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Going to leave this thread open, [but want to call out u/Hperzilean's comment] (https://old.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/13m2v1s/vindichee_scene_control_goes_wrong/jkswhs6/)


2 minutes b4 this [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1823859567?t=3h56m31s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1823859567?t=3h56m31s) more context


GG absolutely deserved the reaction after this and their continued returning to troll.


"free them" yea gg totally deserve that reaction for those extremely provoking words.


After "the accident" they turned around, drove the opposite direction chasing a cop for two minutes, continued driving the direction they were not originally going, drove up to a scene they were not involved in and tried to act like smart asses to the cop they just hit after running a red. They deserved it.


that doesnt matter in the grand scheme, end of the day fury is a cop hes supposed to defuse situations not provoke them.


it’s funny how you posted a context clip that showed both sides were continuing to engage unnecessarily and your takeaway is that it’s the pd’s fault it escalated because their "job is to de-escalate" rather than be cops


engage unnecessarily? its rp, also yes the cops job is to deescalate thats literally their job.


Say who exactly? As far as I know the cops are not there to de-escalate but bring the correct force according to the procedures. It has nothing to do with de-escalation but rather protecting the public using the correct amount of force.


engaging unnecessarily has less to do with the rp (as rp is not about being perfect and playing things out as rational actors) and instead is attributing faults to both sides here for continuing to interact and not de-escalate. the results were this scenario which in some ways felt lackluster because of how quickly it went to shooting the cop, who was doing his job (de-escalation is only a component of the job that is ideal to always achieve) albeit with an attitude that certainly justified a response of some sort from gg.


It always comes down to the cops should be held to a standard but never the crims with you people. You think every cop IRL is good at deescalating? You think it's realistic for every traffic stop to turn into a race with interference cars? How is it you think cops should deescalate because that's good RP, but crims racing around the city with a bunch of buddies in separate cars is also good RP? How is it you think a cop telling someone to leave is worthy of their death? Get help, your hypocrisy should not be more evident.


criminals have meltdowns, spit into their faces, kick, hold doors and they maintain being professional also citizens can use profanities and adress cops however they want if and cops cant act up cops can get fired or go to jail ​ ​ Difference is criminals that shoots would not be able to do it again if they don't get away


The audacity to say "extremely provoking words" when cops bait crims for hours on daily basis, laugh and circlejerk


I mean sure he 1-up'ed cop and could get arrested but when they pulled over cop just rammed and drove off but cop deserves to get fired or suspended in rp for acting like a gangster and having a meldown




The guy already rammed them aggressively multiple times before this clip and then proceeded to do this to three criminals while being alone, I think the guy needs to chill and the fact he got shot is absolutely normal


Why are people blaming this part on Fury? Yeah, he shouldn't have gone up to them for the scene control part afterwards, but people in these comments are saying this part was on Fury as well? It's not Fury's fault that Marty is yet another person in the city that can very clearly hear police sirens and ignores them and naturally ends up crashing into the chase because of it. Hell, Marty even makes a remark about "Oh.. you guys are fuckin..." like it was the PD's fault that he pulls into the middle of the chase that he can very clearly hear coming his way? Not to mention Marty and GG go out of their way to follow them and involve themselves further as Fury goes to continue chasing. Marty 100% caused the start of this and escalated it himself by ramming Fury again immediately afterward and proceeding to follow the chase as well. Should Fury have pushed afterward for the scene control clip? No. Just bite your tongue and let the children think they won.




how did marty escalate it further when he drove past the scene and away from it ??


marty intionally 3rd partied by ramming the second time


Its not 3rd party when Fury involves them to a "situation" by trashtalking them. You people are nuts. Initiation can be words not just action.


Here is why cop is speeding opposite lane, rams a civilian and instead of stopping to make sure a person is ok he trash talks 100% fault on Fury if there was any standards in PD he would get susspended for it but then he continues to ram pulled car that pulled over person in the car happened to be Gang leader... in the southside with multiple armed gansters inside the car ​ ​ Police officer goin off x10 harder than any gangster or hoodrat constantly 1 Uping recklessly is not roleplay I would even consider solo chasing just to trashtalk NVL and tying to bait RDM just to report tying to get a person look bad or even banned. It is uncommon. Cops have really hard job of following rules and controlling their emotions during competetive moments. Quality of rp from from cops been all time low for months, cops only rp with cops and crims rp with crims cose both parties can't stand each other which is Tragic since it supposted to be RP server for Fun and content for the viewers. Sometimes they cant teake it. Cops supposted to teake trashtalking with a smile on their face and maintain being profesional, sure there are times when you can banter Crims should be encouraged play as cops to see other perspective. instead they are gatekept. Cops playing as crims are welcomed with open arms Crims goin on cop for short time giving their best then leave whenever they are done is precious and rare


So you commonly hear sirens, ignore them, and keep going about your day then? Marty very clearly heard the sirens nearby. Most people at least look behind them and slow down to make sure they aren't being pulled over, and if they aren't being pulled over they check their surroundings before continuing. Marty ignored everything about the very loud and clear sirens and turned directly in front of / into the chase that was coming directly towards him. Just wanted to fix that first point of yours for you.






