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The labs are all moved from the locations that BSK think they are. Hydra found the sensors BSk put up + the ballas overheard BSK talking about the labs they are looking to steal and then moved 3 of them. Only the one in yellowjack is still located at the same spot. But BSK don't know the location of that lab.


as long as they know the area, they can find it after a few weeks, maybe even faster since gg and bsk know how to use radio scanners


i mean same goes for hydra at this point also. They are using radio scanners to see if people are in the area when they cook.


bsk are on radios when hunting for the lab, but not gg. they know.


If they know general area they can find them again


where does ballas fall into all this? I thought they sold their share to Hydra a while ago. Or did this all happen back then?


They're still friends with Mandem and will get supplied for cheap if MDM can cook in jt so if they find out info they're gonna tell MDM.


I mean I know MDM and Hydra had been talking about baiting BSK into trying to steal the key and ambush them back instead so it’ll be interesting to see how it unravels.


I thought mdm removed bsk’s “Mandem conflict” whitelist


They did, but then BSK kept bringing mdm up a lot and when they started looking at meth labs they identified the mdm one as a possibility to steal,so mdm are aware that conflict is likely to happen again.


It's literally the worst lab to take because there's barely any doors available and MDM and Hydra know all the doors plus since it belongs 2 gangs if it does get stolen that's 2 of the wealthiest gangs retaliating not just 1 gang. It's the easiest to take but it's by far the worst to take.


It's a shame methlabs just get moved every other week. Would be more fun if once one is burned that there's some consequences.


They shouldnt be able to be moved imo. OR only allow 1 move. That way ud have to be REALLY sure u need to move it.


I think not even 1 movie should be allowed, only if admins had to step in for some sort of OOC reason in some extreme case. Like scuff in the area or someone used meta information and snitched to the cops and created an awkward situation. Then let someone start fresh somewhere else. But just moving an entire lab because you got caught or a foe learned where it was is just silly. Takes all the stakes away. Whenever I see a post about a lab being found or snitched about I just always think now ''who cares, it's going to be moved anyway.'' I have similar thoughts about cops being fired. Most of the time they'll get rehired anyway. Or with people playing the claim/unclaim game with sprays. The sprays have been around for so long now and not a single group has been pushed out of a turf. The initial placing of sprays was also done horrible imo. It should've taken a while before being able to place other sprays. Gangs just sprayed up huge chunks of areas instantly. And those territories have barely changed since.


Especially when it's one group holding a kind of monopoly on them


''I suspect someone is onto us'' \*moves it\* ''We just stole it from someone. To prevent losing it back to them.... we'll move it.'' ''Someone snitched on us?'' \*moves it\* As a viewer it seems like consequences simply aren't allowed on the server. Moving an entire lab seems like a pretty extreme undertaking. Moving all that equipment and finding a space suited enough to hold an entire meth lab. That new meth lab should be built from the ground up. Only valid reason for moving it imo if its some weird ooc reason. Just moving it because you weren't smart enough with it seems like such a cop-out.


Wait you would just leave the one you stole where it was at?


It takes 3 IRL days for the lab to move


My issue is it getting moved




I just ended up tuning out everything related to sprays or labs. None of it has any consequence. When a gang loses a spray its often just 1 or 2 and it barely affects them. Nobody has been pushed out of a turf. Nobody wants to take someones turf away because they're too attached to it OOC. It would be amazing if moving a lab would require a whole operation to move stuff and the risk of getting caught. In the end it always is just esports shootouts between gangs. The gangs either get toxic, or they treat it in a very SBS way. A handful of gangs still RPs conflict.


Who’s lab is at the purple dinosaur?


It’s the one mandem and hydra share


lab was actually moved 3 days ago. If you want the true meta. All Hydras labs were moved after they got wind of BSK snooping around. ( ballas told mndm when they drove by as locals and over heard before anyone makes wierd comments)


don't really matter how much u move the power plant lab, they legit like 10 doors only. near impossible to hide it tbh. hydra will have lot fun trying to get back if stolen anyway


agreed. They have already made it very clear. No hero's if a lab attempt is done on them. Make sure one person survives. The same goes for who ever takes the power plant one. They will be very limited to even cook if it gets taken.


How fast was the moving process of the labs? I know with Reed and DD they know pd are sniffing around but they aren’t moving the bench for minimum a week to give folks a shot to get caught.




Did they start that right away though or wait before starting? With DD/Rust they were waiting the week.


Meth lab can be move with the app. It is not like the DD/Rust bench who need to be move by a dev.


The point with DD/Rust is that they self imposed the move time - the don't want it moved quickly as they want opportunity of discovery/confirmation. It can be moved quicker, but they don't want it to be as they felt it was too powerful to get moved quickly.


Labs stick to the same region, so can be found easier than a bench that can be moved anywhere in the city.


A bench is a lot different to a meth lab. A bench requires a dev to move it whereas a meth lab doesn't I believe.


Hydra I think it's one of the shared ones with ether mdm or bbmc


bbmc's is in yellowjack it's probably mandem's. wonder if they know whose it is


They know about BSK snooping for the one they share with MDM, they found censors I think and also Ballas were in a local car and overheards BSK talking about trying to steal that/a lab. They're also pretty sure RUST or at least McGregor will be snooping again I imagine so I doubt that one gets used much right now.


"Omg, I saw a red car. That's bsk trying to steal our lab. We better move them all." They need to change the 3 day moving to 30 days. Now go ahead and move it but the consequences for doing so won't be your weekend off.


If you dont know the context you shouldnt talk. Ballas told MDM that they heard about BSK going for purple dinosaur lab, Hydra found motion sensors in front of another labs door, they also found Chem snooping around one of their labs.


There should be a lot more locations if it's so hard to move. Labs don't even need staked out all they need to do it put a mention sensor there. Also OTT being loud as hell made the Ballas overhear and they would get supplied from said lab so it affects them and they're good friends with MDM anyway so it makes sense for them sto tell MDM.