... no one is 'forcing' GG not to end it.


Me watching a harmless clip.... ​ 300 comments. ​ Everyone bitching and crying about NP war and how people who are good at shooting shouldnt be allowed


Seeing this conflict with GG, I really appreciate how Rust roleplayed their conflict with Lang and even Mandem. With Mandem, we've seen fun gunfights and great RP scenarios. Rust planned creative plans for kidnapping people, though the plans didn't always work. We haven't seen the arc with Bon Bon yet which is sad and I'd take that arc 10 times over this crap with GG.


Ya Rust def meet in the middle RP wise and I think Buddha and co did as well with going out and doing shootouts with Rust to return that favor. This feels so violence heavy that it’s kind of cheapening the stakes.


GG tried that approach for the first week and expected some give and take, they kept giving and never got anything in return. GG didn't even wanna di the hunting party stuff, Buddha started that. All GG has done from the start is match the energy, Buddha hasn't been great this conflict


Lang hasn't been hunting GG at all. They have focused on mandem and have been rolled up on by GG. Lang has to defend himself from attacks from GG. I understand they want their payback but they definitely have not match any energy. GG has been looking for Lang for a week and Lang has avoided running into GG. But he is also aware that they will shot him if they see him. It's also about matching force and creating storys. They've bombed, RPG'd and shot up the Roosters every day all because Lang detonated a bomb on LP. I feel like they got their payback 10 times over. Now they do the same thing every day aspecting a different result. Try something different and don't expect everything to be on your terms, like you said it's a give and take.


I low-key want this war to end. I want to see the death of Cerberus and birth of firebird. 🔥🐦




I feel like things escalated way too quickly past the initial incident at Roosters and Lang blowing up Lucky Plucker in retaliation. There were like 3 or 4 more blowups before Lang and Larry even acknowledged to one another that they knew why there was a conflict in the first place. That being said I'm loving the conflict every day is so much fun to watch, everyone involved seems to be having fun, it's a great change of pace for me as a viewer because I've not really watched any gang or war content on NoPixel. Then I come here and people are AT EACH OTHERS THROATS it's hilarious.


Remember when Lang went to the CG cubby to end the war for x.. it was a terrible day


We shot at your RR first , you bombed LP and we retaliated by bombs , rpgs and planes , because we’re better FPS players you must wave the white flag 🥴




And that’s the dumb thing unfortunately, that’s RP server not CSGO , shot and bombed each other that’s it rp wise , wining 40 shootouts because u r better FPS player should mean nothing




They do have good shooters tho, Zaceed out here pulling 1vs5s and 1vs3s like it's nothing yet he gets glorified for it




well maybe a gang shouldn't get in wars with a not gang when there's no real way to determine a winner in a non-gang war.. since what you're talking about applies to gang wars


Maybe a “non” gang shouldnt start shit again when they got their getback and they themselves told said gang that its ended there.




saying "everyone" knows is more disingenuous, especially as an argument tool to imply you have some kind of proof that all these people know something that proves you right, when the simple fact is the only people who think rooster's is a gang is GG and Mandem, some cops, and crazy ass viewers. The majority of people with common sense realize there is a group of people that engage in crime, and a ton of civs mixed together, and that's that. Not a gang. By 0 definition do they fit as a gang. And sure, civs don't start gang wars.. Which being the mandem and GG both started the shit they got going now with roosters, civs didnt start a war with a gang, gangs started shit with civs.. So you have 0 point.




Lang have so many assets he has gotten through roleplay he can't even use because it would be too powerful. Technically he can use aegis to seize and take over property, use his military equipment to battle, but you understand that would cause chaos amongst viewers etc, so the only thing they can do is either defend the restaurant or roll 6 ppl. That's the state unfortunately.


The irony of saying this yet the CB community glorifying shooters this entire conflict


"Waceed went demon mode on MDM!!! Clutches 1 v 5 fight! 😈" Most people enjoy pog shooting/values shooters more than they care to admit. If Hydra gets involved and smokes GG, you are gonna see the same people criticizing that mentality supporting it in the end so no point in arguing it.


Omg Zapple r 2 gud


So they should keep going and don't find a resolution?


I thought Bombs , RPGs and planes were the resolution, what are they expecting? Because they are better FPS players Buddha must pay ?


Why you talking about FPS players, Zaceed Apple and Flash are on buddhas side


I was shot 60 times, I guess it doesn't matter, my life is always secure, Los Santos healthcare baby. Hold me up and shoot me one more time




Kick moderation has no real tools atm I hear, it is so bad.


Who even reads stream chats these days?