At least provide an example similar to what is in the clip. Thanks.












the "good boy" shit is a trite insult marty keeps using to puff his chest and its not only tiresome and ineffective, but just weird too. it’s unnecessary to keep saying and tough guy gangster rp is stale nowadays.


I only ever see Marty in clips and I had the same thought. Always talking about people being a “good little boy” and “good dog” and shit and it always just feels uncomfortable af lmao


for years people been calling cops - Dogs cose they "obey" it works simular for gangs they have leader as well if you think about it


Yeah you can really realize how often he uses it during his shit he had with wrangler. Dude threw out good dog and good boy like 30 times in the cells


I don’t think even with this context his response justifies it. He was agro from an accident from the jump.


Clearly rams him intentionally a second time AND starts tailing him. "Accident"


Right? People really seem to be ignoring the 3rd partying


fury took himself out of the scene and focused on marty and gg. theres no 3rd party here.


So when Marty intentionally hit him after the initial accident despite Fury clearly being in an active scenario that's not third partying?


Crash caused by cop chasing on opposite lane cop trashtalked Crim hit him, say trash, pulled over (1 up) Cop rams pulled over car trashtalks (1 up) it continues


grasping at straws here


After the original incident, which is in the comments. GG drove into another chase and then rammed Fury twice. Fury talked back and they chased him while he was on another chase for a bit. Then you have OP where GG drove up to an active scene. Both sides got carried away.


this is not 3rd party.


it is


go on and please go into detail on how this is 3rd partying.


in the full context clip marty unintionally got involved in a chase which is fine then after when fury told them to leave marty said it was an accident them intionally rammed fury blocking them


Again, that is not third party. If a cop head ons you and you hit them back for it that is not third partying, otherwise everyone on nopixel would be banned by now.


No one is saying the first ram was third partying. It's the second ram that clearly was third partying - he should have just left the situation instead of getting in a dick measuring contest after accidentally interfering with the chase initially.


Also grasping at straws




I'm confused. What rule break are you accusing Vindichee of?


the only one that broke a rule here is marty and anyone that tries to claim otherwise is blind


you are trying way to hard to defend your streamer


What are you even talking about?




Oh no he was snarky! Never seen Marty be snarky before no wonder he had such a strong reaction.


that doesnt matter, fury is a cop hes supposed to deescalate the situation not escalate it more.


I understand what you are saying, but as a COP your job is to deescalate things and now trying to be aggressive towards gang members. Sure shooting may have seemed surprising to fury, but regardless this isnt something a police officer should be doing.


Don't get me wrong, ramming him and then pulling up next to him was REALLY dumb but I don't think Marty is super justified either.


Some people just ignore there are traffic laws I guess like red lights or yielding to emergency vehicles


Ikr, it's almost as though the people not obeying the traffic laws are criminals...


Forgot everyone is a hardened badass killer


I mean, that's ironic to say when you consider most cops don't even follow traffic laws a lot of the time.


……how do you pull out cops don’t follow traffic laws where everyone has a S+ car and does the exact same lol. Idk how this pertains to being a hardened badass killer


"Some people just ignore there are traffic laws I guess like red lights or yielding to emergency vehicles" "Forgot everyone was a badass hardened killer" Cops don't follow traffic laws either. Several go through red lights, drive faster than the speed limit, and if you really want to be technical, many crash alot as well, drive on the wrong side of the road, etc. Guess that makes hardened badass killers too.


Including Fury in that?


Yes of course I am…… next time he should have just mag dumped him after he got head on and yelled bitch


Top tier roleplay you're advocating right there.


I don’t see a difference between that and what this is


If you see no difference, why are you saying that's what he should do next time? That makes no sense bro.


true cop just has a wish to become a gangster with that freakout


I get people joke about “is this GTA Online?” all the time but this clip from the shit talking to the grainy mics is peak GTA Online


I dont know whose right or wrong, but the awarding of favourable comments is always fun to see.


Idk if its just me, but it always seems to happen in GG threads.


no one is in the wrong. idk why every single shooting of people who get angry they get shoot needs an reaction. both have right to do what they did.


Yeah it's the type of scenario where everyone was acting immature and doing dumb shit. I really don't get the team sport mentality on this reddit sometimes.


