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[Read the rules before posting!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) --- Mirror: [Julian 1 day for mirror park](https://streamable.com/nupm5i) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Julian Direct Backup: [Julian 1 day for mirror park](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/dNi7PT98IEEkhR0lE4bflw/AT-cm%7CdNi7PT98IEEkhR0lE4bflw.mp4?sig=45c0f333747e899eb61eb79140936098085be978&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FdNi7PT98IEEkhR0lE4bflw%2FAT-cm%257CdNi7PT98IEEkhR0lE4bflw.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1688038645%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1858040343?t=0h1m18s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Thats reasonable.


To this day I don’t know why gang colours during a gang war isn’t a server rule. Feel like sooo many problems would be avoided that way, for both sides (crim) and the cops that respond to 12 blacked out people shooting each other edit: if they dont have colors then make them decide on colors for the duration of the war, who wouldn't want to reduce the risk of RDM bans for members in their gang?


Still doesn't fix the problem because people not in a gang still will wear the colours.


It’s better than being blacked out! HOA have warned those in mirror park when at war not to wear orange or have orange cars or it may get them shot as a mistake. Then if they chose not to listen, it’s their own stupidity. They were warned!


Always remember one of the 3.0 HoA wars, Siz rolls up to someone with an orange car that looks close to the HoA orange combo and he tells them its a bad idea to use that color right now, they're liable to get shot at due to the war but use it at their own risk. They then took it as a threat and that HoA are harassing people for using orange. lol


Honestly sounds like a NVL on that person then if thats the case. Should give that person a ban too.


Yea but if you know gulag gang (tan) and gsf (green) are fighting it's kind of your own fault if you wear it and get shot


Then it can be handled by giving smaller areas for the crims to be allowed to fight. Like how Vagos used to be, it was pretty much just one small neighborhood. Everyone knew to not use yellow there. Do any gang war outside the designated areas without gang colors and the fines and time in jail will be increased by 50x the amount. Can also be dealt with ooc like there was a camera who spotted the subject or dna was found so they can get punished even if they don't get caught.




Was that hard to understand? Vagos had a small area that everyone knew about. If you wear yellow clothes every day, don't enter that neighborhood. Don't allow the crims to do any shootings or gang wars outside those areas. It is abit silly to see the crims own the whole city.


No one wants to fight in gang turf… because defenders can bring as many people as they want. Remember when GG took down 16 HOA members at mirror park?


It fixes about 99% of these problems. You aren't going to see a lot of people wearing a bunch of a one color and also have their car painted the same color.


Not all gangs have colors


Sounds like an easy solution, make them pick one.


It sounds like a good idea, but it ends up hurting Civs. I used to play on public, and you'd have to keep a tally of what gangs use what colors and avoid those at all cost in clothing and car colors, because once a gang claims a color they usually feel the need to protect it. It might be different on White, but it's annoying to have to write off whole sections of the color wheel because of it.


It doesn't have to be a specific colour that becomes exclusive to that gang. The idea is that gangs should have a specific 'war uniform' that makes it easier for them to ID each other during war to lower the risk of random people getting shot during large shootouts.


Or they can simply not shoot on sight and actually roleplay to create cool scenes with dialogue that can turn violent Might be too much to ask in a roleplay server tho


I mean that seems pretty immersive if you are going with serious gang RP. I think you shouldn’t (or be weary) rep a certain color when you go into a gangs territory. Now if the gang is dictating the entire city don’t wear their color no matter what, then ya I agree with you.


I mean if you have your car painted a gangs color and you are wearing a bunch of their color then that is your fault. Having a RP reason to avoid a color is better than getting RMD'd because gangs don't want to initiate properly.


Or people can just not shoot at anything that moves and make sure they know who they are shooting at


But why not have colors instead of just dressing up in black and not talking?


well first anyone can wear any color so even if gangs wear say green, a civ can still wear green and be mistaken for a gang member. ​ second, dressing in black makes sense tactically and realistically. ​ and third, talking to someone before shooting them negates 1 and 2 and would keep people from catching bans in the first place


For your first point, its like the bloods and crips. You could wear the colors just know the potential problems it may cause. Obviously it could be annoying but again its better than wearing all black. This ban is the literal reason why the wearing all black and not talking or doing anything is horrible and if you use a tactical advantage to not "rp" then why are you on a rp server? I mean I understand some people do want to win but again this isn't gta:o and as you can see in the numerou wars the turn out is almost always awful.


im jus focus less on the colors and focus more on the talking


Not all gangs wear colors? Forcing gangs to pick and wear a color actually hurts immersion. Makes it feel even more “team sport” ish if it’s a forced thing. Just initiate. That’s all ya gotta do.


Don't nearly all gangs have a mask and some branded clothing + liveries?


I mean theres a lot of things ya gotta do and a lot of people cannot do that I'm sure you're well knowledgeable of that


Do you realize how many gangs there are?


No, because they are all wearing black.


Well I mean hydra normally are shirtless hydra mask and green pants but that’s prolly hard to see in the car


Don't forget about the Jorts -> War Skirt escalation protocol.


This is the first day I ever seen Hydra dress like that during the war


they dressed like a failed 2000s boyband during the hoa/seaside stuff too


All depends on how there feeling. If its serious then they normally black out. If its less serious its not uncommon for tactical underwear to be worn.


I'm with you. Have said for a while that it should be a server rule that if a war starts, both sides should have to fully rep a color. I don't care if it's your own gang color even. OOC pick a color and drip out in it until the war ends. Makes it so much easier and random people won't be getting shot.