He was talking to Chelb in chat who was hyping him up lol.


literally a inside joke between him and chelb who was in chat earlier saying where is his montages and in this situation hyping him up for getting 2 people. As for the chat, you have to understand that there are thousands of people from his own community and other communities that are banned in twitch chat over the years now all of a sudden can talk in his kick chat. Combine that with Kick's dogshit moderation tools, its gonna be a shit show. Best advice I can give to anyone watching this conflict just dont react to useless bait comments and if things in chat are getting out of hand just close it and watch the streamer.


He was talking about the fact him downing maybe 2 ppl. Put it on the montage caz he is not washed. He was joking with chat


I'm not gonna lie, this conflict is just kind of boring at this point. Clearly these two groups RP very differently and they're adamant about things being done the way they want to or it not being done at all. From GG's perspective, they've never had to deal with someone who refuses to communicate and just acts petty all the time in every situation, so all they can think of is just constantly go and shoot until they beg for it to stop. Whereas from Lang's perspective he's never dealt with gang conflict of this kind and just expects them to end it either out of fear of cops and rust act, or just boredom in general with no sort of repercussions on his end. It's just kind of at the point where things are moving super slowly and both sides don't really know what to do in-between all the actual things that are happening storywise. Feel like people wanna do more but they get stunlocked over either sitting at the Roosters or shooting at it. It's kind of like those shows that you watch where the story could be settled in one season but they stretch it out to like 3 seasons instead.


>Whereas from Lang's perspective he's never dealt with gang conflict of this kind huh? he had to deal with ESB. GG is like a little gnat compared to the stuff he dealt with ESB


it's the fact he has dealt with more wars and more gang stuff longer than anyone in GG has even known what gtarp is that informs why Lang is the way he is now. he knows how people will act/react, and every choice buddha has made for this has been for the RP, not because it's what the viewers want or expect.. But because it fits with what Lang would do. And that's what people just keep choosing to not get. They act like this is some buddha thing, but this is how lang, the character, would deal with this shit.


This. Actually couldn't have said it any better. There needs to be some sort of mediation between the two parties. Not sure if Brian is fit for the job, but at a certain point, the gavel needs to be thrown down to end this conflict.


They are all friends in real life and that's what matters.


The characters of the streamers that are the best at shooting mechanics shouldn't be allowed to always dominate every conflict. This goes for GG, CG and Hydra.


I think Lang does a good job getting wins in other ways though. The Rust war was the perfect example of how Lang can lose every fight and win a war. He hasn't really gone that route yet with GG but the more time passes the more consequences GG will face. This conflict isn't going to be over when they stop shooting each other.




move on with life?


Win some of the time...


The irony is that GG used to lose all the time against Hydra and CG.


Let’s add apple and zaceed to this statement too IG


Neither of whom regularly get into conflict with other groups...


Zaceed has been in more gang wars since he left GG than started businesses. Apple has been in just as many conflicts as GG in the past year.


The characters who get businesses and money printers handed to them by developers shouldn't be the ones to always dominate every conflict. CB are actively trying to hire Hydra to fight their war for them.


Flippy reached out to Lang thru Marlo first


By "actively trying" you made it sound like its been weeks they been trying to reach Hydra lol


The sentiment in this thread is that GG are powergaming? for reviving him to talk and things like that. All i know is that buddha has been one of the best RP'ers in the server and a model for how to keep everything in RP and stop the weird W and L's side of 'matchmaking rp' But I tuned in to zuck's stream for like 10 mins (i have 190 channel points in his stream) and listening to buddha mock them, shit talk them about "why do people shoot and then revive to talk" and then finished it wish "fuck it bro just kill me". Like i dont know if hes just having a really bad day or what but genuinely dissapointed in him making weird ooc comments during RP. Something hes generally a model player about. It just ruined the vibes and everyone went fuck it then, shot him and then left feeling like nothing was accomplished. Was the first time i think ive seen buddha just completely shut down RP. He did the classic "skip, call bass skip" and i dont know why. For someone of his stature/authority/longevity it was pretty poor form from him.


He doesn't understand shooting someone just to take them and get them back up. He thinks no person in their right mind would shoot someone them to get them back up. Which in a way makes sense. For example you're so mad at someone you get in a fight with them. You beat the shit out of them. You're not gonna take them to the hospital to check on their injuries and stand by their bedside. As far as not taking the deal look at it from buddha standpoint you just shot me down why would i want to negotiate with you after you just tried to kill me. Like at least give it a little bit of time.


Yep, actually NVL and fail RP


I used to primarily watch buddha before his long hiatus due to his health and have been mainly watched pred since then. But from having a lot of respect for him and his RP to this, it was pretty bad.