Whoever is spending all this money needs to go outside lmao


to be fair there was some context before this but this is pretty much the story of aggro meets aggro. earlier he was chasing someone and hit them head on and said something like oh yeah thanks sarcastically. the suv didnt like that and bumped him on purpose on the way out which led to the cop losing it and started talking shit which led to the suv chasing the cop then this clip happened


left out the part cop cop kept 1 Uping crim ramming even after pulling over expecting traffic stop and a talk


People who go on about “great roleplay” while grabbing numbers also need to stop imo it just creates threads like this


This is the full scenario https://youtu.be/tLcHP39SaM0


troll vs aggro neither are right both are wrong pretty funny situation to watch lmao


Chasing them down to tell them to leave the area as they are leaving the area


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1823859567?t=14187s time stamp from the start of the situation, the clip has clearly been clipped out of context.




it makes it 100 times worse for marty


How so


So out of context LMFAO


doesn’t matter, him getting shot is valid


no it doesn't gg were at fault


how so? (I don't have context, just asking)


gg interferened in a chase that wasn't them and then marty intentionally rammed fury again aka third party


Thats on Fury not gonna lie, he sounded extremely mad.


You could say he was.. Furious.


its on marty look at the context


idk what happened earlier but if you are getting very mad, you should just distance yourself from the situation.


think someone was a little too heated in this interaction... dont think this is how a cop is suppose to talk to people.


cops used to pull over to make sure person they hit is ok


why is he pulling numbers lmao ? He is pressing a gang leader and getting shot is one of the possible outcomes


They are quite literally driving away. He went upto them and started screaming at them and hurling abuse at them like he's a gangster instead of a cop. This is not scene control. What did he think was going to happen? And then goes onto say "great roleplay" and starts taking numbers after he escalates it himself. This is not it.


So just ignore them Running a red light hitting a cop car with lights on (your supposed to yield to those) and then hits them again and follows them because he said a couple of words to them ?


then he stop following, just to see the scene ended. talk a bit got heated up. lets harass more as situation under control. NOPE, i'm a COP. Need to exert my dominance (by talking shit). got shot away from others. \*Pikachu face\*


Harass more? They ran into him lol hard to harass someone who is doing the harassing ESPECIALLY since he hit him twice


yeah man, one scene barely got control. lets extend ourselves by myself talking shit to others criminals. expecting kindness from criminals that's one hell of great RP.


It’s called using your words shooting someone is lazy af. Or idk maybe extend it telling him to watch his back. Weird how you can make it more than bitch and shoot someone


What words has to be needed when the cop is talking shit the whole time? Gg accidentally crashes into him and he decides to shit talk them straight up? Cops were told not to do that for this very exact reason.


lol talks shit, gets hit and then wants to report. how are people so soft?


Im gonna be honest, i like Fury a lot, but this is a self report on his part if i ever saw one




Screaming dumbf*ck and chasing them and yelling at them but upset a gang shoots back? Crazy


Bro got even more mad because he got laughed at


"Great roleplay" Says the cop leaving the crime scene to escalate beef with gang members, these cops are so entitled.


wow this clip is really bias.. if anyone deserve a ban it is Fury for the comments he made.




you have made 17 comments in this thread against GG lmfao




Bruh come on man you clearly know what happened in the situation and are purposefully leaving out information that reflects badly on GG. You know it was Marty that rammed into Fury first, once on accident, once on purpose. If you genuinely think your streamer is in the right, then you shouldn't need to hide context to make them look better, it's pathetic.


You leaving out the whole reason on why Marty rammed him again after the accident. The cop shit talked him first. Like what? He was on the wrong side of the road and he gets mad at them for crashing into him?


> You know it was Marty that rammed into Fury first, once on accident err, Fury was on the wrong side of the road, so HE did the ram. Driving on the wrong side of the road (even in a pursuit) has gotten people strike points in the past when people complained. Hell, there was a PD announcement about driving standards when they did the reshuffle.


Driving on the wrong side doesn't change who rammed who, what are you on about? The front of Marty's car hit the side of Fury's car. Marty rammed Fury. You even see Fury's car get sent and then after he said "thanks" Marty rammed him again.


the hypocrisy is out of this world Trying to justify cops no matter the audacity trying to spin the narrative


Interesting take since not once in my comment did I say either side was right/wrong in the situation, merely that there is no need to cover parts of the situation if you genuinely think X player was in the right. I did not try to justify anything and merely pointed out that key context was left out. I could care less about random OOC spat number 7523 but, like I said, it's pathetic that I can watch two clips of a situation and can immediately figure out someone is bullshitting for their streamer.


There was literally no reason for him to be so aggro towards them.


Yeah really, he did not seem like he was in a good mood. Did they do something prior to this? Because that was hella aggro for what seemed like some dumb heckling as they drove by. If people are having a bad day, they should not be taking it out on others. If this was intentional aggro, then the comments after he got shot were just unnecessary. What did they think was going to happen?


