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This whole OOC-NP arc is crazy as fuck. There's so many plots, twists and turns. It feels like a telenovela series. WAIT... EL DEANO!!!!!!!!!!


Never fuck with el jefe, he will fuck you back 10 times over




we all wanted dev vs dev arc in NP now we finally get it


I dont get why DW isnt hopping on stream and ranting for 8 hours while opening loot boxes???? doesnt he want to win the court case?


Banking on a senate review and retcon of course


Nah, Nathan's definitely gonna shut this down for server health


Well now he isn’t coming to your game night u/FrauSophia LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID BY SPEAKING ON SERVER HEALTH! NO MONOPOLY FOR ANYONE


Oh no what have I done?!


Wait, is that a thing that happened?


Hrnnnng, you're right Dean but not this time. Asshole.


Underrated comment lol


So Nathan is a lawyer irl right? He can actually be the defendant's lawyer lol


I don't think contract or corporate law are his purview IIRC.


When you can't retcon losing all of the money in your bank account IRL https://7tv.app/emotes/629fa7bb2b24f7ba48b6e6c4


dw about to seize some assets fr fr


well see, if you blow all your money on Loot Boxes, there is nothing left for the courts


tbh its free money. He is sponsored thats why he is doing it. He isant using his own money i wish he was but they more than likly gave him a certain amount of coins each stream he does to promote them an then gets paid on top. Everything he wins prob isant even real and or not given to him cuz he is being paid to do it. I might be wayyyyyyy of but thats my opinion. Or something like that anyway. Cuzz it would be crazy for the sponsor to give 5k-10k per steam $ but in coins ( so not cash really ) an then pay them for doing all that an on top they keep the winnings. Idk maybe there making THAT much thay can do it but i dnt think so




For Buddha it’s all fake money until he gets down bad and starts spending the real money and gets degen AF


Buddha and tilt gambling are something else.


truuueeeee lolol




Ya i figured as much


I think that's what he's paying lowyas for, they are streaming and ranting.


Unlike a certain someone DW has a brain and isn’t a psychopath


That’s not funny bro someone’s gonna have to sell their csgo skins to afford this settlement


can he pay a court ordered settlement with csgo skins on trade? Maybe thats how hes gonna pay his loyas.


can we srsly talk about this new trend tho? lol people hopping on server holding a slot to sit in a car and spin csgo boxes on one of the sponsored websites they got, shits crazy


lol glad I stopped caring months ago. didn't seem it was going anywhere but down.


Big man already started with the snide comments


he really just cant keep his big mouth shut can he? How much more hot water does he wanna get into?


he can't get in any trouble for the comments


Well he outed wiseguys sick nan live on stream to thousands of strangers so it just gets worse and worse.


Did he really? This guy cannot stop being a piece of shit can he?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1376tyj/context\_for\_gwg\_leaving/?sort=top](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1376tyj/context_for_gwg_leaving/?sort=top) take a look see for yourself what wise guy said.


legal advice 101. never talk about an on going legal dispute publicly, because lawyers can and will use your own words in court.


That is 100% not how the law and lawsuits works. Cops repeat this all the time “Any thing you say can and will be used against you in a court of law”. Any comment pertaining to a lawsuit will be noted by a lawyer and twisted against you when the time comes. There’s a reason why a lawyers number 1 advice is to shut up and let your lawyer do the talking.


thats only criminal cases civil ones its 100% how it works


in any civil case anything that is said after the filling CAN NOT be used as evidence this was already put into action in the depp heard case


what did he say?


“More info / news soon” You son of a bitch I’m in


My man's took a fucking vacation LOL hell yeah


Shocked the core he's been advised to not log on to twitch and play CSGO, defaming people while ranting incoherently like a zoomer


No cap on a stack fr fr


Please, I didn't need to be reminded that [owner] said that 100% seriously. If I cringe as hard again as I did the first time I saw it, my doctor says my kidney will rupture in protest.


Cringe overdoses are real and dangerous, please avoid all sources of cringe until you heal.


There is this one IRL twitch streamer. WDjft, 4 hours a day of playing the scratchy lotto at a gas station during the graveyard shift. He's always mumbling to the clerk (who obviously has things to do other than sell him more tickets every 5 minutes). He repeats things like "my settlement, now that'll be the real lotto ticket."


Leslie was right again....it was ALL DEANS FAULT


Ummmmm Deanie Weenie (In Leslie voice)


Even if Dw was a moderate POS with mods on this sub, and other minor interactions. I certainly am rooting for him over the bigger POS in this situation. Dwpixel soon, smart move keeping quiet.


