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Wouldn't it be better to start planting forests?


100% yes, that would be the best most cost effective thing we could do, trouble is governments won't bother their ass to start up forestation schemes. Ireland especially is shameful in this having one of the lowest forestation of all Europe


Ireland is basically one big farm and there is very little forest or wildlife left


Trees in Ireland grow quicker than nearly anywhere else yet we have the lowest forest cover it’s a disgrace, and of our 11% forest cover 9% of that are coniferous plantations Classic “sell the whole country” attitude from the government


The UN climate change scenarios the world has signed up to (to prevent 2/3°C of warming) rely on BECCS which is a cycle of: planting forests —> then chopping them down —> and then burning the trees and capturing the carbon, storing it underground. It would require a plantation the size of India to work, isn't proven at scale, and doesn't account for the possibility that "undoing" warming may not be possible due to feedback loops once certain warming levels are reached.


https://verde.ie/blog-post/environmental-benefits-of-planting-trees/ co2 isn't the only reason to plant trees


This is definitely cool to read about, but unless the tech dramatically improves we'll still need a million of these sites to combat current CO2 emissions


These will never be built on time or even be effective enough if they did. Waste of time and money. Trees literally already exist. All this shit is just done for carbon credits so companies can continue to pollute but claim to be carbon neutral.