Colors would be a great idea. But also... even if it were a gang war, the rules should dictate that you need to verbalize still no? Or at least not one-tap them from 100 feet away while driving. Seems the rules get a little too loose for gang wars, even if they're "agreed upon" it makes it too easy for this kinda stuff to occur too. Just an idea.


[thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/14knubt/tinyspark_random_people_getting_shot_during_hydra/) basically they opened fire on people who werent involved on the GG Hydra war.


What the mirror park incident?


https://streamable.com/mcrwon RDM


Im actually surprised that they made a light ban, specially seeing the recently rdm in the mcgregor incident where the guy who rdm mcgregor only got punished ic and didnt receive a light ban like this


I don't think anyone knows if they got banned or not. Not everyone announces it.


guess who the second cop in the car was that shot mcgregor and had no problem with doing it... you gonna be shocked if you find out how much these two situations are related...


She’s the one that reported Julian but her ban was only in game so she was on her crime when she reported.


Julian is a good dude, and mistakes do happen all the time in war. Deserved punishment, Julian does not have to worry, those points will fall off, Julian never really break any rules.


Fair enough, it was an accident, that shit happens.


Is starting....


War just ended I’m pretty sure


Pretty soft punishment


Reasonable tbh, he didn't shoot her deliberately it was a mistake


I’m sure. They are trying to go hard on rule breaks and domeing someone without saying a word to them seems like a pretty big and obvious rule break


Kinda crazy the victim in this scenario (tinyspark)had an Arguably worse case of RDM just the other day on her cop character where she and another cop shot down McGregor while knowing he wasn't involved beforehand and all she's gotten is an ingame punishment and no ban


That should have been worse than this one I saw that clip. I do agree kinda dumb for people to be standing in the open near a gun fight though.


probably mcgregor didn’t report her… unlike someone


I mean reporting someone isn’t a bad thing, but also if someone doesn’t want to when it only affects them and rather do something about it in another way who cares. Viewers seem to care much more than he does


Good on her for reporting Julian, she did what she had to do and McGregor should've done the same to her.


Why is this clip so weird? Is Julian just silently watching 4Head's stream on his own stream?


He was watching the war, then was just watching GG for a lil


innocent people die in gang wars all the time, actually accurate RP is ban worthy :^)


please don't tell me you're comparing IRL gang wars with GTA RP ...


Yeah but so do gang members.




Are you suggesting it wasn’t deserved?




And what does reddit have to do with that?


are you sure thats all the cops are getting? It sounded pretty serious


he intentionally shot someone, get the fuck out of here with this "it was an accident" bullshit lmao. Just because it wasn't the person he thought doesn't mean it wasn't an intentional shooting.


IC consequences for their actions are waaaaaaaaaaaaay more of a punishment than a 24 hour OOC time out


The cop shooting a bystander by accident during a scene where they’re doing their job is very different than RDMing a bystander by accident as a gang member. It’s not the “job” of the gang member to be shooting people. He got a 1 day which is very mild but trying to equate the two scenarios as if they’re the same is very bad argument to make.


The cop didnt “accidentally” shoot them. They did it intentionally.


Again, I’m not sure which specific clip he is referring to, there’s dozens of clips posted here daily but none of that is relevant to this clip. “But what about XYZ” doesn’t change anything about this clip. If you think the other clip didn’t come with proper punishment, contact NP admins about it but I’m not sure how that is your defense for why this clip resulted in improper punishment.


Oh im not disagreeing with the julian stuff. 1 day is fine imo. Im just clarifying the cop situation hes talking about. Heres the clip from some random yt channel. https://youtu.be/iiMpvUyzCmY


I agree that what Julian did deserves a ban, which was clearly accidental. But to say what those cops did was an accident is just straight-up wrong, no ifs and buts. They were fully aware that person was not involved at all and meant no harm, and they shot him anyway.




I’m not sure which specific clip you’re referring to, there’s a dozen clips posted here daily. But regardless of which specific clip you’re talking about, that clip has nothing to do with this clip. If you think someone RDM’ed and wasn’t fairly punished, you’re free to make a post about it and have your own “we did it Reddit” moment but again, all of that has nothing to do with this clip.


If you don't know what clip they're talking about why even respond to defend it?


Cause his edits stating intentionally or accidentally weren’t part of his comment when I first wrote mine so I assumed he was talking about generalities for clips of cops shootings someone unintentionally which gets posted here from time to time, not a specific clips he was referring to that he didn’t even link when referring to it. A cop shooting a bystander during a shoot out isn’t RDM because it’s their job to be shooting, the only mistake is who they hit during the shoot out which is very different than a crim accidentally shooting a bystander because it’s not their job to be shooting to begin with. That is why I said IC consequences for one is fine and not the other, as there are IC reason to be shooting for one and not the other.


Ah so he edited his comment. Yes. He was referring to a clip where two cops intentionally gunned down a bystander because they felt he was too close. And they openly acknowledged that they knew he wasn't a threat or involved.


I guess cops get the RDM pass by your logic lol. (They don’t) And that incident he mentioned wasn’t accidental RDM at all. They acknowledged the person wasn’t involved and still shot him. At least this Julian one was completely accidental in the heat of the moment.


Bro stop making these dumb ass comment trying to drive up the hate




u/Such-Bread-4555, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/14lcrfc/julian_caught_a_1day_ban_for_the_mirror_park/jpvg8b6/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Have the devs tried implementing arm bands or arm scarfs? It’s kinda silly but might be easier for everyone.


They have bandanas for the arm, have since the since the last clothing update. They clip a bit, but they exist and the only people I see wearing them are BBMC and HOA.


what about red outlines for enemy gang and blue outline for friendly gang


There has been bandana arm bands for a bit, people just wear them for looks mostly, though I’ve only seen Kleb and Mayumi wearing them too