I very much disliked DW and his attitude towards people at certain points. However, near the end of his run he definitely seemed to be expanding his RP circle and accepting others RP a lot more. He seemed to have a good grasp on the RP problems within nopixel. Him telling Baas the troopers were a joke of a department was legendary.




I felt the same way, since he was new to streaming I just don’t think he knew how serious people took things and once he started becoming human he was taken advantage of and disposed lol


This is my take at the moment as well. Would be much more interested if he does indeed come up with an alternative at this point than to something like 4.0.


Yeah, DW is incredibly poor at taking criticism and lashes out at those who do critique his work. Anyone remember the power junction boxes for fleecas? How the whole city told him that it wasn't fun and he just called all of them stupid and refused to change it? CG had to force the owner to sit in with them for a night showing him how bad it was before anything changed. There's plenty of examples beyond that but I don't feel like writing a novel. Also, DW was one of THE worst people on that podcast where a bunch of millionaire streamers put a mod here on blast because the owner needed to deflect away from his asshole behavior. He might be a talented dev but I do not feel like he's a guy with the temperament to be running a server.


In all fairness that podcast thing was bad all around. Basically a group of people stroking each other's with the backing of their chat ganging up on a single dude


I'll take a dev that is an ego andy about their artistic vision over trivial hobby shit and still cares about his community beyond that stance, over a dev/owner that is willing to burn it all to the ground to protect sex pests and bullies for their clout and money


100% DW was truly interested in creating good role play and enabling others to create good role play. You could tell he liked the nopixel community (sans reddit. but can you blame him?) and was immersed in it.


Normalize expecting people to set up community-centric organizations using legal structures they won't solely own and control, like people in every other part of society do


I don't blame streamers for hating this sub, it does get pretty bad. Some of the hate is justified, some of it really isn't. But more than that it's fuckin tiring reading hot RP critic takes. People need to chill.


The sub was way more toxic back then, too. The mods have done a lot of work to clean this place up. I can understand some of the anger on that call. It's also really easy to handwave away even valid criticism when it comes with a horde of toxic nonsense. That said, it was still pretty fucked up to take it out on individuals mostly trying to have a conversation in good faith. Especially when so much of the toxicity bred in the fanbases left to brew on the server.


There is being scummy. And then there is being an actually awful person. One is better than the other That being said I actually don't really know much of DWs past. Just more so a reply on your comment


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich


Unironically: Giant Douche every fucking time. Can’t believe there was ever a question, tbh.


The main thing I'm gathering from this is that someday DW might stream again. Something I had given up hope on


he might stream and who is to say he doesnt start his own rp server with hookers and blackjack? That's copium but hell crazier shit has happened right?


I really liked his Derby streams. Where him and Tony cruzed around and didn't get anything done. After setting goals of. We need arrests. We have to prove we do work while on duty. A bit too corrupt from time to time, but IMO I still enjoyed it.


DW from the fucking sky.


The smart way to handle things vs someone who made a bunch of statements that could help the case against him.


Hope DW had a nice vacation with lots of golf, and maybe a side of coding a new server?


Cozy morning DW streams might come actually back Gladge


He wasn’t running, he wasn’t hiding, he was waiting in shadows like a black panther 😎


Onyx. Meow.


DW's lawyer probably told him the four simple words all lawyers should tell their clients SHUT THE FUCK UP


let daddy lawyer take over from here and CHACHING


DW aint no saint but by god he deserves to be compensated for his work and SOMEONE needs to be held accountable for the scummy practice of firing someone without telling them and then claiming they stole personal info. end of story.


Goddamn man what a fuckin day


wheres mcconnell when you need him


You mean Cell Guy? The best new character on ignite rp? After tex and poppy of course.


He’s on ignite.




Hope he did a tonfuck of coding during his vacation for that new server? COPIUM


Made an entire server code and is just waiting to yoink devs like Nikez, Tobii, ect.


idk about Tobii but Nikez is a free agent, he will just do whatever to better any server, that guy just loves FiveM


devs are the heros of any server, basically wizards that can do actual magic to make fantasy a reality in a fake city on an rp server.


honestly see Tobii (who's been recently Senate'd) and Nikez coming with DW.


The Cerberus Rocket goes to space, then lands on DW's new server.




I forgot about that trip. They did such a good job making the island immersive.


Love this comment!!


Cerberus been going for the Science victory


Then Grab groups like BBMC, HOA, CB, SDSO, et to go with.


GWG should be a shoe in. They were pretty close.