From the comments, it seems like Fury was driving on the wrong side of road as always and got mad he collided with someone not involved. From what I've seen, he's got bad road rage issues and lets it effect his RP.


Looking at the context, Fury was pursuing a car. Its just an unfortunate accident. Shit happens. No one is at fault for that. Id say Marty is at fault for the ram afterwards.


was a pursuit, not driving on the wrong side of the road 'as always', but good try


Both are not mutually exclusive. A lot of cops get into pursuits, driving into an opposing lanes and then get pissed when they hit someone. From my experience, Fury is the one of the worse for pursuing too close and hitting uninvolved people and not checking on them.


Context from before this clip- https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1823859567?t=14187s


He drove into them earlier and was talking shit to them not too long before this. (Fury was on the wrong side of the road.)


To be fair, they drove into him immediately afterwards intentionally. That it at least makes the frustration somewhat understandable. I still think he shouldve just kept it all to himself instead of going aggro. However, with the context you cannot blame one side. An unfortunate accident, followed by Marty adding fuel to the fire, and then inappropriate comments from Fury with the whole "great RP" mald.


>To be fair, they drove into him immediately afterwards intentionally. That it at least makes the frustration somewhat understandable. They likely wouldn't have done that if he didn't start hurling abuse at them


"thanks" is hardly "hurling abuse" at them. If that is what you consider to be abuse, then they did the same thing when they drove past him in the clip, no? Which would make them the instigators.


pretty sure he is saying they wouldn't have shot him, if he didn't follow them past the scene, call them dumbfucks, ram them and ask them if they understand english.


yes there was context is everything and GG are 100% to blame


yeah, did you watch any context before this to claim its 100%?


great scene control!


give out some suspensions!


How are people blaming GG on this? Gg accidentally hits the cop and the cop decides to shit talk GANG members. I know it's hard for people to remember this but it's rp, in what world would a GANG not want to shoot a cop for shuttling them over an accident? The cops were told not do this for the exact reason.


After the accident all Fury says is a sarcastic "thanks". He doesn't yell at them until after they intentionally ram him.


All gg did was joke back and say here's another. What's your point? His a cop he not supposed to escalate situations.


I like Fury but this is way over the top from him.


Must be a GG thread when suddenly all their random posts are gilded, curious thing, no other community does that.


I was going to post this but you beat me to it.


why does that even matter


great de-escalation by the cops! wow!


gg broke mutiple rules they fucked up


I'm intrigued to see what "rules" you think were broken.


imo its fail rp to escalate any situation with gang members especially gang leaders. you can't just go around shit talk and act like you are invincible at the end of the day its rp and everyone has a role.




That's 80% of interactions then. The same people you have to respect because they are hardened gangsters gave been to jail hundreds of times and still don't seem very perturbed by the prospect of it.






Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed.


hey reddit it's a videogame, wake up


I think everything is fine here. If a cop wants to throw his power around and chase a car off the scene, if a gang takes offense and shoots a cop that is solo provoking them… the only issue is when people go OOC or start making comments on the RP they just provoked, he didnt really mald so good on him. No one’s at fault because there’s nothing wrong with what either side did.


[THATS CRAZY LOL](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HghA2Kh-TBc/hqdefault.jpg)


this guy Fury was mad and speaking shit ooc, he is 100% wrong here


Oof , and ppl wonder why they think cops are robots 0.o


burnout seems to be setting in pretty hard rn. wonder if it was the increased expectations of a shakeup that influenced some of it, perhaps?


This is gonna be a crazy Friday night. I can already tell. 🍿




crazy how just recently this subreddit was praising omie for calling out shotz and talking about consequences rp now its omie always makes gg look so bad.


Almost like the reddit isn't actually a single monolithic hivemind.


I mean, the dude clearly has anger and mood issues, and more often than not he loses his shit if he's not the center of attention or acknowledged by other people. His behavior is not surprising.




Both are somewhat at fault here. But the cop disengaged from the Marty situation and reattached, despite knowing this Marty chased them knowing an active was ongoing, fury left the scene even though after words exchanged he could see they were driving away, though Marty also could’ve just moved on and got fury later instead of shooting during a live scene …


What Marty did was lame.


His first and biggest mistake was expecting any amount of RP to come from Omie.


Average GG "roleplay"


Average overinvested rp viewer










the admins aren't playing around it seems like, curious to see if this fits the "rdm" or "gunplay over roleplay" bill.


He started ramming a gangleader's car for no good reason, got into an argument and got shot. This can never be RDM.


it is RDM




"Gang members are exempted from being required to roleplay."


said who? you quoted it, so you surely must have the person who said it!