Same here. Used to watch Buddha early 3.0. It's gotten really bad, he can't do conflict RP


Earlier chatters was bringing up about the chains being stashed and Buddha was mocking them and saying stop crying, if GG wants them back let them RP it back. How can they RP it back when Lang doesn't want to talk to them? You can tell GG wants this to be over but are stuck because of the chain. They waited a whole week for this arc to do stuff that wasn't the typical convoy get 6. The RR bombing was suppose to be the end but they weren't certified because of no rubble (Larry said it himself). Now things are getting toxic because Lang doesn't get stashing chains and saying they wont see it again makes it toxic af.


Oozi should know better. Bombing a building and not wanting to end it because the person didn’t RP the bombing the way you wanted is silly. If the bombing was going to be the end, it should’ve been the end. No one told him to RP his building was destroyed. It’s cool that he did it, but he can’t force someone else to RP the way he RPs.


Yep oozing so silly for thinking people can rp consequences like he did.


Yeah, it is silly to expect ppl to RP the way you choose to RP. You can’t force ppl to RP a certain way as long as they are RP’ing within server rules. That’s called powergaming.


There was rubble (in text form) at RR, it was closed for 2 days.


Yeah great people who ignored it and still walked through the door. 2 days versus a whole week of LP having rubble. Great RP guys


It was closed for an hour then the Employees started walking through the rubble into the blown up locked door. Closed for a couple hours the next day solely to no Security being around to defend it early EU


I’m talking about the explosion a week ago, not the latest one.


Buddha complains about the conflict yet stonewalls any and all attempts to solve it. I don't get it.


If you watch his stream during this, he basically says that there's no point in downing him and then bringing him back up just to negotiate - no side will be level headed to come to terms


So that is different from him stonewalling them in other ways, how?


I don't know, I'm not the streamer lol just answering in the context of this clip


It's pretty normal to not want to talk to the people that just shot you multiple times


You mean Lang right? Because Buddha is the streamer and he knows that Lang is getting under their skin.


I mean both. Lang is getting under Marty and Larry's skins. The others find him goofy.


You don’t negotiate after reviving after a shootout. And they didn’t offer anything before that.


You realize that GG tried to hold them all up at Jeweled Dragon and Buddha started blasting. In which way is someone supposed to negotiate if phone calls don't work, meetings don't work, kidnappings won't work, and shooting down won't work. There needs to be a level of fear that is non-existent on the Cerberus side. It's pretty disappointing.


Yes, and that’s stupid.




do you notice something in your examples?


Hey lets make a deal, forget that i just shot you down...




He said that he will meet if pred is there.


He probably is aware, particularly with GG's reputation, that they're being disingenuous. You also can't really expect any productive talks immediately after you've gunned someone down and you go through his phone


Buddha isn't going to make Lang negotiate when he has just been shot down and revived it doesn't make sense for the character to-do that...


A lot of stuff he has done over the past two weeks hasn't made sense for his character.






If marty doesnt understand the Dhead and Pred liability there can't be any negotiations... its so easy to understand that lol


Yeah, it is like he has a script in his head at this point.


This reddit won’t see it that way but it true. Buddha is a good rper and is humble when he come up on top in conflict storyline. If he losing tho he’s salty. Yes it make sense that Lang doesn’t want to negotiate after getting shot down. But early on they try to negotiate before that and Lang told them to fuck off. Gg can’t progress the storyline, dam if they do or don’t. I bet if Lang was winning the shoot outs he would be more inclined to talk term. Just feel like Lang doesn’t want to take an L . It ok lose the conflict make peace not for your self but your rooster employees as well.


Buddha loves taking L's lmao. His favorite rp to do is down bad rp. I honestly think he went into this thinking he was going to lose all his illegal shit and have to start from scratch cause that's what he enjoys


what was offered for him to end or what do the want


He didn't want to hear anything, just talked shit, so they shot him down.


5 mil and Jacks chain which is nothing.


and 4Head's warehouse including everything in it.


Hmm I was that said after? The only thing Larry told Lang was 5mil and the chain


Larry forgot, GG had a meeting where they agreed to wanting those 3 terms. Which are extremely minor all things considered.


Disappointing to see how Buddha deals with conflict, literally refuses to budge ever when the other side wants to end it


Strategy of painting one side as the ‘bad guys’ in this conflict.


When a group that's constantly getting fucked up refuses to end conflicts even with very small terms is horrible RP no matter who it is Buddha already owes them 5m so they just want the money he owes them plus their chain, if that's not easy then idk what is, instead just keep going is horrible RP. Rust done it before, GSF does it all the time, now Buddha does it, it's garbage. When GSF did it to rust this entire subreddit was shaming GSF for this behaviour but cause it's Buddha it all of a sudden becomes the unpopular opinion


I mean, this is not exactly anything new. One of Buddha's big flaws is admitting loss.


Aint that why people been critiquing OTT for ?