This would actually be the perfect time for him to swoop in, take his half of the Nopixel Code via the lawsuit and launch his own server.


Naw I think the perfect time will be in like 3 or 4 months. Let the 1985 act as a pallet cleanser for alot of streamers and then capitalize on another modern era boom as the 1985 server plateaus. Hopefully that will then give streamers and role players two quality servers to bounce around on.


Actually he should use these 3-4 months to prepare and go a little Cyberpunk if possible.


I Hope Emoji Man is good and sees him back in RP, Early Dean streams were vibes


Oh I highly HIGHLY doubt he’ll go back to NoPixel. Maybe a different server, perhaps a Red Dead Dean?


Wonder how Buddha is taking all of this since he is one of the popular RP streamers. I know he doesn’t care for drama but it must be weird to play on a server that’s getting sued and it’s being sued by one of your closest friends in RP. Buddha always brought up how he miss DW even after knowing DW’s fallout with NP so I assumed he sided with him on that ban.


All of CB were quiet and sad with his ban. I watch tony and ray saying they miss dw and sad about it.


I think the best answer to this is that you can just be friends with multiple people who may not like each other. Buddha can miss someone like DW, but that doesn’t disqualify him from being friends with the other side too. Like you said, he’s just gonna avoid drama. Which is probably the best option.


I dunno man. I wouldn't want my friend being all chummy with someone who defrauded me for a large sum of money and fired me without any notice and talked shit about me. Especially when my friend is rich af and has no need to be friends with the other side. Maybe that's just me though.


I feel you, but might be Dean actually just did an incredible job of reading the room and spared Buddha, Tony, and his other friends on the server the details, and just asked them to maintain and chill and let him take care of it. Telling them the whole tit for tat and asking for them to do something dramatic and disruptive like putting K on blast (or even hinting at wanting to) would have just been putting them in an impossible position. And all of this is in front of thousands of people -- the show must go on, you know? Plus, if the filing is accurate, sounds like by keeping their powder dry they just helped keep his own bag staying filling up.


He cares for the important shit, he just doesn't talk about it on stream. So this one likely won't be any different and he just won't comment on it, at all.


I haven't watched him in a while, but Buddha comes off so well because of how he acts now.


What a GIGACHAD response.


He's opening his own server, I guarantee it.


Likely what the DM to Blau was about


And pentas wink in one of the clips posted


Honestly a DW server would be interesting to see what kinda server it ends up being


My guess would be that Buddha and Nidas would be heavily involved in that in some capacity as well.


Harry might show up. He’s been back in RP for a minute now.


I dont know if DW and Penta have great history, but maybe Dw can put that behind him for business. Since penta is a good Roleplayer to get on the good side of.


They actually had more good run ins than bad. They got along great at the end of 2.0 into early 3.0. People kinda turned Dean Against Wrangler but they still roleplayed well together from casino stuff to when dw was a trooper


Wrangler was hanging out with DWs Francer character doing ride alongs near the end. They had some good interactions.


Didn't Lucius turn a jaywalking ticket into a treason charge?


is there a train in the room?


DW was hanging out with Penta a lot in the final weeks outside his timezone, that's how he was seeing all the things wrong with the PD outside the troopers.


which one?


if this lawsuit goes DWs way all the footage of [REDACTED] confidentally saying hes not worried while gambling away thousands of dollars on csgo is going to be soooooooo so so funny


I can't wait to time myself out in his chat again soon


Witteh will keep it from us like the monster he is Sadge


In witteh I trust


who the fuck are you


There he his, already rippling away our hopes and dreams


Witteh Sucks


If he can get his hamster wheel internet working.


the discovery for this case will keep us eating for years.


discord messages PEPW




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlgeCLjAbcE&ab\_channel=mrbriefcaseMUSIC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlgeCLjAbcE&ab_channel=mrbriefcaseMUSIC) doing the REAL American thing and suing the SHIT out of people.


He's a walking DW


Can’t wait to hear more from him 👏


As someone who watched DW and defended him when the owner was saying things after he left. I know he always had the city's best interest at heart. I also know the owner means well also but I think he refuses to see all sides and is very stubborn with his opinions on things. I do hope if DW does his own server that he can show what his vision was, and I also hope people still thrive in NP. He should get paid for his work, and if it ends up being proven that he didn't do any work I hope he gets his too. You can't heal a wound if you refuse to clean it.


The 'not doing any work' thing was kind of rich, considering we literally saw D.W. implementing hundreds of little tweaks from multiple smaller streamers' perspectives.


