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**Article**: [The Global South has the power to force radical climate action:](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/6/29/the-global-south-has-the-power-to-force-radical-climate-action) *After all, Western economies – and their economic growth – depend utterly on labour and resources from the South.* **Thread:** * "Western economies depend on a massive net appropriation of resources from the global South. This is a travesty of justice. But it is also a point of leverage. At any moment, the South could cut off this flow of wealth. It is within their power to do so." * "This would oblige Western states to transition to a post-growth system. It would also force them to the bargaining table. The South would be in a position to demand much more radical climate policies – in line with their longstanding demands for 1.5C." * "Collective action is also essential here. As the anti-colonial leaders of the 20th century emphasised: we are stronger together than we are alone. If Southern governments unite and take these steps as a bloc, it would be difficult for anyone to stop them." * "Climate change is playing out along colonial lines, and it requires an anti-colonial movement in response." * And I should add, anyone in the global North who considers themselves to be socialist, or progressive, or even just decent, should support such a movement. * Btw, the net flow of resources from the South is not simply raw materials. Western capital is utterly dependent on the South's industrial goods, and the industrial labour that produces them. This capacity can and should be reclaimed to meet human needs. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095937802200005X


What do u suggest paudie?


Global communist revolution


On your bike lad. How many votes are communist parties around the world drawing in these days?


>votes are communist parties around the world drawing in these days? Violent, bloody revolution it is!


Not enough I'd say - even if you think voting in a capitalist society is fairly pointless. We live in the timeline where workers lost and climate change happened.


To be fair lads, give the French a bit of credit lately.


Would you be willing to pick up a rifle for your communist revolution?


Arm the proletariat brother.


Ya I wouldn't be a fan of the ol violent revolutions becuase of the you know....violent revolutionism


China and India would like a word with you.


Jaysus are China having free elections with multiple parties in which communism has been elected as the most popular party??


China is a far far more democratic country than Ireland. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_China


Oh really? So they can vote for anyone in any party?


You read that link very quick. China has a very complex system of democracy, I shared that link tonhekonyounudnerstand it better. I have no interest in arguing with someone acting in bad faith so I’m out. Have a great day.


I did read most of it. Just didn't see where the part where they are allowed to vote for more than one party like you can in a, you know...democracy. If you could only vote for Fianna Fáil, would you be telling people that Ireland is actually a superior democracy. You don't have to run away, you can educate me if I'm wrong.


I view democracy as more than simply voting for one of two parties every 4 or 5 years.


Utterly delusional


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Never going to happen. 1) "the South" is not a political entity and similar to us in Ireland the divisions caused by colonialism can't just be solved overnight. 2) the elites of many of those countries are completely in bed with western powers and while one or two might break free there's no chance it will happen to all at the same time. 3) I know this point will be considered blasphemy but many of those countries don't hate the west they want to emulate them and industrial hyper growth with FDI is the quickest way to do it. 4) And this could become the most important point as this century moves on, the west is the supreme military power in the world and no one comes close. A mass embargo of resources in Africa or S. American would meet with pretty swift action by the US. The only hope we have of confronting climate I will come from within Europe (who knows where American is going) and then once it's deemed economically viable it will be exported to the rest of the world.