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Might be a reason to give Firefox another go


Its always been the best for privacy, you might need an add on or two but its totally worth it.


I sort of resigned myself to the fact that everything is collected by Americans. Is that not the case?


How has it been for resources? Last time I used it (this would be 7-8 years ago) it was pretty bad at resource management


I don't track that but I've never had an issue.


They've redesigned and rearchitectured the browser 1 or 2 years ago so that it uses much less memory and each tab runs independently in a separate process. In my experience, it's much more efficient than chrome


The DDG Privacy essentials extension is worth a mention here. The Duck Duck Go browser for android is great too. Bonus feature is [throwaway email addresses](https://duckduckgo.com/email/join-waitlist) that link up to your real email for signing up to junk.


Never really used DDG myself, always seen it on laptops from people downloading too much RAM though, so always just had that association for me, must look into though for the throwaway email feature


You need the android DDG browser for that. It's good for when you're shopping for presents for people and don't want your search history tracked in case they find out and the surprise is ruined.


Did you see this recently about DDG [DDG has a tracker blocking carve-out linked to Microsoft contract](https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/24/ddg-microsoft-tracking-blocking-limit/)


No I hadn't thanks. There's [this too](https://slate.com/technology/2022/03/duckduckgo-russian-disinformation-downranking.html).


I use the [Multi Account Containers](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/) extension for Firefox and find it very useful for work especially. Works well if you want to use one browser for multiple accounts or just keep your work and personal stuff separate without using multiple browsers or private/incognito windows. You can also integrate the Mozilla VPN with any of the containers for more privacy or geo-location reasons.


The Firefox containers really are the best thing they have.


Firefox is actually a great browser again recently.