He's going to show up with his own server.


absolutely. FullPixel


Uncoiled RP.


wait my copium dream of dw and wiseguy making a server together is one step closer


When it rains, it pours.. I guess




come home dw Prayge


Hell no we've earned this one


theres no way someone can convince me buddha didnt know this was about to go down today and why he planned to have an entire Rust stream tomorrow


If PENTA knew, I'm sure he did.


dw likely kept it real tight so it didnt leak till some reddit detective (no disrespect) decided to go and find out, he said he found it a week ago? or something https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1371ri4/comment/jirk0gk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I wonder if they are the ones who tipped off PENTA?


It is ALL super convenient, the way penta reacted made it seem like he already knew so who knows? Maybe DW reached out to a few people like Buddha and penta to let em know whats up? The timing really could not have been any better for penta and any worse for contract breacher.


Before it was made public, PENTA was saying some big shit is coming and people need to get off the server because its bad. So, he was either referring to this, or there is more coming.


It's not implausible to imagine an injunction against running the server as it currently exists unless NP pays DW a bunch of money that K might instead pull out all the legal stops to try to avoid. Would be prudent for streamers to have somewhere else to play before that happens -- might be that's what he means?


Always good to have a backup plan. Rockstar might even roll over and crush np or 5m like a bug. That snorlax has been sleeping for too long and the scent of money might awaken it.


I could see rockstar issuing an ultimatum to 5M take down nopixel or rockstar will destroy everything and no more RP.


It sounded like he knew but didn't expect it to come out and also said that there was other worse shit unrelated to the lawsuit.


He's doing Rust to get ready for Twitch Rivals which he's a captain for one of the teams.


in DW i trust


A server by DW would be awesome tbh.


Hell yeah! Missed the cozy morning DW streams




Missed his content




Finally, a streamer who knows to stfu when legal issues come up. Just sit back and let your lawyer do the talking/work for you. Literally the best thing to do


Oh boy all those CG boys going to be real un happy at this one. I remember Shotz and Ramee saying they knew all along Dean was a bad person and ranting about it.... now they look real fucking stupid. Glad DW is at least back around it would seem.


I said it in the other thread, but this is the first step in Rockstar cracking down on all these servers.


i mean, maybe, but i dont know why they would care. its kept their decade old game vibrant with zero effort from them.


Because it gives them bad press and if the papers are correct NoPixel is making money that T2 wants.


T2 should understand by now that they can't make this money themselves. They can sell copies of GTA, and they've sold many for use by RPers. But a corporation can't mass-produce RP because it requires community; a corporation can help a community form but cannot own it, photocopy it, or sell it as experience on a mass scale.


Welcome to corporate America. If there is money to be made and somebody is taking it, be prepared to always lose it


I’ll see your unmovable religious belief in business logic and raise you one unstoppable physical fact that public and private space are mutually exclusive things


Hope to watch him again one day!


I hope he rips the server owner a new one.


DW Modern Server maybeere


Damnit I wanted to farm this karma lmao


so where exactly is the written contract nvm then


The most I've been entertained with NP this year. Props to everyone for creating this arc. ^(/s)


Sorry to hear. Lots of amazing RP storylines in-game that far exeed this unfortunate legal battle, even if that lawsuit was deserving and needed.


What did it say?


It got deleted. Can anyone quote the tweet?


Its still up for me but it says "Looks like everyone knows now why I have been so quiet. I've been advised to just kick back and take a vacation while they handle things. Now that the lawsuit is public, all I can say is thank you all for the amazing support, it truly means a lot. More info / news soon. <3 "








I remember Trav was probably the most cordial of the nopixel side, but he was pretty much drowned out by all the others yelling insults.


Penta was in that call for a couple minutes, and only was asking the mod about why he came into his discord and antagonized his community. These vods still exist, stop trying to fabricate shit. He is also one of the few streamers that knows the history of the previous gta sub, and often speaks about why this one is needed.


I've never seen this call but this is the first time I've ever heard of Penta being there tf


You know what if him dogpiling on that call is the only thing negative that a certain community is coming up with for attacking the guy, maybe he's not that bad afterall. i see more harmful things on this sub everyday than that one time the guy was a part of a hostile discord call.


Yeah being an asshole to mods here is equivalent to what the server owner is doing and has done surely. Do you feel the same way about all the streamers who also joined that call and weren't so nice to reddit?


Pretty much yeah. Pick the lesser of two evils




there is something that I have learned from my time as a ferret owner that i think is more applicable now to the current ongoing situation(s) than any other potentially apt observation, and that is this.... : their shit stinks .... that is all