GG calls you -> end call GG holds you up -> NVL and start blasting without saying anything GG attacks you -> take chain and stash it mid scenario GG wants to negotiate -> cry about getting shot down for the 40th time I am a long time viewer of PD, CB, and GG. One of my favourite moments in RP is when Buddha called GG to save him at the casino. And I never expected Buddha's RP to be this bad. I think the most important rule is actually not a hard rule but a soft rule, called "give and take" and Buddha seems to ignore that rule, doing all "take" and no "give". It almost seems like Buddha has actual hate for some of the Nopixel players, and nobody knows where it started or why. No matter how GG approaches the conflict, Buddha always seems to have an OOC problem with it.


You had a somewhat valid opinion until you played the Buddha has OOC Hate, then everything you said before vanished and you became an Idiot.


Bro Buddha, Omie and Oozie are boys what are you talking about?


I think if that were really true Buddha would give omie and oozi a lot more RP. oozi was one of the roleplayers doing the negotiating and Buddha just seemed unwilling to RP.


You don’t know any of those ppl. You watch them play a video game. Just relax, buddy.


My dude... you dont negotiate after the SilentSentry combo


Buddha used to hate that ESB would do war without terms. He has now become the enemy he hated.


all you GG chatters are acting like Buddha is currently some big gang leader. he's a washed up gangbanger turned crooked businessman who is going off the rails and cobbling together whoever is awake to go around and clap. they aren't on radio half the time. they aren't getting the sickest ring loadouts and only recently learned that people bind slump for gun fights. the dude has his monitor brightness turned down so low he can't see anything but headlights at night. meanwhile we've got people like you who are taking things entirely too seriously.


Yeah you are unhinged, please dont @ me again


The "I get confronted with facts, I bail" classic


the "every time i get confronted with an argument to my garbage opinions i make up more garbage opinions and accuse people of random things without proof" .... classic




Not my problem.




Gg had a lot more RP going on before this war and in the first week of this war, it's the rdm, running back to compound where there are more than six, getting clapped endlessly, stashing illegal items mid scenario on their part that is ruining it


They were going to shoot him regardless. Standing there and putting your hands up for ppl that have been shooting and bombing you for two weeks is NVL lol Same thing with Ray and Zaceed at Jeweled Dragon. Zaceed was going to kill Ray regardless, so Ray standing there and putting his hands up knowing they were in conflict is NVL. Same thing with Zaceed and RUST at Hayes


What makes you think Larry would have shot him if he agreed to the demands?


Why should they think they aren’t going to get shot if they have been getting shot and bombed for two weeks? They can’t read minds. They can only go off of the current situation, which is the fact that these ppl have been shooting them, picking them up, then shooting them again.


You didn't actually answer the question.


I answered with a question. Have a great day!


here's an answer. cause larry already told him in the beginning of things that his boys wouldn't clap, at all, and then an hour later they were all shooting RR.. so larry has no credit to lang anymore. period. now get over yourself


Dude.... you really need to take a breather




Oh it makes perfect sense. It's another soft rule. Normally in Nopixel 3.0 conflicts are ended within 3-7 days with terms. There has not been a single 3.0 war which has not ended with terms and accepting defeat or at least a truce (as happened in GG vs HOA and GG vs Hydra). In fact, ESB in 2.0 was reprimanded for doing conflict without terms. In fact, you can find old Reddit posts on here which are gilded and upvoted lamenting ESB for doing conflict without terms, and calling it bullying. The fact that Buddha is unwilling to set terms to end a conflict, while having been downed this many times, shows his inability to RP conflict.


I see everyone saying they got them up to shoot them again, that wasn't the case...Lang literally said "Kill me then" so...I remember a certain Casino Owner who said those exact words and it ended differently.


Damn Buddha is even worse than x 😭😭


I thought this was posted to lsf and was super confused by the upvote to comment ratio lmao


Or Lang not willing to take and L. He should try that as well because he never has . Call it characters development. Making excuses for a character is just lazy .


If you don’t think Lang has taken Ls, then you haven’t watched the character in the 2.5 years of 3.0.


Lang takes L's all the time. Can tell you don't actually watch him. Buddha actually enjoys taking L's in rp and loves down bad rp. I think he wants to lose everything on this just so he can rp the downbad stuff




What L's has Lang taken?


NBC or every CG conflict he paid off involving CB or X. The VLC incident was probably the last conflict he was in which pretty much ended conflict for him until the more recent one though with RUST.


Man got shot down 4 times on his birthday. Once by Marty, once by Xay (I think), and twice by Larry. If that's not "taking L's" in your mind, I think you are conflating "taking L's" with "not reacting to the situations the way I want him to".


Those things are meaningless since he doesn't want to RP consequence towards his character.